ads.model.deployment package¶
ads.model.deployment.model_deployer module¶
APIs to interact with Oracle’s Model Deployment service.
There are three main classes: ModelDeployment, ModelDeploymentDetails, ModelDeployer.
One creates a ModelDeployment and deploys it under the umbrella of the ModelDeployer class. This way multiple ModelDeployments can be unified with one ModelDeployer. The ModelDeployer class also serves as the interface to all the deployments. ModelDeploymentDetails holds information about the particular details of a particular deployment, such as how many instances, etc. In this way multiple, independent ModelDeployments with the same details can be created using the ModelDeployer class.
>>> from model_deploy.model_deployer import ModelDeployer, ModelDeploymentDetails
>>> deployer = ModelDeployer("model_dep_conf.yaml")
>>> deployment_properties = ModelDeploymentProperties(
... 'ocid1.datasciencemodel.ocn.reg.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
... .with_prop('display_name', "My model display name")
... .with_prop("project_id", project_id)
... .with_prop("compartment_id", compartment_id)
... .with_instance_configuration(
... config={"INSTANCE_SHAPE":"VM.Standard.E3.Flex",
... "bandwidth_mbps":10,
... "memory_in_gbs":10,
... "ocpus":2}
... ).build()
>>> deployment_info = deployer.deploy(deployment_properties,
... max_wait_time=600, poll_interval=15)
>>> print(deployment_info.model_deployment_id)
>>> print(deployment_info.workflow_req_id)
>>> print(deployment_info.url)
>>> deployer.list_deployments() # Optionally pass in a status
- class ads.model.deployment.model_deployer.ModelDeployer(config: dict | None = None, ds_client: DataScienceClient | None = None)[source]¶
ModelDeployer is the class responsible for deploying the ModelDeployment
- ds_client¶
data science client
- Type:
- ds_composite_client¶
composite data science client
- Type:
- deploy(model_deployment_details, \*\*kwargs)[source]¶
Deploy the model specified by model_deployment_details.
- get_model_deployment(model_deployment_id: str)[source]¶
Get the ModelDeployment specified by model_deployment_id.
- get_model_deployment_state(model_deployment_id)[source]¶
Get the state of the current deployment specified by id.
- delete(model_deployment_id, \*\*kwargs)[source]¶
Remove the model deployment specified by the id or Model Deployment Object
- list_deployments(status)[source]¶
lists the model deployments associated with current compartment and data science client
Initializes model deployer.
- Parameters:
config (dict, optional) –
- ADS auth dictionary for OCI authentication.
This can be generated by calling ads.common.auth.api_keys() or ads.common.auth.resource_principal(). If this is None, ads.common.default_signer(client_kwargs) will be used.
- ds_client: oci.data_science.data_science_client.DataScienceClient
The Oracle DataScience client.
- delete(model_deployment_id, wait_for_completion: bool = True, max_wait_time: int = 1200, poll_interval: int = 10) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Deletes the model deployment specified by OCID.
- Parameters:
model_deployment_id (str) – Model deployment OCID.
wait_for_completion (bool) – Wait for deletion to complete. Defaults to True.
max_wait_time (int) – Maximum amount of time to wait in seconds (Defaults to 600). Negative implies infinite wait time.
poll_interval (int) – Poll interval in seconds (Defaults to 60).
- Return type:
A ModelDeployment instance that was deleted
- deploy(properties: ModelDeploymentProperties | Dict | None = None, wait_for_completion: bool = True, max_wait_time: int = 1200, poll_interval: int = 10, **kwargs) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Deploys a model.
- Parameters:
properties (ModelDeploymentProperties or dict) – Properties to deploy the model. Properties can be None when kwargs are used for specifying properties.
wait_for_completion (bool) – Flag set for whether to wait for deployment to complete before proceeding. Optional, defaults to True.
max_wait_time (int) – Maximum amount of time to wait in seconds. Optional, defaults to 1200. Negative value implies infinite wait time.
poll_interval (int) – Poll interval in seconds. Optional, defaults to 30.
kwargs – Keyword arguments for initializing ModelDeploymentProperties. See ModelDeploymentProperties() for details.
- Returns:
A ModelDeployment instance.
- Return type:
- deploy_from_model_uri(model_uri: str, properties: ModelDeploymentProperties | Dict | None = None, wait_for_completion: bool = True, max_wait_time: int = 1200, poll_interval: int = 10, **kwargs) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Deploys a model.
- Parameters:
model_uri (str) – uri to model files, can be local or in cloud storage
properties (ModelDeploymentProperties or dict) – Properties to deploy the model. Properties can be None when kwargs are used for specifying properties.
wait_for_completion (bool) – Flag set for whether to wait for deployment to complete before proceeding. Defaults to True
max_wait_time (int) – Maximum amount of time to wait in seconds (Defaults to 1200). Negative implies infinite wait time.
poll_interval (int) – Poll interval in seconds (Defaults to 30).
kwargs – Keyword arguments for initializing ModelDeploymentProperties
- Returns:
A ModelDeployment instance
- Return type:
- get_model_deployment(model_deployment_id: str) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Gets a ModelDeployment by OCID.
- Parameters:
model_deployment_id (str) – Model deployment OCID
- Returns:
A ModelDeployment instance
- Return type:
- get_model_deployment_state(model_deployment_id: str) State [source]¶
Gets the state of a deployment specified by OCID
- list_deployments(status=None, compartment_id=None, **kwargs) list [source]¶
Lists the model deployments associated with current compartment and data science client
- Parameters:
status (str) – Status of deployment. Defaults to None.
compartment_id (str) – Target compartment to list deployments from. Defaults to the compartment set in the environment variable “NB_SESSION_COMPARTMENT_OCID”. If “NB_SESSION_COMPARTMENT_OCID” is not set, the root compartment ID will be used. An ValueError will be raised if root compartment ID cannot be determined.
kwargs – The values are passed to oci.data_science.DataScienceClient.list_model_deployments.
- Returns:
A list of ModelDeployment objects.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If compartment_id is not specified and cannot be determined from the environment.
- show_deployments(status=None, compartment_id=None) DataFrame [source]¶
- Returns the model deployments associated with current compartment and data science client
as a Dataframe that can be easily visualized
- Parameters:
status (str) – Status of deployment. Defaults to None.
compartment_id (str) – Target compartment to list deployments from. Defaults to the compartment set in the environment variable “NB_SESSION_COMPARTMENT_OCID”. If “NB_SESSION_COMPARTMENT_OCID” is not set, the root compartment ID will be used. An ValueError will be raised if root compartment ID cannot be determined.
- Returns:
pandas Dataframe containing information about the ModelDeployments
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If compartment_id is not specified and cannot be determined from the environment.
- update(model_deployment_id: str, properties: ModelDeploymentProperties | None = None, wait_for_completion: bool = True, max_wait_time: int = 1200, poll_interval: int = 10, **kwargs) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Updates an existing model deployment.
- Parameters:
model_deployment_id (str) – Model deployment OCID.
properties (ModelDeploymentProperties) – An instance of ModelDeploymentProperties or dict to initialize the ModelDeploymentProperties. Defaults to None.
wait_for_completion (bool) – Flag set for whether to wait for deployment to complete before proceeding. Defaults to True.
max_wait_time (int) – Maximum amount of time to wait in seconds (Defaults to 1200).
poll_interval (int) – Poll interval in seconds (Defaults to 30).
kwargs – Keyword arguments for initializing ModelDeploymentProperties.
- Returns:
A ModelDeployment instance
- Return type:
ads.model.deployment.model_deployment module¶
- class ads.model.deployment.model_deployment.ModelDeployment(properties: ModelDeploymentProperties | Dict | None = None, config: Dict | None = None, model_deployment_id: str | None = None, model_deployment_url: str = '', spec: Dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]¶
A class used to represent a Model Deployment.
- properties¶
ModelDeploymentProperties object
- Type:
- dsc_model_deployment¶
The OCIDataScienceModelDeployment instance.
- Type:
- time_created¶
The time when the model deployment is created
- Type:
- runtime¶
Model deployment runtime
- Type:
- infrastructure¶
Model deployment infrastructure
- Type:
- deactivate(wait_for_completion, max_wait_time, poll_interval)[source]¶
Deactivates a model deployment
- list(status, compartment_id, project_id, \*\*kwargs)[source]¶
List model deployment within given compartment and project.
>>> # Build model deployment from builder apis: >>> ds_model_deployment = (ModelDeployment() ... .with_display_name("TestModelDeployment") ... .with_description("Testing the test model deployment") ... .with_freeform_tags(tag1="val1", tag2="val2") ... .with_infrastructure( ... (ModelDeploymentInfrastructure() ... .with_project_id(<project_id>) ... .with_compartment_id(<compartment_id>) ... .with_shape_name("VM.Standard.E4.Flex") ... .with_shape_config_details( ... ocpus=1, ... memory_in_gbs=16 ... ) ... .with_replica(1) ... .with_bandwidth_mbps(10) ... .with_web_concurrency(10) ... .with_access_log( ... log_group_id=<log_group_id>, ... log_id=<log_id> ... ) ... .with_predict_log( ... log_group_id=<log_group_id>, ... log_id=<log_id> ... )) ... ) ... .with_runtime( ... (ModelDeploymentContainerRuntime() ... .with_image(<image>) ... .with_image_digest(<image_digest>) ... .with_entrypoint(<entrypoint>) ... .with_server_port(<server_port>) ... .with_health_check_port(<health_check_port>) ... .with_env({"key":"value"}) ... .with_deployment_mode("HTTPS_ONLY") ... .with_model_uri(<model_uri>) ... .with_bucket_uri(<bucket_uri>) ... .with_auth(<auth>) ... .with_timeout(<time_out>)) ... ) ... ) >>> ds_model_deployment.deploy() >>> ds_model_deployment.status >>> ds_model_deployment.with_display_name("new name").update() >>> ds_model_deployment.deactivate() >>> ds_model_deployment.sync() >>> ds_model_deployment.list(status="ACTIVE") >>> ds_model_deployment.delete()
>>> # Build model deployment from yaml >>> ds_model_deployment = ModelDeployment.from_yaml(uri=<path_to_yaml>)
Initializes a ModelDeployment object.
- Parameters:
properties ((Union[ModelDeploymentProperties, Dict], optional). Defaults to None.) – Object containing deployment properties. The properties can be None when kwargs are used for specifying properties.
config ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – ADS auth dictionary for OCI authentication. This can be generated by calling ads.common.auth.api_keys() or ads.common.auth.resource_principal(). If this is None then the ads.common.default_signer(client_kwargs) will be used.
model_deployment_id ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Model deployment OCID.
model_deployment_url ((str, optional). Defaults to empty string.) – Model deployment url.
spec ((dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – Model deployment spec.
kwargs – Keyword arguments for initializing ModelDeploymentProperties or ModelDeployment.
- CONST_CREATED_BY = 'createdBy'¶
- CONST_DEFINED_TAG = 'definedTags'¶
- CONST_DESCRIPTION = 'description'¶
- CONST_DISPLAY_NAME = 'displayName'¶
- CONST_FREEFORM_TAG = 'freeformTags'¶
- CONST_ID = 'id'¶
- CONST_INFRASTRUCTURE = 'infrastructure'¶
- CONST_LIFECYCLE_DETAILS = 'lifecycleDetails'¶
- CONST_LIFECYCLE_STATE = 'lifecycleState'¶
- CONST_MODEL_DEPLOYMENT_URL = 'modelDeploymentUrl'¶
- CONST_RUNTIME = 'runtime'¶
- CONST_TIME_CREATED = 'timeCreated'¶
- property access_log: OCILog¶
Gets the model deployment access logs object.
- Returns:
The OCILog object containing the access logs.
- Return type:
- activate(wait_for_completion: bool = True, max_wait_time: int = 1200, poll_interval: int = 10) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Activates a model deployment
- Parameters:
wait_for_completion (bool) – Flag set for whether to wait for deployment to be activated before proceeding. Defaults to True.
max_wait_time (int) – Maximum amount of time to wait in seconds (Defaults to 1200). Negative implies infinite wait time.
poll_interval (int) – Poll interval in seconds (Defaults to 10).
- Returns:
The instance of ModelDeployment.
- Return type:
- attribute_map = {'createdBy': 'created_by', 'definedTags': 'defined_tags', 'description': 'description', 'displayName': 'display_name', 'freeformTags': 'freeform_tags', 'id': 'id', 'infrastructure': 'infrastructure', 'lifecycleDetails': 'lifecycle_details', 'lifecycleState': 'lifecycle_state', 'modelDeploymentUrl': 'model_deployment_url', 'runtime': 'runtime', 'timeCreated': 'time_created'}¶
- build() ModelDeployment [source]¶
Load default values from the environment for the job infrastructure.
- property created_by: str¶
The user that creates the model deployment.
- Returns:
The user that creates the model deployment.
- Return type:
- deactivate(wait_for_completion: bool = True, max_wait_time: int = 1200, poll_interval: int = 10) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Deactivates a model deployment
- Parameters:
wait_for_completion (bool) – Flag set for whether to wait for deployment to be deactivated before proceeding. Defaults to True.
max_wait_time (int) – Maximum amount of time to wait in seconds (Defaults to 1200). Negative implies infinite wait time.
poll_interval (int) – Poll interval in seconds (Defaults to 10).
- Returns:
The instance of ModelDeployment.
- Return type:
- property defined_tags: Dict¶
Model deployment defined tags.
- Returns:
Model deployment defined tags.
- Return type:
- delete(wait_for_completion: bool = True, max_wait_time: int = 1200, poll_interval: int = 10)[source]¶
Deletes the ModelDeployment
- Parameters:
wait_for_completion (bool) – Flag set for whether to wait for deployment to be deleted before proceeding. Defaults to True.
max_wait_time (int) – Maximum amount of time to wait in seconds (Defaults to 1200). Negative implies infinite wait time.
poll_interval (int) – Poll interval in seconds (Defaults to 10).
- Returns:
The instance of ModelDeployment.
- Return type:
- deploy(wait_for_completion: bool = True, max_wait_time: int = 1200, poll_interval: int = 10)[source]¶
Deploys the current ModelDeployment object
- Parameters:
wait_for_completion (bool) – Flag set for whether to wait for deployment to be deployed before proceeding. Defaults to True.
max_wait_time (int) – Maximum amount of time to wait in seconds (Defaults to 1200). Negative implies infinite wait time.
poll_interval (int) – Poll interval in seconds (Defaults to 10).
- Returns:
The instance of ModelDeployment.
- Return type:
- property description: str¶
Model deployment description.
- Returns:
Model deployment description.
- Return type:
- property display_name: str¶
Model deployment display name.
- Returns:
Model deployment display name.
- Return type:
- property freeform_tags: Dict¶
Model deployment freeform tags.
- Returns:
Model deployment freeform tags.
- Return type:
- classmethod from_dict(obj_dict: Dict) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Loads model deployment instance from a dictionary of configurations.
- Parameters:
obj_dict (Dict) – A dictionary of configurations.
- Returns:
The model deployment instance.
- Return type:
- classmethod from_id(id: str) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Loads the model deployment instance from ocid.
- Parameters:
id (str) – The ocid of model deployment.
- Returns:
The ModelDeployment instance (self).
- Return type:
- property infrastructure: ModelDeploymentInfrastructure¶
Model deployment infrastructure.
- Returns:
Model deployment infrastructure.
- Return type:
- initialize_spec_attributes = ['display_name', 'description', 'freeform_tags', 'defined_tags', 'infrastructure', 'runtime']¶
- property lifecycle_details: str¶
Model deployment lifecycle details.
- Returns:
Model deployment lifecycle details.
- Return type:
- property lifecycle_state: str¶
Model deployment lifecycle state.
- Returns:
Model deployment lifecycle state.
- Return type:
- classmethod list(status: str | None = None, compartment_id: str | None = None, project_id: str | None = None, **kwargs) List[ModelDeployment] [source]¶
Lists the model deployments associated with current compartment id and status
- Parameters:
status (str) – Status of deployment. Defaults to None. Allowed values: ACTIVE, CREATING, DELETED, DELETING, FAILED, INACTIVE and UPDATING.
compartment_id (str) – Target compartment to list deployments from. Defaults to the compartment set in the environment variable “NB_SESSION_COMPARTMENT_OCID”. If “NB_SESSION_COMPARTMENT_OCID” is not set, the root compartment ID will be used. An ValueError will be raised if root compartment ID cannot be determined.
project_id (str) – Target project to list deployments from. Defaults to the project id in the environment variable “PROJECT_OCID”.
kwargs – The values are passed to oci.data_science.DataScienceClient.list_model_deployments.
- Returns:
A list of ModelDeployment objects.
- Return type:
- classmethod list_df(status: str | None = None, compartment_id: str | None = None, project_id: str | None = None) DataFrame [source]¶
- Returns the model deployments associated with current compartment and status
as a Dataframe that can be easily visualized
- Parameters:
status (str) – Status of deployment. Defaults to None. Allowed values: ACTIVE, CREATING, DELETED, DELETING, FAILED, INACTIVE and UPDATING.
compartment_id (str) – Target compartment to list deployments from. Defaults to the compartment set in the environment variable “NB_SESSION_COMPARTMENT_OCID”. If “NB_SESSION_COMPARTMENT_OCID” is not set, the root compartment ID will be used. An ValueError will be raised if root compartment ID cannot be determined.
project_id (str) – Target project to list deployments from. Defaults to the project id in the environment variable “PROJECT_OCID”.
- Returns:
pandas Dataframe containing information about the ModelDeployments
- Return type:
- logs(log_type: str | None = None) ConsolidatedLog [source]¶
Gets the access or predict logs.
- Parameters:
log_type ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The log type. Can be “access”, “predict” or None.
- Returns:
The ConsolidatedLog object containing the logs.
- Return type:
- property model_deployment_id: str¶
The model deployment ocid.
- Returns:
The model deployment ocid.
- Return type:
- model_input_serializer = <ads.model.serde.model_input.JsonModelInputSERDE object>¶
- predict(json_input=None, data: ~typing.Any = None, serializer: ads.model.ModelInputSerializer = <ads.model.serde.model_input.JsonModelInputSERDE object>, auto_serialize_data: bool = False, model_name: str = None, model_version: str = None, **kwargs) dict [source]¶
Returns prediction of input data run against the model deployment endpoint.
>>> import numpy as np >>> from ads.model import ModelInputSerializer >>> class MySerializer(ModelInputSerializer): ... def serialize(self, data): ... serialized_data = 1 ... return serialized_data >>> model_deployment = ModelDeployment.from_id(<model_deployment_id>) >>> prediction = model_deployment.predict( ... data=np.array([1, 2, 3]), ... serializer=MySerializer(), ... auto_serialize_data=True, ... )['prediction']
- Parameters:
json_input (Json serializable) – JSON payload for the prediction.
data (Any) – Data for the prediction.
serializer (ads.model.ModelInputSerializer) – Defaults to ads.model.JsonModelInputSerializer.
auto_serialize_data (bool) – Defaults to False. Indicate whether to auto serialize input data using serializer. If auto_serialize_data=False, data required to be bytes or json serializable and json_input required to be json serializable. If auto_serialize_data set to True, data will be serialized before sending to model deployment endpoint.
model_name (str) – Defaults to None. When the inference_server=”triton”, the name of the model to invoke.
model_version (str) – Defaults to None. When the inference_server=”triton”, the version of the model to invoke.
kwargs –
- content_type: str
Used to indicate the media type of the resource. By default, it will be application/octet-stream for bytes input and application/json otherwise. The content-type header will be set to this value when calling the model deployment endpoint.
- Returns:
Prediction results.
- Return type:
- property predict_log: OCILog¶
Gets the model deployment predict logs object.
- Returns:
The OCILog object containing the predict logs.
- Return type:
- property runtime: ModelDeploymentRuntime¶
Model deployment runtime.
- Returns:
Model deployment runtime.
- Return type:
- show_logs(time_start: datetime | None = None, time_end: datetime | None = None, limit: int = 100, log_type: str | None = None)[source]¶
Shows deployment logs as a pandas dataframe.
- Parameters:
time_start ((datetime.datetime, optional). Defaults to None.) – Starting date and time in RFC3339 format for retrieving logs. Defaults to None. Logs will be retrieved 14 days from now.
time_end ((datetime.datetime, optional). Defaults to None.) – Ending date and time in RFC3339 format for retrieving logs. Defaults to None. Logs will be retrieved until now.
limit ((int, optional). Defaults to 100.) – The maximum number of items to return.
log_type ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The log type. Can be “access”, “predict” or None.
- Return type:
A pandas DataFrame containing logs.
- sync() ModelDeployment [source]¶
Updates the model deployment instance from backend.
- Returns:
The ModelDeployment instance (self).
- Return type:
- property time_created: <module 'datetime' from '/home/docs/.asdf/installs/python/3.9.20/lib/python3.9/'>¶
The time when the model deployment is created.
- Returns:
The time when the model deployment is created.
- Return type:
- to_dict(**kwargs) Dict [source]¶
Serializes model deployment to a dictionary.
- Returns:
The model deployment serialized as a dictionary.
- Return type:
- update(properties: ModelDeploymentProperties | dict | None = None, wait_for_completion: bool = True, max_wait_time: int = 1200, poll_interval: int = 10, **kwargs)[source]¶
Updates a model deployment
You can update model_deployment_configuration_details and change instance_shape and model_id when the model deployment is in the ACTIVE lifecycle state. The bandwidth_mbps or instance_count can only be updated while the model deployment is in the INACTIVE state. Changes to the bandwidth_mbps or instance_count will take effect the next time the ActivateModelDeployment action is invoked on the model deployment resource.
- Parameters:
properties (ModelDeploymentProperties or dict) – The properties for updating the deployment.
wait_for_completion (bool) – Flag set for whether to wait for deployment to be updated before proceeding. Defaults to True.
max_wait_time (int) – Maximum amount of time to wait in seconds (Defaults to 1200). Negative implies infinite wait time.
poll_interval (int) – Poll interval in seconds (Defaults to 10).
kwargs – dict
- Returns:
The instance of ModelDeployment.
- Return type:
- watch(log_type: str = None, time_start: <module 'datetime' from '/home/docs/.asdf/installs/python/3.9.20/lib/python3.9/'> = None, interval: int = 3, log_filter: str = None) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Streams the access and/or predict logs of model deployment.
- Parameters:
log_type (str, optional) – The log type. Can be access, predict or None. Defaults to None.
time_start (datetime.datetime, optional) – Starting time for the log query. Defaults to None.
interval (int, optional) – The time interval between sending each request to pull logs from OCI logging service. Defaults to 3.
log_filter (str, optional) – Expression for filtering the logs. This will be the WHERE clause of the query. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
The instance of ModelDeployment.
- Return type:
- with_defined_tags(**kwargs) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Sets the defined tags of model deployment.
- Parameters:
kwargs – The defined tags of model deployment.
- Returns:
The ModelDeployment instance (self).
- Return type:
- with_description(description: str) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Sets the description of model deployment.
- Parameters:
description (str) – The description of model deployment.
- Returns:
The ModelDeployment instance (self).
- Return type:
- with_display_name(display_name: str) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Sets the name of model deployment.
- Parameters:
display_name (str) – The name of model deployment.
- Returns:
The ModelDeployment instance (self).
- Return type:
- with_freeform_tags(**kwargs) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Sets the freeform tags of model deployment.
- Parameters:
kwargs – The freeform tags of model deployment.
- Returns:
The ModelDeployment instance (self).
- Return type:
- with_infrastructure(infrastructure: ModelDeploymentInfrastructure) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Sets the infrastructure of model deployment.
- Parameters:
infrastructure (ModelDeploymentInfrastructure) – The infrastructure of model deployment.
- Returns:
The ModelDeployment instance (self).
- Return type:
- with_runtime(runtime: ModelDeploymentRuntime) ModelDeployment [source]¶
Sets the runtime of model deployment.
- Parameters:
runtime (ModelDeploymentRuntime) – The runtime of model deployment.
- Returns:
The ModelDeployment instance (self).
- Return type:
ads.model.deployment.model_deployment_properties module¶
- class ads.model.deployment.model_deployment_properties.ModelDeploymentProperties(model_id: str | None = None, model_uri: str | None = None, oci_model_deployment: ModelDeployment | CreateModelDeploymentDetails | UpdateModelDeploymentDetails | Dict | None = None, config: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Represents the details for a model deployment
- swagger_types¶
The property names and the corresponding types of OCI ModelDeployment model.
- Type:
- with_prop(property_name, value)[source]¶
Set the model deployment details property_name attribute to value
Initialize a ModelDeploymentProperties object by specifying one of the followings:
- Parameters:
model_id ((str, optiona). Defaults to None.) – Model Artifact OCID. The model_id must be specified either explicitly or as an attribute of the OCI object.
model_uri ((str, optiona). Defaults to None.) – Uri to model files, can be local or in cloud storage.
oci_model_deployment ((Union[ModelDeployment, CreateModelDeploymentDetails, UpdateModelDeploymentDetails, Dict], optional). Defaults to None.) – An OCI model or Dict containing model deployment details. The OCI model can be an instance of either ModelDeployment, CreateModelDeploymentDetails or UpdateModelConfigurationDetails.
config ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – ADS auth dictionary for OCI authentication. This can be generated by calling ads.common.auth.api_keys() or ads.common.auth.resource_principal(). If this is None, ads.common.default_signer(client_kwargs) will be used.
kwargs –
Users can also initialize the object by using keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported by oci.data_science.models.data_science_models.ModelDeployment:
If display_name is not specified, a randomly generated easy to remember name will be generated, like ‘strange-spider-2022-08-17-23:55.02’.
ModelDeploymentProperties also supports the following additional keyward arguments:
These additional arguments will be saved into appropriate properties in the OCI model.
- Raises:
ValueError – model_id is None AND not specified in oci_model_deployment.model_deployment_configuration_details.model_configuration_details.
- build() CreateModelDeploymentDetails [source]¶
Converts the deployment properties to OCI CreateModelDeploymentDetails object. Converts a model URI into a model OCID if user passed in a URI.
- Returns:
A CreateModelDeploymentDetails instance ready for OCI API.
- Return type:
- sub_properties = ['instance_shape', 'instance_count', 'bandwidth_mbps', 'access_log_group_id', 'access_log_id', 'predict_log_group_id', 'predict_log_id', 'memory_in_gbs', 'ocpus']¶
- to_oci_model(oci_model)[source]¶
Convert properties into an OCI data model
- Parameters:
oci_model (class) – The class of OCI data model, e.g., oci.data_science_models.CreateModelDeploymentDetails
- to_update_deployment() UpdateModelDeploymentDetails [source]¶
Converts the deployment properties to OCI UpdateModelDeploymentDetails object.
- Returns:
An UpdateModelDeploymentDetails instance ready for OCI API.
- Return type:
- with_access_log(log_group_id: str, log_id: str)[source]¶
Adds access log config
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Return type:
- with_category_log(log_type: str, group_id: str, log_id: str)[source]¶
Adds category log configuration
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – When log_type is invalid
- with_instance_configuration(config)[source]¶
with_instance_configuration creates a ModelDeploymentDetails object with a specific config
- Parameters:
config (dict) –
dictionary containing instance configuration about the deployment. The following keys are supported:
instance_shape: str,
instance_count: int,
bandwidth_mbps: int,
memory_in_gbs: float,
ocpus: float
The instance_shape and instance_count are required when creating a new deployment. They are optional when updating an existing deployment.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- with_logging_configuration(access_log_group_id: str, access_log_id: str, predict_log_group_id: str | None = None, predict_log_id: str | None = None)[source]¶
Adds OCI logging configurations for OCI logging service
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Return type: