Source code for ads.dataset.helper

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2020, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import ast
import base64
import html
import io
import math
import os
import warnings
import re
from collections import defaultdict
import inspect
import importlib
from typing import List, Union
import fsspec

# from import _compression_to_extension

from numbers import Number
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from pandas.core.dtypes.common import (

from ads.common.decorator.runtime_dependency import (
from ads.common import utils
from ads.dataset import logger
from ads.type_discovery.type_discovery_driver import TypeDiscoveryDriver
from ads.type_discovery.typed_feature import (

[docs]class DatasetDefaults: sampling_confidence_level = 95 sampling_confidence_interval = 1.0
_known_db_protocols = {"sqlite", "ADB", "oracle+cx_oracle"}
[docs]def concatenate(X, y): if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(X, pd.Series): return pd.concat([X, y], axis=1) else: return X.assign(**{ y})
[docs]def fix_column_names(X): X.columns = X.columns.astype("str").str.strip().str.replace(" ", "_") return X
[docs]def convert_columns(df, feature_metadata=None, dtypes=None): if feature_metadata is not None: dtypes = {} for feature in feature_metadata: dtype = get_dtype(feature_metadata[feature], df[feature].dtype) if dtype is not None: dtypes[feature] = dtype return df.astype(dtypes)
[docs]def get_dtype(feature_type, dtype): if isinstance(feature_type, ContinuousTypedFeature) or isinstance( feature_type, OrdinalTypedFeature ): return if is_numeric_dtype(dtype) else "float" elif isinstance(feature_type, DateTimeTypedFeature): return "datetime64[ns]" if not"datetime") else dtype elif isinstance(feature_type, CategoricalTypedFeature): return "bool" if is_bool_dtype(dtype) else "category"
[docs]def get_feature_type(name, series): if is_bool_dtype(series) or is_categorical_dtype(series): return, series) elif is_numeric_dtype(series): if is_float_dtype(series): return, series) else: return, series) elif is_datetime64_any_dtype(series): return, series) else: return, series)
[docs]def convert_to_html(plot): img = io.BytesIO() plot.savefig(img, format="png", bbox_inches="tight") encoded = base64.b64encode(img.getvalue()) return '<img width=95%" src="data:image/png;base64, {}"><hr><br>'.format( encoded.decode("utf-8") )
def _num_partitions_for_dataframe(df): # takes pandas dataframe, guesses good number of partitions return utils.get_cpu_count() if df.shape[0] > 1000 * utils.get_cpu_count() else 1
[docs]class ElaboratedPath: """ The Elaborated Path class unifies all of the operations and information related to a path or pathlist. Whether the user wants to An Elaborated path can accept any of the following as a valid source: * A single path * A glob pattern path * A directory * A list of paths (Note: all of these paths must be from the same filesystem AND have the same format) * A sqlalchemy connection url """ def __init__( self, source: Union[str, List[str]], format: str = None, name: str = None, **kwargs, ): """ :param source: :param format: :param kwargs: By the end of this method, this class needs to have paths, format, and name ready """ self._kwargs = kwargs self._format = format self._name = name if isinstance(source, str): self._original_source = source self._determine_protocol_type() if self._type == "db": self._paths = [self._original_source] else: self._elaborate_path() elif isinstance(source, list) and all(isinstance(file, str) for file in source): assert len(source) > 0, "Error, the source you passed in was an empty list." self._original_source = source[0] self._paths = source self._type = "list" else: raise ValueError(f"Source argument not understood: {source}") if self.num_paths == 0: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Error: We could not find any files associated with the source: " f"{source}. Double check that this source is a valid glob pattern," f" directory, or path." ) self._determine_format() self._determine_name() @property def paths(self) -> List[str]: """ :return: a list of str Each element will be a valid path """ return self._paths @property def num_paths(self) -> int: """ This method will return the number of paths found with the associated original glob, folder, or path. If this returns 0, :return: """ return len(self._paths) @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def format(self) -> str: return self._format def _determine_name(self): if self._name is None: if self._type == "list": self._name = ( f"DataFrame from [{os.path.basename(self._original_source)}, ...]" ) elif self._type == "glob": self._name = f"DataFrame from {os.path.basename(self._original_source)}" else: self._name = f"DataFrame from {urlparse(self._original_source).scheme}" def _determine_format(self): """ Infer format from the path. If its a compressed file, returns the extension before compression extension. If the extension cannot be inferred, returns None Parameters ---------- path : ElaboratedPath an ElaboratedPath object Returns ------- format : str """ if self._format in [None, "infer"]: format_keys = [] for i in range(min(self.num_paths, 5)): format_keys.append(self._remove_compressions(self.paths[i])) if len(format_keys) == 0: raise ValueError( f"Could not determine the format key for source: {self._original_source}" ) if format_keys.count(format_keys[0]) != len(format_keys): raise ValueError( f"Got multiple formats from the source: {self._original_source}. Run again " f'using the format parameter. Ex: format=<your format key, like: "csv", "hdf", etc.>' ) self._format = format_keys[0] else: self._format = self._format.lower() def _elaborate_path(self): self._paths = self._fs.glob(self._original_source) if self._protocol != "": self._paths = [f"{self._protocol}://{p}" for p in self._paths] def _determine_protocol_type(self): self._protocol = urlparse(self._original_source).scheme if self._kwargs.get("fs") is not None: self._fs = self._kwargs.pop("fs") self._type = "glob" elif self._original_source.startswith("oracle+cx_oracle://"): self._protocol = "oracle+cx_oracle" self._type = "db" else: try: self._fs = fsspec.filesystem( self._protocol, **self._kwargs.get("storage_options", dict()) ) self._type = "glob" except ValueError: try: self.engine = utils.get_sqlalchemy_engine( self._original_source, **self._kwargs ) self._type = "db" except: if self._protocol in _known_db_protocols: self._type = "db" else: raise ValueError( f"Error in trying to understand the protocol for source: " f"{self._original_source}. The protocol found: {self._protocol} is not " f"registered with fsspec or sqlalchemy" ) @staticmethod def _remove_compressions(filename: str): _compression_to_extension = [ ".gz", ".bz2", ".zip", ".xz", ".zst", ".tar", ".tar.gz", ".tar.xz", ".tar.bz2", ] for compression in _compression_to_extension: if filename.strip().endswith(compression): return ElaboratedPath._remove_compressions( os.path.splitext(filename.rstrip("/*"))[0] ) format = os.path.splitext(filename.rstrip("/*"))[1][1:].lower() return format.lower() if format != "" else None
[docs]class DatasetLoadException(BaseException): def __init__(self, exc_msg): self.exc_msg = exc_msg def __str__(self): return self.exc_msg
def _get_dtype_from_error(e): error_string = str(e) if "mismatched dtypes" in error_string.lower(): # For the mismatched dtypes error, dask either returns a error message containing the dtype argument # to specify, or the found and expected dtypes in a table format, depending on what stage # the type inferencing fails. The below logic supports building the dtype dictionary for both cases found_dtype_dict_str_list = re.findall( r"dtype=({[^{}]+})", error_string, re.MULTILINE ) if found_dtype_dict_str_list: found_dtype_dict = ast.literal_eval(found_dtype_dict_str_list[0]) else: found_dtype_dict = _find_dtypes_from_table(error_string) if found_dtype_dict: logger.warning( "Dask type-inference/coercion failed. Retrying with " f"dtype={found_dtype_dict}.", exc_info=True, ) return found_dtype_dict return None def _find_dtypes_from_table(error_string): error_lines = error_string.splitlines() dtypes = {} # matches '| Column | Found | Expected |' pattern = re.compile( "\\s*\\|\\s*Column\\s*\\|\\s*Found\\s*\\|\\s*Expected\\s*\\|\\s*" ) for i, line in enumerate(error_lines): if re.match(pattern, line): for j in range(i + 2, len(error_lines)): # extracts column_name and found_dtype from '| <column_name> | <found_dtype> | <expected_dtype |' dtype_suggestion = re.compile("\\s*\\|([^\\|]+)\\|([^\\|]+)\\|.*") match_groups = re.match(dtype_suggestion, error_lines[j]) if match_groups is None: break dtypes[] = return dtypes
[docs]def rename_duplicate_cols(original_cols): seen_col_names = defaultdict(int) new_cols = [] for col in original_cols: # remove any spaces form column names if isinstance(col, str): col.replace(" ", "_") if col not in seen_col_names: new_cols.append(col) else: dup_count = seen_col_names[col] new_cols.append(f"{col}.{dup_count}") seen_col_names[col] += 1 assert len(new_cols) == len( original_cols ), "There has been an error in re-naming duplicate columns" return new_cols
[docs]def write_parquet( path, data, engine="fastparquet", metadata_dict=None, compression=None, storage_options=None, ): """ Uses fast parquet to write dask dataframe and custom metadata in parquet format Parameters ---------- path : str Path to write to data : pandas.DataFrame engine : string "auto" by default metadata_dict : Deprecated, will not pass through compression : {{'snappy', 'gzip', 'brotli', None}}, default 'snappy' Name of the compression to use storage_options : dict, optional storage arguments required to read the path Returns ------- str : the file path the parquet was written to """ assert isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) if metadata_dict is not None: warnings.warn( "The `metadata_dict` argument is deprecated and has no effect on this method.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) data.to_parquet( path, engine=engine, compression=compression, storage_options=storage_options, ) return path
[docs]def is_text_data(df, target=None): if len(df.columns.values) == 2: feature_name = ( list(set(df.columns.values) ^ set([target]))[0] if target else list(set(df.columns.values))[0] ) elif len(df.columns.values == 1): feature_name = df.columns.values[0] else: return False return isinstance( TypeDiscoveryDriver().discover(feature_name, df[feature_name]), DocumentTypedFeature, )
[docs]def generate_sample( df: pd.DataFrame, n: int, confidence_level: int = DatasetDefaults.sampling_confidence_level, confidence_interval: float = DatasetDefaults.sampling_confidence_interval, **kwargs, ): min_size_to_sample = min(n, 10000) sample_size = None if "sample_max_rows" in kwargs: requested_sample_size = int(kwargs["sample_max_rows"]) if requested_sample_size < 0: sample_size = calculate_sample_size( n, min_size_to_sample, confidence_level, confidence_interval ) else: if min_size_to_sample < requested_sample_size < n: f"Downsampling from {n} rows, to the user specified {requested_sample_size} rows for graphing." ) sample_size = requested_sample_size elif requested_sample_size >= n:"Using the entire dataset of {n} rows for graphing.") sample_size = n else: sample_size = min_size_to_sample f"Downsampling from {n} rows, to {sample_size} rows for graphing." ) if sample_size and len(df) > sample_size: frac = min(1.0, sample_size * 1.05 / n) df = df.sample(frac=frac, random_state=42) return df.head(sample_size) if len(df) > sample_size else df else: return df
[docs]def calculate_sample_size( population_size, min_size_to_sample, confidence_level=95, confidence_interval=1.0 ): """Find sample size for a population using Cochran’s Sample Size Formula. With default values for confidence_level (percentage, default: 95%) and confidence_interval (margin of error, percentage, default: 1%) SUPPORTED CONFIDENCE LEVELS: 50%, 68%, 90%, 95%, and 99% *ONLY* - this is because the Z-score is table based, and I'm only providing Z for common confidence levels. """ if population_size < min_size_to_sample: return None confidence_level_constant = { 50: 0.67, 68: 0.99, 90: 1.64, 95: 1.96, 99: 2.57, 99.5: 2.807, 99.9: 3.291, } p = 0.5 e = confidence_interval / 100.0 N = population_size n_0 = 0.0 n = 0.0 Z = confidence_level_constant.get(confidence_level, 99) n_0 = ((Z**2) * p * (1 - p)) / (e**2) n = n_0 / (1 + ((n_0 - 1) / float(N))) sample_size = max(int(math.ceil(n)), min_size_to_sample)"Downsampling from {population_size} rows to {sample_size} rows.") return sample_size
[docs]def map_types(types): for column in types: if types[column] == "continuous": types[column] = "float64" elif types[column] == "ordinal": types[column] = "int64" elif types[column] == "categorical": types[column] = "category" elif types[column] == "datetime": types[column] = "datetime64[ns]" return types
[docs]@runtime_dependency(module="IPython", install_from=OptionalDependency.NOTEBOOK) @runtime_dependency(module="graphviz", install_from=OptionalDependency.VIZ) def visualize_transformation(transformer_pipeline, text=None): dot = graphviz.Digraph() # show a single node for paritions dot.attr( "node", shape="tab", style="filled", fontname="courier", fontsize="12", fontcolor="white", resolution="144", ) if text: dot.node("partitions", text, margin="0.25", fillcolor="dimgray") dot.attr( "node", shape="component", style="filled", fontname="courier", fontsize="10", fontcolor="black", resolution="144", ) for step in transformer_pipeline.steps: name, clazz, clazzname, is_ads = ( step[0], step[1], step[1].__class__.__name__, "ads" in str(step[1].__class__), ) ads_node = str(step[1].__class__.__name__) in [ "AutoMLPreprocessingTransformer", "DataFrameTransformer", "RecommendationTransformer", "AutoMLFeatureSelection", "FeatureEngineeringTransformer", ] if ads_node: text2html = "< {} >".format( html.escape(step[1].__repr__()).replace("\n", "<br/>") ) dot.node(name, text2html, margin="0.25", fillcolor="gold2") else: dot.node(name, name.rsplit("/")[0], fillcolor="azure") def format_label(stage): if "FunctionTransformer" in str(transformer_pipeline.steps[stage][1].__class__): return "<<font face='courier' point-size='10'>&nbsp;<b>{}</b>&nbsp;</font>>".format( html.escape(transformer_pipeline.steps[stage][1].func.__name__) ) else: is_ads = "ads" in str(transformer_pipeline.steps[stage][1].__class__) return "<<font face='courier' point-size='10'>&nbsp;<b>{}</b>&nbsp;</font>>".format( transformer_pipeline.steps[stage][1].__class__.__name__ ) edges = [x[0] for x in transformer_pipeline.steps] for i, edge in enumerate(list(zip(edges[:-1], edges[1:]))): dot.edge(*edge, len="1.00", label=format_label(i)) # terminus node dot.node("terminus", "", shape="terminator", fillcolor="white") dot.edge(edges[-1], "terminus", len="1.00", label=format_label(len(edges) - 1)) graph = graphviz.Source(dot) from IPython.core.display import display, SVG display(SVG(graph.pipe(format="svg")))
[docs]def up_sample(df, target, sampler="default", feature_types=None): """ Fixes imbalanced dataset by up-sampling Parameters ---------- df : Union[pandas.DataFrame, dask.dataframe.core.DataFrame] target : name of the target column in df sampler: Should implement fit_resample(X,y) method fillna: a dictionary contains the column name as well as the fill value, only needed when the column has missing values Returns ------- upsampled_df : Union[pandas.DataFrame, dask.dataframe.core.DataFrame] """ if sampler != "default": if inspect.getattr_static(sampler, "fit_resample", None) is None: raise AttributeError("`sampler` object must has method `fit_resample`.") else: # exactly two input args X, y will be passed to fit_resample() # check signature of fit_sample num_no_default_params = 0 sig = inspect.signature(sampler.fit_resample) for param in sig.parameters.values(): if param.default is param.empty: num_no_default_params += 1 if len(sig.parameters) < 2 or num_no_default_params > 2: raise RuntimeError( "The signature for `sampler.fit_resample` has to be `fit_resample(X, y)`." ) X = df.drop(target, axis=1) y = df[target] feature_types = feature_types if feature_types is not None else {} columns_with_nans = X.columns.values[X.isna().any()] if len(columns_with_nans) > 0: fill_nan_dict = {} for column in columns_with_nans: if column in feature_types and "mode" in feature_types[column]["stats"]: fill_nan_dict[column] = feature_types[column]["stats"]["mode"] elif column in feature_types and "mean" in feature_types[column]["stats"]: fill_nan_dict[column] = feature_types[column]["stats"]["mean"] elif column in feature_types and "median" in feature_types[column]["stats"]: fill_nan_dict[column] = feature_types[column]["stats"]["median"] else: logger.warning( "Sampling from a column that has missing values may cause an error." ) X = X.fillna(fill_nan_dict) if sampler == "default": imblearn_found = importlib.util.find_spec("imblearn") is not None if not imblearn_found: raise ModuleNotFoundError( """ Required package for up-sampling `imblearn` not found. Install `imblearn` with `pip install imbalanced-learn` and rerun to enable up-sampling. """ ) else: sampler = _get_imblearn_sampler(X, y) return _sample(sampler, X, y)
def _get_imblearn_sampler(X, y): from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE, RandomOverSampler categorical_feature_indices = [ X.columns.get_loc(c) for c in X.select_dtypes( include=["category", "object", "datetime64"] ).columns.values ] if len(categorical_feature_indices) > 0: """ Using the default `RandomOverSampler` sampler. Use `sample` to specify a sampler. Classes will be equalized. You can also pass in other samplers such as `imblearn.SMOTENC` instead, e.g. sampler = SMOTENC(categorical_features=categorical_feature_indices) ds.up_sample(sampler=sampler) """ ) return RandomOverSampler(random_state=42) min_sample_size = y.value_counts().min() k_neighbors = min(min_sample_size - 1, 5) if k_neighbors == 0: logger.warning( f"""k_neighbors is 0 as in the target there exists a class label that appeared only once. SMOTE will fail. Default to RandomOverSampler. """ ) return RandomOverSampler(random_state=42) else: if 5 > k_neighbors > 0: f"`k_neighbors()` of SMOTE has changed to {k_neighbors}" " as the target has at least one class which appeared " f"only {min_sample_size} times in the data. " )"Using SMOTE for over sampling. Classes will be equalized.") return SMOTE(random_state=42, k_neighbors=k_neighbors)
[docs]def down_sample(df, target): """ Fixes imbalanced dataset by down-sampling Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame target : name of the target column in df Returns ------- downsampled_df : pandas.DataFrame """ dfs = [] target_value_counts = df[target].value_counts() min_key = min(target_value_counts.iteritems(), key=lambda k: k[1]) for key, value in target_value_counts.iteritems(): if key != min_key[0]: dfs.append( df[df[target] == key].sample(frac=1 - ((value - min_key[1]) / value)) ) dfs.append(df[df[target] == min_key[0]]) return pd.concat(dfs)
def _sample(sampler, X, y): if isinstance(y, pd.Series) and ( isinstance(y[0], bool) or isinstance(y[0], np.bool_) ): y_trans = y.astype(int) ## Convert to ints to let SMOTE sample properly X_resampled, y_resampled = sampler.fit_resample(X=X, y=y_trans) else: X_resampled, y_resampled = sampler.fit_resample(X=X, y=y) if not isinstance(X_resampled, pd.DataFrame): X_resampled = pd.DataFrame(X_resampled, columns=X.columns.values) if not isinstance(y_resampled, pd.Series): y_resampled = pd.DataFrame(y_resampled, columns=[])[] for k in X.dtypes.keys(): X_resampled[k] = X_resampled[k].astype(X.dtypes[k].name) balanced_df = concatenate(X_resampled, y_resampled) return balanced_df
[docs]def get_fill_val(feature_types, column, action, constant="constant"): # action can be one of the following # "Fill missing values with mean", "Fill missing values with median", # "Fill missing values with frequent", "Fill missing values with constant" action_ = action.split(" ")[-1] fill_type = "mode" if action_ == "frequent" else action_ try: fill_val = ( feature_types[column].meta_data["stats"][fill_type] if action_ != "constant" else constant ) fill_val = round(fill_val, 4) if isinstance(fill_val, Number) else fill_val except: fill_val = None return fill_val
[docs]def parse_apache_log_str(x): """ Returns the string delimited by two characters. Source: Example: `>>> parse_str('[my string]')` `'my string'` """ if x is not None: return x[1:-1] return np.nan
[docs]def parse_apache_log_datetime(x): """ Parses datetime with timezone formatted as: `[day/month/year:hour:minute:second zone]` Source: Example: `>>> parse_datetime('13/Nov/2015:11:45:42 +0000')` `datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 3, 11, 45, 4, tzinfo=<UTC>)` Due to problems parsing the timezone (`%z`) with `datetime.strptime`, the timezone will be obtained using the `pytz` library. """ import pytz from datetime import datetime dt = datetime.strptime(x[1:-7], "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S") dt_tz = int(x[-6:-3]) * 60 + int(x[-3:-1]) return dt.replace(tzinfo=pytz.FixedOffset(dt_tz))
[docs]def deprecate_variable(old_var, new_var, warning_msg, warning_type): if old_var is not None: warnings.warn(warning_msg, warning_type) return old_var return new_var
[docs]def deprecate_default_value(var, old_value, new_value, warning_msg, warning_type): if var == old_value: warnings.warn(warning_msg, warning_type) return new_value else: return var
def _log_yscale_not_set(): "`yscale` parameter is not set. Valid values are `'linear'`, `'log'`, `'symlog'`." )
[docs]def infer_target_type(target, target_series, discover_target_type=True): # if type discovery is turned off, infer type from pandas dtype if discover_target_type: target_type = TypeDiscoveryDriver().discover( target, target_series, is_target=True ) else: target_type = get_feature_type(target, target_series) return target_type
[docs]def get_target_type(target, sampled_df, **init_kwargs): discover_target_type = init_kwargs.get("type_discovery", True) if target in init_kwargs.get("types", {}): sampled_df[target] = sampled_df[target].astype(init_kwargs.get("types")[target]) discover_target_type = False return infer_target_type(target, sampled_df[target], discover_target_type)