Source code for ads.model.framework.tensorflow_model

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ads.common import logger
from ads.common.decorator.runtime_dependency import (
from ads.model.extractor.tensorflow_extractor import TensorflowExtractor
from ads.model.generic_model import FrameworkSpecificModel
from ads.model.model_properties import ModelProperties
from ads.model.serde.model_serializer import TensorflowModelSerializerType
from ads.model.common.utils import DEPRECATE_AS_ONNX_WARNING
from ads.model.serde.common import SERDE

[docs]class TensorFlowModel(FrameworkSpecificModel): """TensorFlowModel class for estimators from Tensorflow framework. Attributes ---------- algorithm: str The algorithm of the model. artifact_dir: str Directory for generate artifact. auth: Dict Default authentication is set using the `ads.set_auth` API. To override the default, use the `ads.common.auth.api_keys` or `ads.common.auth.resource_principal` to create an authentication signer to instantiate an IdentityClient object. estimator: Callable A trained tensorflow estimator/model using Tensorflow. framework: str "tensorflow", the framework name of the model. hyperparameter: dict The hyperparameters of the estimator. metadata_custom: ModelCustomMetadata The model custom metadata. metadata_provenance: ModelProvenanceMetadata The model provenance metadata. metadata_taxonomy: ModelTaxonomyMetadata The model taxonomy metadata. model_artifact: ModelArtifact This is built by calling prepare. model_deployment: ModelDeployment A ModelDeployment instance. model_file_name: str Name of the serialized model. model_id: str The model ID. properties: ModelProperties ModelProperties object required to save and deploy model. For more details, check runtime_info: RuntimeInfo A RuntimeInfo instance. schema_input: Schema Schema describes the structure of the input data. schema_output: Schema Schema describes the structure of the output data. serialize: bool Whether to serialize the model to pkl file by default. If False, you need to serialize the model manually, save it under artifact_dir and update the manually. version: str The framework version of the model. Methods ------- delete_deployment(...) Deletes the current model deployment. deploy(..., **kwargs) Deploys a model. from_model_artifact(uri, model_file_name, artifact_dir, ..., **kwargs) Loads model from the specified folder, or zip/tar archive. from_model_catalog(model_id, model_file_name, artifact_dir, ..., **kwargs) Loads model from model catalog. introspect(...) Runs model introspection. predict(data, ...) Returns prediction of input data run against the model deployment endpoint. prepare(..., **kwargs) Prepare and save the, serialized model and runtime.yaml file. reload(...) Reloads the model artifact files: `` and the `runtime.yaml`. save(..., **kwargs) Saves model artifacts to the model catalog. summary_status(...) Gets a summary table of the current status. verify(data, ...) Tests if deployment works in local environment. Examples -------- >>> from ads.model.framework.tensorflow_model import TensorFlowModel >>> import tempfile >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> mnist = tf.keras.datasets.mnist >>> (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() >>> x_train, x_test = x_train / 255.0, x_test / 255.0 >>> tf_estimator = tf.keras.models.Sequential( ... [ ... tf.keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(28, 28)), ... tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation="relu"), ... tf.keras.layers.Dropout(0.2), ... tf.keras.layers.Dense(10), ... ] ... ) >>> loss_fn = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) >>> tf_estimator.compile(optimizer="adam", loss=loss_fn, metrics=["accuracy"]) >>>, y_train, epochs=1) >>> tf_model = TensorFlowModel(estimator=tf_estimator, ... artifact_dir=tempfile.mkdtemp()) >>> inference_conda_env = "generalml_p37_cpu_v1" >>> tf_model.prepare(inference_conda_env="generalml_p37_cpu_v1", force_overwrite=True) >>> tf_model.verify(x_test[:1]) >>> >>> model_deployment = tf_model.deploy(wait_for_completion=False) >>> tf_model.predict(x_test[:1]) """ _PREFIX = "tensorflow" model_save_serializer_type = TensorflowModelSerializerType @runtime_dependency( module="tensorflow", short_name="tf", install_from=OptionalDependency.TENSORFLOW, ) def __init__( self, estimator: callable, artifact_dir: Optional[str] = None, properties: Optional[ModelProperties] = None, auth: Dict = None, model_save_serializer: Optional[SERDE] = model_save_serializer_type.TENSORFLOW, model_input_serializer: Optional[SERDE] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Initiates a TensorFlowModel instance. Parameters ---------- estimator: callable Any model object generated by tensorflow framework artifact_dir: str Directory for generate artifact. properties: (ModelProperties, optional). Defaults to None. ModelProperties object required to save and deploy model. auth :(Dict, optional). Defaults to None. The default authetication is set using `ads.set_auth` API. If you need to override the default, use the `ads.common.auth.api_keys` or `ads.common.auth.resource_principal` to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object. model_save_serializer: (SERDE or str, optional). Defaults to None. Instance of ads.model.SERDE. Used for serialize/deserialize model. model_input_serializer: (SERDE, optional). Defaults to None. Instance of ads.model.SERDE. Used for serialize/deserialize data. Returns ------- TensorFlowModel TensorFlowModel instance. """ super().__init__( estimator=estimator, artifact_dir=artifact_dir, properties=properties, auth=auth, model_save_serializer=model_save_serializer, model_input_serializer=model_input_serializer, **kwargs, ) self._extractor = TensorflowExtractor(estimator) self.framework = self._extractor.framework self.algorithm = self._extractor.algorithm self.version = self._extractor.version self.hyperparameter = self._extractor.hyperparameter self.version = tf.version.VERSION
[docs] def serialize_model( self, as_onnx: bool = False, X_sample: Optional[ Union[ Dict, str, List, Tuple, np.ndarray, pd.core.series.Series, pd.core.frame.DataFrame, ] ] = None, force_overwrite: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Serialize and save Tensorflow model using ONNX or model specific method. Parameters ---------- as_onnx: (bool, optional). Defaults to False. If set as True, convert into ONNX model. X_sample: Union[list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]. Defaults to None. A sample of input data that will be used to generate input schema and detect input_signature. force_overwrite: (bool, optional). Defaults to False. If set as True, overwrite serialized model if exists. **kwargs: optional params used to serialize tensorflow model to onnx, including the following: input_signature: a tuple or a list of tf.TensorSpec objects). default to None. Define the shape/dtype of the input so that model(input_signature) is a valid invocation of the model. opset_version: int. Defaults to None. Used for the ONNX model. Returns ------- None Nothing. """ if as_onnx: logger.warning( "This approach supports converting tensorflow.keras models to " "onnx format. If the defined model includes other tensorflow " "modules (e.g., tensorflow.function), please use GenericModel instead." ) logger.warning(DEPRECATE_AS_ONNX_WARNING) self.set_model_save_serializer(self.model_save_serializer_type.ONNX) super().serialize_model( as_onnx=as_onnx, force_overwrite=force_overwrite, X_sample=X_sample, **kwargs, )
@runtime_dependency( module="tensorflow", short_name="tf", install_from=OptionalDependency.TENSORFLOW, ) def _to_tensor(self, data): data = tf.convert_to_tensor(data) return data