Source code for ads.common.auth

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2021, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import copy
from datetime import datetime
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
import time
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union

import ads.telemetry
import oci
from ads.common import logger
from ads.common.decorator.deprecate import deprecated
from ads.common.extended_enum import ExtendedEnumMeta
from oci.config import DEFAULT_LOCATION  # "~/.oci/config"
from oci.config import DEFAULT_PROFILE  # "DEFAULT"


[docs] class SecurityTokenError(Exception): # pragma: no cover pass
[docs] class AuthType(str, metaclass=ExtendedEnumMeta): API_KEY = "api_key" RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL = "resource_principal" INSTANCE_PRINCIPAL = "instance_principal" SECURITY_TOKEN = "security_token"
[docs] class SingletonMeta(type): _instances = {} def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls not in cls._instances: cls._instances[cls] = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) return cls._instances[cls]
[docs] @dataclass() class AuthState(metaclass=SingletonMeta): """ Class stores state of variables specified for auth method, configuration, configuration file location, profile name, signer or signer_callable, which set by use at any given time and can be provided by this class in any ADS module. """ oci_iam_type: str = None oci_cli_auth: str = None oci_config_path: str = None oci_key_profile: str = None oci_config: Dict = None oci_signer: Any = None oci_signer_callable: Callable = None oci_signer_kwargs: Dict = None oci_client_kwargs: Dict = None def __post_init__(self): self.oci_iam_type = self.oci_iam_type or os.environ.get( "OCI_IAM_TYPE", AuthType.API_KEY ) self.oci_cli_auth = self.oci_cli_auth or os.environ.get( "OCI_CLI_AUTH", AuthType.RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL ) self.oci_config_path = self.oci_config_path or os.environ.get( "OCI_CONFIG_LOCATION", DEFAULT_LOCATION ) self.oci_key_profile = self.oci_key_profile or os.environ.get( "OCI_CONFIG_PROFILE", DEFAULT_PROFILE ) self.oci_config = self.oci_config or {"region": os.environ["OCI_RESOURCE_REGION"]} if os.environ.get("OCI_RESOURCE_REGION") else {} self.oci_signer_kwargs = self.oci_signer_kwargs or {} self.oci_client_kwargs = self.oci_client_kwargs or {}
[docs] def set_auth( auth: Optional[str] = AuthType.API_KEY, oci_config_location: Optional[str] = DEFAULT_LOCATION, profile: Optional[str] = DEFAULT_PROFILE, config: Optional[Dict] = {"region": os.environ["OCI_RESOURCE_REGION"]} if os.environ.get("OCI_RESOURCE_REGION") else {}, signer: Optional[Any] = None, signer_callable: Optional[Callable] = None, signer_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = {}, client_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = {}, ) -> None: """ Sets the default authentication type. Parameters ---------- auth: Optional[str], default 'api_key' 'api_key', 'resource_principal' or 'instance_principal'. Enable/disable resource principal identity, instance principal or keypair identity in a notebook session oci_config_location: Optional[str], default '~/.oci/config' config file location profile: Optional[str], default is DEFAULT_PROFILE, which is 'DEFAULT' profile name for api keys config file config: Optional[Dict], default {} created config dictionary signer: Optional[Any], default None created signer, can be resource principals signer, instance principal signer or other. Check documentation for more signers: signer_callable: Optional[Callable], default None a callable object that returns signer signer_kwargs: Optional[Dict], default None parameters accepted by the signer. Check documentation: client_kwargs: Optional[Dict], default None Additional keyword arguments for initializing the OCI client. Example: client_kwargs = {"timeout": 60} Examples -------- >>> ads.set_auth("api_key") # default signer is set to api keys >>> ads.set_auth("api_key", profile = "TEST") # default signer is set to api keys and to use TEST profile >>> ads.set_auth("api_key", oci_config_location = "other_config_location") # use non-default oci_config_location >>> ads.set_auth("api_key", client_kwargs={"timeout": 60}) # default signer with connection and read timeouts set to 60 seconds for the client. >>> other_config = oci.config.from_file("other_config_location", "OTHER_PROFILE") # Create non-default config >>> ads.set_auth(config=other_config) # Set api keys type of authentication based on provided config >>> config={ ... user=ocid1.user.oc1..<unique_ID>, ... fingerprint=<fingerprint>, ... tenancy=ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<unique_ID>, ... region=us-ashburn-1, ... key_content=<private key content>, ... } >>> ads.set_auth(config=config) # Set api key authentication using private key content based on provided config >>> config={ ... user=ocid1.user.oc1..<unique_ID>, ... fingerprint=<fingerprint>, ... tenancy=ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<unique_ID>, ... region=us-ashburn-1, ... key_file=~/.oci/oci_api_key.pem, ... } >>> ads.set_auth(config=config) # Set api key authentication using private key file location based on provided config >>> ads.set_auth("resource_principal") # Set resource principal authentication >>> ads.set_auth("instance_principal") # Set instance principal authentication >>> ads.set_auth("security_token") # Set security token authentication >>> config = dict( ... region=us-ashburn-1, ... key_file=~/.oci/sessions/DEFAULT/oci_api_key.pem, ... security_token_file=~/.oci/sessions/DEFAULT/token ... ) >>> ads.set_auth("security_token", config=config) # Set security token authentication from provided config >>> signer = oci.signer.Signer( ... user=ocid1.user.oc1..<unique_ID>, ... fingerprint=<fingerprint>, ... tenancy=ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<unique_ID>, ... region=us-ashburn-1, ... private_key_content=<private key content>, ... ) >>> ads.set_auth(signer=signer) # Set api keys authentication with private key content based on provided signer >>> signer = oci.signer.Signer( ... user=ocid1.user.oc1..<unique_ID>, ... fingerprint=<fingerprint>, ... tenancy=ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<unique_ID>, ... region=us-ashburn-1, ... private_key_file_location=<private key content>, ... ) >>> ads.set_auth(signer=signer) # Set api keys authentication with private key file location based on provided signer >>> signer = oci.auth.signers.get_resource_principals_signer() >>> ads.auth.create_signer(config={}, signer=signer) # resource principals authentication dictionary created >>> signer_callable = oci.auth.signers.ResourcePrincipalsFederationSigner >>> ads.set_auth(signer_callable=signer_callable) # Set resource principal federation signer callable >>> signer_callable = oci.auth.signers.InstancePrincipalsSecurityTokenSigner >>> signer_kwargs = dict(log_requests=True) # will log the request url and response data when retrieving >>> # instance principals authentication dictionary created based on callable with kwargs parameters: >>> ads.set_auth(signer_callable=signer_callable, signer_kwargs=signer_kwargs) """ auth_state = AuthState() valid_auth_keys = AuthFactory.classes.keys() if auth in valid_auth_keys: auth_state.oci_iam_type = auth else: raise ValueError( f"Allowed values are: {valid_auth_keys}. If you wish to use other authentication form, " f"pass a valid signer or use signer_callable and signer_kwargs" ) if config and ( oci_config_location != DEFAULT_LOCATION or profile != DEFAULT_PROFILE ): raise ValueError( f"'config' and 'oci_config_location', 'profile' pair are mutually exclusive." f"Please specify 'config' OR 'oci_config_location', 'profile' pair." ) auth_state.oci_config = config auth_state.oci_key_profile = profile auth_state.oci_config_path = oci_config_location auth_state.oci_signer = signer auth_state.oci_signer_callable = signer_callable auth_state.oci_signer_kwargs = signer_kwargs auth_state.oci_client_kwargs = client_kwargs
[docs] def api_keys( oci_config: Union[str, Dict] = os.path.expanduser(DEFAULT_LOCATION), profile: str = DEFAULT_PROFILE, client_kwargs: Dict = None, ) -> Dict: """ Prepares authentication and extra arguments necessary for creating clients for different OCI services using API Keys. Parameters ---------- oci_config: Optional[Union[str, Dict]], default is ~/.oci/config OCI authentication config file location or a dictionary with config attributes. profile: Optional[str], is DEFAULT_PROFILE, which is 'DEFAULT' Profile name to select from the config file. client_kwargs: Optional[Dict], default None kwargs that are required to instantiate the Client if we need to override the defaults. Returns ------- dict Contains keys - config, signer and client_kwargs. - The config contains the config loaded from the configuration loaded from `oci_config`. - The signer contains the signer object created from the api keys. - client_kwargs contains the `client_kwargs` that was passed in as input parameter. Examples -------- >>> from ads.common import oci_client as oc >>> auth = ads.auth.api_keys(oci_config="/home/datascience/.oci/config", profile="TEST", client_kwargs={"timeout": 6000}) >>> oc.OCIClientFactory(**auth).object_storage # Creates Object storage client with timeout set to 6000 using API Key authentication """ signer_args = dict( oci_config=oci_config if isinstance(oci_config, Dict) else {}, oci_config_location=oci_config if isinstance(oci_config, str) else os.path.expanduser(DEFAULT_LOCATION), oci_key_profile=profile, client_kwargs=client_kwargs, ) signer_generator = AuthFactory().signerGenerator(AuthType.API_KEY) return signer_generator(signer_args).create_signer()
[docs] def resource_principal( client_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> Dict: """ Prepares authentication and extra arguments necessary for creating clients for different OCI services using Resource Principals. Parameters ---------- client_kwargs: Dict, default None kwargs that are required to instantiate the Client if we need to override the defaults. Returns ------- dict Contains keys - config, signer and client_kwargs. - The config contains and empty dictionary. - The signer contains the signer object created from the resource principal. - client_kwargs contains the `client_kwargs` that was passed in as input parameter. Examples -------- >>> from ads.common import oci_client as oc >>> auth = ads.auth.resource_principal({"timeout": 6000}) >>> oc.OCIClientFactory(**auth).object_storage # Creates Object Storage client with timeout set to 6000 seconds using resource principal authentication """ signer_args = dict(client_kwargs=client_kwargs) signer_generator = AuthFactory().signerGenerator(AuthType.RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL) return signer_generator(signer_args).create_signer()
[docs] def security_token( oci_config: Union[str, Dict] = os.path.expanduser(DEFAULT_LOCATION), profile: str = DEFAULT_PROFILE, client_kwargs: Dict = None, ) -> Dict: """ Prepares authentication and extra arguments necessary for creating clients for different OCI services using Security Token. Parameters ---------- oci_config: Optional[Union[str, Dict]], default is ~/.oci/config OCI authentication config file location or a dictionary with config attributes. profile: Optional[str], is DEFAULT_PROFILE, which is 'DEFAULT' Profile name to select from the config file. client_kwargs: Optional[Dict], default None kwargs that are required to instantiate the Client if we need to override the defaults. Returns ------- dict Contains keys - config, signer and client_kwargs. - The config contains the config loaded from the configuration loaded from `oci_config`. - The signer contains the signer object created from the security token. - client_kwargs contains the `client_kwargs` that was passed in as input parameter. Examples -------- >>> from ads.common import oci_client as oc >>> auth = ads.auth.security_token(oci_config="/home/datascience/.oci/config", profile="TEST", client_kwargs={"timeout": 6000}) >>> oc.OCIClientFactory(**auth).object_storage # Creates Object storage client with timeout set to 6000 using Security Token authentication """ signer_args = dict( oci_config=oci_config if isinstance(oci_config, Dict) else {}, oci_config_location=oci_config if isinstance(oci_config, str) else os.path.expanduser(DEFAULT_LOCATION), oci_key_profile=profile, client_kwargs=client_kwargs, ) signer_generator = AuthFactory().signerGenerator(AuthType.SECURITY_TOKEN) return signer_generator(signer_args).create_signer()
[docs] def create_signer( auth_type: Optional[str] = AuthType.API_KEY, oci_config_location: Optional[str] = DEFAULT_LOCATION, profile: Optional[str] = DEFAULT_PROFILE, config: Optional[Dict] = {}, signer: Optional[Any] = None, signer_callable: Optional[Callable] = None, signer_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = {}, client_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> Dict: """ Prepares authentication and extra arguments necessary for creating clients for different OCI services based on provided parameters. If `signer` or `signer`_callable` provided, authentication with that signer will be created. If `config` provided, api_key type of authentication will be created. Accepted values for `auth_type`: `api_key` (default), 'instance_principal', 'resource_principal'. Parameters ---------- auth_type: Optional[str], default 'api_key' 'api_key', 'resource_principal' or 'instance_principal'. Enable/disable resource principal identity, instance principal or keypair identity in a notebook session oci_config_location: Optional[str], default oci.config.DEFAULT_LOCATION, which is '~/.oci/config' config file location profile: Optional[str], default is DEFAULT_PROFILE, which is 'DEFAULT' profile name for api keys config file config: Optional[Dict], default {} created config dictionary signer: Optional[Any], default None created signer, can be resource principals signer, instance principal signer or other. Check documentation for more signers: signer_callable: Optional[Callable], default None a callable object that returns signer signer_kwargs: Optional[Dict], default None parameters accepted by the signer. Check documentation: client_kwargs : dict kwargs that are required to instantiate the Client if we need to override the defaults Examples -------- >>> import ads >>> auth = ads.auth.create_signer() # api_key type of authentication dictionary created with default config location and default profile >>> config = oci.config.from_file("other_config_location", "OTHER_PROFILE") >>> auth = ads.auth.create_signer(config=config) # api_key type of authentication dictionary created based on provided config >>> config={ ... user=ocid1.user.oc1..<unique_ID>, ... fingerprint=<fingerprint>, ... tenancy=ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<unique_ID>, ... region=us-ashburn-1, ... key_content=<private key content>, ... } >>> auth = ads.auth.create_signer(config=config) # api_key type of authentication dictionary with private key content created based on provided config >>> config={ ... user=ocid1.user.oc1..<unique_ID>, ... fingerprint=<fingerprint>, ... tenancy=ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<unique_ID>, ... region=us-ashburn-1, ... key_file=~/.oci/oci_api_key.pem, ... } >>> auth = ads.auth.create_signer(config=config) # api_key type of authentication dictionary with private key file location created based on provided config >>> signer = oci.auth.signers.get_resource_principals_signer() >>> auth = ads.auth.create_signer(config={}, signer=signer) # resource principals authentication dictionary created >>> auth = ads.auth.create_signer(auth_type='instance_principal') # instance principals authentication dictionary created >>> signer_callable = oci.auth.signers.InstancePrincipalsSecurityTokenSigner >>> signer_kwargs = dict(log_requests=True) # will log the request url and response data when retrieving >>> auth = ads.auth.create_signer(signer_callable=signer_callable, signer_kwargs=signer_kwargs) # instance principals authentication dictionary created based on callable with kwargs parameters >>> config = dict( ... region=us-ashburn-1, ... key_file=~/.oci/sessions/DEFAULT/oci_api_key.pem, ... security_token_file=~/.oci/sessions/DEFAULT/token ... ) >>> auth = ads.auth.create_signer(auth_type="security_token", config=config) # security token authentication created based on provided config """ if signer or signer_callable: configuration = ads.telemetry.update_oci_client_config(config) if signer_callable: signer = signer_callable(**signer_kwargs) signer_dict = { "config": configuration, "signer": signer, "client_kwargs": client_kwargs, }"Using authentication signer type {type(signer)}.") return signer_dict else: signer_args = dict( oci_config_location=oci_config_location, oci_key_profile=profile, oci_config=config, client_kwargs=client_kwargs, ) signer_generator = AuthFactory().signerGenerator(auth_type) return signer_generator(signer_args).create_signer()
[docs] def default_signer(client_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Dict: """ Prepares authentication and extra arguments necessary for creating clients for different OCI services based on the default authentication setting for the session. Refer ads.set_auth API for further reference. Parameters ---------- client_kwargs : dict kwargs that are required to instantiate the Client if we need to override the defaults. Example: client_kwargs = {"timeout": 60} Returns ------- dict Contains keys - config, signer and client_kwargs. - The config contains the config loaded from the configuration loaded from the default location if the default auth mode is API keys, otherwise it is empty dictionary. - The signer contains the signer object created from default auth mode. - client_kwargs contains the `client_kwargs` that was passed in as input parameter. Examples -------- >>> import ads >>> from ads.common import oci_client as oc >>> auth = ads.auth.default_signer() >>> oc.OCIClientFactory(**auth).object_storage # Creates Object storage client >>> ads.set_auth("resource_principal") >>> auth = ads.auth.default_signer() >>> oc.OCIClientFactory(**auth).object_storage # Creates Object storage client using resource principal authentication >>> signer_callable = oci.auth.signers.InstancePrincipalsSecurityTokenSigner >>> ads.set_auth(signer_callable=signer_callable) # Set instance principal callable >>> auth = ads.auth.default_signer() # signer_callable instantiated >>> oc.OCIClientFactory(**auth).object_storage # Creates Object storage client using instance principal authentication """ auth_state = AuthState() if auth_state.oci_signer or auth_state.oci_signer_callable: configuration = ads.telemetry.update_oci_client_config(auth_state.oci_config) signer = auth_state.oci_signer if auth_state.oci_signer_callable: signer_kwargs = auth_state.oci_signer_kwargs or {} signer = auth_state.oci_signer_callable(**signer_kwargs) signer_dict = { "config": configuration, "signer": signer, "client_kwargs": { **(auth_state.oci_client_kwargs or {}), **(client_kwargs or {}), }, }"Using authentication signer type {type(signer)}.") return signer_dict else: signer_args = dict( oci_config_location=auth_state.oci_config_path, oci_key_profile=auth_state.oci_key_profile, oci_config=auth_state.oci_config, client_kwargs={ **(auth_state.oci_client_kwargs or {}), **(client_kwargs or {}), }, ) signer_generator = AuthFactory().signerGenerator(auth_state.oci_iam_type) return signer_generator(signer_args).create_signer()
[docs] @deprecated( "2.7.3", details="Deprecated, use: from ads.common.auth import create_signer.", ) def get_signer( oci_config: Optional[str] = None, oci_profile: Optional[str] = None, **client_kwargs ) -> Dict: """ Provides config and signer based given parameters. If oci_config (api key config file location) and oci_profile specified new signer will ge generated. Else signer of a type specified in OCI_CLI_AUTH environment variable will be used to generate signer and return. If OCI_CLI_AUTH not set, resource principal signer will be provided. Accepted values for OCI_CLI_AUTH: 'api_key', 'instance_principal', 'resource_principal'. Parameters ---------- oci_config: Optional[str], default None Path to the config file oci_profile: Optional[str], default None the profile to load from the config file client_kwargs: kwargs that are required to instantiate the Client if we need to override the defaults """ if oci_config and oci_profile: signer_args = dict( oci_config_location=oci_config, oci_key_profile=oci_profile, client_kwargs=client_kwargs, ) signer_generator = AuthFactory().signerGenerator(AuthType.API_KEY) else: oci_cli_auth = ( AuthState().oci_cli_auth ) # "resource_principal", if env variable OCI_CLI_AUTH not set valid_auth_keys = AuthFactory.classes.keys() if oci_cli_auth not in valid_auth_keys: oci_cli_auth = AuthType.RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL signer_args = dict( client_kwargs=client_kwargs, ) signer_generator = AuthFactory().signerGenerator(oci_cli_auth) return signer_generator(signer_args).create_signer()
[docs] class AuthSignerGenerator: # pragma: no cover """ Abstract class for auth configuration and signer creation. """
[docs] def create_signer(self): pass
[docs] class APIKey(AuthSignerGenerator): """ Creates api keys auth instance. This signer is intended to be used when signing requests for a given user - it requires that user’s ID, their private key and certificate fingerprint. It prepares extra arguments necessary for creating clients for variety of OCI services. """ def __init__(self, args: Optional[Dict] = None): """ Signer created based on args provided. If not provided current values of according arguments will be used from current global state from AuthState class. Parameters ---------- args: dict args that are required to create api key config and signer. Contains keys: oci_config, oci_config_location, oci_key_profile, client_kwargs. - oci_config is a configuration dict that can be used to create clients - oci_config_location - path to config file - oci_key_profile - the profile to load from config file - client_kwargs - optional parameters for OCI client creation in next steps """ self.oci_config = args.get("oci_config") self.oci_config_location = args.get("oci_config_location") self.oci_key_profile = args.get("oci_key_profile") self.client_kwargs = args.get("client_kwargs")
[docs] def create_signer(self) -> Dict: """ Creates api keys configuration and signer with extra arguments necessary for creating clients. Signer constructed from the `oci_config` provided. If not 'oci_config', configuration will be constructed from 'oci_config_location' and 'oci_key_profile' in place. Returns ------- dict Contains keys - config, signer and client_kwargs. - config contains the configuration information - signer contains the signer object created. It is instantiated from signer_callable, or signer provided in args used, or instantiated in place - client_kwargs contains the `client_kwargs` that was passed in as input parameter Examples -------- >>> signer_args = dict( >>> client_kwargs=client_kwargs >>> ) >>> signer_generator = AuthFactory().signerGenerator(AuthType.API_KEY) >>> signer_generator(signer_args).create_signer() """ if self.oci_config: configuration = ads.telemetry.update_oci_client_config(self.oci_config) else: configuration = ads.telemetry.update_oci_client_config( oci.config.from_file(self.oci_config_location, self.oci_key_profile) ) oci.config.validate_config(configuration)"Using 'api_key' authentication.") return { "config": configuration, "signer": oci.signer.Signer( tenancy=configuration["tenancy"], user=configuration["user"], fingerprint=configuration["fingerprint"], private_key_file_location=configuration.get("key_file"), pass_phrase=configuration.get("pass_phrase"), private_key_content=configuration.get("key_content"), ), "client_kwargs": self.client_kwargs, }
[docs] class ResourcePrincipal(AuthSignerGenerator): """ Creates Resource Principal signer - a security token for a resource principal. It prepares extra arguments necessary for creating clients for variety of OCI services. """ def __init__(self, args: Optional[Dict] = None): """ Signer created based on args provided. If not provided current values of according arguments will be used from current global state from AuthState class. Parameters ---------- args: dict args that are required to create Resource Principal signer. Contains keys: client_kwargs. - client_kwargs - optional parameters for OCI client creation in next steps """ self.client_kwargs = args.get("client_kwargs")
[docs] def create_signer(self) -> Dict: """ Creates Resource Principal signer with extra arguments necessary for creating clients. Returns ------- dict Contains keys - config, signer and client_kwargs. - config contains the configuration information - signer contains the signer object created. It is instantiated from signer_callable, or signer provided in args used, or instantiated in place - client_kwargs contains the `client_kwargs` that was passed in as input parameter Examples -------- >>> signer_args = dict( >>> signer=oci.auth.signers.get_resource_principals_signer() >>> ) >>> signer_generator = AuthFactory().signerGenerator(AuthType.RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL) >>> signer_generator(signer_args).create_signer() """ configuration = ads.telemetry.update_oci_client_config(AuthState().oci_config) signer_dict = { "config": configuration, "signer": oci.auth.signers.get_resource_principals_signer(), "client_kwargs": self.client_kwargs, }"Using 'resource_principal' authentication.") return signer_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def supported(): return any( os.environ.get(var) for var in ['JOB_RUN_OCID', 'NB_SESSION_OCID', 'DATAFLOW_RUN_ID', 'PIPELINE_RUN_OCID'] )
[docs] class InstancePrincipal(AuthSignerGenerator): """ Creates Instance Principal signer - a SecurityTokenSigner which uses a security token for an instance principal. It prepares extra arguments necessary for creating clients for variety of OCI services. """ def __init__(self, args: Optional[Dict] = None): """ Signer created based on args provided. If not provided current values of according arguments will be used from current global state from AuthState class. Parameters ---------- args: dict args that are required to create Instance Principal signer. Contains keys: signer_kwargs, client_kwargs. - signer_kwargs - optional parameters required to instantiate instance principal signer - client_kwargs - optional parameters for OCI client creation in next steps """ self.signer_kwargs = args.get("signer_kwargs", dict()) self.client_kwargs = args.get("client_kwargs")
[docs] def create_signer(self) -> Dict: """ Creates Instance Principal signer with extra arguments necessary for creating clients. Signer instantiated from the `signer_callable` or if the `signer` provided is will be return by this method. If `signer_callable` or `signer` not provided new signer will be created in place. Returns ------- dict Contains keys - config, signer and client_kwargs. - config contains the configuration information - signer contains the signer object created. It is instantiated from signer_callable, or signer provided in args used, or instantiated in place - client_kwargs contains the `client_kwargs` that was passed in as input parameter Examples -------- >>> signer_args = dict(signer_kwargs={"log_requests": True}) >>> signer_generator = AuthFactory().signerGenerator(AuthType.INSTANCE_PRINCIPAL) >>> signer_generator(signer_args).create_signer() """ configuration = ads.telemetry.update_oci_client_config(AuthState().oci_config) signer_dict = { "config": configuration, "signer": oci.auth.signers.InstancePrincipalsSecurityTokenSigner( **self.signer_kwargs ), "client_kwargs": self.client_kwargs, }"Using 'instance_principal' authentication.") return signer_dict
[docs] class SecurityToken(AuthSignerGenerator): """ Creates security token auth instance. This signer is intended to be used when signing requests for a given user - it requires that user's private key and security token. It prepares extra arguments necessary for creating clients for variety of OCI services. """ SECURITY_TOKEN_GENERIC_HEADERS = ["date", "(request-target)", "host"] SECURITY_TOKEN_BODY_HEADERS = ["content-length", "content-type", "x-content-sha256"] SECURITY_TOKEN_REQUIRED = ["security_token_file", "key_file", "region"] def __init__(self, args: Optional[Dict] = None): """ Signer created based on args provided. If not provided current values of according arguments will be used from current global state from AuthState class. Parameters ---------- args: dict args that are required to create Security Token signer. Contains keys: oci_config, oci_config_location, oci_key_profile, client_kwargs. - oci_config is a configuration dict that can be used to create clients - oci_config_location - path to config file - oci_key_profile - the profile to load from config file - client_kwargs - optional parameters for OCI client creation in next steps """ self.oci_config = args.get("oci_config") self.oci_config_location = args.get("oci_config_location") self.oci_key_profile = args.get("oci_key_profile") self.client_kwargs = args.get("client_kwargs")
[docs] def create_signer(self) -> Dict: """ Creates security token configuration and signer with extra arguments necessary for creating clients. Signer constructed from the `oci_config` provided. If not 'oci_config', configuration will be constructed from 'oci_config_location' and 'oci_key_profile' in place. Returns ------- dict Contains keys - config, signer and client_kwargs. - config contains the configuration information - signer contains the signer object created. It is instantiated from signer_callable, or signer provided in args used, or instantiated in place - client_kwargs contains the `client_kwargs` that was passed in as input parameter Examples -------- >>> signer_args = dict( ... client_kwargs=client_kwargs ... ) >>> signer_generator = AuthFactory().signerGenerator(AuthType.SECURITY_TOKEN) >>> signer_generator(signer_args).create_signer() """ if self.oci_config: configuration = ads.telemetry.update_oci_client_config(self.oci_config) else: configuration = ads.telemetry.update_oci_client_config( oci.config.from_file(self.oci_config_location, self.oci_key_profile) )"Using 'security_token' authentication.") for parameter in self.SECURITY_TOKEN_REQUIRED: if parameter not in configuration: raise ValueError( f"Parameter `{parameter}` must be provided for using `security_token` authentication." ) self._validate_and_refresh_token(configuration) return { "config": configuration, "signer": oci.auth.signers.SecurityTokenSigner( token=self._read_security_token_file( configuration.get("security_token_file") ), private_key=oci.signer.load_private_key_from_file( configuration.get("key_file"), configuration.get("pass_phrase") ), generic_headers=configuration.get( "generic_headers", self.SECURITY_TOKEN_GENERIC_HEADERS ), body_headers=configuration.get( "body_headers", self.SECURITY_TOKEN_BODY_HEADERS ), ), "client_kwargs": self.client_kwargs, }
def _validate_and_refresh_token(self, configuration: Dict[str, Any]): """Validates and refreshes security token. Parameters ---------- configuration: Dict Security token configuration. """ security_token = self._read_security_token_file( configuration.get("security_token_file") ) security_token_container = ( oci.auth.security_token_container.SecurityTokenContainer( session_key_supplier=None, security_token=security_token ) ) if not security_token_container.valid(): raise SecurityTokenError( "Security token has expired. Call `oci session authenticate` to generate new session." ) time_now = int(time.time()) time_expired = security_token_container.get_jwt()["exp"] if time_expired - time_now < SECURITY_TOKEN_LEFT_TIME: if not self.oci_config_location: logger.warning( "Can not auto-refresh token. Specify parameter `oci_config_location` through ads.set_auth() or ads.auth.create_signer()." ) else: result = os.system( f"oci session refresh --config-file {self.oci_config_location} --profile {self.oci_key_profile}" ) if result == 1: logger.warning( "Some error happened during auto-refreshing the token. Continue using the current one that's expiring in less than {SECURITY_TOKEN_LEFT_TIME} seconds." "Please follow steps in to renew token." ) date_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(time_expired).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")"Session is valid until {date_time}.") def _read_security_token_file(self, security_token_file: str) -> str: """Reads security token from file. Parameters ---------- security_token_file: str The path to security token file. Returns ------- str: Security token string. """ expanded_path = os.path.expanduser(security_token_file) if not os.path.isfile(expanded_path): raise ValueError("Invalid `security_token_file`. Specify a valid path.") try: token = None with open(expanded_path, "r") as f: token = return token except: raise
[docs] class AuthFactory: """ AuthFactory class which contains list of registered signers and allows to register new signers. Check documentation for more signers: Current signers: * APIKey * ResourcePrincipal * InstancePrincipal * SecurityToken """ classes = { AuthType.API_KEY: APIKey, AuthType.RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL: ResourcePrincipal, AuthType.INSTANCE_PRINCIPAL: InstancePrincipal, AuthType.SECURITY_TOKEN: SecurityToken, }
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, signer_type: str, signer: Any) -> None: """Registers a new signer. Parameters ---------- signer_type: str signer type to be registers signer: RecordParser A new signer class to be registered. Returns ------- None Nothing. """ cls.classes[signer_type] = signer
[docs] def signerGenerator(self, iam_type: Optional[str] = "api_key"): """ Generates signer classes based of iam_type, which specify one of auth methods: 'api_key', 'resource_principal' or 'instance_principal'. Parameters ---------- iam_type: str, default 'api_key' type of auth provided in IAM_TYPE environment variable or set in parameters in ads.set_auth() method. Returns ------- :class:`APIKey` or :class:`ResourcePrincipal` or :class:`InstancePrincipal` or :class:`SecurityToken` returns one of classes, which implements creation of signer of specified type Raises ------ ValueError If iam_type is not supported. """ valid_auth_keys = AuthFactory.classes.keys() if iam_type in valid_auth_keys: return AuthFactory.classes[iam_type] else: raise ValueError( f"Allowed values are: {valid_auth_keys}. If you wish to use other authentication form, " f"pass a valid signer or use signer_callable and signer_kwargs" )
[docs] class OCIAuthContext: """ OCIAuthContext used in 'with' statement for properly managing global authentication type and global configuration profile parameters. Examples -------- >>> from import DataFlowRun >>> with OCIAuthContext(profile='TEST'): >>> df_run = DataFlowRun.from_ocid(run_id) """ @deprecated( "2.7.3", details="Deprecated, use: from ads.common.auth import AuthContext", ) def __init__(self, profile: str = None): """ Initialize class OCIAuthContext and saves global state of authentication type and configuration profile. Parameters ---------- profile: str, default is None profile name for api keys config file """ self.profile = profile self.prev_mode = AuthState().oci_iam_type self.prev_profile = AuthState().oci_key_profile self.oci_cli_auth = AuthState().oci_cli_auth @deprecated( "2.7.3", details="Deprecated, use: from ads.common.auth import AuthContext", ) def __enter__(self): """ When called by the 'with' statement and if 'profile' provided - 'api_key' authentication with 'profile' used. If 'profile' not provided, authentication method will be 'resource_principal'. """ if self.profile: ads.set_auth(auth=AuthType.API_KEY, profile=self.profile)"OCI profile set to {self.profile}") else: ads.set_auth(auth=AuthType.RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL)"OCI auth set to resource principal") return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ When called by the 'with' statement restores initial state of authentication type and profile value. """ ads.set_auth(auth=self.prev_mode, profile=self.prev_profile)
[docs] class AuthContext: """ AuthContext used in 'with' statement for properly managing global authentication type, signer, config and global configuration parameters. Examples -------- >>> from ads import set_auth >>> from import DataFlowRun >>> with AuthContext(auth='resource_principal'): >>> df_run = DataFlowRun.from_ocid(run_id) >>> from ads.model.framework.sklearn_model import SklearnModel >>> model = SklearnModel.from_model_artifact(uri="model_artifact_path", artifact_dir="model_artifact_path") >>> set_auth(auth='api_key', oci_config_location="~/.oci/config") >>> with AuthContext(auth='api_key', oci_config_location="~/another_config_location/config"): >>> # upload model to Object Storage using config from another_config_location/config >>> model.upload_artifact(uri="oci://bucket@namespace/prefix/") >>> # upload model to Object Storage using config from ~/.oci/config, which was set before 'with AuthContext():' >>> model.upload_artifact(uri="oci://bucket@namespace/prefix/") """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize class AuthContext and saves global state of authentication type, signer, config and global configuration parameters. Parameters ---------- **kwargs: optional, list of parameters passed to ads.set_auth() method, which can be: auth: Optional[str], default 'api_key' 'api_key', 'resource_principal' or 'instance_principal'. Enable/disable resource principal identity, instance principal or keypair identity oci_config_location: Optional[str], default oci.config.DEFAULT_LOCATION, which is '~/.oci/config' config file location profile: Optional[str], default is DEFAULT_PROFILE, which is 'DEFAULT' profile name for api keys config file config: Optional[Dict], default {} created config dictionary signer: Optional[Any], default None created signer, can be resource principals signer, instance principal signer or other signer_callable: Optional[Callable], default None a callable object that returns signer signer_kwargs: Optional[Dict], default None parameters accepted by the signer client_kwargs: Optional[Dict], default None Additional keyword arguments for initializing the OCI client. Example: client_kwargs = {"timeout": 60} """ self.kwargs = kwargs def __enter__(self): """ When called by the 'with' statement current state of authentication type, signer, config and configuration parameters saved. """ self.previous_state = copy.deepcopy(AuthState()) set_auth(**self.kwargs) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ When called by the 'with' statement initial state of authentication type, signer, config and configuration parameters restored. """ AuthState().__dict__.update(self.previous_state.__dict__)