Text Extraction¶
Convert files such as PDF, and Microsoft Word files into plain text. The data is stored in Pandas dataframes and therefore it can easily be manipulated and saved. The text extraction module allows you to read files of various file formats, and convert them into different formats that can be used for text manipulation. The most common DataLoader
commands are demonstrated, and some advanced features, such as defining custom backend and file processor.
import ads
import fsspec
import oci
import os
import pandas as pd
import shutil
import time
import tempfile
from ads.text_dataset.backends import Base
from ads.text_dataset.dataset import TextDatasetFactory as textfactory
from ads.text_dataset.extractor import FileProcessor, FileProcessorFactory
from ads.text_dataset.options import Options
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
Text extraction is the process of extracting text from one document and converting it into another form, typically plain text. For example, you can extract the body of text from a PDF document that has figures, tables, images, and text. The process can also be used to extract metadata about the document. Generally, text extraction takes a corpus of documents and returns the extracted text in a structured format. In the ADS text extraction module, that format is a Pandas dataframe.
The Pandas dataframe has a record in each row. That record can be an entire document, a sentence, a line of text, or some other unit of text. In the examples, you explore using a row to indicate a line of text and an entire document.
The ADS text extraction module supports:
Input formats:
.Output formats: Use
for Pandas dataframe, orcudf
for a cuDF dataframe.Backends: Apache Tika (default) and pdfplumber (for PDF).
Source location: local block volume, and in cloud storage such as the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage.
Options to extract metadata.
You can manipulate files through the DataLoader
object. Some of the most common commands are:
: Convert document to text and then save them as plain text files..metadata_all()
: Extract metadata from each file..read_line()
: Read files line-by-line. Each line corresponds to a record in the corpus..read_text()
: Read files where each file corresponds to a record in the corpus.
Configure the Data Source¶
The OCI Data Science service has a corpus of text documents that are used in the examples. This corpus is stored in a publicly accessible OCI Object Storage bucket. The following variables define the Object Storage namespace and the bucket name. You can update these variables to point at your Object Storage bucket, but you might also have to change some of the code in the examples so that the keys are correct.
namespace = 'bigdatadatasciencelarge'
bucket = 'hosted-ds-datasets'
The TextDatasetFactory
, which is aliased to textfactory
in this notebook, provides access to the DataLoader
, and FileProcessor
objects. The DataLoader
is a file format-specific object for reading in documents such as PDF and Word documents. Internally, a data loader binds together a file system interface (in this case fsspec) for opening files. The FileProcessor
object is used to convert these files into plain text. It also has an engine
object to control the output format. For a given DataLoader
object, you can customize both the FileProcessor and engine
Generally, the first step in reading a corpus of documents is to obtain a DataLoader
object. For example, TextDatasetFactory.format('pdf')
returns a DataLoader
for PDFs. Likewise, you can get a Word document loaders by passing in docx
or doc
. You can choose an engine that controls how the data is returned. The default engine is a Python generator. If you want to use the data as a dataframe, then use the .engine()
method. A call to .engine('pandas')
returns the data as a Pandas dataframe. On a GPU machine, you can use cuDF dataframes with a call to .engine('cudf')
The .format()
method controls the backend with Apache Tika and pdfplumber being builtin. In addition, you can write your own backend and plug it into the system. This allows you complete control over the backend. The file processor is used to actually process a specific file format.
To obtain a DataLoader
object, call the use the .format()
method on textfactory
. This returns a DataLoader
object that can then be configured with the .backend()
, .engine()
, and .options()
methods. The .backend()
method is used to define which backend is to manage the process of parsing the corpus. If this is not specified then a sensible default backend is chosen based on the file format that is being processed. The .engine()
method is used to control the output format of the data. If it is not specified, then an iterator is returned. The .options()
method is used to add extra fields to each record. These would be things such as the filename, or metadata about the file. There are more details about this and the other configuration methods in the examples.
Read a Dataset¶
In this example you create a DataLoader
object by calling textfactory.format('pdf')
. This DataLoader
object is configured to read PDF documents. You then change the backend to use pdfplumber with the method .backend('pdfplumber')
. It’s easier to work with the results if they are in a dataframe. So, the method .engine('pandas')
returns a Pandas dataframe.
After you have the DataLoader
object configured, you process the corpus. In this example, the corpus is a single PDF file. It is read from a publicly accessible OCI Object Storage bucket. The .read_line()
method is used to read in the corpus where each line of the document is treated as a record. Thus, each row in the returned dataframe is a line of text from the corpus.
dl = textfactory.format('pdf').backend('pdfplumber').engine('pandas')
df = dl.read_line(
storage_options={"config": {}},

Read Options¶
Typically, you want to treat each line of a document or each document as a record. The method .read_line()
processes a corpus, and return each line in the documents as a text string. The method .read_text()
treats each document in the corpus as a record.
Both the .read_line()
and .read_text()
methods parse the corpus, convert it to text ,and reads it into memory. The .convert_to_text()
method does the same processing as .read_text()
, but it outputs the plain text to files. This allows you to post-process the data without having to again convert the raw documents into plain text documents, which can be an expensive process.
Each document can have a custom set of metadata that describes the document. The .metadata_all()
and .metadata_schema()
methods allow you to access this metadata. Metadata is represented as a key-value pair. The .metadata_all()
returns a set of key-value pairs for each document. The .metadata_schema()
returns what keys are used in defining the metadata. This can vary from document to document and this method creates a list of all observed keys. You use this to understand what metadata is available in the corpus.
The .read_line()
method allows you to read a corpus line-by-line. In other words, each line in a file corresponds to one record. The only required argument to this method is path
. It sets the path to the corpus, and it can contain a glob pattern. For example, oci://{bucket}@{namespace}/pdf_sample/**.pdf
, 'oci://{bucket}@{namespace}/20news-small/**/[1-9]*'
, or /home/datascience/<path-to-folder>/[A-Za-z]*.docx
are all valid paths that contain a glob pattern for selecting multiple files. The path
parameter can also be a list of paths. This allows for reading files from different file paths.
The optional parameter udf
stands for a user-defined function. This parameter can be a callable Python object, or a regular expression (RegEx). If it is a callable Python object, then the function must accept a string as an argument and returns a tuple. If the parameter is a RegEx, then the returned values are the captured RegEx patterns. If there is no match, then the record is ignored. This is a convenient method to selectively capture text from a corpus. In either case, the udf
is applied on the record level, and is a powerful tool for data transformation and filtering.
The .read_line()
method has the following arguments:
: Arguments to pass to the engine. It only applies to Pandas and cuDF dataframes.n_lines_per_file
: Maximal number of lines to read from a single file.path
: The path to the corpus.storage_options
: Options that are necessary for connecting to OCI Object Storage.total_lines
: Maximal number of lines to read from all files.udf
: User-defined function for data transformation and filtering.
Python Callable udf
In the next example, a lambda function is used to create a Python callable object that is passed to the udf
parameter. The lambda function takes a line and splits it based on white space to tokens. It then counts the number of tokens ,and returns a tuple where the first element is the token count and the second element is the line itself.
The df_args
parameter is used to change the column names into user-friendly values.
dl = textfactory.format('docx').engine('pandas')
df = dl.read_line(
udf=lambda x: (len(x.strip().split()), x),
storage_options={"config": {}},
df_args={'columns': ['token count', 'text']},

Regular Expression udf
In this example, the corpus is a collection of log files. A RegEx is used to parse the standard Apache log format. If a line does not match the pattern, it is discarded. If it does match the pattern, then a tuple is returned where each element is a value in the RegEx capture group.
This example uses the default engine, which returns an iterator. The next()
method is used to iterate through the values.
APACHE_LOG_PATTERN = r'^\[(\S+)\s(\S+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+\:\d+\:\d+)\s(\d+)]\s(\S+)\s(\S+)\s(\S+)\s(\S+)'
dl = textfactory.format('txt')
df = dl.read_line(
storage_options={"config": {}},
It you want to treat each document in a corpus as a record, use the .read_text()
method. The path
parameter is the only required parameter as it defines the location of the corpus.
The optional udf
parameter stands for a user-defined function. This parameter can be a callable Python object or a RegEx.
The .read_text()
method has the following arguments:
: Arguments to pass to the engine. It only applies to Pandas and cuDF dataframes.path
: The path to the corpus.storage_options
: Options that are necessary for connecting to OCI Object Storage.total_files
: The maximum number of files that should be processed.udf
: User-defined function for data transformation and filtering.
In this example, the are six files in the corpus. However, the total_files
parameter is set to 4 so only the first four files are processed. There is no guarantee which four will actually be processed. However, this parameter is commonly used to limit the size of the data when you are developing the code for the model. Later on, it is often removed so the entire corpus is processed.
This example also demonstrates the use of a list, plus globbing, to define the corpus. Notice that the path
parameter is a list with two file paths. The output shows the dataframe has four rows and so only four files were processed.
dl = textfactory.format('docx').engine('pandas')
df = dl.read_text(
path=[f'oci://{bucket}@{namespace}/docx_sample/*.docx', f'oci://{bucket}@{namespace}/docx_sample/*.doc'],
storage_options={"config": {}},
(4, 1)
Converting a set of raw documents can be an expensive process. The .convert_to_text()
method allows you to convert a corpus of source document,s and write them out as plain text files. Each document input document is written to a separate file that has the same name as the source file. However, the file extension is changed to .txt
. Converting the raw documents allows you to post-process the raw text multiple times while only have to convert it once.
The src_path
parameter defines the location of the corpus. The dst_path
parameter gives the location where the plain text files are to be written. It can be an Object Storage bucket or the local block storage. If the directory does not exist, it is created. It overwrites any files in the directory.
The .convert_to_text()
method has the following arguments:
: Object Storage or local block storage path where plain text files are written.encoding
: Encoding for files. The default isutf-8
: The path to the corpus.storage_options
: Options that are necessary for connecting to Object Storage.
The following example converts a corpus ,and writes it to a temporary directory. It then lists all the plain text files that were created in the conversion process.
dst_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
dl = textfactory.format('pdf')
storage_options={"config": {}},
['paper-2.txt', 'paper-0.txt', 'Emerging Infectious Diseases copyright info.txt', 'Preventing Chronic Disease Copyright License.txt', 'Budapest Open Access Initiative _ Budapest Open Access Initiative.txt', 'paper-1.txt']
Each document can contain metadata. The purpose of the .metadata_all()
method is to capture this information for each document in the corpus. There is no standard set of metadata across all documents so each document could return different set of values.
The path
parameter is the only required parameter as it defines the location of the corpus.
The .metadata_all()
method has the following arguments:
: Encoding for files. The default isutf-8
: The path to the corpus.storage_options
: Options that are necessary for connecting to Object Storage.
The next example processes a corpus of PDF documents using pdfplumber
, and prints the metadata for the first document.
dl = textfactory.format('pdf').backend('pdfplumber').option(Options.FILE_NAME)
metadata = dl.metadata_all(
path=f'oci://{bucket}@{namespace}/pdf_sample/Emerging Infectious Diseases copyright info.pdf',
storage_options={"config": {}}
{'Creator': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36',
'Producer': 'Skia/PDF m91',
'CreationDate': "D:20210802234012+00'00'",
'ModDate': "D:20210802234012+00'00'"}
The backend that is used can affect what metadata is returned. For example, the Tika backend returns more metadata than pdfplumber
, and also the names of the metadata elements are also different. The following example processes the same PDF document as previously used, but you can see that
there is a difference in the metadata.
dl = textfactory.format('pdf').backend('default')
metadata = dl.metadata_all(
path=f'oci://{bucket}@{namespace}/pdf_sample/Emerging Infectious Diseases copyright info.pdf',
storage_options={"config": {}}
{'Content-Type': 'application/pdf',
'Creation-Date': '2021-08-02T23:40:12Z',
'Last-Modified': '2021-08-02T23:40:12Z',
'Last-Save-Date': '2021-08-02T23:40:12Z',
'X-Parsed-By': ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser',
'access_permission:assemble_document': 'true',
'access_permission:can_modify': 'true',
'access_permission:can_print': 'true',
'access_permission:can_print_degraded': 'true',
'access_permission:extract_content': 'true',
'access_permission:extract_for_accessibility': 'true',
'access_permission:fill_in_form': 'true',
'access_permission:modify_annotations': 'true',
'created': '2021-08-02T23:40:12Z',
'date': '2021-08-02T23:40:12Z',
'dc:format': 'application/pdf; version=1.4',
'dcterms:created': '2021-08-02T23:40:12Z',
'dcterms:modified': '2021-08-02T23:40:12Z',
'meta:creation-date': '2021-08-02T23:40:12Z',
'meta:save-date': '2021-08-02T23:40:12Z',
'modified': '2021-08-02T23:40:12Z',
'pdf:PDFVersion': '1.4',
'pdf:charsPerPage': '2660',
'pdf:docinfo:created': '2021-08-02T23:40:12Z',
'pdf:docinfo:creator_tool': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36',
'pdf:docinfo:modified': '2021-08-02T23:40:12Z',
'pdf:docinfo:producer': 'Skia/PDF m91',
'pdf:encrypted': 'false',
'pdf:hasMarkedContent': 'true',
'pdf:hasXFA': 'false',
'pdf:hasXMP': 'false',
'pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage': '0',
'producer': 'Skia/PDF m91',
'xmp:CreatorTool': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36',
'xmpTPg:NPages': '1'}
As briefly discussed in the .metadata_all()
method section, there is no standard set of metadata across all documents. The .metadata_schema()
method is a convenience method that returns what metadata is available in the corpus. It returns a list of all observed metadata fields in the corpus. Since each document can have a different set of metadata, all the values returned may not exist in all documents. It should also be noted that the engine used can return different metadata for the same document.
The path
parameter is the only required parameter as it defines the location of the corpus.
Often, you don’t want to process an entire corpus of documents to get a sense of what metadata is available. Generally, the engine returns a fairly consistent set of metadata. The n_files
option is handy because it limits the number of files that are processed.
The .metadata_schema()
method has the following arguments:
: Encoding for files. The default isutf-8
: Maximum number of files to process. The default is1
: The path to the corpus.storage_options
: Options that are necessary for connecting to Object Storage.
The following example uses the .metadata_schema()
method to collect the metadata fields on the first two files in the corpus. The n_files=2
parameter is used to control the number of files that are processed.
dl = textfactory.format('pdf').backend('pdfplumber')
schema =dl.metadata_schema(
storage_options={"config": {}},
['ModDate', 'Producer', 'CreationDate', 'Creator']
Augment Records¶
The text_dataset
module has the ability to augment the returned records with additional information using the .option()
method. This method takes an enum from the Options
class. The .option()
method can be used multiple times on the same DataLoader
to select a set of additional information that is returned. The Options.FILE_NAME
enum returns the filename that is associated with the record. The Options.FILE_METADATA
enum allows you to extract individual values from the document’s metadata. Notice that the engine used can return different metadata for the same document.
The following example uses .option(Options.FILE_NAME)
to augment to add the filename of each record that is returned. The example uses the txt
for the FileProcessor
, and Tika for the backend. The engine is Pandas so a dataframe is returned. The df_args
option is used to rename the columns of the dataframe. Notice that the returned dataframe has a column named path
. This is the information that was added to the record from the .option(Options.FILE_NAME)
dl = textfactory.format('txt').backend('tika').engine('pandas').option(Options.FILE_NAME)
df = dl.read_text(
storage_options={"config": {}},
df_args={'columns': ['path', 'text']}

You can add metadata about a document to a record using .option(Options.FILE_METADATA, {'extract': ['<key1>, '<key2>']})
. When using Options.FILE_METADATA
, there is a required second parameter. It takes a dictionary where the key is the action to be taken. In the next example, the extract
key provides a list of metadata that can be extracted. When a list is used, the returned value is also a list of the metadata values. The example uses repeated calls to .option()
where different metadata values are extracted. In this case, a list is not returned, but each value is in a separate Pandas column.
dl = textfactory.format('docx').engine('pandas') \
.option(Options.FILE_METADATA, {'extract': ['Character Count']}) \
.option(Options.FILE_METADATA, {'extract': ['Paragraph-Count']}) \
.option(Options.FILE_METADATA, {'extract': ['Author']})
df = dl.read_text(
storage_options={"config": {}},
df_args={'columns': ['character count', 'paragraph count', 'author', 'content']},

Custom File Processor and Backend¶
The text_dataset
module supports a number of file processors and backends. However, it isn’t practical to provide these for all possible documents. So, the text_dataset
allows you to create your own.
When creating a custom file processor, you must register it with ADS using the FileProcessorFactory.register()
method. The first parameter is the name that you want to associate with the file processor. The second parameter is the class that is to be registered. There is no need to register the backend class.
Custom Backend¶
To create a backend, you need to develop a class that inherits from the ads.text_dataset.backends.Base
class. In your class, you need to overload any of the following methods that you want to use with: .read_line()
, .read_text()
, .convert_to_text()
, and .get_metadata()
. The .get_metadata()
method must be overload if you want to use the .metadata_all()
and .metadata_schema()
methods in your backend.
The .convert_to_text()
method takes a file handler, destination path, filename, and storage options as parameters. This method must write the plain text file to the destination path, and return the path of the file.
The .get_metadata()
method takes a file handler as an input parameter, and returns a dictionary of the metadata. The .metadata_all()
and .metadata_schema()
methods don’t need to be overload because they use the .get_metadata()
method to return their results.
The .read_line()
method must take a file handle, and have a yield
statement that returns a plain text line from the document.
The .read_text()
method has the same requirements as the .read_line()
method, except it must yield
the entire document as
plain text.
The following are the method signatures:
convert_to_text(self, fhandler, dst_path, fname, storage_options)
get_metadata(self, fhandler)
read_line(self, fhandler)
read_text(self, fhandler)
Custom File Processor¶
To create a custom file processor you must develop a class that inherits from ads.text_dataset.extractor.FileProcessor
. Generally, there are no methods that need to be overloaded. However, the backend_map
class variable has to be defined. This is a dictionary where the key is the name of the format that it support,s and the value is the file processor class. There must be a key called default
that is used when no file processor is defined for the DataLoader
. An example of the backend_map
backend_map = {'default': MyCustomBackend, 'tika': Tika, 'custom': MyCustomBackend}
In the next example, you create a custom backend class called ReverseBackend
. It overloads the .read_line()
and .read_text()
methods. This toy backend returns the records in reverse order.
The TextReverseFileProcessor
class is used to create a new file processor for use with the backend. This class has the backend_map
class variable that maps the backend label to the backend object. In this case, the only format that is provided is the default class.
Having defined the backend (TextReverseBackend
) and file processor (TextReverseFileProcessor
) classes, the format must be registered. You register it with the FileProcessorFactory.register('text_reverse', TextReverseFileProcessor)
command where the first parameter is the format and the second parameter is the file processor class.
class TextReverseBackend(Base):
def read_line(self, fhandler):
with fhandler as f:
for line in f:
yield line.decode()[::-1]
def read_text(self, fhandler):
with fhandler as f:
yield f.read().decode()[::-1]
class TextReverseFileProcessor(FileProcessor):
backend_map = {'default': TextReverseBackend}
FileProcessorFactory.register('text_reverse', TextReverseFileProcessor)
Having created the custom backend and file processor, you use the .read_line()
method to read in one record and print it.
dl = textfactory.format('text_reverse')
reverse_text = dl.read_line(
storage_options={"config": {}},
text = next(reverse_text)[0]
)uiL C evetS( ude.uhj.fch.xinuhj@larimda :morF
The .read_line()
method in the TextReverseBackend
class reversed the characters in each line of text that is processed. You can confirm this by reversing it back.
'From: admiral@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu (Steve C Liu)n'