Source code for ads.dataset.recommendation_transformer

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2020, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin

from ads.common import utils
from ads.dataset import logger
from ads.dataset.helper import down_sample, up_sample, get_fill_val
from ads.dataset.progress import DummyProgressBar
from ads.dataset.recommendation import Recommendation
from ads.type_discovery.typed_feature import (

[docs]class RecommendationTransformer(TransformerMixin): def __init__( self, feature_metadata=None, correlation=None, target=None, is_balanced=False, target_type=None, feature_ranking=None, len=0, fix_imbalance=True, auto_transform=True, correlation_threshold=0.7, ): self.feature_metadata_ = feature_metadata self.correlation_ = correlation self.target_ = target self.target_type_ = target_type self.feature_ranking_ = feature_ranking self.fill_nan_dict_ = {} self.fill_na_target_ = None self.drop_columns = [] self.reco_dict_ = None # self.combine_columns = [] self.actions_performed_ = [] self.is_balanced = is_balanced self.ds_len = len self.fix_imbalance = fix_imbalance self.balancing_strategy = None self.auto_transform = auto_transform self.correlation_threshold = correlation_threshold def __repr__(self): if len(self.actions_performed_) == 0: return "No recommendations suggested" return "\n".join(self.actions_performed_) @staticmethod def _build_recommendation( recommendations, recommendation_type, column_names, message, actions, recommended_action=None, ): if len(column_names) != 0: if recommendation_type in ["constant_column"]: recommendations[recommendation_type] = column_names else: if recommendation_type not in recommendations: recommendations[recommendation_type] = {} for column in column_names: if column not in recommendations: recommendations[recommendation_type][column] = {} recommendations[recommendation_type][column]["Message"] = message recommendations[recommendation_type][column]["Action"] = actions recommendations[recommendation_type][column]["Selected Action"] = ( recommended_action if recommended_action is not None else actions[0] ) def _get_recommendations(self, df): recommendations = {} # constant columns constant_columns = df.columns.values[df.apply(pd.Series.nunique) == 1] if self.target_ in constant_columns: raise ValueError( "Unable to continue with transformation. Target column is constant. Build the dataset " "by choosing a different target." ) self._build_recommendation( recommendations, "constant_column", constant_columns, "Constant Column", ["Drop"], ) # primary key for column in df.columns.values[ df.apply(lambda x: x.nunique() / len(x) > 0.99) ]: # exclude columns of dtype object from primary key check as they could be columns like zipcode, credit card, # etc,. which are mostly unique but carries useful information if ( ( "constant_column" not in recommendations or column not in recommendations["constant_column"] ) and column != self.target_ and df[column]"int") ): self._build_recommendation( recommendations, "primary_key", [column], "Contains mostly unique values({0:.2%})".format( df[column].nunique() / len(df[column]) ), ["Drop", "Do nothing"], "Drop", ) self.feature_metadata_[self.target_] = self.target_type_ for column in df.columns.values[df.isnull().any()]: # filter out columns that were discovered as constant or primary key columns in the previous step, # as they would get dropped before imputation if ( "constant_column" not in recommendations or column not in recommendations["constant_column"] ) and ( "primary_key" not in recommendations or column not in recommendations["primary_key"] ): null_counts = df[column].isnull().sum() null_ratio = null_counts / len(df[column]) self._get_na_action(recommendations, column, null_counts, null_ratio) if self.correlation_ is not None: # highly correlated features corr_features = [] if not isinstance(self.correlation_, list): self.correlation_ = [self.correlation_] for corr in self.correlation_: high_corr_var = np.where(corr > self.correlation_threshold) corr_features.extend( [ (corr.index[x], corr.columns[y], corr.iat[x, y]) for x, y in zip(*high_corr_var) if x != y and x < y ] ) if len(corr_features) > 0: # Apply all recommendations so far self.reco_dict_ = recommendations df = self._transform(df) for corr_feature in corr_features: if ( self.target_ not in corr_feature and corr_feature[0] in df.columns.values and corr_feature[1] in df.columns.values and corr_feature[0] != corr_feature[1] ): feature1_rank_and_score = self.feature_ranking_[ self.feature_ranking_["features"] == corr_feature[0] ]["scores"] rank1, score1 = ( feature1_rank_and_score.index[0], feature1_rank_and_score.values[0], ) feature2_rank_and_score = self.feature_ranking_[ self.feature_ranking_["features"] == corr_feature[1] ]["scores"] rank2, score2 = ( feature2_rank_and_score.index[0], feature2_rank_and_score.values[0], ) # if any of the features is top ranked or ranked similar, combine # if ((len(df.columns) - rank1 + 1) / len(df.columns) > 0.7 or \ # (len(df.columns) - rank2 + 1) / len(df.columns) > 0.7): # selected_action = "Combine with " + corr_feature[1] # suggest dropping the column with lesser importance if score1 > score2: selected_action = "Drop " + corr_feature[1] else: selected_action = "Drop " + corr_feature[0] # check if the corr_feature isn't target self._build_recommendation( recommendations, "strong_correlation", [corr_feature[0]], "Strongly correlated with " + corr_feature[1] + "({0:.2%}.".format(corr_feature[2]) + ")", [ "Drop " + corr_feature[0], "Drop " + corr_feature[1], # "Combine with " + corr_feature[1], "Do nothing", ], selected_action, ) if isinstance(self.target_type_, DiscreteTypedFeature): unique_vals = list(self.target_type_.meta_data["internal"]["counts"].keys()) # binary classification dataset, suggest setting a positive class only if the values are not True/False if len(unique_vals) == 2 and True not in unique_vals: unique_vals.append("Do nothing") # for auto transform, do not suggest a default unless it is one of the known positive classes selected_action = unique_vals[2] # find positive label if recommendations can be manually updated if not self.auto_transform: pos_vals = ["Y", "YES", "y", "Yes", "yes", "1", "true"] pos_label_index = np.where(np.isin(pos_vals, unique_vals) == True)[ 0 ] selected_action = ( pos_vals[pos_label_index[0]] if len(pos_label_index) > 0 else unique_vals[0] ) self._build_recommendation( recommendations, "positive_class", [self.target_], "Set Positive Class", unique_vals, selected_action, ) # check if dataset is imbalanced if not self.is_balanced and self.fix_imbalance: target_value_counts = df[self.target_].value_counts() minority_class_len = min( target_value_counts.iteritems(), key=lambda k: k[1] )[1] majority_class_len = max( target_value_counts.iteritems(), key=lambda k: k[1] )[1] minor_majority_ratio = minority_class_len / majority_class_len # up-sample if length of dataframe is less than or equal to MAX_LEN_FOR_UP_SAMPLING = 5000 # down-sample if minor_majority_ratio is greater than or equal to MIN_RATIO_FOR_DOWN_SAMPLING = 1/20 if len(df) <= utils.MAX_LEN_FOR_UP_SAMPLING: suggested_sampling = "Up-sample" elif minor_majority_ratio >= utils.MIN_RATIO_FOR_DOWN_SAMPLING: suggested_sampling = "Down-sample" else: suggested_sampling = "Do nothing" self._build_recommendation( recommendations, "fix_imbalance", [self.target_], "Imbalanced Target({0:.2%})".format(minor_majority_ratio), ["Do nothing", "Down-sample", "Up-sample"], suggested_sampling, ) return recommendations
[docs] def fit(self, X): self.reco_dict_ = self._get_recommendations(X) return self
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): if self.reco_dict_ is None: return self.transform(X, fit_transform=True, update_transformer_log=True)
[docs] def transform( self, X, progress=DummyProgressBar(), fit_transform=False, update_transformer_log=False, ): df = self._transform( X, progress=progress, fit_transform=fit_transform, update_transformer_log=update_transformer_log, ) # cleanup unused objects if hasattr(self, "reco_dict_") and not fit_transform: del self.reco_dict_ del self.feature_metadata_ del self.correlation_ del self.feature_ranking_ return df
[docs] def transformer_log(self, action): """local wrapper to both log and record in the actions_performed array""" self.actions_performed_.append(action)
def _transform( self, X, progress=DummyProgressBar(), fit_transform=False, update_transformer_log=False, ): if hasattr(self, "reco_dict_") and len(self.reco_dict_) > 0: self.drop_columns = [] # self.combine_columns = [] # self.fill_nan_dict_ = {} columns_to_drop = [] for recommendation_type_index in range( 0, len(Recommendation.recommendation_types) ): recommendation_type = Recommendation.recommendation_types[ recommendation_type_index ] if recommendation_type in self.reco_dict_: if recommendation_type_index == 0: columns_to_drop = self.reco_dict_[recommendation_type] self.drop_columns.extend(columns_to_drop) if update_transformer_log: self.transformer_log( utils.wrap_lines( columns_to_drop, heading="Drop constant columns:" ) ) elif recommendation_type == "positive_class": value = self.reco_dict_[recommendation_type][self.target_][ "Selected Action" ] if value != "Do nothing": if self.target_ in X.columns: # X = X.set_positive_class(value, missing_value=False) X[self.target_] = X[self.target_].map( lambda x: x == value ) if update_transformer_log: self.transformer_log( "Set %s as positive class" % value ) elif recommendation_type == "fix_imbalance" and self.fix_imbalance: self.balancing_strategy = self.reco_dict_[recommendation_type][ self.target_ ]["Selected Action"] if update_transformer_log: self.transformer_log( "Fix imbalance using technique: %s" % self.balancing_strategy ) else: # Get the new column name if it has been combined with another for column in self.reco_dict_[recommendation_type]: selected_action = self.reco_dict_[recommendation_type][ column ]["Selected Action"] if selected_action.startswith("Drop"): if selected_action != "Drop": column = selected_action.split(" ", 1)[1] if column not in columns_to_drop: self.drop_columns.append(column) if update_transformer_log: self.transformer_log( 'Drop: "{}"'.format(column) ) # elif selected_action.startswith('Combine'): # column1 = column # column2 = selected_action.split(" ", 2)[2] # if column1 not in self.drop_columns and column2 not in self.drop_columns: # self.combine_columns.append((column1, column2)) # if update_transformer_log: # self.transformer_log('Combine: "{}" with "{}"'.format(column1, column2)) elif recommendation_type == "imputation": fill_val = ( self.fill_nan_dict_[column] if selected_action == "Fill missing values with constant" else get_fill_val( self.feature_metadata_, column, selected_action, constant="constant", ) ) if fill_val is not None: if column == self.target_: # target fill need not be reproduced at the time of scoring, # as it won't be present self.fill_na_target_ = fill_val else: if update_transformer_log: self.transformer_log( '{} in {}: "{}"'.format( selected_action, column, fill_val ) ) self.fill_nan_dict_[column] = fill_val # Drop columns if len(self.drop_columns) > 0:"Dropping columns " + str(set(self.drop_columns))) X = X.drop(self.drop_columns, axis=1) # fill na if len(self.fill_nan_dict_) > 0: "Filling NaN values in " + str(list(self.fill_nan_dict_.keys())) ) for col, fill_val in self.fill_nan_dict_.items(): if col in X: if ( X[col] == "category" and fill_val not in X[col].cat.categories.tolist() ): X[col] = X[col].cat.add_categories([fill_val]) X[col] = X[col].fillna(fill_val) # fix imbalance only at the time of initial fit, the subsequent transform calls are used to # reproduce transformations, and sampling is not required at that time if fit_transform and self.fix_imbalance: if self.balancing_strategy and self.balancing_strategy != "Do nothing": progress.update("Fixing imbalance by %s" % self.balancing_strategy) # The imputation during transformation uses the sampled df to find the columns contains nan values. # This strategy could miss some columns with very few nans in the larger df. The up_sample # takes care of filling out such missed nan values. Downsample is not affected X = ( up_sample(X, self.target_, feature_types=self.feature_metadata_) if self.balancing_strategy == "Up-sample" else down_sample(X, self.target_) ) else: progress.update() else: progress.update() return X def _get_na_action(self, recommendations, column, null_counts, null_ratio): if isinstance(self.feature_metadata_[column], ContinuousTypedFeature): if null_ratio == 1: possible_actions = [ "Drop", "Fill missing values with constant", "Do nothing", ] selected_action = "Drop" else: possible_actions = [ "Drop", "Fill missing values with mean", "Fill missing values with median", "Fill missing values with frequent", "Fill missing values with constant", "Do nothing", ] if null_ratio <= 0.4: selected_action = "Fill missing values with mean" else: selected_action = "Drop" else: if null_ratio == 1: possible_actions = [ "Drop", "Fill missing values with constant", "Do nothing", ] selected_action = "Drop" else: possible_actions = [ "Drop", "Fill missing values with frequent", "Fill missing values with constant", "Do nothing", ] if null_ratio <= 0.4: selected_action = "Fill missing values with frequent" else: selected_action = "Drop" if null_ratio < 0.1: msg = "Contains missing values({0})".format(null_counts) else: msg = "Contains missing values({0:.2%})".format(null_ratio) self._build_recommendation( recommendations, "imputation", [column], msg, possible_actions, selected_action, )