Source code for ads.common.function.fn_util

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*--

# Copyright (c) 2020, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import yaml
import os
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader

# FunctionAttributes = namedtuple('FunctionAttributes',['schema_version','name','version','runtime','entrypoint','memory'])
fn_config = None
env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader("ads", "templates"))

[docs]def prepare_fn_attributes( func_name: str, schema_version=20180708, version=None, python_runtime=None, entry_point=None, memory=None, ) -> dict: """ Workaround for collections.namedtuples. The defaults are not supported. """ function_attributes = {} function_attributes["schema_version"] = schema_version function_attributes["name"] = func_name function_attributes["version"] = ( version if version else get_function_config()["fn_conf"]["version"] ) function_attributes["runtime"] = ( python_runtime if python_runtime else get_function_config()["fn_conf"]["runtime"] ) function_attributes["entrypoint"] = ( entry_point if entry_point else get_function_config()["fn_conf"]["entrypoint"] ) function_attributes["memory"] = ( memory if memory else get_function_config()["fn_conf"]["memory"] ) return function_attributes
[docs]def get_function_config() -> dict: """ Returns dictionary loaded from func_conf.yaml """ global fn_config if fn_config: return fn_config with open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "func_conf.yaml") ) as fn_config_file: func_config = yaml.load(fn_config_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) return func_config
[docs]def generate_fn_artifacts( path: str, fn_name: str = None, fn_attributes=None, artifact_type_generic=False, **kwargs, ): """ Generates artifacts for fn ( at the provided path - * * func.yaml * requirements.txt if not there. If exists appends fdk to the file. * Parameters ---------- path: str Target folder where the artifacts are placed. fn_attributes: dict dictionary specifying all the function attributes as described in artifact_type_generic: bool default is False. This attribute decides which template to pick for If True, it is assumed that the code to load is provided by the user. """ assert fn_name or fn_attributes, ( "Must provide either fn_name or fn_attributes. You may use " "ads.common.artifact.fn_util.prepare_fn_attributes for creating fn_attributes " ) function_attributes = prepare_fn_attributes(fn_name) if fn_name else fn_attributes progress = kwargs.get("progress", None) if progress: progress.update("Writing func.yaml") with open(os.path.join(path, "func.yaml"), "w") as fnyaml_file: yaml.dump(function_attributes, fnyaml_file) if progress: progress.update("Writing") func_template = env.get_template("func.jinja2") with open(os.path.join(path, ""), "w") as func_fl: func_fl.write(func_template.render(score_module="score"))
[docs]def write_score(path, **kwargs): serializer = kwargs.get("serializer", "default") if serializer not in get_function_config()["models"]: serializer = "default" model_name = kwargs.get( "model_name", get_function_config()["models"][serializer]["file_name"] ) transformer_name = ( get_function_config()["models"][serializer]["transformer_name"] if serializer in get_function_config()["models"] else "onnx_data_transformer.json" ) misc_imports = ( kwargs.get("misc_imports", list()) + get_function_config()["models"][serializer]["misc_imports"] ) underlying_model = kwargs.get("underlying_model", "NOTFOUND") sklearn_model = underlying_model in ["sklearn", "xgboost"] if underlying_model == "automl": jinja_template_filename = "score_oracle_automl" else: jinja_template_filename = kwargs.get( "input_file", get_function_config()["models"][serializer].get("input_file", "score"), ) scorefn_template = env.get_template(f"{jinja_template_filename}.jinja2") with open(os.path.join(path, ""), "w") as sfl: sfl.write( scorefn_template.render( model_file_name=model_name, transfromer_file_name=transformer_name, misc_imports=misc_imports, sklearn_model=sklearn_model, underlying_model_type=kwargs.get("_underlying_model", None), ) )