Source code for ads.secrets.secrets

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*--

# Copyright (c) 2021, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import ads
from ads.vault import Vault
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
import os
import json
from contextlib import ContextDecorator
from import tqdm
import yaml
import fsspec
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, asdict
from typing import Union

logger = ads.getLogger("ads.secrets")

[docs] @dataclass class Secret: """Base class Methods ------- serialize(self) -> dict Serializes attributes as dictionary. Returns dictionary with the keys that are serializable. to_dict(self) -> dict returns dictionarry with the keys that has `repr` set to True and the value is not None or empty export_dict -> dict returns dictionary with the keys that has `repr` set tp True export_options -> dcit returns list of attributes with the fields that has `repr` set to True """
[docs] def serialize(self) -> dict: """Serializes attributes as dictionary. An attribute can be marked as not serializable by using `metadata` field of the `field` constructor provided by the dataclasses module. Returns ------- dict returns dictionay of key/value pair where the value of the attribute is not None and not empty and the field does not have `metadata` = {"serializable":False}. Refer dataclass python documentation for more details about `metadata` """ return { getattr(self, for f in fields(self) if ("serializable" not in f.metadata or f.metadata["serializable"]) and getattr(self, }
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Serializes attributes as dictionary. Returns only non empty attributes. Returns ------- dict returns dictionary of key/value pair where the value of the attribute is not None or empty """ return asdict(self, dict_factory=lambda x: {k: v for (k, v) in x if v})
[docs] def export_options(self) -> list: """Returns list of attributes that have `repr=True`. Returns ------- list returns list of fields that does not have `repr=False` """ return [ for f in fields(self) if f.repr]
[docs] def export_dict(self) -> dict: """Serializes attributes as dictionary. Returns ------- dict returns dictionary of key/value pair where the value of the attribute is not None and the field does not have `repr`=`False` """ return {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.export_options()}
[docs] class SecretKeeper(Vault, ContextDecorator): """ SecretKeeper defines APIs required to serialize and deserialize secrets. Services such as Database, Streaming, and Git require users to provide credentials. These credentials need to be safely accessed at runtime. OCI Vault provides a mechanism for safe storage and access. SecretKeeper uses OCI Vault as a backend to store and retrieve the credentials. The exact data structure of the credentials varies from service to service. """ required_keys = ["secret_id"] def __init__( self, content: bytes = None, encoded: str = None, secret_id: str = None, export_prefix: str = "", export_env: bool = False, **kwargs, ): self.encoded = encoded self.secret_id = secret_id self.content = content self.export_prefix = export_prefix self.export_env = export_env super().__init__(**kwargs) def _encode(self, content: bytes = None, str_encoding="utf-8"): return b64encode(content).decode(str_encoding) if content else None def _decode(self, content=None, str_encoding="utf-8"): value = b64decode(content if content else self.encoded) return value.decode(str_encoding) if str_encoding else value
[docs] def encode(self): """ Stores the secret in `self.secret` by calling `serialize` method on Stores base64 encoded string of `self.secret` in `self.encoded`. """ if not hasattr(self, "data"): raise ValueError("No payload to encode") self.secret = self.encoded = self._encode(json.dumps(self.secret).encode("utf-8")) return self
[docs] def decode(self) -> "ads.secrets.SecretKeeper": """ Decodes the content in self.encoded and sets the vaule in self.secret. """ self.secret = self._decode() return self
[docs] def save( self, name: str, description: str, freeform_tags: dict = None, defined_tags: dict = None, ) -> "ads.secrets.SecretKeeper": """Saves credentials to Vault and returns self. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the secret when saved in the Vault. description : str Description of the secret when saved in the Vault. freeform_tags : dict, optional freeform_tags to be used for saving the secret in OCI console. defined_tags: dict, optional. Save the tags under predefined tags in OCI console. Returns ------- SecretKeeper: Returns self object. """ with tqdm(total=2, leave=False) as pbar: pbar.set_description("Encoding credentials") self.encode() pbar.update() pbar.set_description("Saving secrets to Vault") logger.debug( f"Saving to vault with following information - Vault ID: {}, Key ID: {self.key_id}, name: {name}, description:{description}, freeform_tags:{freeform_tags}, defined_tags:{defined_tags}" ) self.secret_id = self.create_secret( self.encoded, encode=False, secret_name=name, description=description, freeform_tags=freeform_tags, defined_tags=defined_tags, ) pbar.update()"Saved secret. Secret ID: {self.secret_id}") return self
[docs] @classmethod def load_secret( cls, source: str, format: str = "ocid", export_env: bool = False, export_prefix: str = "", auth=None, storage_options: dict = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[dict, "ads.secrets.SecretKeeper"]: """Loads secret from vault using secret_id. Parameters ---------- source : str Source could be one of the following: - OCID of the secret that has the secret content. - file path that is json or yaml format with the key - `secret_id: ocid1.vaultsecret..<unique_ID>` format : str Defult is `ocid`. When `ocid`, the source must be a secret id Value values: - `ocid` - source is expected to be ocid of the secret - `yaml` or `yml` - source is expected to be a path to a valid yaml file - `json` - source is expected to be a path to a valid json file export_env : str, Default False When set to true, the credentails will be exported to the environment variable. When `load_secret` is invoked using `with` statement, information exported as environment variable is unset before leaving the `with` scope export_prefix: str, Default "" Prefix to the environment variable that is exported. auth: dict, optional By default authentication will follow what is configured using ads.set_auth API. Accepts dict returned from `ads.common.auth.api_keys()` or `ads.common.auth.resource_principal()`. storage_options: dict, optional storage_options dict as required by `fsspec` library kwargs: key word arguments accepted by the constructor of the class from which this method is invoked. Returns ------- dict: When called from within `with` block, Returns a dictionary containing the secret ads.secrets.SecretKeeper: When called without using `with` operator. Examples -------- >>> from ads.secrets import APIKeySecretKeeper >>> with APIKeySecretKeeper.load_secret(source="ocid1.vaultsecret.**<unique_ID>**", ... export_prefix="mykafka", ... export_env=True ... ) as apisecret: ... import os ... print("Credentials inside environment variable:", ... os.environ.get('mykafka.api_key')) ... print("Credentials inside `apisecret` object: ", apisecret) Credentials inside environment variable: <your api key> Credentials inside `apisecret` object: {'api_key': 'your api key'} >>> from ads.secrets import ADBSecretKeeper >>> with ADBSecretKeeper.load_secret("ocid1.vaultsecret.**<unique_ID>**") as adw_creds2: ... import pandas as pd ... df2 ="select * from ATTRITION_DATA", ... connection_parameters=adw_creds2) ... print(df2.head(2)) JOBFUNCTION ATTRITION 0 Product Management No 1 Software Developer No """"Fetching secret from Vault..") if format.lower() == "ocid": secret_id = source else: vault_info = {} uri = source with, storage_options=storage_options) as vf: if format.lower() == "json": vault_info = json.load(vf) elif format.lower() in ["yaml", "yml"]: vault_info = yaml.load(vf, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) if not cls._validate_required_vault_attributes(vault_info): logger.error( f"Missing required Attributes in file {uri}: {cls.required_keys}" ) raise ValueError( f"The file: {uri} does not contain all the required attributes - {','.join(cls.required_keys)}." ) secret_id = vault_info["secret_id"] logger.debug(f"Fetch with details: secret_id:{secret_id}") secret = cls(auth=auth).get_secret(secret_id, decoded=False)"Fetched secret from Vault successfully") return cls( secret_id=secret_id, encoded=secret, export_env=export_env, export_prefix=export_prefix, **kwargs, ).decode()
@classmethod def _validate_required_vault_attributes(cls, vault_info): return len([k for k in cls.required_keys if k in vault_info]) == len( cls.required_keys ) def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.exported_keys = [] if self.export_env: secret_data = export_dict = { f"{self.export_prefix}.{key}" if self.export_prefix else key: secret_data[key] for key in secret_data if secret_data[key] } # Validate if the keys are already in the environment variable. If they are there # Throw an error and ask user to provide a prefix for key in export_dict: if os.environ.get(key): logger.error( f"Environment variable {key} already exists. Please consider providing `export_prefix` to avoid name collision." ) raise Exception( f"Environment variable {key} already exists. Please consider providing `export_prefix` to avoid name collision." ) os.environ.update(export_dict) self.exported_keys = list(export_dict.keys()) logger.debug( f"Exporting credentials to environment. Keys: {self.exported_keys}" ) else: logger.debug(f"Skipping Export credentials to environment.") self.context_secret = return self.context_secret def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(self, "exported_keys"): logger.debug(f"Clearing credetials from environment") for key in self.exported_keys: logger.debug(f"Removed {key}") os.environ.pop(key, None) logger.debug(f"Clearing credetials from dictionary") for key in setattr(self, key, None) self.context_secret[key] = None
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Returns dict of credentials retrieved from the vault or set through constructor arguments. Returns ------- dict dict of credentials retrieved from the vault or set through constructor. """ return {key: getattr(, key) for key in}
[docs] def export_vault_details( self, filepath: str, format: str = "json", storage_options: dict = None ): # Consider other name. """Save secret_id in a json file Parameters ---------- filepath : str Filepath to save the file. format : str Default is `json`. Valid values: - `yaml` or `yml` - to store vault details in a yaml file - `json` - to store vault details in a json file storage_options: dict, optional. storage_options dict as required by `fsspec` library Returns ------- None Returns None """ import fsspec with filepath, "w", storage_options=storage_options ) as cred_info_file: if format.lower() == "json": json.dump( { "vault_id":, "key_id": self.key_id, "secret_id": self.secret_id, }, cred_info_file, ) elif format.lower() in ["yaml", "yml"]: yaml.dump( { "vault_id":, "key_id": self.key_id, "secret_id": self.secret_id, }, cred_info_file, ) else: logger.error( f"Unrecognized format: {format}. Value values are - json, yaml, yml" ) raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized format: {format}. Value values are - json, yaml, yml" )