Source code for ads.data_labeling.reader.metadata_reader

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2021, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

from typing import Dict

from ads.common import auth as auth_util
from ads.common import oci_client
from ads.data_labeling.interface.reader import Reader
from ads.data_labeling.metadata import Metadata
from ads.data_labeling.parser.export_metadata_parser import MetadataParser
from ads.data_labeling.reader.jsonl_reader import JsonlReader
from oci.exceptions import ServiceError

[docs]class EmptyMetadata(Exception): # pragma: no cover """Empty Metadata.""" pass
[docs]class ReadDatasetError(Exception): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self, id: str): super().__init__(f"Error occurred in attempt to read dataset {id}.")
[docs]class DatasetNotFoundError(Exception): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self, id: str): super().__init__(f"{id} not found.")
[docs]class MetadataReader: """MetadataReader class which reads and extracts the labeled dataset metadata. Examples -------- >>> from ads.data_labeling import MetadataReader >>> import oci >>> import os >>> from ads.common import auth as authutil >>> reader = MetadataReader.from_export_file("metadata_export_file_path", ... auth=authutil.api_keys()) >>> """ def __init__(self, reader: Reader): """Initiate a MetadataReader instance. Parameters ---------- reader: Reader Reader instance which reads and extracts the labeled dataset metadata. """ self._reader = reader
[docs] @classmethod def from_export_file(cls, path: str, auth: Dict = None) -> "MetadataReader": """Contructs a MetadataReader instance. Parameters ---------- path: str metadata file path, can be either local or object storage path. auth: (dict, optional). Defaults to None. The default authetication is set using `ads.set_auth` API. If you need to override the default, use the `ads.common.auth.api_keys` or `ads.common.auth.resource_principal` to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object. Returns ------- MetadataReader The MetadataReader instance whose reader is a ExportMetadataReader instance. """ return cls(ExportMetadataReader(path=path, auth=auth))
[docs] @classmethod def from_DLS( cls, dataset_id: str, compartment_id: str = None, auth: dict = None ) -> "MetadataReader": """Contructs a MetadataReader instance. Parameters ---------- dataset_id: str The dataset OCID. compartment_id: (str, optional). Default None The compartment OCID of the dataset. auth: (dict, optional). Defaults to None. The default authetication is set using `ads.set_auth` API. If you need to override the default, use the `ads.common.auth.api_keys` or `ads.common.auth.resource_principal` to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object. Returns ------- MetadataReader The MetadataReader instance whose reader is a DLSMetadataReader instance. """ if compartment_id is None: compartment_id = NB_SESSION_COMPARTMENT_OCID or JOB_RUN_COMPARTMENT_OCID if not compartment_id: raise ValueError("The `compartment_id` must be provided.") auth = auth or auth_util.default_signer() return cls( DLSMetadataReader( dataset_id=dataset_id, compartment_id=compartment_id, auth=auth ) )
[docs] def read(self) -> Metadata: """Reads the content from the metadata file. Returns ------- Metadata The metadata of the labeled dataset. """ return
[docs]class DLSMetadataReader(Reader): """DLSMetadataReader class which reads the metadata jsonl file from the cloud.""" def __init__(self, dataset_id: str, compartment_id: str, auth: dict): """Initializes the DLS metadata reader instance. Parameters ---------- dataset_id: str The dataset OCID. compartment_id: str The compartment OCID of the dataset. auth: dict The default authetication is set using `ads.set_auth` API. If you need to override the default, use the `ads.common.auth.api_keys` or `ads.common.auth.resource_principal` to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object. Raises ------ ValueError: When dataset_id is empty or not a string. TypeError: When dataset_id not a string. """ if not dataset_id: raise ValueError("The dataset OCID must be specified.") if not isinstance(dataset_id, str): raise TypeError("The dataset_id must be a string.") self.dataset_id = dataset_id self.compartment_id = compartment_id self.dls_dp_client = oci_client.OCIClientFactory(**auth).data_labeling_dp
[docs] def read(self) -> Metadata: """Reads the content from the metadata file. Returns ------- Metadata The metadata of the labeled dataset. Raises ------ DatasetNotFoundError If dataset not found. ReadDatasetError If any error occured in attempt to read dataset. """ try: dataset_response = self.dls_dp_client.get_dataset(self.dataset_id) except ServiceError as service_err: if service_err.status == 404: raise DatasetNotFoundError(self.dataset_id) raise ReadDatasetError(self.dataset_id) return Metadata.from_dls_dataset(
[docs]class ExportMetadataReader(JsonlReader): """ExportMetadataReader class which reads the metadata jsonl file from local/object storage path."""
[docs] def read(self) -> Metadata: """Reads the content from the metadata file. Returns ------- Metadata The metadata of the labeled dataset. """ try: return MetadataParser.parse(next(super().read())) except StopIteration: raise EmptyMetadata( "The dataset metadata file is invalid. It appears to be empty. " "Use the `DataLabeling.export()` method to create a new dataset metadata file." ) except Exception as e: raise e