Connect with ADSDataset
and ADSDatasetWithTarget
is deprecated in favor of Pandas to read from file systems.Pandas(>1.2.1) can connect to object storage using uri format -
.To read from Oracle database or MySQL, see DataBase sections under Connecting to Datasources
is supported to createADSDataset
class frompandas
See Connecting to Datasources for examples.
You can load data into ADS in several different ways from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage, cx_Oracle, or S3. Following are some examples.
Begin by loading the required libraries and modules:
import ads
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ads.dataset.dataset_browser import DatasetBrowser
from ads.dataset.dataset import ADSDataset
from ads.dataset.dataset_with_target import ADSDatasetWithTarget
Object Storage¶
To open a dataset from Object Storage using the resource principal method, you can use the following example, replacing the angle bracketed content with the location and name of your file:
import ads
import os
bucket_name = <bucket-name>
file_name = <file-name>
namespace = <namespace>
storage_options = {'config':{}, 'tenancy': os.environ['TENANCY_OCID'], 'region': os.environ['NB_REGION']}
ds = ADSDataset(
To open a dataset from Object Storage using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure configuration file method, include the location of the file using this format oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/<file_name>
and modify the optional parameter storage_options
. Insert:
The path to your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure configuration file,
The profile name you want to use.
For example:
ds = ADSDataset(
"config": "~/.oci/config",
"profile": "DEFAULT"
Local Storage¶
To open a dataset from a local source, use pandas
to load the file into a dataframe, convert it to ADSDataset
and specify the path of the data file:
ds = ADSDataset(df=pd.read_csv("/path/to/data.csv"))
Oracle Database¶

To connect to Oracle Databases from Python, you use the cx_Oracle
package that conforms to the Python database API specification.
You must have the client credentials and connection information to connect to the database. The client credentials include the wallet, which is required for all types of connections. Use these steps to work with ADB and wallet files:
From the Console, go to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure ADW or ATP instance page that you want to load the dataset from, and then click
DB Connection
.Click Download Wallet.
You have to enter a password. This password is used for some ADB connections, but not the ones that are used in the notebook.
Create a folder for your wallet in the notebook environment (<path_to_wallet_folder>).
Upload your wallet files into <path_to_wallet_folder> folder using the Jupyterlab Upload Files button.
Open the
file from the wallet files, and then configure the METHOD_DATA to be:METHOD_DATA = (DIRECTORY="<path_to_wallet_folder>")
Set the env variable,
, to point to the wallet you want to use.
In this example a Python dictionary, creds
is used to store the creditionals. However, it is poor security practice to store this
information in a notebook. The notebook ads-examples/ADB_working_with.ipynb
gives an example of how to store them in Block Storage.
creds = {}
creds['tns_admin'] = <path_to_wallet_folder>
creds['sid'] = <your SID>
creds['user'] = <database username>
creds['password'] = <database password>
Once your Oracle client is setup, you can use cx_Oracle
directly with Pandas
as in this example:
import pandas as pd
import cx_Oracle
import os
os.environ['TNS_ADMIN'] = creds['tns_admin']
with cx_Oracle.connect(creds['user'], creds['password'], creds['sid']) as ora_conn:
df = pd.read_sql('''
SELECT ename, dname, job, empno, hiredate, loc
FROM emp, dept
WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno
ORDER BY ename
''', con=ora_conn)
You can also use cx_Oracle
within ADS by creating a connection string:
os.environ['TNS_ADMIN'] = creds['tns_admin']
with cx_Oracle.connect(creds['user'], creds['password'], creds['sid']) as ora_conn:
ds = ADSDataset(
SELECT ename, dname, job, empno, hiredate, loc
FROM emp, dept
WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno
ORDER BY ename
''', con=ora_conn
Autonomous Database¶

Oracle has two configurations of Autonomous Databases. They are the Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) and the Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) database. Both are fully autonomous databases that scale elastically, deliver fast query performance, and require minimal database administration.
To access ADW, review the Autonomous Database configuration section. It shows you how to get the client credentials (wallet) and set up the proper environment variable.
Load from ADB¶
You can use ADS to query a table from your database, by loading that database as a pandas dataframe and convert it to an ADSDataset
or ADSDatasetWithTarget
When you call pandas
, specify the name of the table you want to pull.
os.environ['TNS_ADMIN'] = creds['tns_admin']
with cx_Oracle.connect(creds['user'], creds['password'], creds['sid']) as ora_conn:
ds = ADSDatasetWithTarget(
df=pd.read_sql_table(table, con=ora_conn),
Query ADB¶
Query using Pandas
This example shows you how to query data using
and sqlalchemy to read data from ADB:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import os
os.environ['TNS_ADMIN'] = creds['tns_admin']
engine = create_engine(uri)
df = pd.read_sql('SELECT * from <TABLENAME>', con=engine)
You can convert the pd.DataFrame
into ADSDataset
using the ADSDataset.from_dataframe()
ds = ADSDataset.from_dataframe(df)
These two examples run a simple query on ADW data. With read_sql_query
you can use SQL expressions not just for tables, but also to limit the number of rows and to apply conditions with filters, such as (where
ds = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT * from <TABLENAME>', uri)
ds = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM emp WHERE ROWNUM <= 5', uri)
Query using cx_Oracle
You can also query data from ADW using cx_Oracle. Use the cx_Oracle 7.0.0 version with ADS. Ensure that you change the dummy <TABLENAME>
placeholder to the actual table name you want to query data from, and the dummy <COLNAME>
placeholder to the column name that you want to select:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
os.environ['TNS_ADMIN'] = creds['tns_admin']
connection = cx_Oracle.connect(creds['user'], creds['password'], creds['sid'])
cursor = connection.cursor()
results = cursor.execute("SELECT * from <TABLENAME>")
data = results.fetchall()
df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(data))
ds = ADSDataset.from_dataframe(df)
results = cursor.execute('SELECT <COLNAME> from <TABLENAME>').fetchall()
Close the cursor and connection using the .close()
Update ADB Tables¶
To add predictions to a table, you can either update an existing table, or create a new table with the added predictions. There are many ways to do this. One way is to use the model to update a CSV file, and then use Oracle SQL*Loader or SQL*Plus.
This example adds predictions programmatically using cx_Oracle. It uses executemany
to insert rows as tuples created using the model’s predict
ds = ADSDataset(pd.read_csv("iris.csv"))
create_table = '''CREATE TABLE IRIS_PREDICTED (,
sepal_length number,
sepal_width number,
petal_length number,
petal_width number,
yhat VARCHAR2(20),
connection = cx_Oracle.connect(creds['user'], creds['password'], creds['sid'])
cursor = connection.cursor()
ds_res.to_sql('predicted_iris', con=engine, index=False, if_exists="append")\
rows = [tuple(x) for x in ds_res.values]
insert into IRIS_PREDICTED
(sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, petal_width, SPECIES, yhat)
values (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6)""",
For some models, you could also use predict_proba
to get an array of predictions and their confidence probability.
Amazon S3¶
You can open Amazon S3 public or private files in ADS. For private files, you must pass the right credentials through the ADS storage_options
dictionary.If you have large S3 files, then you benefit from an increased blocksize
ds = ADSDataset(
storage_options = {
'key': 'aws key',
'secret': 'aws secret,
'blocksize': 1000000,
'client_kwargs': {
'endpoint_url': ''
HTTP(S) Sources¶
To open a dataset from a remote web server source, use pandas
to load the data from URL, convert it to ADSDataset
or ADSDatasetWithTarget
and specify the URL of the data:
ds = ADSDatasetWithTarget(
allows easy access to datasets from reference libraries and index websites, such as scikit-learn. To see the supported libraries, use the list()
['web', 'sklearn', 'seaborn', 'R']
To see which dataset is available from scikit-learn, use:
sklearn = DatasetBrowser.sklearn()
['boston', 'breast_cancer', 'diabetes', 'iris', 'wine', 'digits']
Datasets are provided as a convenience. Datasets are considered Third Party Content and are not considered Materials under Your agreement with Oracle applicable to the Services. Review the dataset license.
To explore one of the datasets, use open()
specifying the name of the dataset:
ds ='wine')