Run a Container *************** The :py:class:`` class allows you to run a container image using OCI data science jobs. .. admonition:: OCI Container Registry :class: note To use the :py:class:``, you need to first push the image to `OCI container registry `_. Note that you cannot build a docker image inside an OCI Data Science Notebook Session. For more details, see: * `Creating a Repository `_ * `Pushing Images Using the Docker CLI `_. Here is an example to create and run a container job: .. include:: ../jobs/tabs/container_runtime.rst To configure ``ContainerRuntime``, you must specify the container ``image``. Similar to other runtime, you can add environment variables. You can optionally specify the `entrypoint`, `cmd`, `image_digest` and `image_signature_id` for running the container. You may also add additional artifact (file or directory) if needed. Please note that if you add a directory, it will be compressed as a zip file under `/home/datascience` and you will need to unzip if in your container. See also: * `Understand how CMD and ENTRYPOINT interact `_ * `Bring Your Own Container `_