CLI Configuration


Setup default values for different options while running OCI Data Sciecne Jobs or OCI DataFlow. By setting defaults, you can avoid inputing compartment ocid, project ocid, etc.

To setup configuration run -

ads opctl configure

This will prompt you to setup default ADS CLI configurations for each OCI profile defined in your OCI config. By default, all the files are generated in the ~/.ads_ops folder.

~/.ads_ops/config.ini will contain OCI profile defaults and conda pack related information. For example:

oci_config = ~/.oci/config
oci_profile = ANOTHERPROF

conda_pack_folder = </local/path/for/saving/condapack>
conda_pack_os_prefix = oci://my-bucket@mynamespace/conda_environments/

~/.ads_ops/ml_job_config.ini will contain defaults for running Data Science Job. Defaults are set for each profile listed in your oci config file. Here is a sample -

compartment_id = oci.xxxx.<compartment_ocid>
project_id = oci.xxxx.<project_ocid>
subnet_id = oci.xxxx.<subnet-ocid>
log_group_id = oci.xxxx.<log_group_ocid>
log_id = oci.xxxx.<log_ocid>
shape_name = VM.Standard2.2
block_storage_size_in_GBs = 100

compartment_id = oci.xxxx.<compartment_ocid>
project_id = oci.xxxx.<project_ocid>
subnet_id = oci.xxxx.<subnet-ocid>
shape_name = VM.Standard2.1
log_id = oci.xxxx.<log_ocid>
block_storage_size_in_GBs = 50

~/.ads_ops/dataflow_config.ini will contain defaults for running Data Science Job. Defaults are set for each profile listed in your oci config file. Here is a sample -

compartment_id = oci.xxxx.<compartment_ocid>
driver_shape = VM.Standard2.1
executor_shape = VM.Standard2.1
logs_bucket_uri = oci://mybucket@mytenancy/dataflow/logs
script_bucket = oci://mybucket@mytenancy/dataflow/mycode/
num_executors = 3
spark_version = 3.0.2
archive_bucket = oci://mybucket@mytenancy/dataflow/archive

~/.ads_ops/ml_pipeline.ini will contain defaults for running Data Science Pipeline. Defaults are set for each profile listed in your oci config file. Here is a sample -

compartment_id = oci.xxxx.<compartment_ocid>
project_id = oci.xxxx.<project_ocid>

compartment_id = oci.xxxx.<compartment_ocid>
project_id = oci.xxxx.<project_ocid>

~/.ads_ops/local_backend.ini will contain defaults for running jobs and pipeline steps locally. While local operations do not involve connections to OCI services, default configurations are still set for each profile listed in your oci config file for consistency. Here is a sample -

max_parallel_containers = 4
pipeline_status_poll_interval_seconds = 5

max_parallel_containers = 4
pipeline_status_poll_interval_seconds = 5