Source code for ads.evaluations.evaluator

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2020, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

from cycler import cycler
import logging
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
import pandas as pd
import re
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
import tempfile
from typing import List, Any

mpl.rcParams["image.cmap"] = "BuGn"
mpl.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"] = cycler(
    color=["teal", "blueviolet", "forestgreen", "peru", "y", "dodgerblue", "r"]

from import ADSData
from ads.common.decorator.runtime_dependency import (
from ads.common.decorator.deprecate import deprecated
from ads.common import logger
from ads.common.model import ADSModel
from ads.common.model_metadata import UseCaseType
from ads.dataset.dataset_with_target import ADSDatasetWithTarget
from ads.evaluations.evaluation_plot import EvaluationPlot
from ads.evaluations.statistical_metrics import (
from ads.model.generic_model import GenericModel, VERIFY_STATUS_NAME

METRICS_TO_MINIMIZE = ["hamming_loss", "hinge_loss", "mse", "mae"]
POSITIVE_CLASS_NAMES = ["yes", "y", "t", "true", "1"]

[docs]class Evaluator(object): """ BETA FEATURE Evaluator is the new and preferred way to evaluate a model of list of models. It contains a superset of the features of the soon-to-be-deprecated ADSEvaluator. Methods ------- display() Shows all plots and metrics within the jupyter notebook. html() Returns the raw string of the html report save(filename) Saves the html report to the provided file location. add_model(model) Adds a model to the existsing report. See documentation for more details. add_metric(metric_fn) Adds a metric to the existsing report. See documentation for more details. add_plot(plotting_fn) Adds a plot to the existing report. See documentation for more details. """ def __init__( self, models: List[GenericModel], X: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, y_preds: List[ArrayLike] = None, y_scores: List[ArrayLike] = None, X_train: ArrayLike = None, y_train: ArrayLike = None, classes: List = None, positive_class: str = None, legend_labels: dict = None, use_case_type: UseCaseType = None, ): """Creates an ads evaluator object. Parameters ---------- models : ads.model.GenericModel instance Test data to evaluate model on. The object can be built using from one of the framworks supported in `ads.model.framework` X : DataFrame-like The data used to make a prediction. Can be set to None if `y_preds` is given. (And `y_scores` for more thorough analysis). y : array-like The true values corresponding to the input data y_preds : list of array-like, optional The predictions from each model in the same order as the models y_scores : list of array-like, optional The predict_probas from each model in the same order as the models X_train : DataFrame-like, optional The data used to train the model y_train : array-like, optional The true values corresponding to the input training data positive_class : str or int, optional The class to report metrics for binary dataset. If the target classes is True or False, positive_class will be set to True by default. If the dataset is multiclass or multilabel, this will be ignored. legend_labels : dict, optional List of legend labels. Defaults to `None`. If legend_labels not specified class names will be used for plots. classes : List or None, optional A List of the possible labels for y, when evaluating a classification use case use_case_type : str, optional The type of problem this model is solving. This can be set during `prepare()`. Examples: "binary_classification", "regression", "multinomial_classification" Full list of supported types can be found here: `ads.common.model_metadata.UseCaseType` Examples -------- >>> import tempfile >>> from ads.evaluations.evaluator import Evaluator >>> from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier >>> from sklearn.datasets import make_classification >>> from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split >>> from ads.model.framework.sklearn_model import SklearnModel >>> from ads.common.model_metadata import UseCaseType >>> >>> X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000) >>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3) >>> est = DecisionTreeClassifier().fit(X_train, y_train) >>> model = SklearnModel(estimator=est, artifact_dir=tempfile.mkdtemp()) >>> model.prepare( inference_conda_env="generalml_p38_cpu_v1", training_conda_env="generalml_p38_cpu_v1", X_sample=X_test, y_sample=y_test, use_case_type=UseCaseType.BINARY_CLASSIFICATION, ) >>> report = Evaluator([my_model], X=X_test, y=y_test) >>> report.display() """ self._verify_models(models) self.X, self.y, self.X_train, self.y_train = X, y, X_train, y_train self.legend_labels = legend_labels self.positive_class = positive_class self._determine_problem_type(models, use_case_type) self._determine_classes(classes) self.model_names = [] self.evaluation = pd.DataFrame() self.add_models(models, y_preds=y_preds, y_scores=y_scores) def _verify_models(self, models): assert isinstance( models, list ), f"The `models` argument must be a list of models, instead got: {models}" for m in models: if not isinstance(m, GenericModel): raise ValueError( f"Please register and prepare model {m} with ads. More information here:" ) sum_stat = m.summary_status().reset_index() if ( sum_stat.loc[sum_stat["Step"] == VERIFY_STATUS_NAME, "Status"] == "Not Available" ).any(): raise ValueError( f"Model {m} has not been prepared, and `verify` cannot be run (including the pre and post processing from the This may cause issues. Prepare the model in accordance with the documentation:" ) def _determine_problem_type(self, models, use_case_type): if use_case_type is not None: self.problem_type = use_case_type problem_type = models[0].metadata_taxonomy["UseCaseType"].value if problem_type is not None: for m in models: assert ( problem_type == m.metadata_taxonomy["UseCaseType"].value ), f"Cannot compare models of different Use Case types. The first model is of type {problem_type}, while model: {m} is of Use Case type: {m.metadata_taxonomy['UseCaseType'].value}" self.problem_type = problem_type else: if not models[0].schema_output.keys: raise ValueError( f"The Use Case Type of this model, {models[0]}, is ambigious. Please re-run Evaluator with `use_case_type` set to a valid type (full list found here: ads.common.model_metadata.UseCaseType). To avoid setting this in the future, set the `use_case_type` when preparing the model. Or update your model's use_case_type attribute here: `model.metadata_taxonomy['UseCaseType'].value` More information here:" ) logger.warn( f"The Use Case Type of this model, {models[0]}, is ambigious. Please set the `model.metadata_taxonomy['UseCaseType'].value` attribute to one of the options in ads.common.model_metadata.UseCaseType" ) output_col = models[0].schema_output.keys[0] if models[0].schema_output[output_col].feature_type != "Continuous": if len(np.unique(self.y)) == 2: self.problem_type = UseCaseType.BINARY_CLASSIFICATION else: self.problem_type = UseCaseType.MULTINOMIAL_CLASSIFICATION else: self.problem_type = UseCaseType.REGRESSION"Set Use Case Type to: {self.problem_type}") def _determine_classes(self, classes): if self.problem_type in [UseCaseType.REGRESSION]: self.classes = [] self.metrics_to_show = DEFAULT_REG_METRICS self.is_classifier = False else: self.is_classifier = True self.classes = ( classes or np.unique(self.y_train) if self.y_train is not None else np.unique(self.y) ) self.num_classes = len(self.classes) if len(self.classes) == 2: self.metrics_to_show = DEFAULT_BIN_CLASS_METRICS if ( self.positive_class is None or self.positive_class not in self.classes ): self.positive_class = next( ( x for x in list(self.classes) if str(x).lower() in POSITIVE_CLASS_NAMES ), self.classes[0], ) f"Using {self.positive_class} as the positive class. Use `positive_class` to set this value." ) else: self.metrics_to_show = DEFAULT_MULTI_CLASS_METRICS def _get_model_name(self, model): name = str(model.algorithm) + "_" + str(model.framework) name_edit = re.sub(r" ?\([^)]+\)", "", name) if name_edit in self.model_names: name_edit += "_1" num_tries = 1 while name_edit in self.model_names: num_tries += 1 name_edit = name_edit[:-1] + str(num_tries) self.model_names.append(name_edit) return name_edit def _score_data(self, model, X): y_pred = model.verify(X)["prediction"] y_score = None # we will compute y_score only for binary classification cases because only for binary classification can # we use it for ROC Curves and AUC if self.is_classifier and hasattr(model.estimator, "predict_proba"): if len(self.classes) == 2: # positive label index is assumed to be 0 if the ADSModel does not have a positive class defined positive_class_index = 0 # For prediction probability, we only consider the positive class. if self.positive_class is not None: if self.positive_class not in list(self.classes): raise ValueError( "Invalid positive class '%s' for model %s. Positive class should be one of %s." % ( self.positive_class, model.estimator.__class__.__name__, list(self.classes), ) ) positive_class_index = list(self.classes).index(self.positive_class) y_score = model.estimator.predict_proba(X)[:, positive_class_index] else: y_score = model.estimator.predict_proba(X) return y_pred, y_score
[docs] def add_models( self, models: List[GenericModel], y_preds: List[Any] = None, y_scores: List[Any] = None, ): """Add a model to an existing Evaluator to avoid re-calculating the values. Parameters ---------- models : List[ads.model.GenericModel] Test data to evaluate model on. The object can be built using from one of the framworks supported in `ads.model.framework` y_preds : list of array-like, optional The predictions from each model in the same order as the models y_scores : list of array-like, optional The predict_probas from each model in the same order as the models Returns ------- self Examples -------- >>> evaluator = Evaluator(models = [model1, model2], X=X, y=y) >>> evaluator.add_models(models = [model3]) """ assert isinstance(models, List), "The `models` parameter must be of type list." if self.is_classifier: self._le = LabelEncoder().fit(self.y) for i, m in enumerate(models): m_name = self._get_model_name(m) if y_preds is None: y_pred, y_score = self._score_data(m, self.X) else: y_pred = y_preds[i] y_score = y_scores[i] if isinstance(y_scores, list) else None if self.is_classifier: y_true, y_pred = self._le.transform(self.y), self._le.transform(y_pred) classes = self._le.transform(self.classes) pos_class = None if len(self.classes) == 2: pos_class = self._le.transform([self.positive_class])[0] else: y_true, y_pred, classes, pos_class = self.y, y_pred, None, None new_model_metrics = ModelEvaluator( y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, model_name=m_name, classes=classes, y_score=y_score, positive_class=pos_class, ).get_metrics() self.evaluation = pd.concat( [self.evaluation, new_model_metrics], axis=1, sort=False ) return self
[docs] @runtime_dependency(module="IPython", install_from=OptionalDependency.NOTEBOOK) @runtime_dependency( module="ipywidgets", object="HTML", install_from=OptionalDependency.NOTEBOOK, ) def display( self, plots=None, perfect=False, baseline=True, legend_labels=None, precision=4, metrics_labels=None, ): """Visualize evaluation report. Parameters ---------- plots : list, optional Filter the plots that are displayed. Defaults to None. The name of the plots are as below: - regression - residuals_qq, residuals_vs_fitted - binary classification - normalized_confusion_matrix, roc_curve, pr_curve - multi class classification - normalized_confusion_matrix, precision_by_label, recall_by_label, f1_by_label perfect: bool, optional (default False) If True, will show how a perfect classifier would perform. baseline: bool, optional (default True) If True, will show how a random classifier would perform. legend_labels : dict, optional Rename legend labels, that used for multi class classification plots. Defaults to None. legend_labels dict keys are the same as class names. legend_labels dict values are strings. If legend_labels not specified class names will be used for plots. precision: int, optional (default 4) The number of decimal points to show for each score/loss value metrics_labels: List, optional The metrics that should be included in the html table. Returns ------- None Nothing. Outputs several evaluation plots as specified by `plots`. Examples -------- >>> evaluator = Evaluator(models=[model1, model2], X=X, y=y) >>> evaluator.display() >>> legend_labels={'class_0': 'green', 'class_1': 'yellow', 'class_2': 'red'} >>> multi_evaluator = Evaluator(models=[model1, model2], X=X, y=y, legend_labels=legend_labels) >>> multi_evaluator.display(plots=["normalized_confusion_matrix", ... "precision_by_label", "recall_by_label", "f1_by_label"]) """ from IPython.core.display import display, HTML legend_labels = ( legend_labels if legend_labels is not None else self.legend_labels ) if legend_labels is None and self.is_classifier: legend_labels = dict( zip([str(x) for x in self._le.transform(self.classes)], self.classes) ) # pass to plotting class self._get_plots_html( plots=plots, perfect=perfect, baseline=baseline, legend_labels=legend_labels ) display( HTML(self._get_metrics_html(precision=precision, labels=metrics_labels)) )
[docs] def html( self, plots=None, perfect=False, baseline=True, legend_labels=None, precision=4, metrics_labels=None, ): """Get raw HTML report. Parameters ---------- plots : list, optional Filter the plots that are displayed. Defaults to None. The name of the plots are as below: - regression - residuals_qq, residuals_vs_fitted - binary classification - normalized_confusion_matrix, roc_curve, pr_curve - multi class classification - normalized_confusion_matrix, precision_by_label, recall_by_label, f1_by_label perfect: bool, optional (default False) If True, will show how a perfect classifier would perform. baseline: bool, optional (default True) If True, will show how a random classifier would perform. legend_labels : dict, optional Rename legend labels, that used for multi class classification plots. Defaults to None. legend_labels dict keys are the same as class names. legend_labels dict values are strings. If legend_labels not specified class names will be used for plots. precision: int, optional (default 4) The number of decimal points to show for each score/loss value metrics_labels: List, optional The metrics that should be included in the html table. Returns ------- None Nothing. Outputs several evaluation plots as specified by `plots`. Examples -------- >>> evaluator = Evaluator(models=[model1, model2], X=X, y=y) >>> raw_html = evaluator.html() """ html_plots = self._get_plots_html( plots=plots, perfect=perfect, baseline=baseline, legend_labels=legend_labels ) html_metrics = self._get_metrics_html( precision=precision, labels=metrics_labels ) html_raw = ( "<h1>Evaluation Report</h1> \ <h2>Evaluation Plots</h2> " + " \ ".join( html_plots ) + f"<h2>Evaluation Metrics</h2> \ <p> {html_metrics} </p>" ) return html_raw
[docs] def save(self, filename: str, **kwargs): """Save HTML report. Parameters ---------- filename: str The name and path of where to save the html report. plots : list, optional Filter the plots that are displayed. Defaults to None. The name of the plots are as below: - regression - residuals_qq, residuals_vs_fitted - binary classification - normalized_confusion_matrix, roc_curve, pr_curve - multi class classification - normalized_confusion_matrix, precision_by_label, recall_by_label, f1_by_label perfect: bool, optional (default False) If True, will show how a perfect classifier would perform. baseline: bool, optional (default True) If True, will show how a random classifier would perform. legend_labels : dict, optional Rename legend labels, that used for multi class classification plots. Defaults to None. legend_labels dict keys are the same as class names. legend_labels dict values are strings. If legend_labels not specified class names will be used for plots. precision: int, optional (default 4) The number of decimal points to show for each score/loss value metrics_labels: List, optional The metrics that should be included in the html table. Returns ------- None Nothing. Outputs several evaluation plots as specified by `plots`. Examples -------- >>> evaluator = Evaluator(models=[model1, model2], X=X, y=y) >>>"report.html") """ raw_html = self.html(**kwargs) with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(raw_html)
def _get_plots_html( self, plots=None, perfect=False, baseline=True, legend_labels=None, ): return EvaluationPlot.plot( self.evaluation, plots, len(self.classes), perfect, baseline, legend_labels ) def _get_metrics_html(self, precision=4, labels=None): def highlight_max(s): """Highlight the maximum in a Series yellow. Parameters ---------- s : series object the series being evaluated Returns ------- list containing background color data or empty if not max """ if not in METRICS_TO_MINIMIZE: is_max = s == s.max() else: is_max = s == s.min() return ["background-color: lightgreen" if v else "" for v in is_max] def _pretty_label(df, labels, copy=True): """ Output specified labels in proper format. If the labels are provided in then used them. Otherwise, use default. Parameters ---------- labels : dictionary map printing specific labels for metrics display Returns ------- dataframe dataframe with index names modified according to input labels """ df_display = df.loc[list(labels.keys())] if copy: df_display = df_display.copy() for k, v in labels.items(): df_display.rename(index={k: v}, inplace=True) return df_display if labels is None: if self.is_classifier: if len(self.classes) == 2: labels = DEFAULT_BIN_CLASS_LABELS_MAP else: labels = DEFAULT_MULTI_CLASS_LABELS_MAP else: labels = DEFAULT_REG_LABELS_MAP html_raw = ( _pretty_label(self.evaluation, labels) .style.apply(highlight_max, axis=1) .format(precision=precision) .set_properties(**{"text-align": "center"}) .set_table_attributes("class=table") .set_caption( '<div align="left"><b style="font-size:20px;">' + "Evaluation Metrics:</b></div>" ) .to_html() ) return html_raw
[docs]class ADSEvaluator(object): """ADS Evaluator class. This class holds field and methods for creating and using ADS evaluator objects. Attributes ---------- evaluations : list[DataFrame] list of evaluations. is_classifier : bool Whether the dataset looks like a classification problem (versus regression). legend_labels : dict List of legend labels. Defaults to `None`. metrics_to_show : list[str] Names of metrics to show. models : list[ads.common.model.ADSModel] The object built using `ADSModel.from_estimator()`. positive_class : str or int The class to report metrics for binary dataset, assumed to be true. show_full_name :bool Whether to show the name of the evaluator in relevant contexts. test_data : Test data to evaluate model on. training_data : Training data to evaluate model. Positive_Class_names : list Class attribute listing the ways to represent positive classes Methods ------- add_metrics(func, names) Adds the listed metics to the evaluator it is called on del_metrics(names) Removes listed metrics from the evaluator object it is called on add_models(models, show_full_name) Adds the listed models to the evaluator object del_models(names) Removes the listed models from the evaluator object show_in_notebook(plots, use_training_data, perfect, baseline, legend_labels) Visualize evalutation plots in the notebook calculate_cost(tn_weight, fp_weight, fn_weight, tp_weight, use_training_data) Returns a cost associated with the input weights """ Positive_Class_Names = ["yes", "y", "t", "true", "1"] def __init__( self, test_data, models, training_data=None, positive_class=None, legend_labels=None, show_full_name=False, classes=None, classification_threshold=50, ): """Creates an ads evaluator object. Parameters ---------- test_data : instance Test data to evaluate model on. The object can be built using ``. models : list[ads.common.model.ADSModel] The object can be built using `ADSModel.from_estimator()`. Maximum length of the list is 3 training_data : instance, optional Training data to evaluate model on and compare metrics against test data. The object can be built using `` positive_class : str or int, optional The class to report metrics for binary dataset. If the target classes is True or False, positive_class will be set to True by default. If the dataset is multiclass or multilabel, this will be ignored. legend_labels : dict, optional List of legend labels. Defaults to `None`. If legend_labels not specified class names will be used for plots. show_full_name : bool, optional Show the name of the evaluator object. Defaults to `False`. classes : List or None, optional A List of the possible labels for y, when evaluating a classification use case classification_threshold : int, defaults to 50 The maximum number of unique values that y must have to qualify as classification. If this threshold is exceeded, Evaluator assumes the model is regression. Examples -------- >>> train, test = ds.train_test_split() >>> model1 = MyModelClass1.train(train) >>> model2 = MyModelClass2.train(train) >>> evaluator = ADSEvaluator(test, [model1, model2]) >>> legend_labels={'class_0': 'one', 'class_1': 'two', 'class_2': 'three'} >>> multi_evaluator = ADSEvaluator(test, models=[model1, model2], ... legend_labels=legend_labels) """ if any(isinstance(m, ADSModel) for m in models): logger.warn( f"ADSModel is being deprecated. Users should instead use GenericModel or one of its subclasses. More information here:" ) self.evaluations = [] if isinstance(training_data, ADSDatasetWithTarget): training_data, _ = training_data.train_test_split(test_size=0.0) if isinstance(test_data, ADSDatasetWithTarget): test_data, _ = test_data.train_test_split(test_size=0.0) if not isinstance(test_data, ADSData): raise ValueError( "Expected test_data to be of type ADSData. More information here:" ) if training_data and not isinstance(training_data, ADSData): raise ValueError( "Expected training_data to be of type ADSData. More information here:" ) assert isinstance( models, list ), "The `models` argument should be a list of GenericModels. More information here:" self.test_data = test_data self.training_data = training_data self.classes = [] self.is_classifier = ( hasattr(models[0], "classes_") and models[0].classes_ is not None ) pclass = positive_class if self.is_classifier: self.classes = list(models[0].classes_) if len(self.classes) == 2: self.metrics_to_show = [ "accuracy", "hamming_loss", "precision", "recall", "f1", "auc", ] if positive_class is None or positive_class not in self.classes: pclass = next( ( x for x in list(self.classes) if str(x).lower() in ADSEvaluator.Positive_Class_Names ), self.classes[0], ) f"Using {pclass} as the positive class. Use `positive_class` to set this value." ) else: # Multi-class self.metrics_to_show = [ "accuracy", "hamming_loss", "precision_weighted", "precision_micro", "recall_weighted", "recall_micro", "f1_weighted", "f1_micro", ] else: # Regression self.metrics_to_show = ["r2_score", "mse", "mae"] self.positive_class = pclass self.legend_labels = legend_labels for m in models: if not (isinstance(m, ADSModel)): try: m = ADSModel.from_estimator(m.est) except:"This model cannot be converted to an ADS Model.") self.evaluations = [pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame()] self.model_names = [] self.add_models(models, show_full_name=show_full_name)
[docs] def add_metrics(self, funcs, names): """Adds the listed metrics to the evaluator object it is called on. Parameters ---------- funcs : list The list of metrics to be added. This function will be provided `y_true` and `y_pred`, the true and predicted values for each model. names : list[str]) The list of metric names corresponding to the functions. Returns ------- Nothing Examples -------- >>> def f1(y_true, y_pred): ... return np.max(y_true - y_pred) >>> evaluator = ADSEvaluator(test, [model1, model2]) >>> evaluator.add_metrics([f1], ['Max Residual']) >>> evaluator.metrics Output table will include the desired metric """ if len(funcs) != len(names): raise ValueError("Could not find 1 unique name for each function") for name, f in zip(names, funcs): f_res = [] for m in self.evaluations[1].columns: res = f( self.evaluations[1][m]["y_true"], self.evaluations[1][m]["y_pred"] ) f_res.append(res) pd_res = pd.DataFrame( [f_res], columns=self.evaluations[1].columns, index=[name] ) self.evaluations[1] = pd.concat([self.evaluations[1], pd_res]) if self.evaluations[0].shape != (0, 0): f_res = [] for m in self.evaluations[0].columns: res = f( self.evaluations[0][m]["y_true"], self.evaluations[0][m]["y_pred"], ) f_res.append(res) pd_res = pd.DataFrame( [f_res], columns=self.evaluations[0].columns, index=[name] ) self.evaluations[0] = pd.concat([self.evaluations[0], pd_res]) if name not in self.metrics_to_show: self.metrics_to_show.append(name) setattr(self, "train_evaluations", self.evaluations[0]) setattr(self, "test_evaluations", self.evaluations[1])
[docs] def del_metrics(self, names): """Removes the listed metrics from the evaluator object it is called on. Parameters ---------- names : list[str] The list of names of metrics to be deleted. Names can be found by calling `evaluator.test_evaluations.index`. Returns ------- None `None` Examples -------- >>> evaluator = ADSEvaluator(test, [model1, model2]) >>> evaluator.del_metrics(['mse]) >>> evaluator.metrics Output table will exclude the desired metric """ self.evaluations[1].drop(index=names, inplace=True) if self.evaluations[0].shape != (0, 0): self.evaluations[0].drop(index=names, inplace=True) self.metrics_to_show = [met for met in self.metrics_to_show if met not in names]
[docs] def add_models(self, models, show_full_name=False): """Adds the listed models to the evaluator object it is called on. Parameters ---------- models : list[ADSModel] The list of models to be added show_full_name : bool, optional Whether to show the full model name. Defaults to False. ** NOT USED ** Returns ------- Nothing Examples -------- >>> evaluator = ADSEvaluator(test, [model1, model2]) >>> evaluator.add_models("model3]) """ if type(models) is list: total_train_metrics = self.evaluations[0] total_test_metrics = self.evaluations[1] for i, m in enumerate(models): # if hasattr(m, 'classes_') != self.is_classifier: # raise ValueError("All models should belong to same problem type.") # calculate evaluations on testing and training data (if X_train is not None) m_name = self._get_model_name( if self.training_data is not None: y_pred, y_score = self._score_data(m, self.training_data.X) train_metrics = ModelEvaluator( y_true=self.training_data.y, y_pred=y_pred, model_name=m_name, classes=m.classes_ if self.is_classifier else None, y_score=y_score, positive_class=self.positive_class, ).get_metrics() total_train_metrics = pd.concat( [total_train_metrics, train_metrics], axis=1 ) y_pred, y_score = self._score_data(m, self.test_data.X) test_metrics = ModelEvaluator( y_true=self.test_data.y, y_pred=y_pred, model_name=m_name, classes=m.classes_ if self.is_classifier else None, y_score=y_score, positive_class=self.positive_class, ).get_metrics() total_test_metrics = pd.concat( [total_test_metrics, test_metrics], axis=1, sort=False ) self.evaluations = [total_train_metrics, total_test_metrics] setattr(self, "train_evaluations", self.evaluations[0]) setattr(self, "test_evaluations", self.evaluations[1])
[docs] def del_models(self, names): """Removes the listed models from the evaluator object it is called on. Parameters ---------- names : list[str] the list of models to be delete. Names are the model names by default, and assigned internally when conflicts exist. Actual names can be found using `evaluator.test_evaluations.columns` Returns ------- Nothing Examples -------- >>> model3.rename("model3") >>> evaluator = ADSEvaluator(test, [model1, model2, model3]) >>> evaluator.del_models([model3]) """ if type(names) is list: self.model_names = [n for n in self.model_names if n not in names] self.evaluations[1].drop(columns=names, inplace=True) if self.evaluations[0].shape != (0, 0): self.evaluations[0].drop(columns=names, inplace=True)
[docs] def show_in_notebook( self, plots=None, use_training_data=False, perfect=False, baseline=True, legend_labels=None, ): """Visualize evaluation plots. Parameters ---------- plots : list, optional Filter the plots that are displayed. Defaults to None. The name of the plots are as below: - regression - residuals_qq, residuals_vs_fitted - binary classification - normalized_confusion_matrix, roc_curve, pr_curve - multi class classification - normalized_confusion_matrix, precision_by_label, recall_by_label, f1_by_label use_training_data : bool, optional Use training data to generate plots. Defaults to `False`. By default, this method uses test data to generate plots legend_labels : dict, optional Rename legend labels, that used for multi class classification plots. Defaults to None. legend_labels dict keys are the same as class names. legend_labels dict values are strings. If legend_labels not specified class names will be used for plots. Returns ------- None Nothing. Outputs several evaluation plots as specified by `plots`. Examples -------- >>> evaluator = ADSEvaluator(test, [model1, model2]) >>> evaluator.show_in_notebook() >>> legend_labels={'class_0': 'green', 'class_1': 'yellow', 'class_2': 'red'} >>> multi_evaluator = ADSEvaluator(test, [model1, model2], ... legend_labels=legend_labels) >>> multi_evaluator.show_in_notebook(plots=["normalized_confusion_matrix", ... "precision_by_label", "recall_by_label", "f1_by_label"]) """ # get evaluations if use_training_data: if self.training_data is None: raise ValueError( "Training data is not provided. Re-build ADSData with training and test data" ) model_evaluation = self.evaluations[0] else: model_evaluation = self.evaluations[1] legend_labels = ( legend_labels if legend_labels is not None else self.legend_labels ) # pass to plotting class EvaluationPlot.plot( model_evaluation, plots, len(self.classes), perfect, baseline, legend_labels )
[docs] def calculate_cost( self, tn_weight, fp_weight, fn_weight, tp_weight, use_training_data=False ): """Returns a cost associated with the input weights. Parameters ---------- tn_weight : int, float The weight to assign true negatives in calculating the cost fp_weight : int, float The weight to assign false positives in calculating the cost fn_weight : int, float The weight to assign false negatives in calculating the cost tp_weight : int, float The weight to assign true positives in calculating the cost use_training_data : bool, optional Use training data to pull the metrics. Defaults to False Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` DataFrame with the cost calculated for each model Examples -------- >>> evaluator = ADSEvaluator(test, [model1, model2]) >>> costs_table = evaluator.calculate_cost(0, 10, 1000, 0) """ if len(self.classes) != 2: raise ValueError( "The calculate_cost api is not supported for non-binary classification datasets." ) cost_per_model = [] if use_training_data: if self.training_data is None: raise ValueError( "Training data is not provided. Re-build ADSData with training and test data." ) ev = self.evaluations[0] else: ev = self.evaluations[1] list_of_model = ev.columns for m in list_of_model: tn, fp, fn, tp = ev[m]["raw_confusion_matrix"].ravel() cost_per_model.append( tn * tn_weight + fp * fp_weight + fn * fn_weight + tp * tp_weight ) cost_df = pd.DataFrame({"model": list_of_model, "cost": cost_per_model}) return cost_df
[docs] class EvaluationMetrics(object): """Class holding evaluation metrics. Attributes ---------- ev_test : list evaluation test metrics ev_train : list evaluation training metrics use_training : bool use training data less_is_more : list metrics list Methods ------- show_in_notebook() Shows visualization metrics as a color coded table """ DEFAULT_LABELS_MAP = { "accuracy": "Accuracy", "hamming_loss": "Hamming distance", "kappa_score_": "Cohen's kappa coefficient", "precision": "Precision", "recall": "Recall", "f1": "F1", "auc": "ROC AUC", } def __init__( self, ev_test, ev_train, use_training=False, less_is_more=None, precision=4 ): self.ev_test = ev_test self.ev_train = ev_train self.use_training = use_training self.precision = precision if isinstance(less_is_more, list): self.less_is_more = [ "hamming_loss", "hinge_loss", "mse", "mae", ] + less_is_more else: self.less_is_more = ["hamming_loss", "hinge_loss", "mse", "mae"] def __repr__(self): self.show_in_notebook() return "" @property def precision(self): return self._precision @precision.setter def precision(self, value): """ Set precision to @property of the class. """ if not isinstance(value, int): if not (isinstance(value, float) and value.is_integer()): raise TypeError("'value' must be integer") value = int(value) if value < 0: raise ValueError("'value' must be non-negative") self._precision = value
[docs] def show_in_notebook(self, labels=DEFAULT_LABELS_MAP): """ Visualizes evaluation metrics as a color coded table. Parameters ---------- labels : dictionary map printing specific labels for metrics display Returns ------- Nothing """ def highlight_max(s): """Highlight the maximum in a Series yellow. Parameters ---------- s : series object the series being evaluated Returns ------- list containing background color data or empty if not max """ if not in self.less_is_more: is_max = s == s.max() else: is_max = s == s.min() return ["background-color: lightgreen" if v else "" for v in is_max] table_styles = [ dict(props=[("text-align", "right")]), dict(selector="caption", props=[("caption-side", "top")]), ] def _pretty_label(df, labels, copy=False): """ Output specified labels in proper format. If the labels are provided in then used them. Otherwise, use default. Parameters ---------- labels : dictionary map printing specific labels for metrics display Returns ------- dataframe dataframe with index names modified according to input labels """ if copy: df = df.copy() for k, v in labels.items(): df.rename(index={k: v}, inplace=True) return df @runtime_dependency( module="IPython", install_from=OptionalDependency.NOTEBOOK ) @runtime_dependency( module="ipywidgets", object="HTML", install_from=OptionalDependency.NOTEBOOK, ) def _display_metrics(df, data_name, labels, precision): """ display metrics on web page Parameters ---------- df : dataframe metrics in dataframe format data_name : string name of data given metrics df describe labels : dictionary map printing specific labels for metrics display precision : int precision for metrics display Returns ------- Nothing """ from IPython.core.display import display, HTML display( HTML( _pretty_label(df, labels) .style.apply(highlight_max, axis=1) .format(precision=precision) .set_properties(**{"text-align": "center"}) .set_table_attributes("class=table") .set_caption( '<div align="left"><b style="font-size:20px;">' + "Evaluation Metrics (" + data_name + "):</b></div>" ) .to_html() ) ) _display_metrics(self.ev_test, "testing data", labels, self.precision) if self.use_training: _display_metrics(self.ev_train, "training data", labels, self.precision)
@property def raw_metrics(self, metrics=None, use_training_data=False): """Returns the raw metric numbers Parameters ---------- metrics : list, optional Request metrics to pull. Defaults to all. use_training_data : bool, optional Use training data to pull metrics. Defaults to False Returns ------- dict The requested raw metrics for each model. If `metrics` is `None` return all. Examples -------- >>> evaluator = ADSEvaluator(test, [model1, model2]) >>> raw_metrics_dictionary = evaluator.raw_metrics() """ [train_met, test_met] = self.evaluations test_d = test_met.to_dict() if use_training_data and train_met is not None: train_d = train_met.add_suffix("_train").to_dict() test_d.update(train_d) for m, data in test_d.items(): ret = dict() for k, v in data.items(): if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): ret[k] = v.tolist() else: ret[k] = v test_d[m] = ret return test_d @property def metrics(self): """Returns evaluation metrics Returns ------- metrics HTML representation of a table comparing relevant metrics. Examples -------- >>> evaluator = ADSEvaluator(test, [model1, model2]) >>> evaluator.metrics Outputs table displaying metrics. """ ev_test = self.evaluations[1].loc[self.metrics_to_show] use_training = self.evaluations[0].shape != (0, 0) ev_train = ( self.evaluations[0].loc[self.metrics_to_show] if use_training else None ) return ADSEvaluator.EvaluationMetrics(ev_test, ev_train, use_training) """ Internal methods """ def _get_model_name(self, name, show_full_name=False): name_edit = re.sub(r" ?\([^)]+\)", "", name) ## if name only has '(' without ')', the code above wouldnt remove the argument followed by '('. if "(" in name_edit and not show_full_name: name_edit = name.split("(")[0]"Use `show_full_name=True` to show the full model name.") if name_edit in self.model_names: name_edit += "_1" num_tries = 1 while name_edit in self.model_names: num_tries += 1 name_edit = name_edit[:-1] + str(num_tries) if num_tries == 1: f"The name '{name_edit[:-2]}' is used by multiple models. " f"Use the `rename()` method to change the name." ) self.model_names.append(name_edit) return name_edit def _score_data(self, est, X): y_pred = est.predict(X) y_score = None # we will compute y_score only for binary classification cases because only for binary classification can # we use it for ROC Curves and AUC etc if self.is_classifier and hasattr(est.est, "predict_proba"): if len(est.classes_) == 2: # positive label index is assumed to be 0 if the ADSModel does not have a positive class defined positive_class_index = 0 # For prediction probability, we only consider the positive class. if self.positive_class is not None: if self.positive_class not in list(est.classes_): raise ValueError( "Invalid positive class '%s' for model %s. Positive class should be one of %s." % ( self.positive_class, est.est.__class__.__name__, list(est.classes_), ) ) positive_class_index = list(est.classes_).index(self.positive_class) y_score = est.predict_proba(X)[:, positive_class_index] else: y_score = est.predict_proba(X) return y_pred, y_score