Source code for ads.dataset.sampled_dataset

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2020, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import itertools

from matplotlib.patches import BoxStyle

from ads.dataset.label_encoder import DataFrameLabelEncoder
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest
from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

import matplotlib.font_manager
from ads.common import utils, logger
from ads.dataset.helper import (
from ads.dataset.plot import Plotting
from ads.dataset.progress import DummyProgressBar
from ads.dataset.timeseries import Timeseries
from ads.type_discovery.type_discovery_driver import TypeDiscoveryDriver
from ads.type_discovery.typed_feature import (
from ads.common.decorator.runtime_dependency import (

[docs]class PandasDataset(object): """ This class provides APIs that can work on a sampled dataset. """ @runtime_dependency(module="geopandas", install_from=OptionalDependency.GEO) def __init__( self, sampled_df, type_discovery=True, types={}, metadata=None, progress=DummyProgressBar(), ): self.client = None self.sampled_df = fix_column_names(sampled_df) self.correlation = None self.feature_dist_html_dict = {} self.feature_types = metadata if metadata is not None else {} = geopandas.read_file( geopandas.datasets.get_path("naturalearth_lowres") ) self.numeric_columns = self.sampled_df.select_dtypes( utils.numeric_pandas_dtypes() ).columns.values # run type discovery if len(self.feature_types) == 0: if len(types) != 0: # update feature types as it is for the types given by user self._update_feature_types(types.keys()) if type_discovery: try: # # perform type-discovery # progress.update("Running data type discovery") tdd = TypeDiscoveryDriver() self.feature_types = { col_name:, col_vals) for col_name, col_vals in self.sampled_df.items() if col_name not in types } except Exception as e: print( f"An error occured while performing typed discovery on this dataset. Try running again with " f"`type_discovery=False`" ) raise e # convert dataframe columns to the data types discovered. self.sampled_df = convert_columns(self.sampled_df, self.feature_types) # update feature types for rest of the columns - no type discovery, does not include user overrides self._update_feature_types( set(self.sampled_df.columns.values) - set(self.feature_types.keys()) ) self.sampled_df = self.sampled_df.reset_index(drop=True) def _find_feature_subset(self, df, target_name, include_n_features=32): if len(df.columns) <= include_n_features: return self.sampled_df else: try: y = df[target_name] X = df.drop(columns=[target_name]) X_columns = X.columns X = X.fillna(X.mode().iloc[0]) X = DataFrameLabelEncoder().fit_transform(X) X = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(X) from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer imp_most_freq = SimpleImputer(strategy="most_frequent") X = imp_most_freq.fit_transform(X) est = SelectKBest(score_func=chi2, k=include_n_features) est.fit_transform(X, y) subset_features = [] + list( itertools.compress(X_columns, est.get_support()) ) return self.sampled_df.filter(subset_features, axis=1) except Exception as e: print("_find_feature_subset failed: ", str(e)) return pd.DataFrame() def _update_multiple_outputs(self, out, msg): if isinstance(out, (list, tuple)): for o in out: o.value = msg else: self._update_multiple_outputs([out], msg) def _calculate_dataset_statistics(self, is_wide_dataset, out): # # first the missing values for non-wide datasets # df_missing = pd.DataFrame() df_skew = pd.DataFrame() if is_wide_dataset: df_missing = pd.DataFrame() # empty dataframe when not calculating df_skew = pd.DataFrame() # empty dataframe when not calculating else: # # count missing values # d = {column_name: np.nan for column_name in self.df.columns} # default for column_name in self.df.columns: self._update_multiple_outputs( out, f"calculating missing values (<code>{column_name}</code>)..." ) d[column_name] = self.df[column_name].isna().sum() df_missing = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient="index", columns=["missing"]) # # calculate skew # d = {column_name: np.nan for column_name in self.df.columns} # default for column_name in self.numeric_columns: self._update_multiple_outputs( out, f"calculating skew (<code>{column_name}</code>)..." ) if len(self.df[column_name].dropna()) > 0: d[column_name] = self.df[column_name].dropna().skew() else: d[column_name] = np.nan df_skew = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient="index", columns=["skew"]) self._update_multiple_outputs(out, "calculating dataset statistics...") for col in self.df.columns: if df_missing["missing"][col] == len(self.df[col]): self.df[col] = self.df[col].astype("object") # # compute descriptive dataset statistics df_stats = self.df.describe(include="all").round(2) self._update_multiple_outputs(out, "transpose dataset statistics...") df_stats = df_stats.transpose() self._update_multiple_outputs(out, "finalizing dataset statistics...") df_stats = df_stats.fillna("") # # we join the stats with missing df if we computed that # self._update_multiple_outputs( out, "Assembling statistics into single result..." ) if not df_missing.empty: df_stats = df_stats.join(df_missing).fillna("") if not df_skew.empty: df_stats = df_stats.join(df_skew).fillna("") return df_stats def _generate_features_html( self, is_wide_dataset, n_features, df_stats, visualizations_follow ): html = utils.get_bootstrap_styles() if is_wide_dataset: html += """<p>The dataset has too many columns ({:,}) to efficiently show feature visualizations, instead only showing table of statistics</p>""".format( n_features ) html += "<p><b>&#x2022; Note</b> these are computed on the entire dataset.</p>" html += "<hr>" html += ( df_stats.replace(np.nan, "") .style.set_table_styles(utils.get_dataframe_styles(max_width=125)) .set_table_attributes("class=table") .format( lambda x: "{:.8g}".format(x) if ("float" in str(type(x))) or ("int" in str(type(x))) else x ) .render() ) if visualizations_follow: html += "<br><hr><h2>Feature Visualizations...</h2>" return html def _generate_warnings_html( self, is_wide_dataset, n_rows, n_features, df_stats, out, accordion ): # # create the "Warnings" accordion section: # - show high cardinal categoricals # - show high missing values # - large number of zeros (not for wide datasets - slow to compute) # # accum = [] ignored_feature_types = ["document"] # more than 5% missing is a warning # if "missing" in df_stats.columns: df_missing = df_stats[["missing"]][df_stats["missing"] != ""] if not df_missing.empty: # ignore document types for column_name, missing in df_missing.iterrows(): if ( self.feature_types[column_name]["type"] not in ignored_feature_types ): missing_values = float(missing[0]) missing_pct = 100 * missing_values / n_rows if missing_pct >= 5: accum.append( { "label": "missing", "message": f"<code>{column_name}</code> has {missing_values} ({missing_pct:.1f}%) missing values. Consider remove the column or replace null values.", } ) if missing_pct == 100: accum.append( { "label": "missing", "message": f"<code>{column_name}</code> is excluded from correlation computation due to {missing_values} ({missing_pct:.1f}%) missing values.", } ) # abs skew > 20 skewness warning issues # if "skew" in df_stats.columns: df_skew = df_stats[["skew"]][df_stats["skew"] != ""] if not df_skew.empty: # ignore document types for column_name, skew in df_skew.iterrows(): if ( self.feature_types[column_name]["type"] not in ignored_feature_types ): skewness = float(skew[0]) if abs(skewness) >= 20: accum.append( { "label": "skew", "message": f"<code>{column_name}</code> has skew of {skewness:.3f}", } ) # high cardinality (> 15 unique values) is a warning # if "unique" in df_stats.columns: for column_name, count in df_stats[["unique"]][ df_stats["unique"] != "" ].iterrows(): # ignore document types if self.feature_types[column_name]["type"] not in ignored_feature_types: out.value = ( f"Analyzing cadinalities (<code>{column_name}</code>)..." ) unique = self.df[column_name].unique().shape[0] if unique == n_rows: accum.append( { "label": "high-cardinality", "message": f"<code>{column_name}</code> has a high cardinality: every value is distinct", } ) elif unique > 15: accum.append( { "label": "high-cardinality", "message": f"<code>{column_name}</code> has a high cardinality: {unique} distinct values", } ) if not is_wide_dataset: # more than 10% zeros is a warning if "min" in df_stats.columns: for column_name, count in df_stats[["min"]][ df_stats["min"] != "" ].iterrows(): if ( self.feature_types[column_name]["type"] not in ignored_feature_types ): out.value = f"Analyzing zeros (<code>{column_name}</code>)..." # we've filtered on only columns that have a min value of 0 for speed zeros = self.df[self.df[column_name] == 0].shape[0] zeros_pct = 100 * zeros / n_rows if zeros_pct >= 10: accum.append( { "label": "zeros", "message": f"<code>{column_name}</code> has {zeros} ({zeros_pct:.2f}%) zeros)", } ) # # collect the warnings into an HTML presentation # out.value = "Assembling results..." if accum: html = utils.get_bootstrap_styles() html += utils.highlight_text(f"{len(accum)} WARNING(S) found") accordion.set_title(3, f"Warnings ({len(accum)})") html += "<hr>" tr_rows = [ f""" <tr style="border-top:0"> <td> {feature_warning['message']} <td> <span class="label label-{feature_warning['label']}">{feature_warning['label']}</span> </td> </tr> """.strip() for feature_warning in accum ] html += """ <table style="width: 100%; max-width: 100%;"> <tbody> {} </tbody> </table>""".format( "\n".join(tr_rows) ) return html else: return "<h3>No Feature warnings found</h3>"
[docs] def summary(self, feature_name=None): """ Display list of features & their datatypes. Shows the column name and the feature's meta_data if given a specific feature name. Parameters ---------- date_col: str The name of the feature Returns ------- dict a dictionary that contains requested information """ feature_n_datatype = {} list_of_dfs = [] if feature_name is None: feature_n_datatype = { col: self.feature_types[col].type + "/" + self.feature_types[col].low_level_type for col in self.sampled_df.columns } df = pd.DataFrame( feature_n_datatype.items(), columns=["Feature", "Datatype"] ) else: if isinstance(feature_name, (list, tuple, pd.core.indexes.base.Index)): feature_names = list(feature_name) else: feature_names = [feature_name] for col in feature_names: if col in self.sampled_df.columns: feature_n_datatype[col] = { k: v for k, v in self.feature_types[col].meta_data.items() if k not in ["internal", "feature_name"] } new_dict = utils.flatten(feature_n_datatype[col]) tmp_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( new_dict, orient="index", columns=[feature_names[feature_names.index(str(col))]], ) list_of_dfs.append(tmp_df) else: feature_n_datatype[col] = None df = pd.concat(list_of_dfs, axis=1).transpose().fillna("-") # get all the unique types from df new_list_dfs = [] for t in df.type.unique(): new_list_dfs.append(df[df["type"] == t]) df = pd.concat(new_list_dfs) # reorder columns in df # get a list of columns cols = list(df) # move the column to head of list using index, pop and insert cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index("low_level_type"))) cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index("type"))) df = df.loc[:, cols] return df
[docs] def timeseries(self, date_col): """ Supports any plotting operations where x=datetime. Parameters ---------- date_col: str The name of the feature to plot Returns ------- func a plotting object that contains a date column and dataframe """ if date_col in self.feature_types and isinstance( self.feature_types[date_col], DateTimeTypedFeature ): return Timeseries(date_col, self.sampled_df) else: raise ValueError("Not a date time column.")
[docs] def plot( self, x, y=None, plot_type="infer", yscale=None, verbose=True, sample_size=0 ): """ Supports plotting feature distribution, and relationship between features. Parameters ---------- x: str The name of the feature to plot y: str, optional Name of the feature to plot against x plot_type: str, default: infer Override the inferred plot type for certain combinations of the data types of x and y. By default, the best plot type is inferred based on x and y data types. Valid values: - box_plot - discrete feature vs continuous feature. Draw a box plot to show distributions with respect to categories, - scatter - continuous feature vs continuous feature. Draw a scatter plot with possibility of several semantic groupings. yscale : str, optional One of {"linear", "log", "symlog", "logit"}. The y axis scale type to apply. Can be used when either x or y is an ordinal feature. verbose: bool, default True Displays Note/Tips if True """ sample_size = int(sample_size) min_sample_size = 10000 if sample_size == 0: sub_samp_size = len(self.sampled_df) sub_samp_df = self.sampled_df else: sub_samp_size = max(min(sample_size, len(self.sampled_df)), min_sample_size) sub_samp_df = self.sampled_df.sample(n=sub_samp_size) plot = Plotting( sub_samp_df, self.feature_types, x, y=y, plot_type=plot_type, yscale=yscale ) if verbose: if len(self.df) != sub_samp_size:"Downsampling from dataset for graphing.") return plot
[docs] @runtime_dependency(module="geopandas", install_from=OptionalDependency.GEO) def plot_gis_scatter(self, lon="longitude", lat="latitude", ax=None): """ Supports plotting Choropleth maps Parameters ---------- df: pandas dataframe The dataframe to plot x: str The name of the feature to plot, usually the longitude y: str THe name of the feature to plot, usually the latitude """ if lon in self.sampled_df.columns and lat in self.sampled_df.columns: if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 10)) gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame( self.sampled_df, geometry=geopandas.points_from_xy( self.sampled_df[lon], self.sampled_df[lat] ), ) world = geopandas.read_file( geopandas.datasets.get_path("naturalearth_lowres") ) ax1 = world.plot(ax=ax, color="lightgrey", linewidth=0.5, edgecolor="white") gdf.plot(ax=ax1, color="blue", markersize=10) else: if len(self.sampled_df.columns) > 0: "The available latitude and longitude columns are: " + ", ".join(self.sampled_df.columns) + "." ) else:"There are no latitude and longitude columns available.")
""" Internal methods """ def _update_feature_types(self, columns): # Build feature types for columns which are not type discovered, by using the inferred type as it is for column in columns: self.feature_types[column] = get_feature_type( column, self.sampled_df[column] ) @runtime_dependency(module="geopandas", install_from=OptionalDependency.GEO) def _visualize_feature_distribution(self, html_widget): """ This function is called once per dataset to generate html for feature distribution plots. """ if len(self.feature_dist_html_dict) > 0: return self.feature_dist_html_dict feature_dist_html = "" figsize = (6.5, 2) props = { "boxstyle": BoxStyle("Round", pad=0), "facecolor": "white", "linestyle": "solid", "linewidth": 0, "edgecolor": "white", } font = {"size": 10} matplotlib.rc("font", **font) red_square = dict(markerfacecolor="r", marker="s") blues = [ "#AED6F1", "#85C1E9", "#5DADE2", "#3498DB", "#2E86C1", "#2874A6", "#1B4F72", ] bright_colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "green"] for col_index, col in enumerate(self.sampled_df.columns): feature_metadata = self.feature_types[col].meta_data text = "\n".join( [ f"{col}\n", " - type: {} ({})".format( self.feature_types[col].type, self.feature_types[col].low_level_type, ), " - missing_percentage: {:.1f}%".format( self.feature_types[col].missing_percentage ), ] ) fig, ax = PandasDataset._init_fig_ax(figsize) if isinstance(self.feature_types[col], ContinuousTypedFeature): text += PandasDataset._format_stats( self.feature_types[col].type, feature_metadata["stats"] ) ax.text( -1.1, 1, text, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", bbox=props, ) self.sampled_df[col].plot( kind="box", vert=False, flierprops=red_square, ax=ax, figsize=figsize, ) elif isinstance(self.feature_types[col], DateTimeTypedFeature): text += PandasDataset._format_stats( self.feature_types[col].type, feature_metadata["stats"] ) ax.text( -1.1, 1, text, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", bbox=props, ) from matplotlib.dates import AutoDateFormatter, AutoDateLocator loc = AutoDateLocator(interval_multiples=False) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(loc) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(AutoDateFormatter(loc)) self.sampled_df[col].hist( bins=50, grid=False, xrot=45, ax=ax, rwidth=0.95, color=blues[-1], figsize=figsize, ) elif isinstance(self.feature_types[col], GISTypedFeature): text += PandasDataset._format_stats( self.feature_types[col].type, feature_metadata["stats"] ) ax.text( -1.1, 1, text, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", bbox=props, ) df = pd.DataFrame( feature_metadata["internal"]["sample"], columns=["lat", "lon"] ) gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame( df, geometry=geopandas.points_from_xy(df["lon"], df["lat"]) ) ax=ax, color="lightgrey", linewidth=0.5, edgecolor="white" ) gdf.plot(ax=ax, color="blue", markersize=10) ax.set_aspect("auto") elif ( isinstance(self.feature_types[col], ConstantTypedFeature) and feature_metadata["missing_percentage"] < 100 ): text += PandasDataset._format_stats( self.feature_types[col].type, feature_metadata["stats"] ) ax.text( -1.1, 1, text, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", bbox=props, ) pd.Series( feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"], name=col, index=feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"].keys(), ).plot(kind="barh", ax=ax, width=0.95, figsize=figsize, color=["black"]) elif isinstance(self.feature_types[col], CreditCardTypedFeature): text += PandasDataset._format_stats( self.feature_types[col].type, feature_metadata["stats"] ) ax.text( -1.1, 1, text, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", bbox=props, ) sorted_by_value = sorted( feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"], key=feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"].get, reverse=True, ) pd.Series( feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"], name=col, index=sorted_by_value, ).plot(kind="bar", ax=ax, width=0.95, figsize=figsize, color=blues) elif isinstance(self.feature_types[col], ZipcodeTypedFeature): ax.text( -1.1, 1, text, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", bbox=props, ) pd.Series( feature_metadata["internal"]["histogram"], name=col, index=feature_metadata["internal"]["histogram"].keys(), ).plot(kind="bar", ax=ax, figsize=figsize, color=blues) elif isinstance(self.feature_types[col], PhoneNumberTypedFeature): text += PandasDataset._format_stats( self.feature_types[col].type, feature_metadata["stats"] ) ax.text( -1.1, 1, text, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", bbox=props, ) pd.Series( feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"], name=col, index=feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"].keys(), ).plot(kind="bar", ax=ax, figsize=figsize, color=blues) elif isinstance(self.feature_types[col], OrdinalTypedFeature): text += PandasDataset._format_stats( self.feature_types[col].type, feature_metadata["stats"] ) high_cardinality = feature_metadata["internal"]["high_cardinality"] very_high_cardinality = feature_metadata["internal"][ "very_high_cardinality" ] ax.text( -1.1, 1, text, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", bbox=props, ) if very_high_cardinality: addrtext = "Samples:\n\n" addrtext += ", ".join( feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"] .keys() .astype(str) .to_list()[:6] ) ax.text( 0.05, 0.95, addrtext, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment="top", bbox=props, ) ax.axis("off") else: if high_cardinality: text += ( "\n\n NOTE: plot has been capped\n from %d to show only most\n common top %d " "categories" % ( feature_metadata["internal"]["unique"], len(feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"].keys()), ) ) if feature_metadata["internal"]["unique"] < 24: pd.Series( feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"], name=col, index=feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"].keys(), ).plot( kind="bar", ax=ax, width=0.90, color=blues[-1], figsize=figsize, ) else: self.sampled_df[col].plot( kind="hist", grid=False, rwidth=0.95, ax=ax, color=blues[-1], figsize=figsize, ) elif isinstance(self.feature_types[col], CategoricalTypedFeature): text += PandasDataset._format_stats( self.feature_types[col].type, feature_metadata["stats"] ) high_cardinality = feature_metadata["internal"]["high_cardinality"] very_high_cardinality = feature_metadata["internal"][ "very_high_cardinality" ] ax.text( -1.1, 1, text, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", bbox=props, ) if very_high_cardinality: # grab the first few examples as strings addrtext = "Samples:\n\n" addrtext += "\n".join( [ utils.ellipsis_strings(x, 65) for x in feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"] .keys() .astype(str) .to_list()[:3] ] ) ax.text( 0.05, 0.95, addrtext, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment="top", bbox=props, ) ax.axis("off") else: text += PandasDataset._format_stats( self.feature_types[col].type, feature_metadata["stats"] ) if high_cardinality: text += ( "\n\n NOTE: plot has been capped\n to show only most\n common top %d categories" % (len(feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"].keys())) ) if feature_metadata["internal"]["unique"] == 2: # # binary # count_series = pd.Series( feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"], name=col, index=feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"].keys(), ).astype(float) ax1 = count_series.plot( kind="barh", ax=ax, width=0.95, figsize=figsize, color=[blues[0], blues[-1]], ) # x_labels = utils.ellipsis_strings(feature_metadata['internal']['counts'].keys().astype(str)) # ax1.set_xticklabels(x_labels) else: # # multiclass, potentially high cardinality # ax1 = pd.Series( feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"], name=col, index=feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"].keys(), ).plot( kind="bar", ax=ax, width=0.95, color=blues, figsize=figsize ) x_labels = utils.ellipsis_strings( feature_metadata["internal"]["counts"].keys() ) ax1.set_xticklabels(x_labels) elif isinstance( self.feature_types[col], DocumentTypedFeature ) or isinstance(self.feature_types[col], AddressTypedFeature): text += PandasDataset._format_stats( self.feature_types[col].type, {k: v for k, v in feature_metadata["stats"].items()}, ) ax.text( -1.1, 1, text, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", bbox=props, ) if "word_frequencies" in feature_metadata["internal"]: word_freqs = feature_metadata["internal"]["word_frequencies"] stats = "\n".join([" - word count: %d" % (len(word_freqs.keys()))]) text = text + "\n" text += stats try: from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS wordcloud = WordCloud( width=1000, height=int(1000 * (figsize[1] / figsize[0])), background_color="white", stopwords=set(STOPWORDS), max_words=50, max_font_size=75, ).fit_words(word_freqs) plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear") plt.axis("off") except ModuleNotFoundError as e: utils._log_missing_module("wordcloud", OptionalDependency.TEXT) "The text word cloud is not plotted due to missing dependency wordcloud." ) else: ax.text( -1.1, 1, text, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", bbox=props, weight="bold", ) if feature_metadata["missing_percentage"] == 100: addrtext = "NOTE: plot has been disabled as all values in this column are missing." else: addrtext = "NOTE: plot has been disabled,\nfor features of unknown type\nno visualization is available" ax.text( 0.05, 0.95, addrtext, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=14, verticalalignment="top", bbox=props, weight="bold", ) ax.axis("off") self.feature_dist_html_dict[col] = convert_to_html(plt) plt.close() html_widget.value += self.feature_dist_html_dict[col] @staticmethod def _init_fig_ax(figsize, dpi=288): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) fig.set(facecolor="white") return fig, ax @staticmethod def _format_stats(feature_type_name, stats): text = "\n - %s statistics:" % (feature_type_name) for k in list(stats.keys()): if "percentage" in k: text += "\n - {}: {:.3f}%".format(k, stats[k]) elif isinstance(stats[k], (int, np.int64)) or ( isinstance(stats[k], float) and not np.isnan(stats[k]) and stats[k] == int(stats[k]) ): text += "\n - {}: {:,}".format(k, int(stats[k])) elif isinstance(stats[k], bool): text += "\n - {}: {s}".format(k, "yes" if stats[k] else "no") elif isinstance(stats[k], (float, np.float64)): text += "\n - {}: {:.3f}".format(k, stats[k]) else: text += "\n - {}: {}".format(k, stats[k]) return text