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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2021, 2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
import logging
from typing import Union
from import MultiNodeRuntime

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ContainerRuntime(MultiNodeRuntime): """Represents a container job runtime To define container runtime: >>> ContainerRuntime() >>> .with_image("<your_tenancy>/<your_image>:<tag>") >>> .with_cmd("sleep 5 && echo Hello World") >>> .with_entrypoint(["/bin/sh", "-c"]) >>> .with_image_digest("<image_digest>") >>> .with_image_signature_id("<image_signature_id>") >>> .with_environment_variable(MY_ENV="MY_VALUE") Alternatively, you can define the ``entrypoint``, ``cmd``, ``image_digest``and ``image_signature_id`` along with the image. >>> ContainerRuntime() >>> .with_image( >>> "<your_tenancy>/<your_image>:<tag>", >>> entrypoint=["/bin/sh", "-c"], >>> cmd="sleep 5 && echo Hello World", >>> image_digest="<image_digest>", >>> image_signature_id="<image_signature_id>", >>> ) >>> .with_environment_variable(MY_ENV="MY_VALUE") The entrypoint and cmd can be either "exec form" or "shell form" (See references). The exec form is used when a list is passed in. The shell form is used when a space separated string is passed in. When using the ContainerRuntime with OCI Data Science Job, the exec form is recommended. For most images, when the entrypoint is set to ``["/bin/sh", "-c"]``, ``cmd`` can be a string as if you are running shell command. References ---------- """ CONST_IMAGE = "image" CONST_ENTRYPOINT = "entrypoint" CONST_CMD = "cmd" CONST_IMAGE_DIGEST = "imageDigest" CONST_IMAGE_SIGNATURE_ID = "imageSignatureId" CONST_SCRIPT_PATH = "scriptPathURI" attribute_map = { CONST_IMAGE: CONST_IMAGE, CONST_ENTRYPOINT: CONST_ENTRYPOINT, CONST_CMD: CONST_CMD, CONST_IMAGE_DIGEST: "image_digest", CONST_IMAGE_SIGNATURE_ID: "image_signature_id", } attribute_map.update(MultiNodeRuntime.attribute_map) @property def job_env_type(self) -> str: """The container type""" return "OCIR_CONTAINER" @property def image(self) -> str: """The container image""" return self.get_spec(self.CONST_IMAGE)
[docs] def with_image( self, image: str, entrypoint: Union[str, list, None] = None, cmd: str = None, image_digest: str = None, image_signature_id: str = None, ) -> "ContainerRuntime": """Specify the image for the container job. Parameters ---------- image : str The container image, e.g.<your_tenancy>/<your_image>:<your_tag> entrypoint : str or list, optional Entrypoint for the job, by default None (the entrypoint defined in the image will be used). cmd : str, optional Command for the job, by default None. image_digest: str, optional The image digest, by default None. image_signature_id: str, optional The image signature id, by default None. Returns ------- ContainerRuntime The runtime instance. """ if not isinstance(image, str): raise ValueError( "Custom image must be provided as a string." ) if image.find(":") < 0: logger.warning( "Tag is required for custom image. Accepted format:<tenancy>/<image>:<tag>." ) self.with_entrypoint(entrypoint) self.set_spec(self.CONST_CMD, cmd) self.with_image_digest(image_digest) self.with_image_signature_id(image_signature_id) return self.set_spec(self.CONST_IMAGE, image)
@property def image_digest(self) -> str: """The container image digest.""" return self.get_spec(self.CONST_IMAGE_DIGEST)
[docs] def with_image_digest(self, image_digest: str) -> "ContainerRuntime": """Sets the digest of custom image. Parameters ---------- image_digest: str The image digest. Returns ------- ContainerRuntime The runtime instance. """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_IMAGE_DIGEST, image_digest)
@property def image_signature_id(self) -> str: """The container image signature id.""" return self.get_spec(self.CONST_IMAGE_SIGNATURE_ID)
[docs] def with_image_signature_id(self, image_signature_id: str) -> "ContainerRuntime": """Sets the signature id of custom image. Parameters ---------- image_signature_id: str The image signature id. Returns ------- ContainerRuntime The runtime instance. """ return self.set_spec( self.CONST_IMAGE_SIGNATURE_ID, image_signature_id )
@property def entrypoint(self) -> str: """Entrypoint of the container job""" return self.get_spec(self.CONST_ENTRYPOINT)
[docs] def with_entrypoint(self, entrypoint: Union[str, list]) -> "ContainerRuntime": """Specifies the entrypoint for the container job. Parameters ---------- entrypoint : str or list Entrypoint for the container job Returns ------- ContainerRuntime The runtime instance. """ self._spec[self.CONST_ENTRYPOINT] = entrypoint return self
@property def cmd(self) -> str: """Command of the container job""" return self.get_spec(self.CONST_CMD)
[docs] def with_cmd(self, cmd: str) -> "ContainerRuntime": """Specifies the command for the container job. Parameters ---------- cmd : str Command for the container job Returns ------- ContainerRuntime The runtime instance. """ self._spec[self.CONST_CMD] = cmd return self
[docs] def init(self, **kwargs) -> "ContainerRuntime": """Initializes a starter specification for the runtime. Returns ------- ContainerRuntime The runtime instance. """ super().init(**kwargs) return self.with_image( image=kwargs.get("image", ""), entrypoint=["bash", "--login", "-c"], cmd="{Container CMD. For MLflow and Operator will be auto generated}", )
@property def artifact_uri(self) -> str: """The URI of the source code""" return self.get_spec(self.CONST_SCRIPT_PATH)
[docs] def with_artifact(self, uri: str): """Specifies the artifact to be added to the container. Parameters ---------- uri : str URI to the source code script, which can be any URI supported by fsspec, including http://, https:// and OCI object storage. For example: oci://your_bucket@your_namespace/path/to/ Returns ------- self The runtime instance. """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_SCRIPT_PATH, uri)