
TensorBoard helps visualizing your experiments. You bring up a TensorBoard session on your workstation and point to the directory that contains the TensorBoard logs.


  1. Object storage bucket

  2. Access to Object Storage bucket from your workstation

  3. ocifs version 1.1.0 and above

Setting up local environment

It is required that tensorboard is installed in a dedicated conda environment or virtual environment. Prepare an environment yaml file for creating conda environment with following command -

cat <<EOF > tensorboard-dep.yaml
- python=3.8
- pip
- pip:
    - ocifs
    - tensorboard
name: tensorboard

Create the conda environment from the yaml file generated in the preceeding step

conda env create -f tensorboard-dep.yaml

This will create a conda environment called tensorboard. Activate the conda environment by running -

conda activate tensorboard

Viewing logs from your experiments

To launch a TensorBoard session on your local workstation, run -

export OCIFS_IAM_KEY=api_key # If you are using resource principal, set resource_principal
tensorboard --logdir oci://my-bucket@my-namespace/path/to/logs

This will bring up TensorBoard app on your workstation. Access TensorBoard at http://localhost:6006/

Note: The logs take some initial time (few minutes) to reflect on the tensorboard dashboard.

Writing TensorBoard logs to Object Storage


  1. tensorboard is installed.

  2. ocifs version is 1.1.0 and above.

  3. oracle-ads version 2.6.0 and above.


You could write your logs from your PyTorch experiements directly to object storage and view the logs on TensorBoard running on your local workstation in real time. Here is an example or running PyTorch experiment and writing TensorBoard logs from OCI Data Science Notebook

  1. Create or Open an existing OCI Data Science Notebook session

  2. Run odsc conda install -s pytorch110_p37_cpu_v1 on terminal inside the notebook session

  3. Activate conda environment - conda activate /home/datascience/conda/pytorch110_p37_cpu_v1

  4. Install TensorBoard - python3 -m pip install tensorboard

  5. Upgrade to latest ocifs - python3 -m pip install ocifs --upgrade

  6. Create a notebook and select pytorch110_p37_cpu_v1 kernel

  7. Copy the following code into a cell and update the object storage path in the code snippet

# Reference: https://github.com/pytorch/tutorials/blob/master/recipes_source/recipes/tensorboard_with_pytorch.py

import torch
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
writer = SummaryWriter("oci://my-bucket@my-namespace/path/to/logs")

x = torch.arange(-5, 5, 0.1).view(-1, 1)
y = -5 * x + 0.1 * torch.randn(x.size())

model = torch.nn.Linear(1, 1)
criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr = 0.1)

def train_model(iter):
    for epoch in range(iter):
        y1 = model(x)
        loss = criterion(y1, y)
        writer.add_scalar("Loss/train", loss, epoch)

  1. Run the cell

  2. View the logs from you workstation while the experiement is in progress by lauching TensorBoard with following command -

OCIFS_IAM_TYPE=api_key tensorboard --logdir "oci://my-bucket@my-namespace/path/to/logs"

For more possibilities with TensorBoard and PyTorch check this link


Currently TensorFlow cannot write directly to object storage. However, we can create logs in the local directory and then copy the logs over to object storage, which then can be viewed from the TensorBoard running on your local workstation.

When you run a OCI Data Science Job with ads.jobs.NotebookRuntime or ads.jobs.GitRuntime, all the output is automatically copied over to the configured object storage bucket.

OCI Data Science Notebook

Here is an example of running a TensorFlow experiment in OCI Data Science Notebook and then viewing the logs from TensorBoard

  1. Create or open an existing notebook session.

  2. Download notebook - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mayoor/stats-ml-exps/master/tensorboard_tf.ipynb

!wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mayoor/stats-ml-exps/master/tensorboard_tf.ipynb
  1. Run odsc conda install -s tensorflow27_p37_cpu_v1 on terminal to install TensorFlow 2.6 environment.

  2. Open the downloaded notebook - tensorboard_tf.ipynb

  3. Select tensorflow27_p37_cpu_v1 kernel.

  4. Run all cells.

  5. Copy TensorBoard logs folder - tflogs to object storage using oci-cli

oci os object bulk-upload -bn "<my-bucket>" -ns "<my-namespace>" --src-dir tflogs --prefix myexperiment/tflogs/

View the logs from you workstation once the logs are uploaded by lauching the TensorBoard with following command -

OCIFS_IAM_TYPE=api_key tensorboard --logdir "oci://my-bucket@my-namespace/myexperiment/tflogs/"

OCI Data Science Jobs

Here is an example of running a TensorFlow experiment in OCI Data Science Jobs and then viewing the logs from TensorBoard

  1. Run the following code to submit a notebook to OCI Data Science Job. You could run this code snippet from your local workstation or OCI Data Science Notebook session. You need oracle-ads version >= 2.6.0.

from ads.jobs import Job, DataScienceJob, NotebookRuntime
# Define an OCI Data Science job to run a jupyter Python notebook
job = (
        # The same configurations as the OCI notebook session will be used.
        # Saves the notebook with outputs to OCI object storage.
# Run and monitor the job
run = job.run().watch()

View the logs from you workstation once the jobs is complete by lauching the tensorboard with following command -

OCIFS_IAM_TYPE=api_key tensorboard --logdir "oci://my-bucket@my-namespace//myexperiment/jobs/tflogs/"