
A pipeline is a workflow of tasks, called steps. Steps can run in sequence or in parallel, creating a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of the steps.


In an ADS pipeline module, you can either use the Python API or YAML to define a pipeline. In addition to the configuration of the pipeline, you provide the details of Pipeline Step and the DAG of the pipeline steps (which defines the dependencies between the steps).


DAG is used to define the dependencies between the steps.

  • >> denotes the tasks running in sequence, A >> B means that A is followed by B.

  • () denotes the tasks running in parallel.

  • If DAG not provided, all the steps will run in parallel.

In the example below, step_name_1 and step_name_2 will run in parallel, and step_name_3 will start after both step_name_1 and step_name_2 are complete.

(step_name_1, step_name_2) >> step_name_3


Both the log OCID and corresponding log group OCID can be specified in the Pipeline instance. If you specify only the log group OCID and no log OCID, a new Log resource is automatically created within the log group to store the logs, see ADS Logging.

There are two types of logs for pipeline runs, service log and custom log. When defining a pipeline:

  • to enable custom log, specify log_id and log_group_id.

  • to enable service log, specify log_group_id and set enable_service_log to True.

  • to enable both types of logs, specify log_id and log_group_id, and set enable_service_log to True.

With the specified DAG and pre-created pipeline steps, you can define a pipeline and give it a name. A Pipeline instance will be created.

  • YAML
  • Python
from ads.pipeline import Pipeline

yaml_string = """
kind: pipeline
  compartmentId: ocid1.compartment..<unique_id>
  - pipeline_step_name_1 >> pipeline_step_name_2
  description: <pipeline_description>
  displayName: <pipeline_display_name>
  logGroupId: ocid1.loggroup.oc1..<unique_id>
  logId: ocid1.log..<unique_id>
  enableServiceLog: True
  maximumRuntimeInMinutes: 20
  projectId: ocid1.datascienceproject..<unique_id>
  - kind: dataScienceJob
      description: <pipeline_step_description>
      jobId: ocid1.datasciencejob..<unique_id>
      name: pipeline_step_name_1
  - kind: customScript
      description: <pipeline_step_description>
        kind: infrastructure
          blockStorageSize: 200
            memoryInGBs: 32
            ocpus: 4
          shapeName: VM.Standard3.Flex
      name: pipeline_step_name_2
        kind: runtime
            slug: <slug>
            type: service
          scriptPathURI: oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/<prefix>/<script.py>
        type: script
type: pipeline

pipeline = Pipeline.from_yaml(yaml_string)
from ads.pipeline import PipelineStep, Pipeline

pipeline_step_one = (

infrastructure = (
    .with_shape_config_details(ocpus=4, memory_in_gbs=32)

runtime = (

pipeline_step_two = (

pipeline = (
    .with_enable_service_log(True)         # to stream service log in pipeline runs
    .with_step_details([pipeline_step_one, pipeline_step_two])
    .with_dag(["pipeline_step_name_1 >> pipeline_step_name_2"])


You can call the create() method of the Pipeline instance to create a pipeline.

# Create a pipeline


You can call the run() method of the Pipeline instance to launch a new Pipeline Run. It returns a PipelineRun instance.

The run() method gives you the option to override the configurations in a pipeline run. It takes the following optional parameters:

  • display_name: str, optional. Defaults to None. The display name of the run.

  • project_id: str, optional. Defaults to None. The project id to override the one defined previously.

  • compartment_id: str, optional. Defaults to None. The compartment id to override the one defined previously.

  • configuration_override_details: dict, optional. Defaults to None. The configuration details dictionary to override the one defined previously. The configuration_override_details contains the following keys:

type: str, only DEFAULT is allowed; environment_variables: dict, the environment variables; command_line_arguments: str, the command line arguments; maximum_runtime_in_minutes: int, the maximum runtime allowed in minutes. - log_configuration_override_details: dict, optional. Defaults to None. The log configuration details dictionary to override the one defined previously. - step_override_details: list[PipelineStepOverrideDetails], optional. Defaults to None. The step details list to override the one defined previously. - free_form_tags: dict(str, str), optional. Defaults to None. The free from tags dictionary to override the one defined previously. - defined_tags: dict(str, dict(str, object)), optional. Defaults to None. The defined tags dictionary to override the one defined previously. - system_tags: dict(str, dict(str, object)), optional. Defaults to None. The system tags dictionary to override the one defined previously.

# Run a pipeline, a pipeline run will be created and started
pipeline_run = pipeline.run()


Use the from_ocid() method from the Pipeline class to load an existing pipeline with its OCID provided. It returns a Pipeline instance.

from ads.pipeline import Pipeline

pipeline = Pipeline.from_ocid("ocid1.datasciencepipeline..<unique_id>")


Use the show() method on the Pipeline instance to visualize the pipeline in a graph.

The show() method takes the following optional parameter:

  • rankdir: (str, optional). Defaults to TB. The allowed values are TB or LR. This parameter is applicable only for graph mode and it renders the direction of the graph as either top to bottom (TB) or left to right (LR).


Below is an example of the output.



Use the delete() method on the Pipeline instance to delete a pipeline. It takes the following optional parameters:

  • delete_related_pipeline_runs: (bool, optional). Specify whether to delete related PipelineRuns or not. Defaults to True.

  • delete_related_job_runs: (bool, optional). Specify whether to delete related JobRuns or not. Defaults to True.

  • max_wait_seconds: (int, optional). The maximum time to wait, in seconds. Defaults to 1800.

A pipeline can only be deleted when its associated pipeline runs are all deleted, or alternatively, set the parameter delete_related_pipeline_runs to delete all associated runs in the same operation. Delete fails if a PipelineRun is in progress.
