Source code for ads.common.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2020, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import collections
import contextlib
import copy
import fnmatch
import glob
import json
import math
import os
import random
import re
import shutil
import string
import sys
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from io import DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import fill
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union
from urllib import request
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import fsspec
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ads.common import logger
from ads.common.decorator.deprecate import deprecated
from ads.common.word_lists import adjectives, animals
from ads.dataset.progress import TqdmProgressBar
from cycler import cycler
from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_datetime64_dtype, is_numeric_dtype
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from tqdm import tqdm

from ads.common import logger
from ads.common.decorator.deprecate import deprecated
from ads.common.decorator.runtime_dependency import (
from ads.common.word_lists import adjectives, animals
from ads import config
from ads.dataset.progress import DummyProgressBar, TqdmProgressBar

from . import auth as authutil

# For Model / Model Artifact libraries
lib_translator = {"sklearn": "scikit-learn"}
module_ignore = ["builtins", "ads", "automl", "mlx"]

# up-sample if length of dataframe is less than or equal to MAX_LEN_FOR_UP_SAMPLING

# down-sample if ratio of minority to majority class is greater than or equal to MIN_RATIO_FOR_DOWN_SAMPLING

# Maximum distinct values by cardinality will be used for plotting

# par link of the index json file.

random_state = 42
test_size = 0.3
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

# at this time, we only support regression and classification tasks.
ml_task_types = Enum(

mpl.rcParams["image.cmap"] = "BuGn"
mpl.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"] = cycler(
    color=["teal", "blueviolet", "forestgreen", "peru", "y", "dodgerblue", "r"]

# sqlalchemy engines
_engines = {}


# Maximum number of columns of data to extract model schema.

# dimention of np array which can be converted to pd dataframe

# declare custom exception class

[docs]class FileOverwriteError(Exception): # pragma: no cover pass
[docs]def get_cpu_count(): """ Returns the number of CPUs available on this machine """ return os.cpu_count()
[docs]@deprecated( "2.5.2", details="This method is being deprecated in favor of `get_cpu_count`" ) def get_compute_accelerator_ncores(): return get_cpu_count()
[docs]@deprecated( "2.5.10", details="Deprecated, use: from ads.common.auth import AuthState;" "oci_config_location=AuthState().oci_config_path; profile=AuthState().oci_key_profile", ) def get_oci_config(): """ Returns the OCI config location, and the OCI config profile. """ oci_config_location = os.environ.get( "OCI_CONFIG_LOCATION", f"{os.environ['HOME']}/.oci/config" ) # os.environ['HOME'] == home/datascience oci_config_profile = os.environ.get("OCI_CONFIG_PROFILE", "DEFAULT") return oci_config_location, oci_config_profile
[docs]@deprecated( "2.5.10", details="Deprecated, use: from ads.common.auth import AuthState; os.path.dirname(AuthState().oci_config_path)", ) def oci_key_location(): """ Returns the OCI key location """ return os.environ.get( "OCI_CONFIG_DIR", os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".oci") )
[docs]@deprecated( "2.5.10", details="Deprecated, use: from ads.common.auth import AuthState; AuthState().oci_config_path", ) def oci_config_file(): """ Returns the OCI config file location """ return os.path.join(oci_key_location(), "config")
[docs]@deprecated( "2.5.10", details="Deprecated, use: from ads.common.auth import AuthState; AuthState().oci_key_profile", ) def oci_config_profile(): """ Returns the OCI config profile location. """ return os.environ.get("OCI_CONFIG_PROFILE", "DEFAULT")
[docs]def numeric_pandas_dtypes(): """ Returns a list of the "numeric" pandas data types """ return ["int16", "int32", "int64", "float16", "float32", "float64"]
[docs]@deprecated( "2.5.10", details="Deprecated, use: ads.set_auth(auth='api_key', oci_config_location='~/.oci/config', profile='DEFAULT')", ) def set_oci_config(oci_config_location, oci_config_profile): """ :param oci_config_location: location of the config file, for example, ~/.oci/config :param oci_config_profile: The profile to load from the config file. Defaults to "DEFAULT" """ if not os.path.exists(f"{oci_config_location}"): raise ValueError("The oci config file doesn't exist.") os.environ["OCI_CONFIG_LOCATION"] = oci_config_location os.environ["OCI_CONFIG_PROFILE"] = oci_config_profile
[docs]def random_valid_ocid(prefix="ocid1.dataflowapplication.oc1.iad"): """ Generates a random valid ocid. Parameters ---------- prefix: `str` A prefix, corresponding to a region location. Returns ------- ocid: `str` a valid ocid with the given prefix. """ left, right = prefix.rsplit(".", 1) fake = "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(60)]) return f"{left}.{fake}"
[docs]def get_dataframe_styles(max_width=75): """Styles used for dataframe, example usage:\ .set_table_styles(utils.get_dataframe_styles())\ .set_table_attributes('class=table')\ .render()) Returns ------- styles: array A list of dataframe table styler styles. """ alt_props = [ ("background-color", "#F8F8F8"), ] th_props = [ ("font-size", "12px"), ("text-align", "center"), ("font-weight", "bold"), ("background-color", "#D3D3D3"), ("padding-left", "5px"), ("padding-right", "5px"), ("text-align", "right"), ] td_props = [ ("font-size", "12px"), ("text_wrap", False), ("white-space", "nowrap"), ("overflow", "hidden"), ("text-overflow", "ellipsis"), ("max-width", f"{max_width}px"), ] hover_props = [("background-color", "#D9EDFD")] styles = [ dict(selector="tbody tr:nth-child(even)", props=alt_props), dict(selector="tbody tr:hover", props=hover_props), dict(selector="th", props=th_props), dict(selector="td", props=td_props), ] return styles
[docs]def get_bootstrap_styles(): """ Returns HTML bootstrap style information """ return """<style> code { padding: 2px 4px; font-size: 90%; color: #c7254e; background-color: #f9f2f4; border-radius: 4px; font-family: Menlo,Monaco,Consolas,"Courier New",monospace; } .label { display: inline; padding: .2em .6em .3em; font-weight: 700; line-height: 1; color: #fff; font-size: 85%; text-align: center; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: baseline; border-radius: .25em; } .label-high-cardinality { background-color: #fe7c1b; } .label-missing { background-color: #214761; } .label-zeros { background-color: #333796; } .label-warning { background-color: #e2007e; } .label-skew { background-color: #ffdb58; color: black; } .label-duplicate-rows { background-color: #d90773; } </style>"""
[docs]def highlight_text(text): """Returns text with html highlights. Parameters ---------- text: String The text to be highlighted. Returns ------- ht: String The text with html highlight information. """ return f"""<code style="background:yellow; color:black; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px"> {text} </code>""".strip()
[docs]def horizontal_scrollable_div(html): """Wrap html with the necessary html to make horizontal scrolling possible. Examples ________ display(HTML(utils.horizontal_scrollable_div(my_html))) Parameters ---------- html: str Your HTML to wrap. Returns ------- type Wrapped HTML. """ return f""" <style> .mostly-customized-scrollbar {{ display: block; width: 100%; overflow: auto; }} .mostly-customized-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar {{ width: 5px; height: 8px; background-color: #aaa; }} .mostly-customized-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {{ background: #000; border-radius: 10px; }} </style> <div style="width=100%; display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; overflow-x: auto;"> <div class="mostly-customized-scrollbar"> {html} </div> </div> """
[docs]def is_notebook(): """Returns true if the environment is a jupyter notebook.""" try: from IPython import get_ipython shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if shell == "ZMQInteractiveShell": # pragma: no cover return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole elif shell == "TerminalInteractiveShell": return False # Terminal running IPython else: return False # Other type (?) except ModuleNotFoundError or NameError: return False # Probably standard Python interpreter
[docs]def is_test(): # pragma: no cover """ Returns true if ADS is in test mode. """ from ads import test_mode return test_mode
[docs]@deprecated( "2.6.8", details="Deprecated, use: ads.set_auth(auth='resource_principal')", ) def is_resource_principal_mode(): # pragma: no cover """ Returns true if ADS is in resource principal mode. """ from ads import resource_principal_mode return resource_principal_mode
[docs]@deprecated( "2.6.8", details="Deprecated, use: from ads.common.auth import AuthState; AuthState().oci_config_path", ) def oci_config_location(): # pragma: no cover """ Returns oci configuration file location. """ from ads.common.auth import AuthState return AuthState().oci_config_path
[docs]@deprecated( "2.6.8", details="Deprecated, use: from ads.common.auth import AuthState; AuthState().oci_key_profile", ) def oci_key_profile(): # pragma: no cover """ Returns key profile value specified in oci configuration file. """ from ads.common.auth import AuthState return AuthState().oci_key_profile
[docs]def is_documentation_mode(): # pragma: no cover """ Returns true if ADS is in documentation mode. """ from ads import documentation_mode return documentation_mode
[docs]def is_debug_mode(): # pragma: no cover """ Returns true if ADS is in debug mode. """ from ads import debug_mode return debug_mode
# take a series which can be interpreted as a dict, index=key, this # function sorts by the values and takes the top-n values, returning # a new series #
[docs]def truncate_series_top_n(series, n=24): """ take a series which can be interpreted as a dict, index=key, this function sorts by the values and takes the top-n values, and returns a new series """ return series.sort_values(ascending=False).head(n)
# # take a sequence (<string>, list(<string>), tuple(<string>), pd.Series(<string>) and Ellipsis'ize them at position n #
[docs]def ellipsis_strings(raw, n=24): """ takes a sequence (<string>, list(<string>), tuple(<string>), pd.Series(<string>) and Ellipsis'ize them at position n """ if isinstance(raw, pd.core.indexes.base.Index): sequence = raw.astype(str).to_list() if isinstance(raw, str): return ellipsis_strings([raw], n)[0] sequence = list(raw) if not isinstance(raw, list) else raw result = [] for s in sequence: if len(str(s)) <= n: result.append(s) else: n2 = int(n) // 2 - 3 n1 = n - n2 - 3 result.append("{0}...{1}".format(s[:n1], s[-n2:])) return result
[docs]def first_not_none(itr): """ Returns the first non-none result from an iterable, similar to any() but return value not true/false """ for x in itr: if x: return x return None
# # checks to see if object is the same class as cls #
[docs]def is_same_class(obj, cls): """ checks to see if object is the same class as cls """ if isinstance(cls, (list, tuple)): return any([obj.__class__.__name__ == x.__name__ for x in cls]) else: return obj.__class__.__name__ == cls.__name__
[docs]def replace_spaces(lst): """ Replace all spaces with underscores for strings in the list. Requires that the list contains strings for each element. lst: list of strings """ return [s.replace(" ", "_") for s in lst]
[docs]def get_progress_bar( max_progress: int, description: str = "Initializing", verbose: bool = False ) -> TqdmProgressBar: """Returns an instance of the TqdmProgressBar class. Parameters ---------- max_progress: int The number of steps for the progressbar. description: (str, optional). Defaults to "Initializing". The first step description. verbose: (bool, optional). Defaults to `False` If the progress should show the debug information. Returns ------- TqdmProgressBar An instance of the TqdmProgressBar. """ return TqdmProgressBar( max_progress, description=description, verbose=verbose or is_debug_mode() )
[docs]class JsonConverter(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, obj): """ Converts an object to JSON based on its type Parameters ---------- obj: Object An object which is being converted to Json, supported types are pandas Timestamp, series, dataframe, or categorical or numpy ndarrays. Returns ------- Json: A json repersentation of the object. """ if isinstance(obj, pd.Timestamp): return obj.__str__() if isinstance(obj, pd.Series): return obj.values if isinstance(obj, pd.Categorical): return obj.get_values() if isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame): return json.loads(obj.to_json()) if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() if isinstance( obj, ( np.int_, np.intc, np.intp, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, ), ): return int(obj) elif isinstance( obj, (np.float_, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, np.double) ): return float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (np.ndarray,)): return obj.tolist() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[docs]def split_data(X, y, random_state=random_state, test_size=test_size): """ Splits data using Sklearn based on the input type of the data. Parameters ---------- X: a Pandas Dataframe The data points. y: a Pandas Dataframe The labels. random_state: int A random state for reproducability. test_size: int The number of elements that should be included in the test dataset. """ return train_test_split( X, y, train_size=1 - test_size, test_size=test_size, random_state=random_state )
[docs]@runtime_dependency(module="sqlalchemy", install_from=OptionalDependency.DATA) def get_sqlalchemy_engine(connection_url, *args, **kwargs): """ The SqlAlchemny docs say to use a single engine per connection_url, this class will take care of that. Parameters ---------- connection_url: string The URL to connect to Returns ------- engine: SqlAlchemny engine The engine from which SqlAlchemny commands can be ran on """ global _engines if connection_url not in _engines: # # Note: pool_recycle=1 is used here because sqlalchemy is free to drop inactive # connections. This will make sure they are recycled and available when we # need them. # # DAR: note: use echo=True to log engine output _engines[connection_url] = sqlalchemy.create_engine( connection_url, pool_recycle=10, *args, **kwargs ) return _engines[connection_url]
[docs]def inject_and_copy_kwargs(kwargs, **args): """Takes in a dictionary and returns a copy with the args injected Examples ________ >>> foo(arg1, args, utils.inject_and_copy_kwargs(kwargs, arg3=12, arg4=42)) Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict The original `kwargs`. **args : type A series of arguments, foo=42, bar=12 etc Returns ------- d: dict new dictionary object that you can use in place of kwargs """ d = kwargs.copy() for k, v in args.items(): if k not in kwargs: d[k] = v # inject args iff not already found return d
[docs]def flatten(d, parent_key=""): """ Flattens nested dictionaries to a single layer dictionary Parameters ---------- d : dict The dictionary that needs to be flattened parent_key : str Keys in the dictionary that are nested Returns ------- a_dict: dict a single layer dictionary """ items = [] for k, v in d.items(): new_key = k if parent_key else k if isinstance(v, items.extend(flatten(v, new_key).items()) else: items.append((new_key, v)) return dict(items)
[docs]def wrap_lines(li, heading=""): """ Wraps the elements of iterable into multi line string of fixed width """ return heading + "\n" + fill(str(list(li)), width=30) if len(li) > 0 else ""
[docs]def get_base_modules(model): """ Get the base modules from an ADS model """ add_bases = [] if hasattr(model, "est"): add_bases = get_base_modules(model.est) try: if hasattr(model, "steps") and isinstance(model.steps, list): [add_bases.extend(get_base_modules(step)) for _, step in model.steps] except: pass return ( add_bases + list(type(model).__mro__) if hasattr(type(model), "__mro__") else add_bases )
[docs]def extract_lib_dependencies_from_model(model) -> dict: """ Extract a dictionary of library dependencies for a model Parameters ---------- model Returns ------- Dict: A dictionary of library dependencies. """ from pkg_resources import get_distribution module_versions = {} modules_to_include = set( mod.__module__.split(".")[0] for mod in get_base_modules(model) if hasattr(mod, "__module__") ) for mod in modules_to_include: if mod not in module_ignore: try: mod_name = lib_translator.get(mod, mod) module_versions[mod_name] = get_distribution(mod_name).version except: pass return module_versions
[docs]def generate_requirement_file( requirements: dict, file_path: str, file_name: str = "requirements.txt" ): """ Generate requirements file at file_path. Parameters ---------- requirements : dict Key is the library name and value is the version file_path : str Directory to save requirements.txt file_name : str Opional parameter to specify the file name """ with open(os.path.join(file_path, file_name), "w") as req_file: for lib in requirements: if requirements[lib]: req_file.write("{}=={}\n".format(lib, requirements[lib])) else: req_file.write("{}\n".format(lib))
def _get_feature_type_and_dtype(column): feature_type = "unknown" dtype = column.dtype if in ["category", "object", "boolean"]: feature_type = "categorical" elif is_numeric_dtype(dtype): feature_type = "continuous" elif is_datetime64_dtype(dtype): feature_type = "datetime" return feature_type,
[docs]def to_dataframe( data: Union[ list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, ] ): """ Convert to pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- data: Union[list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame] Convert data to pandas DataFrame. Returns _______ pd.DataFrame pandas DataFrame. """ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and len(data.shape) > DIMENSION: raise NotImplementedError( f"Cannot convert a numpy array with size {data.shape} to a pandas DataFrame." ) if ( isinstance(data, np.ndarray) or isinstance(data, list) or isinstance(data, tuple) ): return pd.DataFrame(data) elif isinstance(data, pd.Series): return data.to_frame() elif isinstance(data, dict): try: return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) except: raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot convert this dictionary to a pandas DataFrame. \ Check the structure to ensure it is tabular." ) elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): return data elif _is_dask_dataframe(data): return data.compute() else: raise NotImplementedError( f"The data type `{type(data)}` is not supported. Convert it to a pandas DataFrame." )
def _is_dask_dataframe(ddf): """ Will determine if the given arg is a dask dataframe. Returns False if dask is not installed. """ try: import dask.dataframe as dd return isinstance(ddf, dd.DataFrame) except: return False def _is_dask_series(ddf): """ Will determine if the given arg is a dask dataframe. Returns False if dask is not installed. """ try: import dask.dataframe as dd return isinstance(ddf, dd.Series) except: return False def _log_missing_module(module, package): """ Log message for missing module """ logger.error(f"The {module} module was not found. Install {package}.") def _log_multivalue_feature_column_error(): logger.error( "A feature column has more than one value. Only a single value is allowed." ) def _log_plot_high_cardinality_warning(s, length): logger.warning( f"There are too many distinct values for {s} ({length:,}) to plot. Only the top {MAX_DISPLAY_VALUES}, by cardinality, will be used." )
[docs]def snake_to_camel(name: str, capitalized_first_token: Optional[bool] = False) -> str: """Converts the snake case string to the camel representation. Parameters ---------- name: str The name to convert. capitalized_first_token: (bool, optional). Defaults to False. Wether the first token needs to be capitalized or not. Returns ------- str: The name converted to the camel representation. """ tokens = name.split("_") return (tokens[0].capitalize() if capitalized_first_token else tokens[0]) + "".join( x.capitalize() if not x.isupper() else x for x in tokens[1:] )
[docs]def camel_to_snake(name: str) -> str: """Converts the camel case string to the snake representation. Parameters ---------- name: str The name to convert. Returns ------- str: The name converted to the snake representation. """ s = re.sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", name) return re.sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", s).lower()
[docs]def is_data_too_wide( data: Union[ list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, ], max_col_num: int, ) -> bool: """ Returns true if the data has too many columns. Parameters ---------- data: Union[list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame] A sample of data that will be used to generate schema. max_col_num : int. The maximum column size of the data that allows to auto generate schema. """ assert ( max_col_num and isinstance(max_col_num, int) and max_col_num > 0 ), "The parameter `max_col_num` must be a positive integer." data_type = type(data) if data_type == pd.Series or _is_dask_series(data): return False elif data_type == pd.DataFrame or _is_dask_dataframe(data): col_num = len(data.columns) elif ( # check the column size in model_schema() after converting to pd.dataframe isinstance(data, np.ndarray) or isinstance(data, list) or isinstance(data, tuple) ): return False else: raise TypeError(f"The data type `{type(data)}` is not supported.") return col_num > max_col_num
[docs]def get_files(directory: str, auth: Optional[Dict] = None): """List out all the file names under this directory. Parameters ---------- directory: str The directory to list out all the files from. auth: (Dict, optional). Defaults to None. The default authentication is set using `ads.set_auth` API. If you need to override the default, use the `ads.common.auth.api_keys` or `ads.common.auth.resource_principal` to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object. Returns ------- List List of the files in the directory. """ directory = directory.rstrip("/") path_scheme = urlparse(directory).scheme or "file" storage_options = auth or authutil.default_signer() model_ignore_path = os.path.join(directory, ".model-ignore") if is_path_exists(model_ignore_path, auth=auth): with, "r", **storage_options) as f: ignore_patterns ="\n") else: ignore_patterns = [] file_names = [] fs = fsspec.filesystem(path_scheme, **storage_options) for root, dirs, files in fs.walk(directory): for name in files: file_names.append(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: file_names.append(os.path.join(root, name)) # return all files in remote directory. if directory.startswith("oci://"): directory = directory.lstrip("oci://") for ignore in ignore_patterns: if not ignore.startswith("#") and ignore.strip() != "": matches = [] for file_name in file_names: if ignore.endswith("/"): ignore = ignore[:-1] + "*" if not"/%s" % ignore.strip()), file_name): matches.append(file_name) file_names = matches return [matched_file[len(directory) + 1 :] for matched_file in file_names]
[docs]def download_from_web(url: str, to_path: str) -> None: """Downloads a single file from http/https/ftp. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL of the source file. to_path : path-like object Local destination path. Returns ------- None Nothing """ url_response = request.urlopen(url) with contextlib.closing(url_response) as fp: with open(to_path, "wb") as out_file: block_size = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE * 8 while True: block = if not block: break out_file.write(block)
[docs]def copy_from_uri( uri: str, to_path: str, unpack: Optional[bool] = False, force_overwrite: Optional[bool] = False, auth: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> None: """Copies file(s) to local path. Can be a folder, archived folder or a separate file. The source files can be located in a local folder or in OCI Object Storage. Parameters ---------- uri: str The URI of the source file or directory, which can be local path or OCI object storage URI. to_path: str The local destination path. If this is a directory, the source files will be placed under it. unpack : (bool, optional). Defaults to False. Indicate if zip or tar.gz file specified by the uri should be unpacked. This option has no effect on other files. force_overwrite: (bool, optional). Defaults to False. Whether to overwrite existing files or not. auth: (Dict, optional). Defaults to None. The default authentication is set using `ads.set_auth` API. If you need to override the default, use the `ads.common.auth.api_keys` or `ads.common.auth.resource_principal` to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object. Returns ------- None Nothing Raises ------ ValueError If destination path is already exist and `force_overwrite` is set to False. """ if os.path.exists(to_path): if not force_overwrite: raise ValueError( "The destination path already exists. " "Set `force_overwrite` to True if you wish to overwrite." ) shutil.rmtree(to_path, ignore_errors=True) scheme = urlparse(uri).scheme auth = auth or authutil.default_signer() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: if unpack and str(uri).lower().endswith((".zip", ".tar.gz", ".gztar")): unpack_path = to_path to_path = temp_dir else: unpack_path = None fs = fsspec.filesystem(scheme, **auth) if not (uri.endswith("/") or fs.isdir(uri)) and os.path.isdir(to_path): to_path = os.path.join(to_path, os.path.basename(str(uri).rstrip("/"))) fs.get(uri, to_path, recursive=True) if unpack_path: shutil.unpack_archive(to_path, unpack_path)
[docs]def copy_file( uri_src: str, uri_dst: str, force_overwrite: Optional[bool] = False, auth: Optional[Dict] = None, chunk_size: Optional[int] = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, progressbar_description: Optional[str] = "Copying `{uri_src}` to `{uri_dst}`", ) -> str: """ Copies file from `uri_src` to `uri_dst`. If `uri_dst` specifies a directory, the file will be copied into `uri_dst` using the base filename from `uri_src`. Returns the path to the newly created file. Parameters ---------- uri_src: str The URI of the source file, which can be local path or OCI object storage URI. uri_dst: str The URI of the destination file, which can be local path or OCI object storage URI. force_overwrite: (bool, optional). Defaults to False. Whether to overwrite existing files or not. auth: (Dict, optional). Defaults to None. The default authentication is set using `ads.set_auth` API. If you need to override the default, use the `ads.common.auth.api_keys` or `ads.common.auth.resource_principal` to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object. chunk_size: (int, optinal). Defaults to `DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE` How much data can be copied in one iteration. Returns ------- str The path to the newly created file. Raises ------ FileExistsError If a destination file exists and `force_overwrite` set to `False`. """ chunk_size = chunk_size or DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE auth = auth or authutil.default_signer() if not os.path.basename(uri_dst): uri_dst = os.path.join(uri_dst, os.path.basename(uri_src)) src_path_scheme = urlparse(uri_src).scheme or "file" src_file_system = fsspec.filesystem(src_path_scheme, **auth) file_size =["size"] if not force_overwrite: dst_path_scheme = urlparse(uri_dst).scheme or "file" if fsspec.filesystem(dst_path_scheme, **auth).exists(uri_dst): raise FileExistsError( f"The `{uri_dst}` exists. Please use a new file name or " "set force_overwrite to True if you wish to overwrite." ) with, mode="wb", **auth) as fwrite: with, mode="rb", encoding=None, **auth) as fread: with tqdm.wrapattr( fread, "read", desc=progressbar_description.format(uri_src=uri_src, uri_dst=uri_dst), total=file_size, position=0, leave=False, colour="blue", file=sys.stdout, ) as ffrom: while True: chunk = if not chunk: break fwrite.write(chunk) return uri_dst
[docs]def remove_file(file_path: str, auth: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None: """ Reoves file. Parameters ---------- file_path: str The path of the source file, which can be local path or OCI object storage URI. auth: (Dict, optional). Defaults to None. The default authentication is set using `ads.set_auth` API. If you need to override the default, use the `ads.common.auth.api_keys` or `ads.common.auth.resource_principal` to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object. Returns ------- None Nothing. """ scheme = urlparse(file_path).scheme auth = auth or (scheme and authutil.default_signer()) or {} fs = fsspec.filesystem(scheme, **auth) try: fs.rm(file_path) except FileNotFoundError as e: raise FileNotFoundError(f"`{file_path}` not found.") except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def folder_size(path: str) -> int: """Recursively calculating a size of the `path` folder. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the folder. Returns ------- int The size fo the folder in bytes. """ if not path: return 0 if os.path.isfile(path): return os.path.getsize(path) path = os.path.join(path.rstrip("/"), "**") return sum( os.path.getsize(f) for f in glob.glob(path, recursive=True) if os.path.isfile(f) )
[docs]def human_size(num_bytes: int, precision: Optional[int] = 2) -> str: """Converts bytes size to a string representing its value in B, KB, MB and GB. Parameters ---------- num_bytes: int The size in bytes. precision: (int, optional). Defaults to 2. The precision of converting the bytes value. Returns ------- str A string representing the size in B, KB, MB and GB. """ if not num_bytes: return "0B" size_name = ("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB") size_index = int(math.floor(math.log(num_bytes, 1024))) result_size = round(num_bytes / math.pow(1024, size_index), precision) return f"{result_size}{size_name[size_index]}"
[docs]def get_value(obj, attr, default=None): """Gets a copy of the value from a nested dictionary of an object with nested attributes. Parameters ---------- obj : An object or a dictionary attr : Attributes as a string seprated by dot(.) default : Default value to be returned if attribute is not found. Returns ------- Any: A copy of the attribute value. For dict or list, a deepcopy will be returned. """ keys = attr.split(".") val = default for key in keys: if hasattr(obj, key): val = getattr(obj, key) elif hasattr(obj, "get"): val = obj.get(key, default) else: return default obj = val return copy.deepcopy(val)
def _filter_fn(adjective: str, word: str) -> bool: """Used to filter list of adjectives phonetically Parameters ---------- adjective: str adjective word word: str word to see if should be included in list of alliterations Returns ------- bool: filter or not """ if adjective.startswith("f"): return word.startswith("f") or word.startswith("ph") elif adjective.startswith("q"): return word.startswith("q") or word.startswith("k") else: return word.startswith(adjective[0])
[docs]def get_random_name_for_resource() -> str: """Returns randomly generated easy to remember name. It consists from 1 adjective and 1 animal word, tailed by UTC timestamp (joined with '-'). This is an ADS default resource name generated for models, jobs, jobruns, model deployments, pipelines. Returns ------- str Randomly generated easy to remember name for oci resources - models, jobs, jobruns, model deployments, pipelines. Example: polite-panther-2022-08-17-21:15.46; strange-spider-2022-08-17-23:55.02 """ adjective = random.choice(adjectives) animal = random.choice( list(filter(lambda x: _filter_fn(adjective, x), animals)) or animals ) return "-".join( ( adjective, animal, datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M.%S"), ) )
[docs]def batch_convert_case(spec: dict, to_fmt: str) -> Dict: """ Convert the case of a dictionary of spec from camel to snake or vice versa. Parameters ---------- spec: dict dictionary of spec to convert to_fmt: str format to convert to, can be "camel" or "snake" Returns ------- dict dictionary of converted spec """ if not spec: return spec converted = {} if to_fmt == "camel": converter = snake_to_camel else: converter = camel_to_snake for k, v in spec.items(): if k == "spec": converted[converter(k)] = batch_convert_case(v, to_fmt) else: converted[converter(k)] = v return converted
[docs]def extract_region(auth: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Union[str, None]: """Extracts region information from the environment variables and signer. Parameters ---------- auth: Dict The ADS authentication config used to initialize the client. Contains keys - config, signer and client_kwargs. Returns ------- Union[str, None] The region identifier. For example: `us-ashburn-1`. Returns `None` if region cannot be extracted. """ auth = auth or authutil.default_signer() if auth.get("config", {}).get("region"): return auth["config"]["region"] if ( auth.get("signer") and hasattr(auth["signer"], "region") and auth["signer"].region ): return auth["signer"].region try: return json.loads(config.OCI_REGION_METADATA)["regionIdentifier"] except: pass return None
[docs]def is_path_exists(uri: str, auth: Optional[Dict] = None) -> bool: """Check if the given path which can be local path or OCI object storage URI exists. Parameters ---------- uri: str The URI of the target, which can be local path or OCI object storage URI. auth: (Dict, optional). Defaults to None. The default authentication is set using `ads.set_auth` API. If you need to override the default, use the `ads.common.auth.api_keys` or `ads.common.auth.resource_principal` to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object. Returns ------- bool: return True if the path exists. """ path_scheme = urlparse(uri).scheme or "file" storage_options = auth or authutil.default_signer() if fsspec.filesystem(path_scheme, **storage_options).exists(uri): return True return False