Source code for ads.data_labeling.boundingbox

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2021, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List, Tuple

[docs]@dataclass class BoundingBoxItem: """BoundingBoxItem class representing bounding box label. Attributes ---------- labels: List[str] List of labels for this bounding box. top_left: Tuple[float, float] Top left corner of this bounding box. bottom_left: Tuple[float, float] Bottom left corner of this bounding box. bottom_right: Tuple[float, float] Bottom right corner of this bounding box. top_right: Tuple[float, float] Top right corner of this bounding box. Examples -------- >>> item = BoundingBoxItem( ... labels = ['cat','dog'] ... bottom_left=(0.2, 0.4), ... top_left=(0.2, 0.2), ... top_right=(0.8, 0.2), ... bottom_right=(0.8, 0.4)) >>> item.to_yolo(categories = ['cat','dog', 'horse']) """ top_left: Tuple[float, float] bottom_left: Tuple[float, float] bottom_right: Tuple[float, float] top_right: Tuple[float, float] labels: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) def _validate(self): """Validates the instance. Raises ------ ValueError If the bounding box coordinate is not between [0.0, 1.0]. """ if ( not self.labels or not isinstance(self.labels, list) or len(self.labels) == 0 ): raise ValueError( "The parameter `df` is invalid. The BoundingBoxItem objects in the column " f"{self.labels} must contain a non-empty list of string labels." ) if any( ( not isinstance(entity, Tuple) or len(entity) != 2 or not isinstance(entity[0], float) or not isinstance(entity[1], float) or not 0.0 <= entity[0] <= 1.0 or not 0.0 <= entity[1] <= 1.0 ) for entity in [ self.bottom_left, self.top_left, self.top_right, self.bottom_right, ] ): raise ValueError( "The parameter `df` is invalid. The BoundingBoxItem objects in the column " f"{[self.bottom_left, self.top_left, self.top_right, self.bottom_right,]} must " "contain a tuple of two real numbers in the range of [0, 1]. " "One BoundingBoxItem contains the values (invalid_tuple). Use the `DataLabeling.export()` " "method to create a new dataset record file." ) def __post_init__(self): self._validate()
[docs] def to_yolo( self, categories: List[str] ) -> List[Tuple[int, float, float, float, float]]: """Converts BoundingBoxItem to the YOLO format. Parameters ---------- categories: List[str] The list of object categories in proper order for model training. Example: ['cat','dog','horse'] Returns ------- List[Tuple[int, float, float, float, float]] The list of YOLO formatted bounding boxes. Raises ------ ValueError When categories list not provided. When categories list not matched with the labels. TypeError When categories list has a wrong format. """ if not categories: raise ValueError( "The parameter `categories` is required. Use the `.info()` method to obtain a list of categories for this dataset." ) if not isinstance(categories, list): raise TypeError( "The parameter `categories` is invalid. It must be an object of type `List[str]`." ) if not set(self.labels).issubset(categories): raise ValueError( "The parameter `categories` is invalid. It must be a list of all the unique labels in the dataset." ) category_map = {k: v for v, k in enumerate(categories)} coords = ( (self.top_left[0] + self.top_right[0]) / 2, (self.top_left[1] + self.bottom_left[1]) / 2, self.top_right[0] - self.top_left[0], self.bottom_left[1] - self.top_left[1], ) return [(category_map[label],) + coords for label in self.labels]
[docs] @classmethod def from_yolo( cls, bbox: List[Tuple], categories: List[str] = None ) -> "BoundingBoxItem": """Converts the YOLO formated annotations to BoundingBoxItem. Parameters ---------- bboxes: List[Tuple] The list of bounding box annotations in YOLO format. Example: [(0, 0.511560675, 0.50234826, 0.47013485, 0.57803468)] categories: List[str] The list of object categories in proper order for model training. Example: ['cat','dog','horse'] Returns ------- BoundingBoxItem The BoundingBoxItem. Raises ------ TypeError When categories list has a wrong format. """ if bbox: _, x1, y1, w_size, h_size = bbox[0] labels = [label[0] for label in bbox] if categories: if not isinstance(categories, list): raise TypeError("The categories must be a List[str].") if max(labels) + 1 > len(categories): raise ValueError( "Index out of the range of the categories list. " "The categories must contain all the labels " "in the order that the integer label corresponds to." ) labels = [categories[label[0]] for label in bbox] top_left = (x1 - (w_size / 2), y1 - (h_size / 2)) top_right = (x1 + (w_size / 2), y1 - (h_size / 2)) bottom_right = (x1 + (w_size / 2), y1 + (h_size / 2)) bottom_left = (x1 - (w_size / 2), y1 + (h_size / 2)) bbox_item = BoundingBoxItem( top_left, bottom_left, bottom_right, top_right, labels ) bbox_item._validate() return bbox_item else: return None
[docs]@dataclass class BoundingBoxItems: """BoundingBoxItems class which consists of a list of BoundingBoxItem. Attributes ---------- items: List[BoundingBoxItem] List of BoundingBoxItem. Examples -------- >>> item = BoundingBoxItem( ... labels = ['cat','dog'] ... bottom_left=(0.2, 0.4), ... top_left=(0.2, 0.2), ... top_right=(0.8, 0.2), ... bottom_right=(0.8, 0.4)) >>> items = BoundingBoxItems(items = [item]) >>> items.to_yolo(categories = ['cat','dog', 'horse']) """ items: List[BoundingBoxItem] = field(default_factory=list) def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> BoundingBoxItem: return self.items[index]
[docs] def to_yolo( self, categories: List[str] ) -> List[Tuple[int, float, float, float, float]]: """Converts BoundingBoxItems to the YOLO format. Parameters ---------- categories: List[str] The list of object categories in proper order for model training. Example: ['cat','dog','horse'] Returns ------- List[Tuple[int, float, float, float, float]] The list of YOLO formatted bounding boxes. Raises ------ ValueError When categories list not provided. When categories list not matched with the labels. TypeError When categories list has a wrong format. """ if not categories: raise ValueError( "The parameter `categories` is required. Use the `.info()` method to obtain a list of categories for this dataset." ) if not isinstance(categories, list): raise TypeError( "The parameter `categories` is invalid. It must be an object of type `List[str]`." ) result = [] for item in self.items: result.extend(item.to_yolo(categories)) return result