Source code for ads.common.serializer

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2021, 2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

This module provides a base class for serializable items, as well as methods for serializing and
deserializing objects to and from JSON and YAML formats. It also includes methods for reading and
writing serialized objects to and from files.

import dataclasses
import json
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import fsspec
import yaml

from ads.common import logger
from ads.common.auth import default_signer

    from yaml import CSafeLoader as loader
    from yaml import SafeLoader as loader

[docs] class SideEffect(Enum): CONVERT_KEYS_TO_LOWER = "lower" CONVERT_KEYS_TO_UPPER = "upper"
[docs] class Serializable(ABC): """Base class that represents a serializable item. Methods ------- to_dict(self) -> dict Serializes the object into a dictionary. from_dict(cls, obj_dict) -> cls Returns an instance of the class instantiated from the dictionary provided. _write_to_file(s, uri, **kwargs) Write string s into location specified by uri _read_from_file(uri, **kwargs) Returns contents from location specified by URI to_json(self, uri=None, **kwargs) Returns object serialized as a JSON string from_json(cls, json_string=None, uri=None, **kwargs) Creates an object from JSON string provided or from URI location containing JSON string to_yaml(self, uri=None, **kwargs) Returns object serialized as a YAML string from_yaml(cls, yaml_string=None, uri=None, **kwargs) Creates an object from YAML string provided or from URI location containing YAML string from_string(cls, obj_string=None: str, uri=None, **kwargs) Creates an object from string provided or from URI location containing string """
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_dict(self, **kwargs: Dict) -> Dict: """Serializes an instance of class into a dictionary. Parameters ---------- **kwargs: Dict Additional arguments. Returns ------- Dict The result dictionary. """
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def from_dict(cls, obj_dict: dict, **kwargs) -> "Serializable": """Returns an instance of the class instantiated by the dictionary provided. Parameters ---------- obj_dict: (dict) Dictionary representation of the object. Returns ------- Serializable A Serializable instance. """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def serialize(obj): """JSON serializer for objects not serializable by default json code.""" if isinstance(obj, datetime): return obj.isoformat() if hasattr(obj, "to_dict"): return obj.to_dict() raise TypeError(f"Type {type(obj)} not serializable.")
[docs] @staticmethod def _write_to_file(s: str, uri: str, **kwargs) -> None: """Write string s into location specified by uri. Parameters ---------- s: (string) content uri: (string) URI location to save string s kwargs : dict keyword arguments to be passed into For OCI object storage, this can be config="path/to/.oci/config". Returns ------- None Nothing """ overwrite = kwargs.pop("overwrite", True) if not overwrite: dst_path_scheme = urlparse(uri).scheme or "file" if fsspec.filesystem(dst_path_scheme, **kwargs).exists(uri): raise FileExistsError( f"The `{uri}` is already exists. Set `overwrite` to True " "if you wish to overwrite." ) with, "w", **kwargs) as f: f.write(s)
[docs] @staticmethod def _read_from_file(uri: str, **kwargs) -> str: """Returns contents from location specified by URI Parameters ---------- uri: (string) URI location kwargs : dict keyword arguments to be passed into For OCI object storage, this can be config="path/to/.oci/config". Returns ------- string: Contents in file specified by URI """ # Add default signer if the uri is an object storage uri, and # the user does not specify config or signer. if ( uri.startswith("oci://") and "config" not in kwargs and "signer" not in kwargs ): kwargs.update(default_signer()) with, "r", **kwargs) as f: return
[docs] def to_json( self, uri: str = None, encoder: callable = json.JSONEncoder, default: callable = None, **kwargs, ) -> str: """Returns object serialized as a JSON string Parameters ---------- uri: (string, optional) URI location to save the JSON string. Defaults to None. encoder: (callable, optional) Encoder for custom data structures. Defaults to JSONEncoder. default: (callable, optional) A function that gets called for objects that can't otherwise be serialized. It should return JSON-serializable version of the object or original object. kwargs ------ overwrite: (bool, optional). Defaults to True. Whether to overwrite existing file or not. keyword arguments to be passed into For OCI object storage, this could be config="path/to/.oci/config". For other storage connections consider e.g. host, port, username, password, etc. Returns ------- Union[str, None] Serialized version of object. `None` in case when `uri` provided. """ json_string = json.dumps( self.to_dict(**kwargs), cls=encoder, default=default or self.serialize, indent=4, ) if uri: self._write_to_file(s=json_string, uri=uri, **kwargs) return None return json_string
[docs] @classmethod def from_json( cls, json_string: str = None, uri: str = None, decoder: callable = json.JSONDecoder, **kwargs, ): """Creates an object from JSON string provided or from URI location containing JSON string Parameters ---------- json_string: (string, optional) JSON string. Defaults to None. uri: (string, optional) URI location of file containing JSON string. Defaults to None. decoder: (callable, optional) Custom decoder. Defaults to simple JSON decoder. kwargs ------ keyword arguments to be passed into For OCI object storage, this should be config="path/to/.oci/config". For other storage connections consider e.g. host, port, username, password, etc. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if neither string nor uri is provided Returns ------- cls Returns instance of the class """ if json_string: return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_string, cls=decoder), **kwargs) if uri: json_dict = json.loads(cls._read_from_file(uri, **kwargs), cls=decoder) return cls.from_dict(json_dict) raise ValueError("Must provide either JSON string or URI location")
[docs] def to_yaml( self, uri: str = None, dumper: callable = yaml.SafeDumper, **kwargs ) -> Union[str, None]: """Returns object serialized as a YAML string Parameters ---------- uri : str, optional URI location to save the YAML string, by default None dumper : callable, optional Custom YAML Dumper, by default yaml.SafeDumper kwargs : dict overwrite: (bool, optional). Defaults to True. Whether to overwrite existing file or not. note: (str, optional) The note that needs to be added in the beginning of the YAML. It will be added as is without any formatting. side_effect: Optional[SideEffect] side effect to take on the dictionary. The side effect can be either convert the dictionary keys to "lower" (SideEffect.CONVERT_KEYS_TO_LOWER.value) or "upper"(SideEffect.CONVERT_KEYS_TO_UPPER.value) cases. The other keyword arguments to be passed into For OCI object storage, this could be config="path/to/.oci/config". Returns ------- Union[str, None] Serialized version of object. `None` in case when `uri` provided. """ note = kwargs.pop("note", "") yaml_string = f"{note}\n" + yaml.dump(self.to_dict(**kwargs), Dumper=dumper) if uri: self._write_to_file(s=yaml_string, uri=uri, **kwargs) return None return yaml_string
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml( cls, yaml_string: str = None, uri: str = None, loader: callable = loader, **kwargs, ): """Creates an object from YAML string provided or from URI location containing YAML string Parameters ---------- yaml_string (string, optional) YAML string. Defaults to None. uri (string, optional) URI location of file containing YAML string. Defaults to None. loader (callable, optional) Custom YAML loader. Defaults to CLoader/SafeLoader. kwargs (dict) keyword arguments to be passed into For OCI object storage, this should be config="path/to/.oci/config". For other storage connections consider e.g. host, port, username, password, etc. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if neither string nor uri is provided Returns ------- cls Returns instance of the class """ if yaml_string: return cls.from_dict(yaml.load(yaml_string, Loader=loader), **kwargs) if uri: yaml_dict = yaml.load(cls._read_from_file(uri=uri, **kwargs), Loader=loader) return cls.from_dict(yaml_dict, **kwargs) raise ValueError("Must provide either YAML string or URI location")
[docs] @classmethod def from_string( cls, obj_string: str = None, uri: str = None, loader: callable = loader, **kwargs, ) -> "Serializable": """Creates an object from string provided or from URI location containing string Parameters ---------- obj_string: (str, optional) String representing the object uri: (str, optional) URI location of file containing string. Defaults to None. loader: (callable, optional) Custom YAML loader. Defaults to CLoader/SafeLoader. kwargs: (dict) keyword arguments to be passed into For OCI object storage, this should be config="path/to/.oci/config". For other storage connections consider e.g. host, port, username, password, etc. Returns ------- Serializable A Serializable instance """ return cls.from_yaml(yaml_string=obj_string, uri=uri, loader=loader, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self): """Returns printable version of object. Returns ---------- string Serialized version of object as a YAML string """ return self.to_yaml() def __str__(self): """Returns printable version of object. Returns ---------- string Serialized version of object as a YAML string """ return self.to_json()
[docs] class DataClassSerializable(Serializable): """Wrapper class that inherit from Serializable class. Methods ------- to_dict(self) -> dict Serializes the object into a dictionary. from_dict(cls, obj_dict) -> cls Returns an instance of the class instantiated from the dictionary provided. """ @classmethod def _validate_dict(cls, obj_dict: Dict) -> bool: """validate the dictionary. Parameters ---------- obj_dict: (dict) Dictionary representation of the object Returns ------- bool True if the validation passed, else False. """ pass
[docs] def to_dict(self, **kwargs) -> Dict: """Serializes instance of class into a dictionary kwargs ------ side_effect: Optional[SideEffect] side effect to take on the dictionary. The side effect can be either convert the dictionary keys to "lower" (SideEffect.CONVERT_KEYS_TO_LOWER.value) or "upper"(SideEffect.CONVERT_KEYS_TO_UPPER.value) cases. Returns ------- Dict A dictionary. """ obj_dict = dataclasses.asdict(self) if "side_effect" in kwargs and kwargs["side_effect"]: obj_dict = DataClassSerializable._normalize_dict( obj_dict=obj_dict, case=kwargs["side_effect"], recursively=True ) return obj_dict
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict( cls, obj_dict: dict, side_effect: Optional[SideEffect] = SideEffect.CONVERT_KEYS_TO_LOWER.value, ignore_unknown: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs, ) -> "DataClassSerializable": """Returns an instance of the class instantiated by the dictionary provided. Parameters ---------- obj_dict: (dict) Dictionary representation of the object side_effect: Optional[SideEffect] side effect to take on the dictionary. The side effect can be either convert the dictionary keys to "lower" (SideEffect.CONVERT_KEYS_TO_LOWER.value) or "upper"(SideEffect.CONVERT_KEYS_TO_UPPER.value) cases. ignore_unknown: (bool, optional). Defaults to `False`. Whether to ignore unknown fields or not. Returns ------- DataClassSerializable A DataClassSerializable instance. """ assert obj_dict, "`obj_dict` must not be None." if not isinstance(obj_dict, dict): raise TypeError("`obj_dict` must be a dictionary.") # check if dict not is None and not empty and type is dict cls._validate_dict(obj_dict=obj_dict) if side_effect: obj_dict = cls._normalize_dict(obj_dict, case=side_effect) allowed_fields = set([ for f in dataclasses.fields(cls)]) wrong_fields = set(obj_dict.keys()) - allowed_fields if wrong_fields and not ignore_unknown: logger.warning( f"The class {cls.__name__} doesn't contain attributes: `{list(wrong_fields)}`. " "These fields will be ignored." ) obj = cls(**{key: obj_dict.get(key) for key in allowed_fields}) for key, value in obj_dict.items(): if ( key in allowed_fields and isinstance(value, dict) and hasattr(getattr(cls(), key).__class__, "from_dict") ): attribute = getattr(cls(), key).__class__.from_dict( value, ignore_unknown=ignore_unknown, side_effect=side_effect, **kwargs, ) setattr(obj, key, attribute) return obj
@staticmethod def _normalize_dict( obj_dict: Dict, recursively: bool = False, case: str = SideEffect.CONVERT_KEYS_TO_LOWER.value, **kwargs, ) -> Dict: """lower all the keys. Parameters ---------- obj_dict: (Dict) Dictionary representation of the object. case: (optional, str). Defaults to "lower". the case to normalized to. can be either "lower" (SideEffect.CONVERT_KEYS_TO_LOWER.value) or "upper"(SideEffect.CONVERT_KEYS_TO_UPPER.value). recursively: (bool, optional). Defaults to `False`. Whether to recursively normalize the dictionary or not. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary representation of the object. """ normalized_obj_dict = {} for key, value in obj_dict.items(): if recursively and isinstance(value, dict): value = DataClassSerializable._normalize_dict( value, case=case, recursively=recursively, **kwargs ) normalized_obj_dict = DataClassSerializable._normalize_key( normalized_obj_dict=normalized_obj_dict, key=key, value=value, case=case, **kwargs, ) return normalized_obj_dict @staticmethod def _normalize_key( normalized_obj_dict: Dict, key: str, value: Union[str, Dict], case: str ) -> Dict: """helper function to normalize the key in the case specified and add it back to the dictionary. Parameters ---------- normalized_obj_dict: (Dict) the dictionary to append the key and value to. key: (str) key to be normalized. value: (Union[str, Dict]) value to be added. case: (str) The case to normalized to. can be either "lower" (SideEffect.CONVERT_KEYS_TO_LOWER.value) or "upper"(SideEffect.CONVERT_KEYS_TO_UPPER.value). Raises ------ NotImplementedError Raised when `case` is not supported. Returns ------- Dict Normalized dictionary with the key and value added in the case specified. """ if case.lower() == SideEffect.CONVERT_KEYS_TO_LOWER.value: normalized_obj_dict[key.lower()] = value elif case.lower() == SideEffect.CONVERT_KEYS_TO_UPPER.value: normalized_obj_dict[key.upper()] = value else: raise NotImplementedError("`case` is not supported.") return normalized_obj_dict