Source code for ads.model.datascience_model

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2022, 2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import cgi
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, Tuple

import pandas
from jsonschema import ValidationError, validate

from ads.common import utils
from ads.common.object_storage_details import ObjectStorageDetails
from ads.config import COMPARTMENT_OCID, PROJECT_OCID
from ads.feature_engineering.schema import Schema
from import Builder
from ads.model.artifact_downloader import (
from ads.model.artifact_uploader import LargeArtifactUploader, SmallArtifactUploader
from ads.model.model_metadata import (
from ads.model.service.oci_datascience_model import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MODEL_BY_REFERENCE_JSON_FILE_NAME = "model_description.json"

class ModelArtifactSizeError(Exception):  # pragma: no cover
    def __init__(self, max_artifact_size: str):
            f"The model artifacts size is greater than `{max_artifact_size}`. "
            "The `bucket_uri` needs to be specified to "
            "copy artifacts to the object storage bucket. "
            "Example: `bucket_uri=oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/prefix/`"

class BucketNotVersionedError(Exception):  # pragma: no cover
    def __init__(
        msg="Model artifact bucket is not versioned. Enable versioning on the bucket to proceed with model creation by reference.",

class ModelFileDescriptionError(Exception):  # pragma: no cover
    def __init__(self, msg="Model File Description file is not set up."):

class InvalidArtifactType(Exception):  # pragma: no cover

[docs] class DataScienceModel(Builder): """Represents a Data Science Model. Attributes ---------- id: str Model ID. project_id: str Project OCID. compartment_id: str Compartment OCID. name: str Model name. description: str Model description. freeform_tags: Dict[str, str] Model freeform tags. defined_tags: Dict[str, Dict[str, object]] Model defined tags. input_schema: ads.feature_engineering.Schema Model input schema. output_schema: ads.feature_engineering.Schema, Dict Model output schema. defined_metadata_list: ModelTaxonomyMetadata Model defined metadata. custom_metadata_list: ModelCustomMetadata Model custom metadata. provenance_metadata: ModelProvenanceMetadata Model provenance metadata. artifact: str The artifact location. Can be either path to folder with artifacts or path to zip archive. status: Union[str, None] Model status. model_version_set_id: str Model version set ID version_label: str Model version label model_file_description: dict Contains object path details for models created by reference. Methods ------- create(self, **kwargs) -> "DataScienceModel" Creates model. delete(self, delete_associated_model_deployment: Optional[bool] = False) -> "DataScienceModel": Removes model. to_dict(self) -> dict Serializes model to a dictionary. from_id(cls, id: str) -> "DataScienceModel" Gets an existing model by OCID. from_dict(cls, config: dict) -> "DataScienceModel" Loads model instance from a dictionary of configurations. upload_artifact(self, ...) -> None Uploads model artifacts to the model catalog. download_artifact(self, ...) -> None Downloads model artifacts from the model catalog. update(self, **kwargs) -> "DataScienceModel" Updates datascience model in model catalog. list(cls, compartment_id: str = None, **kwargs) -> List["DataScienceModel"] Lists datascience models in a given compartment. sync(self): Sync up a datascience model with OCI datascience model. with_project_id(self, project_id: str) -> "DataScienceModel" Sets the project ID. with_description(self, description: str) -> "DataScienceModel" Sets the description. with_compartment_id(self, compartment_id: str) -> "DataScienceModel" Sets the compartment ID. with_display_name(self, name: str) -> "DataScienceModel" Sets the name. with_freeform_tags(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, str]) -> "DataScienceModel" Sets freeform tags. with_defined_tags(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Dict[str, object]]) -> "DataScienceModel" Sets defined tags. with_input_schema(self, schema: Union[Schema, Dict]) -> "DataScienceModel" Sets the model input schema. with_output_schema(self, schema: Union[Schema, Dict]) -> "DataScienceModel" Sets the model output schema. with_defined_metadata_list(self, metadata: Union[ModelTaxonomyMetadata, Dict]) -> "DataScienceModel" Sets model taxonomy (defined) metadata. with_custom_metadata_list(self, metadata: Union[ModelCustomMetadata, Dict]) -> "DataScienceModel" Sets model custom metadata. with_provenance_metadata(self, metadata: Union[ModelProvenanceMetadata, Dict]) -> "DataScienceModel" Sets model provenance metadata. with_artifact(self, *uri: str) Sets the artifact location. Can be a local. For models created by reference, uri can take in single arg or multiple args in case of a fine-tuned or multimodel setting. with_model_version_set_id(self, model_version_set_id: str): Sets the model version set ID. with_version_label(self, version_label: str): Sets the model version label. with_model_file_description: dict Sets path details for models created by reference. Input can be either a dict, string or json file and the schema is dictated by model_file_description_schema.json Examples -------- >>> ds_model = (DataScienceModel() ... .with_compartment_id(os.environ["NB_SESSION_COMPARTMENT_OCID"]) ... .with_project_id(os.environ["PROJECT_OCID"]) ... .with_display_name("TestModel") ... .with_description("Testing the test model") ... .with_freeform_tags(tag1="val1", tag2="val2") ... .with_artifact("/path/to/the/model/artifacts/")) >>> ds_model.create() >>> ds_model.status() >>> ds_model.with_description("new description").update() >>> ds_model.download_artifact("/path/to/dst/folder/") >>> ds_model.delete() >>> DataScienceModel.list() """ _PREFIX = "datascience_model" CONST_ID = "id" CONST_PROJECT_ID = "projectId" CONST_COMPARTMENT_ID = "compartmentId" CONST_DISPLAY_NAME = "displayName" CONST_DESCRIPTION = "description" CONST_FREEFORM_TAG = "freeformTags" CONST_DEFINED_TAG = "definedTags" CONST_INPUT_SCHEMA = "inputSchema" CONST_OUTPUT_SCHEMA = "outputSchema" CONST_CUSTOM_METADATA = "customMetadataList" CONST_DEFINED_METADATA = "definedMetadataList" CONST_PROVENANCE_METADATA = "provenanceMetadata" CONST_ARTIFACT = "artifact" CONST_MODEL_VERSION_SET_ID = "modelVersionSetId" CONST_MODEL_VERSION_SET_NAME = "modelVersionSetName" CONST_MODEL_VERSION_LABEL = "versionLabel" CONST_TIME_CREATED = "timeCreated" CONST_LIFECYCLE_STATE = "lifecycleState" CONST_MODEL_FILE_DESCRIPTION = "modelDescription" attribute_map = { CONST_ID: "id", CONST_PROJECT_ID: "project_id", CONST_COMPARTMENT_ID: "compartment_id", CONST_DISPLAY_NAME: "display_name", CONST_DESCRIPTION: "description", CONST_FREEFORM_TAG: "freeform_tags", CONST_DEFINED_TAG: "defined_tags", CONST_INPUT_SCHEMA: "input_schema", CONST_OUTPUT_SCHEMA: "output_schema", CONST_CUSTOM_METADATA: "custom_metadata_list", CONST_DEFINED_METADATA: "defined_metadata_list", CONST_PROVENANCE_METADATA: "provenance_metadata", CONST_ARTIFACT: "artifact", CONST_MODEL_VERSION_SET_ID: "model_version_set_id", CONST_MODEL_VERSION_SET_NAME: "model_version_set_name", CONST_MODEL_VERSION_LABEL: "version_label", CONST_TIME_CREATED: "time_created", CONST_LIFECYCLE_STATE: "lifecycle_state", CONST_MODEL_FILE_DESCRIPTION: "model_file_description", } def __init__(self, spec: Dict = None, **kwargs) -> None: """Initializes datascience model. Parameters ---------- spec: (Dict, optional). Defaults to None. Object specification. kwargs: Dict Specification as keyword arguments. If 'spec' contains the same key as the one in kwargs, the value from kwargs will be used. - project_id: str - compartment_id: str - name: str - description: str - defined_tags: Dict[str, Dict[str, object]] - freeform_tags: Dict[str, str] - input_schema: Union[ads.feature_engineering.Schema, Dict] - output_schema: Union[ads.feature_engineering.Schema, Dict] - defined_metadata_list: Union[ModelTaxonomyMetadata, Dict] - custom_metadata_list: Union[ModelCustomMetadata, Dict] - provenance_metadata: Union[ModelProvenanceMetadata, Dict] - artifact: str """ super().__init__(spec=spec, **deepcopy(kwargs)) # Reinitiate complex attributes self._init_complex_attributes() # Specify oci datascience model instance self.dsc_model = self._to_oci_dsc_model() self.local_copy_dir = None @property def id(self) -> Optional[str]: """The model OCID.""" if self.dsc_model: return return None @property def status(self) -> Union[str, None]: """Status of the model. Returns ------- str Status of the model. """ if self.dsc_model: return self.dsc_model.status return None @property def lifecycle_state(self) -> Union[str, None]: """Status of the model. Returns ------- str Status of the model. """ if self.dsc_model: return self.dsc_model.status return None @property def kind(self) -> str: """The kind of the object as showing in a YAML.""" return "datascienceModel" @property def project_id(self) -> str: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_PROJECT_ID)
[docs] def with_project_id(self, project_id: str) -> "DataScienceModel": """Sets the project ID. Parameters ---------- project_id: str The project ID. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The DataScienceModel instance (self) """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_PROJECT_ID, project_id)
@property def time_created(self) -> str: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_TIME_CREATED) @property def description(self) -> str: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_DESCRIPTION)
[docs] def with_description(self, description: str) -> "DataScienceModel": """Sets the description. Parameters ---------- description: str The description of the model. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The DataScienceModel instance (self) """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_DESCRIPTION, description)
@property def compartment_id(self) -> str: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_COMPARTMENT_ID)
[docs] def with_compartment_id(self, compartment_id: str) -> "DataScienceModel": """Sets the compartment ID. Parameters ---------- compartment_id: str The compartment ID. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The DataScienceModel instance (self) """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_COMPARTMENT_ID, compartment_id)
@property def display_name(self) -> str: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_DISPLAY_NAME) @display_name.setter def display_name(self, name: str) -> "DataScienceModel": return self.set_spec(self.CONST_DISPLAY_NAME, name)
[docs] def with_display_name(self, name: str) -> "DataScienceModel": """Sets the name. Parameters ---------- name: str The name. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The DataScienceModel instance (self) """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_DISPLAY_NAME, name)
@property def freeform_tags(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_FREEFORM_TAG)
[docs] def with_freeform_tags(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, str]) -> "DataScienceModel": """Sets freeform tags. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The DataScienceModel instance (self) """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_FREEFORM_TAG, kwargs)
@property def defined_tags(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, object]]: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_DEFINED_TAG)
[docs] def with_defined_tags( self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Dict[str, object]] ) -> "DataScienceModel": """Sets defined tags. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The DataScienceModel instance (self) """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_DEFINED_TAG, kwargs)
@property def input_schema(self) -> Union[Schema, Dict]: """Returns model input schema. Returns ------- ads.feature_engineering.Schema Model input schema. """ return self.get_spec(self.CONST_INPUT_SCHEMA)
[docs] def with_input_schema(self, schema: Union[Schema, Dict]) -> "DataScienceModel": """Sets the model input schema. Parameters ---------- schema: Union[ads.feature_engineering.Schema, Dict] The model input schema. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The DataScienceModel instance (self) """ if schema and isinstance(schema, Dict): try: schema = Schema.from_dict(schema) except Exception as err: logger.warn(err) return self.set_spec(self.CONST_INPUT_SCHEMA, schema)
@property def output_schema(self) -> Union[Schema, Dict]: """Returns model output schema. Returns ------- ads.feature_engineering.Schema Model output schema. """ return self.get_spec(self.CONST_OUTPUT_SCHEMA)
[docs] def with_output_schema(self, schema: Union[Schema, Dict]) -> "DataScienceModel": """Sets the model output schema. Parameters ---------- schema: Union[ads.feature_engineering.Schema, Dict] The model output schema. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The DataScienceModel instance (self) """ if schema and isinstance(schema, Dict): try: schema = Schema.from_dict(schema) except Exception as err: logger.warn(err) return self.set_spec(self.CONST_OUTPUT_SCHEMA, schema)
@property def defined_metadata_list(self) -> ModelTaxonomyMetadata: """Returns model taxonomy (defined) metadatda.""" return self.get_spec(self.CONST_DEFINED_METADATA)
[docs] def with_defined_metadata_list( self, metadata: Union[ModelTaxonomyMetadata, Dict] ) -> "DataScienceModel": """Sets model taxonomy (defined) metadata. Parameters ---------- metadata: Union[ModelTaxonomyMetadata, Dict] The defined metadata. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The DataScienceModel instance (self) """ if metadata and isinstance(metadata, Dict): metadata = ModelTaxonomyMetadata.from_dict(metadata) return self.set_spec(self.CONST_DEFINED_METADATA, metadata)
@property def custom_metadata_list(self) -> ModelCustomMetadata: """Returns model custom metadatda.""" return self.get_spec(self.CONST_CUSTOM_METADATA)
[docs] def with_custom_metadata_list( self, metadata: Union[ModelCustomMetadata, Dict] ) -> "DataScienceModel": """Sets model custom metadata. Parameters ---------- metadata: Union[ModelCustomMetadata, Dict] The custom metadata. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The DataScienceModel instance (self) """ if metadata and isinstance(metadata, Dict): metadata = ModelCustomMetadata.from_dict(metadata) return self.set_spec(self.CONST_CUSTOM_METADATA, metadata)
@property def provenance_metadata(self) -> ModelProvenanceMetadata: """Returns model provenance metadatda.""" return self.get_spec(self.CONST_PROVENANCE_METADATA)
[docs] def with_provenance_metadata( self, metadata: Union[ModelProvenanceMetadata, Dict] ) -> "DataScienceModel": """Sets model provenance metadata. Parameters ---------- provenance_metadata: Union[ModelProvenanceMetadata, Dict] The provenance metadata. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The DataScienceModel instance (self) """ if metadata and isinstance(metadata, Dict): metadata = ModelProvenanceMetadata.from_dict(metadata) return self.set_spec(self.CONST_PROVENANCE_METADATA, metadata)
@property def artifact(self) -> Union[str, list]: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_ARTIFACT)
[docs] def with_artifact(self, uri: str, *args): """Sets the artifact location. Can be a local. Parameters ---------- uri: str Path to artifact directory or to the ZIP archive. It could contain a serialized model(required) as well as any files needed for deployment. The content of the source folder will be zipped and uploaded to the model catalog. For models created by reference, uri can take in single arg or multiple args in case of a fine-tuned or multimodel setting. Examples -------- >>> .with_artifact(uri="./model1/") >>> .with_artifact(uri="./") >>> .with_artifact("./model1", "./model2") """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_ARTIFACT, [uri] + list(args) if args else uri)
@property def model_version_set_id(self) -> str: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_MODEL_VERSION_SET_ID)
[docs] def with_model_version_set_id(self, model_version_set_id: str): """Sets the model version set ID. Parameters ---------- urmodel_version_set_idi: str The Model version set OCID. """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_MODEL_VERSION_SET_ID, model_version_set_id)
@property def model_version_set_name(self) -> str: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_MODEL_VERSION_SET_NAME) @property def version_label(self) -> str: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_MODEL_VERSION_LABEL)
[docs] def with_version_label(self, version_label: str): """Sets the model version label. Parameters ---------- version_label: str The model version label. """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_MODEL_VERSION_LABEL, version_label)
@property def model_file_description(self) -> dict: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_MODEL_FILE_DESCRIPTION)
[docs] def with_model_file_description( self, json_dict: dict = None, json_string: str = None, json_uri: str = None ): """Sets the json file description for model passed by reference Parameters ---------- json_dict : dict, optional json dict, by default None json_string : str, optional json string, by default None json_uri : str, optional URI location of file containing json, by default None Examples -------- >>> DataScienceModel().with_model_file_description(json_string="<json_string>") >>> DataScienceModel().with_model_file_description(json_dict=dict()) >>> DataScienceModel().with_model_file_description(json_uri="./model_description.json") """ if json_dict: json_data = json_dict elif json_string: json_data = json.loads(json_string) elif json_uri: with open(json_uri, "r") as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) else: raise ValueError("Must provide either a valid json string or URI location.") schema_file_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "model_file_description_schema.json", ) with open(schema_file_path, encoding="utf-8") as schema_file: schema = json.load(schema_file) try: validate(json_data, schema) except ValidationError as ve: message = ( f"model_file_description_schema.json validation failed. " f"See Exception: {ve}" ) logging.error(message) raise ModelFileDescriptionError(message) return self.set_spec(self.CONST_MODEL_FILE_DESCRIPTION, json_data)
[docs] def create(self, **kwargs) -> "DataScienceModel": """Creates datascience model. Parameters ---------- kwargs Additional kwargs arguments. Can be any attribute that `oci.data_science.models.Model` accepts. In addition can be also provided the attributes listed below. bucket_uri: (str, optional). Defaults to None. The OCI Object Storage URI where model artifacts will be copied to. The `bucket_uri` is only necessary for uploading large artifacts which size is greater than 2GB. Example: `oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/prefix/`. .. versionadded:: 2.8.10 If `artifact` is provided as an object storage path to a zip archive, `bucket_uri` will be ignored. overwrite_existing_artifact: (bool, optional). Defaults to `True`. Overwrite target bucket artifact if exists. remove_existing_artifact: (bool, optional). Defaults to `True`. Wether artifacts uploaded to object storage bucket need to be removed or not. region: (str, optional). Defaults to `None`. The destination Object Storage bucket region. By default the value will be extracted from the `OCI_REGION_METADATA` environment variable. auth: (Dict, optional). Defaults to `None`. The default authentication is set using `ads.set_auth` API. If you need to override the default, use the `ads.common.auth.api_keys` or `ads.common.auth.resource_principal` to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object. timeout: (int, optional). Defaults to 10 seconds. The connection timeout in seconds for the client. parallel_process_count: (int, optional). The number of worker processes to use in parallel for uploading individual parts of a multipart upload. model_by_reference: (bool, optional) Whether model artifact is made available to Model Store by reference. Requires artifact location to be provided using with_artifact method. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The DataScienceModel instance (self) Raises ------ ValueError If compartment id not provided. If project id not provided. """ if not self.compartment_id: raise ValueError("Compartment id must be provided.") if not self.project_id: raise ValueError("Project id must be provided.") if not self.display_name: self.display_name = self._random_display_name() model_by_reference = kwargs.pop("model_by_reference", False) if model_by_reference: # Update custom metadata"Update custom metadata field with model by reference flag.") metadata_item = ModelCustomMetadataItem( key=self.CONST_MODEL_FILE_DESCRIPTION, value="true", description="model by reference flag", category=MetadataCustomCategory.OTHER, ) if self.custom_metadata_list: self.custom_metadata_list._add(metadata_item, replace=True) else: custom_metadata = ModelCustomMetadata() custom_metadata._add(metadata_item) self.with_custom_metadata_list(custom_metadata) payload = deepcopy(self._spec) payload.pop("id", None) logger.debug(f"Creating a model with payload {payload}") # Create model in the model catalog"Saving model to the Model Catalog.") self.dsc_model = self._to_oci_dsc_model(**kwargs).create() # Create model provenance if self.provenance_metadata:"Saving model provenance metadata.") self.dsc_model.create_model_provenance( self.provenance_metadata._to_oci_metadata() ) # Upload artifacts"Uploading model artifacts.") self.upload_artifact( bucket_uri=kwargs.pop("bucket_uri", None), overwrite_existing_artifact=kwargs.pop("overwrite_existing_artifact", True), remove_existing_artifact=kwargs.pop("remove_existing_artifact", True), region=kwargs.pop("region", None), auth=kwargs.pop("auth", None), timeout=kwargs.pop("timeout", None), parallel_process_count=kwargs.pop("parallel_process_count", None), model_by_reference=model_by_reference, ) # Sync up model self.sync()"Model {} has been successfully saved.") return self
[docs] def upload_artifact( self, bucket_uri: Optional[str] = None, auth: Optional[Dict] = None, region: Optional[str] = None, overwrite_existing_artifact: Optional[bool] = True, remove_existing_artifact: Optional[bool] = True, timeout: Optional[int] = None, parallel_process_count: int = utils.DEFAULT_PARALLEL_PROCESS_COUNT, model_by_reference: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> None: """Uploads model artifacts to the model catalog. Parameters ---------- bucket_uri: (str, optional). Defaults to None. The OCI Object Storage URI where model artifacts will be copied to. The `bucket_uri` is only necessary for uploading large artifacts which size is greater than 2GB. Example: `oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/prefix/`. .. versionadded:: 2.8.10 If `artifact` is provided as an object storage path to a zip archive, `bucket_uri` will be ignored. auth: (Dict, optional). Defaults to `None`. The default authentication is set using `ads.set_auth` API. If you need to override the default, use the `ads.common.auth.api_keys` or `ads.common.auth.resource_principal` to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object. region: (str, optional). Defaults to `None`. The destination Object Storage bucket region. By default the value will be extracted from the `OCI_REGION_METADATA` environment variables. overwrite_existing_artifact: (bool, optional). Defaults to `True`. Overwrite target bucket artifact if exists. remove_existing_artifact: (bool, optional). Defaults to `True`. Wether artifacts uploaded to object storage bucket need to be removed or not. timeout: (int, optional). Defaults to 10 seconds. The connection timeout in seconds for the client. parallel_process_count: (int, optional) The number of worker processes to use in parallel for uploading individual parts of a multipart upload. model_by_reference: (bool, optional) Whether model artifact is made available to Model Store by reference. """ # Upload artifact to the model catalog if model_by_reference and self.model_file_description: "Model artifact will be uploaded using model_file_description contents, " "artifact location will not be used." ) elif not self.artifact: logger.warn( "Model artifact location not provided. " "Provide the artifact location to upload artifacts to the model catalog." ) return if timeout: self.dsc_model._client = None self.dsc_model.__class__.kwargs = { **(self.dsc_model.__class__.kwargs or {}), "timeout": timeout, } if model_by_reference: self._validate_prepare_file_description_artifact() else: if isinstance(self.artifact, list): raise InvalidArtifactType( "Multiple artifacts are only allowed for models created by reference." ) if ObjectStorageDetails.is_oci_path(self.artifact): if bucket_uri and bucket_uri != self.artifact: logger.warn( "The `bucket_uri` will be ignored and the value of `self.artifact` will be used instead." ) bucket_uri = self.artifact if not model_by_reference and ( bucket_uri or utils.folder_size(self.artifact) > _MAX_ARTIFACT_SIZE_IN_BYTES ): if not bucket_uri: raise ModelArtifactSizeError( max_artifact_size=utils.human_size(_MAX_ARTIFACT_SIZE_IN_BYTES) ) artifact_uploader = LargeArtifactUploader( dsc_model=self.dsc_model, artifact_path=self.artifact, auth=auth, region=region, bucket_uri=bucket_uri, overwrite_existing_artifact=overwrite_existing_artifact, remove_existing_artifact=remove_existing_artifact, parallel_process_count=parallel_process_count, ) else: artifact_uploader = SmallArtifactUploader( dsc_model=self.dsc_model, artifact_path=self.artifact, ) artifact_uploader.upload() self._remove_file_description_artifact()
def _remove_file_description_artifact(self): """Removes temporary model file description artifact for model by reference.""" # delete if local copy directory was created if self.local_copy_dir: shutil.rmtree(self.local_copy_dir, ignore_errors=True)
[docs] def download_artifact( self, target_dir: str, auth: Optional[Dict] = None, force_overwrite: Optional[bool] = False, bucket_uri: Optional[str] = None, region: Optional[str] = None, overwrite_existing_artifact: Optional[bool] = True, remove_existing_artifact: Optional[bool] = True, timeout: Optional[int] = None, ): """Downloads model artifacts from the model catalog. Parameters ---------- target_dir: str The target location of model artifacts. auth: (Dict, optional). Defaults to `None`. The default authentication is set using `ads.set_auth` API. If you need to override the default, use the `ads.common.auth.api_keys` or `ads.common.auth.resource_principal` to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object. force_overwrite: (bool, optional). Defaults to `False`. Overwrite target directory if exists. bucket_uri: (str, optional). Defaults to None. The OCI Object Storage URI where model artifacts will be copied to. The `bucket_uri` is only necessary for uploading large artifacts which size is greater than 2GB. Example: `oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/prefix/`. region: (str, optional). Defaults to `None`. The destination Object Storage bucket region. By default the value will be extracted from the `OCI_REGION_METADATA` environment variables. overwrite_existing_artifact: (bool, optional). Defaults to `True`. Overwrite target bucket artifact if exists. remove_existing_artifact: (bool, optional). Defaults to `True`. Wether artifacts uploaded to object storage bucket need to be removed or not. timeout: (int, optional). Defaults to 10 seconds. The connection timeout in seconds for the client. Raises ------ ModelArtifactSizeError If model artifacts size greater than 2GB and temporary OS bucket uri not provided. """ # Upload artifact to the model catalog if not self.artifact: logger.warn( "Model doesn't contain an artifact. " "The artifact needs to be uploaded to the model catalog at first. " ) return if timeout: self.dsc_model._client = None self.dsc_model.__class__.kwargs = { **(self.dsc_model.__class__.kwargs or {}), "timeout": timeout, } try: model_by_reference = self.custom_metadata_list.get( self.CONST_MODEL_FILE_DESCRIPTION ).value f"modelDescription tag found in custom metadata list with value {model_by_reference}" ) except ValueError: model_by_reference = False if model_by_reference: _, artifact_size = self._download_file_description_artifact() logging.warning( f"Model {} was created by reference, artifacts will be downloaded from the bucket {bucket_uri}" ) # artifacts will be downloaded from model_file_description bucket_uri = None else: artifact_info = self.dsc_model.get_artifact_info() artifact_size = int(artifact_info.get("content-length")) if not bucket_uri and artifact_size > _MAX_ARTIFACT_SIZE_IN_BYTES: raise ModelArtifactSizeError( utils.human_size(_MAX_ARTIFACT_SIZE_IN_BYTES) ) if ( artifact_size > _MAX_ARTIFACT_SIZE_IN_BYTES or bucket_uri or model_by_reference ): artifact_downloader = LargeArtifactDownloader( dsc_model=self.dsc_model, target_dir=target_dir, auth=auth, force_overwrite=force_overwrite, region=region, bucket_uri=bucket_uri, overwrite_existing_artifact=overwrite_existing_artifact, remove_existing_artifact=remove_existing_artifact, model_file_description=self.model_file_description, ) else: artifact_downloader = SmallArtifactDownloader( dsc_model=self.dsc_model, target_dir=target_dir, force_overwrite=force_overwrite, )
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs) -> "DataScienceModel": """Updates datascience model in model catalog. Parameters ---------- kwargs Additional kwargs arguments. Can be any attribute that `oci.data_science.models.Model` accepts. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The DataScienceModel instance (self). """ if not logger.warn( "Model needs to be saved to the model catalog before it can be updated." ) return logger.debug(f"Updating a model with payload {self._spec}")"Updating model {} in the Model Catalog.") self.dsc_model = self._to_oci_dsc_model(**kwargs).update() logger.debug(f"Updating a model provenance metadata {self.provenance_metadata}") try: self.dsc_model.get_model_provenance() self.dsc_model.update_model_provenance( self.provenance_metadata._to_oci_metadata() ) except ModelProvenanceNotFoundError: self.dsc_model.create_model_provenance( self.provenance_metadata._to_oci_metadata() ) return self.sync()
[docs] def delete( self, delete_associated_model_deployment: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> "DataScienceModel": """Removes model from the model catalog. Parameters ---------- delete_associated_model_deployment: (bool, optional). Defaults to `False`. Whether associated model deployments need to be deleted or not. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The DataScienceModel instance (self). """ self.dsc_model.delete(delete_associated_model_deployment) return self.sync()
[docs] @classmethod def list( cls, compartment_id: str = None, project_id: str = None, **kwargs ) -> List["DataScienceModel"]: """Lists datascience models in a given compartment. Parameters ---------- compartment_id: (str, optional). Defaults to `None`. The compartment OCID. project_id: (str, optional). Defaults to `None`. The project OCID. kwargs Additional keyword arguments for filtering models. Returns ------- List[DataScienceModel] The list of the datascience models. """ return [ cls()._update_from_oci_dsc_model(model) for model in OCIDataScienceModel.list_resource( compartment_id, project_id=project_id, **kwargs ) ]
[docs] @classmethod def list_df( cls, compartment_id: str = None, project_id: str = None, **kwargs ) -> "pandas.DataFrame": """Lists datascience models in a given compartment. Parameters ---------- compartment_id: (str, optional). Defaults to `None`. The compartment OCID. project_id: (str, optional). Defaults to `None`. The project OCID. kwargs Additional keyword arguments for filtering models. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The list of the datascience models in a pandas dataframe format. """ records = [] for model in OCIDataScienceModel.list_resource( compartment_id, project_id=project_id, **kwargs ): records.append( { "id": f"...{[-6:]}", "display_name": model.display_name, "description": model.description, "time_created": model.time_created.strftime(utils.date_format), "lifecycle_state": model.lifecycle_state, "created_by": f"...{model.created_by[-6:]}", "compartment_id": f"...{model.compartment_id[-6:]}", "project_id": f"...{model.project_id[-6:]}", } ) return pandas.DataFrame.from_records(records)
[docs] @classmethod def from_id(cls, id: str) -> "DataScienceModel": """Gets an existing model by OCID. Parameters ---------- id: str The model OCID. Returns ------- DataScienceModel An instance of DataScienceModel. """ return cls()._update_from_oci_dsc_model(OCIDataScienceModel.from_id(id))
[docs] def sync(self): """Sync up a datascience model with OCI datascience model.""" return self._update_from_oci_dsc_model(OCIDataScienceModel.from_id(
def _init_complex_attributes(self): """Initiates complex attributes.""" self.with_custom_metadata_list(self.custom_metadata_list) self.with_defined_metadata_list(self.defined_metadata_list) self.with_provenance_metadata(self.provenance_metadata) self.with_input_schema(self.input_schema) self.with_output_schema(self.output_schema) def _to_oci_dsc_model(self, **kwargs): """Creates an `OCIDataScienceModel` instance from the `DataScienceModel`. kwargs Additional kwargs arguments. Can be any attribute that `oci.data_science.models.Model` accepts. Returns ------- OCIDataScienceModel The instance of the OCIDataScienceModel. """ COMPLEX_ATTRIBUTES_CONVERTER = { self.CONST_INPUT_SCHEMA: "to_json", self.CONST_OUTPUT_SCHEMA: "to_json", self.CONST_CUSTOM_METADATA: "_to_oci_metadata", self.CONST_DEFINED_METADATA: "_to_oci_metadata", self.CONST_PROVENANCE_METADATA: "_to_oci_metadata", } dsc_spec = {} for infra_attr, dsc_attr in self.attribute_map.items(): value = self.get_spec(infra_attr) if infra_attr in COMPLEX_ATTRIBUTES_CONVERTER and value: if isinstance(value, dict): dsc_spec[dsc_attr] = json.dumps(value) else: dsc_spec[dsc_attr] = getattr( self.get_spec(infra_attr), COMPLEX_ATTRIBUTES_CONVERTER[infra_attr], )() else: dsc_spec[dsc_attr] = value dsc_spec.update(**kwargs) return OCIDataScienceModel(**dsc_spec) def _update_from_oci_dsc_model( self, dsc_model: OCIDataScienceModel ) -> "DataScienceModel": """Update the properties from an OCIDataScienceModel object. Parameters ---------- dsc_model: OCIDataScienceModel An instance of OCIDataScienceModel. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The DataScienceModel instance (self). """ COMPLEX_ATTRIBUTES_CONVERTER = { self.CONST_INPUT_SCHEMA: [Schema.from_json, json.loads], self.CONST_OUTPUT_SCHEMA: [Schema.from_json, json.loads], self.CONST_CUSTOM_METADATA: ModelCustomMetadata._from_oci_metadata, self.CONST_DEFINED_METADATA: ModelTaxonomyMetadata._from_oci_metadata, } # Update the main properties self.dsc_model = dsc_model for infra_attr, dsc_attr in self.attribute_map.items(): value = utils.get_value(dsc_model, dsc_attr) if value: if infra_attr in COMPLEX_ATTRIBUTES_CONVERTER: converter = COMPLEX_ATTRIBUTES_CONVERTER[infra_attr] if isinstance(converter, List): for converter_item in converter: try: value = converter_item(value) except Exception as err: logger.warn(err) pass else: value = converter(value) self.set_spec(infra_attr, value) # Update provenance metadata try: self.set_spec( self.CONST_PROVENANCE_METADATA, ModelProvenanceMetadata._from_oci_metadata( self.dsc_model.get_model_provenance() ), ) except ModelProvenanceNotFoundError: pass # Update artifact info try: artifact_info = self.dsc_model.get_artifact_info() _, file_name_info = cgi.parse_header(artifact_info["Content-Disposition"]) if self.dsc_model.is_model_by_reference(): _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name_info["filename"]) if file_extension.lower() == ".json": bucket_uri, _ = self._download_file_description_artifact() self.set_spec(self.CONST_ARTIFACT, bucket_uri) else: self.set_spec(self.CONST_ARTIFACT, file_name_info["filename"]) except: pass return self
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict: """Serializes model to a dictionary. Returns ------- dict The model serialized as a dictionary. """ spec = deepcopy(self._spec) for key, value in spec.items(): if hasattr(value, "to_dict"): value = value.to_dict() spec[key] = value return { "kind": self.kind, "type": self.type, "spec": utils.batch_convert_case(spec, "camel"), }
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, config: Dict) -> "DataScienceModel": """Loads model instance from a dictionary of configurations. Parameters ---------- config: Dict A dictionary of configurations. Returns ------- DataScienceModel The model instance. """ return cls(spec=utils.batch_convert_case(deepcopy(config["spec"]), "snake"))
def _random_display_name(self): """Generates a random display name.""" return f"{self._PREFIX}-{utils.get_random_name_for_resource()}" def _load_default_properties(self) -> Dict: """Load default properties from environment variables, notebook session, etc. Returns ------- Dict A dictionary of default properties. """ defaults = super()._load_default_properties() compartment_ocid = COMPARTMENT_OCID if compartment_ocid: defaults[self.CONST_COMPARTMENT_ID] = compartment_ocid if PROJECT_OCID: defaults[self.CONST_PROJECT_ID] = PROJECT_OCID defaults[self.CONST_DISPLAY_NAME] = self._random_display_name() return defaults def __getattr__(self, item): if f"with_{item}" in self.__dir__(): return self.get_spec(item) raise AttributeError(f"Attribute {item} not found.") def _validate_prepare_file_description_artifact(self): """This helper method validates the path to check if the buckets are versioned and if the OSS location and the files exist. Next, it creates a json dict with the path information and sets it as the artifact to be uploaded.""" if not self.model_file_description: bucket_uri = self.artifact if isinstance(bucket_uri, str): bucket_uri = [bucket_uri] for uri in bucket_uri: if not ObjectStorageDetails.from_path(uri).is_bucket_versioned(): message = f"Model artifact bucket {uri} is not versioned. Enable versioning on the bucket to proceed with model creation by reference." logger.error(message) raise BucketNotVersionedError(message) json_data = self._prepare_file_description_artifact(bucket_uri) self.with_model_file_description(json_dict=json_data) self.local_copy_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # create temp directory for model description file json_file_path = os.path.join( self.local_copy_dir, MODEL_BY_REFERENCE_JSON_FILE_NAME ) with open(json_file_path, "w") as outfile: json.dump(self.model_file_description, outfile, indent=2) self.with_artifact(json_file_path) @staticmethod def _prepare_file_description_artifact(bucket_uri: list) -> dict: """Prepares yaml file config if model is passed by reference and uploaded to catalog. Returns ------- dict json dict with the model by reference artifact details """ # create json content content = dict() content["version"] = MODEL_BY_REFERENCE_VERSION content["type"] = "modelOSSReferenceDescription" content["models"] = [] for uri in bucket_uri: if not ObjectStorageDetails.is_oci_path(uri) or uri.endswith(".zip"): msg = "Artifact path cannot be a zip file or local directory for model creation by reference." logging.error(msg) raise InvalidArtifactType(msg) # read list from objects from artifact location oss_details = ObjectStorageDetails.from_path(uri) # first retrieve the etag and version id object_versions = oss_details.list_object_versions(fields="etag") version_dict = { obj.etag: obj.version_id for obj in object_versions if obj.etag is not None } # add version id based on etag for each object objects = oss_details.list_objects(fields="name,etag,size").objects if len(objects) == 0: raise ModelFileDescriptionError( f"The path {oss_details.path} does not exist or no objects were found in the path. " ) object_list = [] for obj in objects: object_list.append( { "name":, "version": version_dict[obj.etag], "sizeInBytes": obj.size, } ) content["models"].extend( [ { "namespace": oss_details.namespace, "bucketName": oss_details.bucket, "prefix": oss_details.filepath, "objects": object_list, } ] ) return content def _download_file_description_artifact(self) -> Tuple[Union[str, List[str]], int]: """Loads the json file from model artifact, updates the model file description property, and returns the bucket uri and artifact size details. Returns ------- bucket_uri: Union[str, List[str]] Location(s) of bucket where model artifacts are present artifact_size: int estimated size of the model files in bytes """ if not self.model_file_description: # get model file description from model artifact json with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: artifact_downloader = SmallArtifactDownloader( dsc_model=self.dsc_model, target_dir=temp_dir, ) # create temp directory for model description file json_file_path = os.path.join( temp_dir, MODEL_BY_REFERENCE_JSON_FILE_NAME ) self.with_model_file_description(json_uri=json_file_path) model_file_desc_dict = self.model_file_description models = model_file_desc_dict["models"] bucket_uri = list() artifact_size = 0 for model in models: namespace = model["namespace"] bucket_name = model["bucketName"] prefix = model["prefix"] objects = model["objects"] uri = f"oci://{bucket_name}@{namespace}/{prefix}" artifact_size += sum([obj["sizeInBytes"] for obj in objects]) bucket_uri.append(uri) return bucket_uri[0] if len(bucket_uri) == 1 else bucket_uri, artifact_size