Source code for ads.model.model_version_set

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import contextlib
import copy
import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import oci.data_science
from ads.common.utils import batch_convert_case, get_value, snake_to_camel
from import Builder
from ads.model.datascience_model import DataScienceModel
from ads.model.service.oci_datascience_model_version_set import (
from oci.data_science.models import UpdateModelDetails

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_MVS_URL = (

[docs]class ModelVersionSet(Builder): """Represents Model Version Set. Attributes ---------- id: str Model version set OCID. project_id: str Project OCID. compartment_id: str Compartment OCID. name: str Model version set name. description: str Model version set description. freeform_tags: Dict[str, str] Model version set freeform tags. defined_tags: Dict[str, Dict[str, object]] Model version set defined tags. details_link: str Link to details page in OCI console. Methods ------- create(self, **kwargs) -> "ModelVersionSet" Creates a model version set. update(self, **kwargs) -> "ModelVersionSet" Updates a model version set. delete(self, delete_model: Optional[bool] = False) -> "ModelVersionSet": Removes a model version set. to_dict(self) -> dict Serializes model version set to a dictionary. from_id(cls, id: str) -> "ModelVersionSet" Gets an existing model version set by OCID. from_ocid(cls, ocid: str) -> "ModelVersionSet" Gets an existing model version set by OCID. from_name(cls, name: str) -> "ModelVersionSet" Gets an existing model version set by name. from_dict(cls, config: dict) -> "ModelVersionSet" Load a model version set instance from a dictionary of configurations. Examples -------- >>> mvs = (ModelVersionSet() ... .with_compartment_id(os.environ["PROJECT_COMPARTMENT_OCID"]) ... .with_project_id(os.environ["PROJECT_OCID"]) ... .with_name("test_experiment") ... .with_description("Experiment number one")) >>> mvs.create() >>> mvs.model_add(model_ocid, version_label="Version label 1") >>> mvs.model_list() >>> mvs.details_link ... https://console.<region><ocid> >>> mvs.delete() """ LIFECYCLE_STATE_ACTIVE = "ACTIVE" LIFECYCLE_STATE_DELETING = "DELETING" LIFECYCLE_STATE_DELETED = "DELETED" LIFECYCLE_STATE_FAILED = "FAILED" CONST_ID = "id" CONST_PROJECT_ID = "projectId" CONST_COMPARTMENT_ID = "compartmentId" CONST_NAME = "name" CONST_DESCRIPTION = "description" CONST_FREEFORM_TAG = "freeformTags" CONST_DEFINED_TAG = "definedTags" attribute_map = { CONST_ID: "id", CONST_PROJECT_ID: "project_id", CONST_COMPARTMENT_ID: "compartment_id", CONST_NAME: "name", CONST_DESCRIPTION: "description", CONST_FREEFORM_TAG: "freeform_tags", CONST_DEFINED_TAG: "defined_tags", } def __init__(self, spec: Dict = None, **kwargs) -> None: """Initializes a model version set. Parameters ---------- spec: (Dict, optional). Defaults to None. Object specification. kwargs: Dict Specification as keyword arguments. If 'spec' contains the same key as the one in kwargs, the value from kwargs will be used. - project_id: str - compartment_id: str - name: str - description: str - defined_tags: Dict[str, Dict[str, object]] - freeform_tags: Dict[str, str] """ defaults = ModelVersionSet._load_default_properties() if spec: spec = { snake_to_camel(k): v for k, v in spec.items() if snake_to_camel(k) in self.attribute_map and v is not None } defaults.update(spec) spec = { snake_to_camel(k): v for k, v in kwargs.items() if snake_to_camel(k) in self.attribute_map and v is not None } defaults.update(spec) super().__init__(spec=defaults) self.dsc_model_version_set = DataScienceModelVersionSet(**self._spec) @property def project_id(self) -> str: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_PROJECT_ID) @project_id.setter def project_id(self, value: str): self.with_project_id(value)
[docs] def with_project_id(self, project_id: str) -> "ModelVersionSet": """Sets the project OCID. Parameters ---------- project_id: str The project OCID. Returns ------- ModelVersionSet The ModelVersionSet instance (self) """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_PROJECT_ID, project_id)
@property def description(self) -> str: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_DESCRIPTION) @description.setter def description(self, value: str): self.with_description(value)
[docs] def with_description(self, description: str) -> "ModelVersionSet": """Sets the description. Parameters ---------- description: str The description of the model version set. Returns ------- ModelVersionSet The ModelVersionSet instance (self) """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_DESCRIPTION, description)
@property def compartment_id(self) -> str: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_COMPARTMENT_ID) @compartment_id.setter def compartment_id(self, value: str): self.with_compartment_id(value)
[docs] def with_compartment_id(self, compartment_id: str) -> "ModelVersionSet": """Sets the compartment OCID. Parameters ---------- compartment_id: str The compartment OCID. Returns ------- ModelVersionSet The ModelVersionSet instance (self) """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_COMPARTMENT_ID, compartment_id)
@property def name(self) -> str: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_NAME) @name.setter def name(self, value: str): self.with_name(value)
[docs] def with_name(self, name: str) -> "ModelVersionSet": """Sets the name of the model version set. Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the model version set. Returns ------- ModelVersionSet The ModelVersionSet instance (self) """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_NAME, name)
@property def freeform_tags(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_FREEFORM_TAG) @freeform_tags.setter def freeform_tags(self, value: Dict[str, str]): self.with_freeform_tags(**value)
[docs] def with_freeform_tags(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, str]) -> "ModelVersionSet": """Sets freeform tags. Returns ------- ModelVersionSet The ModelVersionSet instance (self) """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_FREEFORM_TAG, kwargs)
@property def defined_tags(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, object]]: return self.get_spec(self.CONST_FREEFORM_TAG) @defined_tags.setter def defined_tags(self, value: Dict[str, Dict[str, object]]): self.with_defined_tags(**value)
[docs] def with_defined_tags( self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Dict[str, object]] ) -> "ModelVersionSet": """Sets defined tags. Returns ------- ModelVersionSet The ModelVersionSet instance (self) """ return self.set_spec(self.CONST_DEFINED_TAG, kwargs)
[docs] def create(self, **kwargs) -> "ModelVersionSet": """Creates a model version set. Parameters ---------- kwargs Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- ModelVersionSet The ModelVersionSet instance (self) """ if not timestamp ="%Y%m%d-%H%M") = f"model-version-set-{timestamp}" payload = copy.deepcopy(self._spec) payload.update({"name":}) if not payload.get(self.CONST_COMPARTMENT_ID, None): raise ValueError( "Compartment id is required. Specify compartment id via `with_compartment_id()`." ) payload.pop("id", None) logger.debug(f"Creating a model version set with payload {payload}") self.dsc_model_version_set = DataScienceModelVersionSet(**payload).create() # self.with_id( self._update_from_dsc_model(self.dsc_model_version_set) return self
[docs] def update(self) -> "ModelVersionSet": """Updates a model version set. Returns ------- ModelVersionSet The ModelVersionSet instance (self). """ payload = copy.deepcopy(self._spec) logger.debug(f"Updating a model version set with payload {payload}") self.dsc_model_version_set = DataScienceModelVersionSet(**payload).update() self._update_from_dsc_model(self.dsc_model_version_set) return self
[docs] def delete(self, delete_model: Optional[bool] = False) -> "ModelVersionSet": """Removes a model version set. Parameters ---------- delete_model: (bool, optional). Defaults to False. By default, this parameter is false. A model version set can only be deleted if all the models associate with it are already in the DELETED state. You can optionally specify the deleteRelatedModels boolean query parameters to true, which deletes all associated models for you. Returns ------- ModelVersionSet The ModelVersionSet instance (self). """ self.dsc_model_version_set.delete(delete_model)
[docs] def model_add( self, model_id: str, version_label: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """Adds new model to model version set. Parameters ---------- model_id: str The OCID of the model which needs to be associated with the model version set. version_label: str The model version label. kwargs Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- None Nothing. Raises ------ ModelVersionSetNotSaved: If model version set has not been saved yet. """ if not raise ModelVersionSetNotSaved("Model version set needs to be saved.") self.dsc_model_version_set.client.update_model( model_id, UpdateModelDetails(, version_label=version_label ), **kwargs, )
@classmethod def _load_default_properties(self) -> Dict: """ Load default properties from environment variables, notebook session, etc. Returns ------- Dict A dictionary of default properties. """ defaults = {} if COMPARTMENT_OCID: defaults[self.CONST_COMPARTMENT_ID] = COMPARTMENT_OCID if PROJECT_OCID: defaults[self.CONST_PROJECT_ID] = PROJECT_OCID timestamp ="%Y%m%d-%H%M") defaults[self.CONST_NAME] = f"model-version-set-{timestamp}" return defaults @property def id(self) -> Optional[str]: """The OCID of the model version set.""" if self.dsc_model_version_set: return return None @property def status(self) -> Optional[str]: """Status of the model version set. Returns ------- str Status of the model version set. """ if self.dsc_model_version_set: return self.dsc_model_version_set.status return None @property def details_link(self) -> str: """Link to details page in OCI console. Returns ------- str Link to details page in OCI console. """ if self.dsc_model_version_set: signer = self.dsc_model_version_set.auth or {} if "region" in signer.get("config", {}): region = signer["config"]["region"] else: region = json.loads(OCI_REGION_METADATA)["regionIdentifier"] return _MVS_URL.format(region=region, return None @property def kind(self) -> str: """The kind of the object as showing in YAML. Returns ------- str "modelVersionSet" """ return "modelVersionSet"
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls, compartment_id: str = None, **kwargs) -> List["ModelVersionSet"]: """ List model version sets in a given compartment. Parameters ---------- compartment_id: str The OCID of compartment. kwargs Additional keyword arguments for filtering model version sets. Returns ------- List[ModelVersionSet] The list of model version sets. """ return [ cls.from_dsc_model_version_set(model_version_set) for model_version_set in DataScienceModelVersionSet.list_resource( compartment_id, **kwargs ) ]
[docs] def models(self, **kwargs) -> List[DataScienceModel]: """Gets list of models associated with a model version set. Parameters ---------- kwargs: project_id: str Project OCID. lifecycle_state: str Filter results by the specified lifecycle state. Must be a valid state for the resource type. Allowed values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED", "FAILED", "INACTIVE" Can be any attribute that `oci.data_science.data_science_client.DataScienceClient.list_models.` accepts. Returns ------- List[DataScienceModel] List of models associated with the model version set. Raises ------ ModelVersionSetNotSaved: If model version set has not been saved yet. """ if not raise ModelVersionSetNotSaved("Model version set needs to be saved.") return DataScienceModel.list( compartment_id=self.compartment_id,, **kwargs, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dsc_model_version_set( cls, dsc_model_version_set: DataScienceModelVersionSet ) -> "ModelVersionSet": """Initialize a ModelVersionSet instance from a DataScienceModelVersionSet. Parameters ---------- dsc_model_version_set: DataScienceModelVersionSet An instance of DataScienceModelVersionSet. Returns ------- ModelVersionSet An instance of ModelVersionSet. """ return cls()._update_from_dsc_model(dsc_model_version_set)
def _update_from_dsc_model( self, dsc_model_version_set: oci.data_science.models.ModelVersionSet ) -> "ModelVersionSet": """Update the properties from an OCI data science model version set model. Parameters ---------- dsc_model_version_set: oci.data_science.models.ModelVersionSet An OCI data science model version set model. Returns ------- ModelVersionSet The ModelVersionSet instance (self). """ self.dsc_model_version_set = dsc_model_version_set for infra_attr, dsc_attr in self.attribute_map.items(): value = get_value(dsc_model_version_set, dsc_attr) if value: self._spec[infra_attr] = get_value(dsc_model_version_set, dsc_attr) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_id(cls, id: str) -> "ModelVersionSet": """Gets an existing model version set by OCID. Parameters ---------- id: str The model version set OCID. Returns ------- ModelVersionSet An instance of ModelVersionSet. """ return cls.from_dsc_model_version_set(DataScienceModelVersionSet.from_ocid(id))
[docs] @classmethod def from_ocid(cls, ocid: str) -> "ModelVersionSet": """Gets an existing model version set by OCID. Parameters ---------- id: str The model version set OCID. Returns ------- ModelVersionSet An instance of ModelVersionSet. """ return cls.from_id(ocid)
[docs] @classmethod def from_name( cls, name: str, compartment_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> "ModelVersionSet": """Gets an existing model version set by name. Parameters ---------- name: str The model version set name. compartment_id: (str, optional). Defaults to None. Compartment OCID of the OCI resources. If `compartment_id` is not specified, the value will be taken from environment variables. Returns ------- ModelVersionSet An instance of ModelVersionSet. """ compartment_id = compartment_id or COMPARTMENT_OCID return cls.from_dsc_model_version_set( DataScienceModelVersionSet.from_name( name=name, compartment_id=compartment_id ) )
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """ Serializes model version set to a dictionary. Returns ------- dict The model version set serialized as a dictionary. """ return { "kind": self.kind, "type": self.type, "spec": batch_convert_case(self._spec, "camel"), }
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, config: dict) -> "ModelVersionSet": """ Load a model version set instance from a dictionary of configurations. Parameters ---------- config: dict A dictionary of configurations. Returns ------- ModelVersionSet The model version set instance. """ return cls(spec=batch_convert_case(config.get("spec"), "snake"))
def __getattr__(self, item): if f"with_{item}" in self.__dir__(): return self.get_spec(item) raise AttributeError(f"Attribute {item} not found.")
def _extract_model_version_set_id( model_version_set: Optional[Union[str, ModelVersionSet]] = None, compartment_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """Extracts model version set id. If `model_version_set` attribute not specified, then the `model_version_set_id` will be extracted from the environment variables. Parameters ---------- model_version_set: (Union[str, ModelVersionSet], optional). Defaults to None. The model version set information. Can be name, ocid or `ModelVersionSet` instance. If `model_version_set` not provided then id will be extracted from environment variables. compartment_id: (str, optional). Defaults to value from the environment variables. The compartment OCID. Returns ------- str The model version set OCID. """ compartment_id = ( compartment_id or os.environ.get(_MVS_COMPARTMENT_ENV_VAR) or COMPARTMENT_OCID ) if not model_version_set: return os.environ.get(_MVS_ID_ENV_VAR) if isinstance(model_version_set, ModelVersionSet): return if isinstance(model_version_set, str): if model_version_set.lower().startswith("ocid"): return model_version_set # search model version set by name return ModelVersionSet.from_name( name=model_version_set, compartment_id=compartment_id ).id return None
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def experiment(name: str, create_if_not_exists: Optional[bool] = True, **kwargs: Dict): """Context manager helping to operate with model version set. Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the model version set. create_if_not_exists: (bool, optional). Defaults to True. Creates model version set if not exists. kwargs: (Dict, optional). compartment_id: (str, optional). Defaults to value from the environment variables. The compartment OCID. project_id: (str, optional). Defaults to value from the environment variables. The project OCID. description: (str, optional). Defaults to None. The description of the model version set. Yields ------ ModelVersionSet The model version set object. """ compartment_id = kwargs.pop("compartment_id", None) or COMPARTMENT_OCID project_id = kwargs.pop("project_id", None) or PROJECT_OCID try: mvs = ModelVersionSet.from_name(name=name, compartment_id=compartment_id) except ModelVersionSetNotExists: if not create_if_not_exists: raise else: mvs = ( ModelVersionSet() .with_compartment_id(compartment_id) .with_project_id(project_id) .with_name(name) .with_description(kwargs.pop("description", "")) .create() ) try: os.environ[_MVS_ID_ENV_VAR] = os.environ[_MVS_NAME_ENV_VAR] = os.environ[_MVS_COMPARTMENT_ENV_VAR] = compartment_id yield mvs finally: os.environ.pop(_MVS_ID_ENV_VAR, None) os.environ.pop(_MVS_NAME_ENV_VAR, None) os.environ.pop(_MVS_COMPARTMENT_ENV_VAR, None)