Source code for ads.model.model_artifact_boilerplate.artifact_introspection_test.model_artifact_validate

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*--

# Copyright (c) 2021, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import argparse
import ast
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import zipfile
from typing import Tuple
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import oci
import requests
import yaml
from ads.model.runtime.utils import SERVICE_PACKS

logger = logging.getLogger()

_cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__)

TESTS_PATH = os.path.join(_cwd, "resources", "tests.yaml")
HTML_PATH = os.path.join(_cwd, "resources", "template.html")
CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(_cwd, "resources", "config.yaml")
PYTHON_VER_PATTERN = "^([3])(\.[6-9])(\.\d+)?$"
PAR_URL = ""

    "score_py": {
        "key": "score_py",
        "category": "Mandatory Files Check",
        "description": 'Check that the file "" exists and is in the top level directory of the artifact directory',
        "error_msg": "The file '' is missing.",
    "runtime_yaml": {
        "category": "Mandatory Files Check",
        "description": 'Check that the file "runtime.yaml" exists and is in the top level directory of the artifact directory',
        "error_msg": "The file 'runtime.yaml' is missing.",
    "score_syntax": {
        "category": "",
        "description": "Check for Python syntax errors",
        "error_msg": "There is Syntax error in ",
    "score_load_model": {
        "category": "",
        "description": "Check that load_model() is defined",
        "error_msg": "Function load_model is not present in",
    "score_predict": {
        "category": "",
        "description": "Check that predict() is defined",
        "error_msg": "Function predict is not present in",
    "score_predict_data": {
        "category": "",
        "description": 'Check that the only required argument for predict() is named "data"',
        "error_msg": "The predict function in must have a formal argument named 'data'.",
    "score_predict_arg": {
        "category": "",
        "description": "Check that all other arguments in predict() are optional and have default values",
        "error_msg": "All formal arguments in the predict function must have default values, except that 'data' argument.",
    "runtime_version": {
        "category": "runtime.yaml",
        "description": "Check that field MODEL_ARTIFACT_VERSION is set to 3.0",
        "error_msg": "In runtime.yaml, the key MODEL_ARTIFACT_VERSION must be set to 3.0.",
    "runtime_env_python": {
        "category": "conda_env",
        "description": "Check that field MODEL_DEPLOYMENT.INFERENCE_PYTHON_VERSION is set to a value of 3.6 or higher",
        "error_msg": "In runtime.yaml, the key MODEL_DEPLOYMENT.INFERENCE_PYTHON_VERSION must be set to a value of 3.6 or higher.",
    "runtime_env_path": {
        "category": "conda_env",
        "description": "Check that field MODEL_DEPLOYMENT.INFERENCE_ENV_PATH is set",
        "error_msg": "In runtime.yaml, the key MODEL_DEPLOYMENT.INFERENCE_ENV_PATH must have a value.",
    "runtime_path_exist": {
        "category": "conda_env",
        "description": "Check that the file path in MODEL_DEPLOYMENT.INFERENCE_ENV_PATH is correct.",
        "error_msg": "In runtime.yaml, the key MODEL_DEPLOYMENT.INFERENCE_ENV_PATH does not exist.",

VARIABLES = {"runtime_env_type": None}

[docs] def combine_msgs(test_list) -> str: """ For a given test_list combine all error_msg if test failed """ msgs = [ TESTS[test]["error_msg"] for test in test_list if not TESTS[test].get("success") ] return "\n".join(msgs)
[docs] def model_deployment_find_fields(cfg) -> None: """ Recursively checks in MODEL_DEPLOYMENT if INFERENCE_ENV_SLUG, INFERENCE_ENV_TYPE, INFERENCE_ENV_PATH Also saves its value if present. """ if not isinstance(cfg, dict): return for key, value in cfg.items(): if key == "INFERENCE_ENV_TYPE": VARIABLES["runtime_env_type"] = value elif key == "INFERENCE_ENV_PATH" and value: TESTS["runtime_env_path"]["success"] = True TESTS["runtime_env_path"]["value"] = value elif key == "INFERENCE_PYTHON_VERSION": m = re.match(PYTHON_VER_PATTERN, str(value)) if m and TESTS["runtime_env_python"]["success"] = True TESTS["runtime_env_python"]["value"] = value else: model_deployment_find_fields(value)
[docs] def get_object_storage_client(): try: signer = oci.auth.signers.get_resource_principals_signer() return oci.object_storage.ObjectStorageClient({}, signer=signer) except: config = oci.config.from_file() return oci.object_storage.ObjectStorageClient(config)
[docs] def check_runtime_yml(file_path) -> Tuple[bool, str]: """ Check runtime yaml mandatory fields """ with open(file_path, "r") as ymlfile: cfg = yaml.load(ymlfile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) if not isinstance(cfg, dict): return False, "runtime.yaml is not valid." model_artifact_version = cfg.get("MODEL_ARTIFACT_VERSION") # if not present None if model_artifact_version == "3.0": TESTS["runtime_version"]["success"] = True else: logger.error(f"MODEL_ARTIFACT_VERSION: {model_artifact_version}") TESTS["runtime_version"]["success"] = False return False, TESTS["runtime_version"]["error_msg"] model_deployment = cfg.get("MODEL_DEPLOYMENT") model_deployment_find_fields(model_deployment) test_list = [ "runtime_env_python", "runtime_env_path", ] for test in test_list: if "success" not in TESTS[test]: TESTS[test]["success"] = False msg = combine_msgs(test_list) if msg: return False, msg try: m = re.match(PYTHON_VER_PATTERN, str(TESTS["runtime_env_python"]["value"])) if m and TESTS["runtime_env_python"]["success"] = True env_path = urlparse(TESTS["runtime_env_path"]["value"]) if VARIABLES["runtime_env_type"] == "data_science": response = requests.request("GET", PAR_URL) if response.ok: service_pack_list = response.json().get(SERVICE_PACKS) service_pack = None for service_pack_item in service_pack_list: pack_path = urlparse(service_pack_item["pack_path"]) if ( pack_path.scheme == env_path.scheme and pack_path.path == env_path.path and pack_path.username == env_path.username ): service_pack = service_pack_item break if service_pack: TESTS["runtime_path_exist"]["success"] = True return True, True else: TESTS["runtime_path_exist"]["success"] = False return False, TESTS["runtime_path_exist"]["error_msg"] else: TESTS["runtime_path_exist"]["success"] = False return False, TESTS["runtime_path_exist"]["error_msg"] else: bucket_name = env_path.username namespace = env_path.hostname object_name = env_path.path.strip("/") if bucket_name != None and namespace != None and object_name != None: try: object_storage_client = get_object_storage_client() head_object_response = object_storage_client.head_object( namespace_name=namespace, bucket_name=bucket_name, object_name=object_name, version_id=None, if_match=None, if_none_match=None, opc_client_request_id=None, opc_sse_customer_algorithm=None, opc_sse_customer_key=None, opc_sse_customer_key_sha256=None, ) TESTS["runtime_path_exist"]["success"] = True return True, True except Exception as e: TESTS["runtime_path_exist"]["success"] = None TESTS["runtime_path_exist"][ "error_msg" ] = "WARNING: Unable to validate if INFERENCE_ENV_PATH exists. Please check whether provided path is correct or user is authorized to access the file" return False, TESTS["runtime_path_exist"]["error_msg"] else: TESTS["runtime_path_exist"]["success"] = False return False, TESTS["runtime_path_exist"]["error_msg"] else: logger.error(f"Mismatch in python version") TESTS["runtime_env_python"]["success"] = False return False, TESTS["runtime_env_python"]["error_msg"] except Exception as e: return False, str(e)
[docs] def check_score_file(file_path) -> Tuple[bool, str]: """ Change current working directory to temporary directory and validate python file """ with open(file_path) as f: source = try: ast_module = ast.parse(source) TESTS["score_syntax"]["success"] = True # passed syntax check present_functions = {} for node in ast_module.body: if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef): present_functions[] = { "args": node.args.args, "defaults": node.args.defaults, } TESTS["score_predict"]["success"] = "predict" in present_functions TESTS["score_load_model"]["success"] = "load_model" in present_functions msg = combine_msgs(["score_predict", "score_load_model"]) if msg: return False, msg # check if predict function take required argument 'data' and all others are optional with default values predict_fn = present_functions["predict"] if predict_fn["args"][0].arg == "data": TESTS["score_predict_data"]["success"] = True if len(predict_fn["defaults"]) == len(predict_fn["args"]) - 1: TESTS["score_predict_arg"]["success"] = True return True, " is valid." else: TESTS["score_predict_arg"]["success"] = False return False, TESTS["score_predict_arg"]["error_msg"] else: TESTS["score_predict_data"]["success"] = False return False, TESTS["score_predict_data"]["error_msg"] except SyntaxError as e: TESTS["score_syntax"]["success"] = False TESTS["score_syntax"]["error_msg"] = TESTS["score_syntax"]["error_msg"] + str( e ) # error message has ": " e has syntax error details return False, TESTS["score_syntax"]["error_msg"]
[docs] def check_mandatory_files(files_present) -> Tuple[bool, str]: """ Check if and runtime.yaml are present or not. """ filename_list = [os.path.basename(fileName) for fileName in files_present] TESTS["score_py"]["success"] = "" in filename_list TESTS["runtime_yaml"]["success"] = "runtime.yaml" in filename_list msg = combine_msgs(["score_py", "runtime_yaml"]) if msg: return False, msg else: return True, "All mandatory files are present."
[docs] def validate_artifact(artifact) -> Tuple[bool, str]: """ Unzip the artifact zip file passed. Check for test cases. The method returns the status of check and error message if any. :artifact: str """ output_msg = "Validation Passed." success = True # create temporary folder and unzip model artifact temp_path = "" try: if artifact.endswith(".zip"): temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=".") with zipfile.ZipFile(artifact) as zip_ref: files_present = zip_ref.namelist() _status, _msg = check_mandatory_files(files_present) if not _status: raise Exception(_msg) for file_name in files_present: folder_list = file_name.split("/") if len(folder_list) <= 2: base_file_name = folder_list[-1] if os.path.basename(base_file_name) in [ "", "runtime.yaml", ]: source = target = open( os.path.join(temp_path, os.path.basename(file_name)), "wb", ) with source, target: shutil.copyfileobj(source, target) elif os.path.isdir(artifact): files_present = os.listdir(artifact) _status, _msg = check_mandatory_files(files_present) print(files_present) if not _status: raise Exception(_msg) else: raise Exception("Invalid Artifact Path") if temp_path: dir_path = temp_path else: dir_path = artifact _status, _msg = check_score_file(os.path.join(dir_path, "")) if not _status: raise Exception(_msg) _status, _msg = check_runtime_yml(os.path.join(dir_path, "runtime.yaml")) if not _status: raise Exception(_msg) except Exception as e: output_msg = str(e) success = False finally: if temp_path: shutil.rmtree(temp_path) return success, output_msg
RESULT_LIST = [True, False, None]
[docs] def get_test_result(test_id) -> int: """ Gives a number based on test result: 0: test was success 1: test failed 2: didn't run test """ success = TESTS[test_id].get("success") return RESULT_LIST.index(success)
[docs] def write_html(output_path) -> None: """ writes an html file to output_path based on TESTS """ css_classes = ["pass", "fail", "no-test"] out_classes = ["Passed", "Failed", "Not Tested"] count_classes = ["odd", "even"] category = "" html_response = f'<body style="background-color:#F0FFFF; margin:10;padding:30"><h2>Introspection Tests Results</h2><br><br>' count = 0 for key, value in TESTS.items(): result = get_test_result(key) html_response += f'<tr class="{css_classes[result]}"><th class="{count_classes[count%2]}">{count}</th><td>{key}</td><td>{TESTS[key]["description"]}</td><td>{out_classes[result]}</td>' if get_test_result(key) == 1 or ( key == "runtime_path_exist" and "WARNING" in TESTS[key]["error_msg"] ): html_response += f'<td>{TESTS[key]["error_msg"]}</td></tr></body>' else: html_response += f"<td> </td></tr></body>" count += 1 html_template = "<html><style>body{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif}table{border-collapse:collapse font-family: arial, sans-serif}td,th{padding:0em 0em 0.7em 0.7em}.no-test{background-color:#E7E30C}.fail{background-color:#E73A0C}.pass{background-color:#1CCE70}.odd{background-color:#eef}.even{background-color:white}</style><body><table><tr><th></th><th>Test key</th><th>Test Name</th><th>Result</th><th>Message</th></tr> %s</table></body></html>" with open(output_path, "w") as f: f.write(html_template % (html_response))
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Model Artifact Validation") required_args = parser.add_argument_group("required arguments:") required_args.add_argument( "--artifact", required=True, help="Enter path of model artifact zip file." ) args = parser.parse_args() success, output_msg = validate_artifact(args.artifact) # Output Files HTML_OUTPUT = "test_html_output.html" JSON_OUTPUT = "test_json_output.json" "Output files are available in the same folder as {JSON_OUTPUT} and {HTML_OUTPUT}" ) write_html(HTML_OUTPUT) with open(JSON_OUTPUT, "w") as f: TESTS["Final_message"] = output_msg json.dump(TESTS, f, indent=4)