Source code for ads.pipeline.visualizer.graph_renderer

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import itertools
from typing import Dict, List

from ads.common.decorator.runtime_dependency import (
from ads.common.extended_enum import ExtendedEnumMeta
from ads.pipeline.visualizer.base import (


[docs] class RenderTo(str, metaclass=ExtendedEnumMeta): SVG = "svg" JPEG = "jpeg" PNG = "png"
STEP_WITH_STATUS_LABEL_TEMPLATE = """<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2"> <TR><TD><FONT COLOR="white" POINT-SIZE="14.0" FACE="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif">{step_name}</FONT></TD></TR> <TR BORDER="1"><TD><FONT COLOR="white" POINT-SIZE="11.0" FACE="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif">{step_kind}</FONT></TD></TR> <TR><TD><FONT COLOR="white" POINT-SIZE="11.0" FACE="Courier New">{status_name}</FONT></TD></TR> <TR><TD><FONT COLOR="white" POINT-SIZE="11.0" FACE="Courier New">{duration}&nbsp;</FONT></TD></TR> </TABLE>>""" STEP_LABEL_TEMPLATE = """<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2"> <TR><TD><FONT COLOR="white" POINT-SIZE="14.0" FACE="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif">{step_name}</FONT></TD></TR> <TR><TD><FONT COLOR="white" POINT-SIZE="11.0" FACE="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif">{step_kind}</FONT></TD></TR> </TABLE>>"""
[docs] class PipelineGraphRenderer(PipelineRenderer): def __init__(self, show_status: bool = False): """Initialize a PipelineGraphRenderer class. Parameters ---------- show_status : bool, defaults to False. Whether to display status for steps. Returns ------- None Nothing. """ super().__init__() self.show_status = show_status def _add_final_step(self): """ Add final step when rendering pipeline step with status in graph. Returns ------- None """ final_step_name = "Done" all_steps_set = set([step.key for step in self.steps]) steps_deps_set = set(itertools.chain(*self.deps.values())) final_nodes = list(all_steps_set - steps_deps_set) final_step_status = StepStatus.WAITING if all( single_step_status.lifecycle_state == StepStatus.SUCCEEDED for single_step_status in self.step_status.values() ): final_step_status = StepStatus.SUCCEEDED elif any( single_step_status.lifecycle_state in FAIL_STATUS for single_step_status in self.step_status.values() ) and all( single_step_status.lifecycle_state in COMPLETE_STATUS for single_step_status in self.step_status.values() ): final_step_status = StepStatus.FAILED self.graph.node( name=final_step_name, label=f'<<FONT POINT-SIZE="16.0" color="white" FACE="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"><B>{final_step_name}</B></FONT>>', shape="tripleoctagon", style="filled, rounded", fontsize="18.0", color=GRAPH_BOX_COLOR, fillcolor=STATUS_COLOR_MAP[final_step_status], ) for node in final_nodes: self.graph.edge(node, final_step_name) @runtime_dependency(module="graphviz", install_from=OptionalDependency.VIZ) def _generate_graph( self, steps: List[RendererItem], deps: Dict[str, List[RendererItem]] = None, step_status: Dict[str, RendererItemStatus] = None, rankdir: str = GraphOrientation.TOP_BOTTOM, **kwargs, ): """ Generates Pipeline graph. Parameters ---------- steps: List[RendererItem] A list of RendererItem objects. deps: Dict[str, List[RendererItem]] A dictionary mapping the key of a RendererItem to a list of RendererItem that this step depends on. step_status: Dict[str, RendererItemStatus], defaults to None. A dictionary mapping the key of a RendererItem to its current status. rankdir: str, default to "TB". Direction of the rendered graph; allowed Values are {"TB", "LR"}. Returns ------- None """ from graphviz import Digraph self.steps = steps self.deps = deps self.step_status = step_status if self.show_status and not step_status: raise ValueError( "`step_status` must be provided to render step status in graph." ) self.graph = Digraph(graph_attr={"rankdir": rankdir}) self.graph.attr("node", shape="box") for step in steps: if self.show_status and step_status: label = STEP_WITH_STATUS_LABEL_TEMPLATE.format(, status_name=STATUS_TEXT_MAP[step_status[step.key].lifecycle_state], step_kind=STEP_KIND_MAP[step.kind], duration=_strfdelta(step_status[step.key].duration), ) step_fillcolor = STATUS_COLOR_MAP[step_status[step.key].lifecycle_state] else: label = STEP_LABEL_TEMPLATE.format(, step_kind=STEP_KIND_MAP[step.kind], ) step_fillcolor = STATUS_COLOR_MAP[StepStatus.WAITING] self.graph.node( name=step.key, label=label, shape=None, style="filled, rounded", fontsize="11", color=GRAPH_BOX_COLOR, fillcolor=step_fillcolor, ) for dep in deps[step.key]: self.graph.edge(dep.key, step.key) if self.show_status and step_status: self._add_final_step()
[docs] def render( self, steps: List[RendererItem], deps: Dict[str, List[RendererItem]] = None, step_status: Dict[str, RendererItemStatus] = None, rankdir: str = GraphOrientation.TOP_BOTTOM, **kwargs, ): """ Renders Pipeline graph. Parameters ---------- steps: List[RendererItem] A list of RendererItem objects. deps: Dict[str, List[RendererItem]] A dictionary mapping the key of a RendererItem to a list of RendererItem that this step depends on. step_status: Dict[str, RendererItemStatus], defaults to None. A dictionary mapping the key of a RendererItem to its current status. rankdir: str, default to "TB". Direction of the rendered graph; allowed Values are {"TB", "LR"}. Returns ------- None """ self._generate_graph( steps=steps, deps=deps, step_status=step_status, rankdir=rankdir, ) try: from IPython.core.display import display display(self.graph) except: pass
[docs] def save_to( self, steps: List[RendererItem], deps: Dict[str, List[RendererItem]] = None, step_status: Dict[str, RendererItemStatus] = None, rankdir: str = GraphOrientation.TOP_BOTTOM, uri: str = None, format: str = RenderTo.SVG, **kwargs, ) -> str: """ Renders pipeline as graph in selected format. steps: List[RendererItem] A list of RendererItem objects. deps: Dict[str, List[RendererItem]] A dictionary mapping the key of a RendererItem to a list of RendererItem that this step depends on. step_status: Dict[str, RendererItemStatus], defaults to None. A dictionary mapping the key of a RendererItem to its current status. rankdir: str, default to "TB". Direction of the rendered graph; allowed Values are {"TB", "LR"}. uri: (string, optional). Defaults to None. URI location to save the SVG string. format: (str, optional). Defaults to "svg". The format to save the graph. Supported formats: "svg", "html". Returns ------- str Graph in selected format. """ if format not in RenderTo: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported format: `{format}`. Supported formats: {RenderTo.values()}" ) self._generate_graph( steps=steps, deps=deps, step_status=step_status, rankdir=rankdir, ) result = self.graph.pipe(format=format) if uri: self._write_to_file(content=result, uri=uri, mode="b", **kwargs) return result