Source code for ads.dataflow.dataflow

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2020, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import os
from datetime import datetime
from types import MethodType
import time
import pathlib
import json
import re
import uuid
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from pathlib import Path
from pandas import DataFrame
from ast import literal_eval

from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader

from ads.common import oci_client, auth, logger
from ads.common.utils import FileOverwriteError
from ads.common.decorator.runtime_dependency import (
from ads.common.decorator.deprecate import deprecated

from oci.data_flow.models import (
from oci.exceptions import ServiceError

from ads.common import utils
from ads.dataflow.dataflowsummary import SummaryList

env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader("ads", "templates"))

create_application_details_attributes = CreateApplicationDetails().swagger_types.keys()
update_application_details_attributes = UpdateApplicationDetails().swagger_types.keys()
application_attributes = list(Application().swagger_types.keys())

create_run_details_attributes = CreateRunDetails().swagger_types.keys()
update_run_details_attributes = UpdateRunDetails().swagger_types.keys()
run_attributes = list(Run().swagger_types.keys())

[docs]class SPARK_VERSION(str): v2_4_4 = "2.4.4" v3_0_2 = "3.0.2"
[docs]class DataFlow: @deprecated( "2.6.3", details="Use class for creating Data Flow applications and runs. Check", ) def __init__( self, compartment_id=None, dataflow_base_folder="/home/datascience/dataflow", os_auth=None, df_auth=None, ): # create iff not found dataflow_base_folder self.dataflow_base_folder = dataflow_base_folder self.os_auth = os_auth if os_auth else auth.default_signer() self.df_auth = df_auth if df_auth else auth.default_signer() self.compartment_id = ( NB_SESSION_COMPARTMENT_OCID if compartment_id is None else compartment_id ) if self.compartment_id is None: raise ValueError("compartment_id needs to be specified.") self.display_name = None self.driver_shape = None self.executor_shape = None self.file_uri = None self.archive_uri = None self.language = None self.logs_bucket_uri = None self.num_executors = None self.spark_version = None self.warehouse_bucket_uri = None self.object_storage_client = oci_client.OCIClientFactory( **self.os_auth ).object_storage self.df_client = oci_client.OCIClientFactory(**self.df_auth).dataflow self.region = ( self.df_auth["config"]["region"] if "config" in self.df_auth and "region" in self.df_auth["config"] else ( literal_eval(OCI_REGION_METADATA)["regionIdentifier"] if OCI_REGION_METADATA else None ) ) if not self.region: logger.warning( "Region information not found from oci config file. Set region in the OCI config file" ) try: self.namespace = self.object_storage_client.get_namespace().data except ServiceError as se: if se.status == 404: raise ValueError( f'The compartment_id "{self.compartment_id}" have to be ' f"in same tenancy as current user " ) from se else: raise self.short_id_index = {} # Currently Data Flow only supports VM.Standard.2 series # VM_shapes dict needs to be updated if any change from Data Flow self.VM_shapes = { "VM.Standard2.1", "VM.Standard2.2", "VM.Standard2.4", "VM.Standard2.8", "VM.Standard2.16", "VM.Standard2.24", # not available in some tenancy } def __iter__(self): return self.list_apps().__iter__() def __len__(self): return len(self.list_apps()) def _decorate_app(self, app): app.swagger_types["short_id"] = "str" app.ocid = def to_dataframe(app_self): if "arguments" in application_attributes: application_attributes.remove("arguments") df = DataFrame.from_dict( { key: getattr(app_self, key) for key in application_attributes if hasattr(app_self, key) }, orient="index", columns=[""], ) return df @runtime_dependency(module="IPython", install_from=OptionalDependency.NOTEBOOK) def show_in_notebook(app_self): """ Describe the project by showing its properties """ from IPython.display import display display(app_self) def _repr_html_(app_self): return ( app_self.to_dataframe() .style.set_properties(**{"margin-left": "0px"}) .render() ) app.to_dataframe = MethodType(to_dataframe, app) app.show_in_notebook = MethodType(show_in_notebook, app) app._repr_html_ = MethodType(_repr_html_, app) return app
[docs] def prepare_app( self, display_name: str, script_bucket: str, pyspark_file_path: str, spark_version: str = SPARK_VERSION.v2_4_4, compartment_id: str = None, archive_path: str = None, archive_bucket: str = None, logs_bucket: str = "dataflow-logs", driver_shape: str = "VM.Standard2.4", executor_shape: str = "VM.Standard2.4", num_executors: int = 1, arguments: list = [], script_parameters: dict = [], ) -> dict: """ Check if the parameters provided by users to create an application are valid and then prepare app_configuration for creating an app or saving for future reuse. Parameters ---------- display_name: str, required A user-friendly name. This name is not necessarily unique. script_bucket: str, required bucket in object storage to upload the pyspark file pyspark_file_path: str, required path to the pyspark file spark_version: str Allowed values are "2.4.4", "3.0.2". compartment_id: str OCID of the compartment to create a dataflow app. If not provided, compartment_id will use the same as the notebook session. archive_path: str, optional path to the archive file archive_bucket: str, optional bucket in object storage to upload the archive file logs_bucket: str, default is 'dataflow-logs' bucket in object storage to put run logs driver_shape: str The value to assign to the driver_shape property of this CreateApplicationDetails. Allowed values for this property are: "VM.Standard2.1", "VM.Standard2.2", "VM.Standard2.4", "VM.Standard2.8", "VM.Standard2.16", "VM.Standard2.24". executor_shape: str The value to assign to the executor_shape property of this CreateApplicationDetails. Allowed values for this property are: "VM.Standard2.1", "VM.Standard2.2", "VM.Standard2.4", "VM.Standard2.8", "VM.Standard2.16", "VM.Standard2.24". num_executors: int The number of executor VMs requested. arguments: list of str The values passed into the command line string to run the application script_parameters: dict The value of the parameters passed to the running application as command line arguments for the pyspark script. Returns ------- app_configuration: dictionary containing all the validated params for CreateApplicationDetails. """ if not self._check_bucket_exist(script_bucket): raise ValueError( "The bucket {} does not exist in object storage".format(script_bucket) ) else: self.script_bucket = script_bucket if not self._check_bucket_exist(logs_bucket): raise ValueError( "The log bucket {} does not exist in object storage".format(logs_bucket) ) else: self.logs_bucket_uri = ( self.warehouse_bucket_uri ) = f"oci://{logs_bucket}@{self.namespace}" # check if local path of script file is valid self._check_valid_path(pyspark_file_path) if archive_path: # check if local path of archive file is valid self._check_valid_path(archive_path) if archive_bucket is None: # use script bucket by default if archive_bucket not provided archive_bucket = script_bucket else: if not self._check_bucket_exist(archive_bucket): raise ValueError( "The bucket {} does not exist in object storage".format( archive_bucket ) ) # check whether the params have valid input type and value self._check_valid_param( display_name, driver_shape, executor_shape, num_executors ) # when user try to specify a non-python application, we throw warnings if self.language is not None and self.language != "PYTHON": logger.warning("ADS only supports Python.") app_compartment_id = ( self.compartment_id if compartment_id is None else compartment_id ) app_configuration = { "compartment_id": app_compartment_id, "language": "PYTHON", "pyspark_file_path": pyspark_file_path, "script_bucket": self.script_bucket, "archive_path": archive_path, "archive_bucket": archive_bucket, "logs_bucket": logs_bucket, "display_name": self.display_name, "driver_shape": self.driver_shape, "executor_shape": self.executor_shape, "num_executors": self.num_executors, "spark_version": spark_version, } # here we handle the case where users specify arguments if arguments: # check if the arguments are valid for arg in arguments: if not isinstance(arg, str): raise TypeError("Arguments must be a list of str.") if re.match("\$\{([^}]+)\}", arg): arg_name = arg.strip("${}") if " " in arg_name: raise ValueError( f"With {arg} in the format of " "${var}, space is not allowed in " f"{arg_name}" ) if arg_name not in script_parameters: logger.warning( f"With `{arg}` in the format of " "`${var}`, " f"the argument `{arg_name}` will be replaced by the value provided in script parameters when passed in. " f"While arguments not in this format are passed to the PySpark script verbatim." f"Therefore, `{arg_name}` must be a valid key in script parameters." ) raise KeyError( f"{arg_name} doesn't exist in script parameters, thus {arg} is not valid." ) # convert script parameters to be a list of tuples app_configuration["script_parameters"] = [ (k, script_parameters[k]) for k in script_parameters ] app_configuration["arguments"] = arguments return app_configuration
[docs] def template( self, job_type: str = "standard_pyspark", script_str: str = "", file_dir: str = None, file_name: str = None, ) -> str: """ Populate a prewritten pyspark or sparksql python script with user's choice to write additional lines and save in local directory. Parameters ---------- job_type: str, default is 'standard_pyspark' Currently supports two types, 'standard_pyspark' or 'sparksql' script_str: str, optional, default is '' code provided by user to write in the python script file_dir: str, optional Directory to save the python script in local directory file_name: str, optional name of the python script to save to the local directory Returns ------- script_path: str Path to the template generated python file in local directory """ if file_dir is None: file_dir = self.dataflow_base_folder if not os.path.isdir(file_dir): os.mkdir(file_dir) if file_name is None: creation_time ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") file_name = f"{job_type}_{creation_time}.py" script_path = os.path.join(file_dir, file_name) if os.path.exists(script_path):"Overwriting {script_path}.") if job_type == "standard_pyspark": self._get_pyspark_template(script_path, script_str) elif job_type == "sparksql": self._get_sparksql_template(script_path, script_str) else: raise ValueError( "Currently only supports template for two job types, 'standard_pyspark' or 'sparksql'" ) relative_path = os.path.relpath(script_path) # FileLink has to be tested with router to check compatibility. Till then let us comment it (ODSC-8310) # return display(FileLink(relative_path))"Code generated: {script_path}.") return script_path
def _get_pyspark_template(self, script_path, script_str: str = ""): """ Create a prewriiten pyspark script Parameters ---------- script_path: str Path to the template generated python file in local directory script_str: str, optional, default is '' code provided by user to write in the python script Returns ------- None """ pyspark_template = env.get_template("dataflow_pyspark.jinja2") with open(script_path, "w") as fp: fp.write(pyspark_template.render(script_str=script_str)) def _get_sparksql_template(self, script_path, script_str): """ Create a prewriiten sparksql python script Parameters ---------- script_path: str Path to the template generated python file in local directory script_str: str, optional, default is '' code provided by user to write in the python script Returns ------- None """ pyspark_template = env.get_template("dataflow_sparksql.jinja2") with open(script_path, "w") as fp: fp.write(pyspark_template.render(script_str=script_str)) def _check_valid_path(self, file_path): """ Returns ------- valid_path: bool whether the provided file path is valid """ file_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path) if len(file_dir) > 0 and not os.path.exists(file_dir): raise ValueError("The directoy of file {} does not exist".format(file_path)) elif not os.path.exists(file_path): raise ValueError( " The directoy of the file {} is valid but the file does not exist".format( file_path ) ) return True def _check_valid_param( self, display_name, driver_shape, executor_shape, num_executors ): """ Returns ------- valid_param: bool whether the params have valid input type and value """ if not isinstance(display_name, str): raise TypeError("param 'display_name' must be string") else: self.display_name = display_name if not isinstance(driver_shape, str): raise TypeError("param 'driver_shape' must be string") elif driver_shape not in self.VM_shapes: raise ValueError("param 'driver_shape' is not a valid VM shape") else: self.driver_shape = driver_shape if not isinstance(executor_shape, str): raise TypeError("param 'executor_shape' must be string") elif executor_shape not in self.VM_shapes: raise ValueError("param 'executor_shape' is not a valid VM shape") else: self.executor_shape = executor_shape if not isinstance(num_executors, int): raise TypeError("param 'num_executors' must be an integer") elif num_executors < 1: raise ValueError("param 'num_executors' has a minimum value of 1") else: self.num_executors = num_executors return True def _check_bucket_exist(self, bucket_name: str) -> bool: """ Returns ------- bucket_exist: bool whether the bucket already exists in the object storage """ try: bucket_response = self.object_storage_client.head_bucket( self.namespace, bucket_name ) except ServiceError as se: if se.status == 404: raise KeyError( f"The bucket {bucket_name} does not exist in object storage" ) from se else: raise return True def _download(self, bucket_name, script_uri, target_folder): remote_pyspark_file_name = urlparse(script_uri).path[1:] local_pyspark_file_name = remote_pyspark_file_name if "/" in remote_pyspark_file_name: local_pyspark_file_name = remote_pyspark_file_name.replace("/", "_") if local_pyspark_file_name.endswith(".py"): local_pyspark_file_name = ( local_pyspark_file_name.rstrip(".py") + "_" + str(uuid.uuid4())[-6:] + ".py" ) else: local_pyspark_file_name += "_" + str(uuid.uuid4())[-6:] destination_pyspark_file = f"{target_folder}/{local_pyspark_file_name}" if not os.path.exists(destination_pyspark_file): with open(destination_pyspark_file, "wb") as f: f.write( self.object_storage_client.get_object( self.namespace, bucket_name, remote_pyspark_file_name ).data.content ) return destination_pyspark_file else: raise ValueError( f"The app script file ({remote_pyspark_file_name}) already exists in {target_folder}" ) def _create_or_load_app( self, app_config: dict, file_uri: str, archive_uri: str = None, app_dir: str = None, ) -> object: with utils.get_progress_bar(2) as progress: progress.update() # # common to load & create # self.display_name = app_config["display_name"] self.driver_shape = app_config["driver_shape"] self.executor_shape = app_config["executor_shape"] self.num_executors = app_config["num_executors"] self.logs_bucket_uri = ( self.warehouse_bucket_uri ) = f"oci://{app_config['logs_bucket']}@{self.namespace}" app_details = CreateApplicationDetails( compartment_id=app_config["compartment_id"], language="PYTHON", display_name=self.display_name, driver_shape=self.driver_shape, executor_shape=self.executor_shape, file_uri=file_uri, archive_uri=archive_uri, logs_bucket_uri=self.logs_bucket_uri, num_executors=self.num_executors, spark_version=app_config.get("spark_version", SPARK_VERSION.v2_4_4), warehouse_bucket_uri=self.warehouse_bucket_uri, arguments=app_config.get("arguments", []), parameters=[ ApplicationParameter(name=k, value=str(v)) for (k, v) in app_config.get("script_parameters", []) ], ) new_app = self.df_client.create_application(app_details) progress.update("Done") # # add app_config to app obj as an attribute # = app_config # make app dir if app_dir is None: app_dir = f"{self.dataflow_base_folder}/{self.display_name}_{str(uuid.uuid4())[-6:]}" pathlib.Path(app_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return DataFlowApp( app_config, new_app, app_dir, f"https://console." f"{self.region}{}", os_auth=self.os_auth, df_auth=self.df_auth, )
[docs] def create_app( self, app_config: dict, overwrite_script=False, overwrite_archive=False ) -> object: """ Create a new dataflow application with the supplied app config. app_config contains parameters needed to create a new application, according to oci.data_flow.models.CreateApplicationDetails. Parameters ---------- app_config: dict the config file that contains all necessary parameters used to create a dataflow app overwrite_script: bool whether to overwrite the existing pyscript script on Object Storage overwrite_archive: bool whether to overwrite the existing archive file on Object Storage Returns ------- df_app: oci.dataflow.models.Application New dataflow application. """ # # upload pyspark_file_path to OCI object storage # try: self._upload( app_config["pyspark_file_path"], app_config["script_bucket"], overwrite=overwrite_script, ) except FileOverwriteError: raise ValueError( "You have a file with the same key in your bucket on object storage. Rename your file or set overwrite_script option to True." ) script_name = os.path.basename(app_config["pyspark_file_path"]) file_uri = f'oci://{app_config["script_bucket"]}@{self.namespace}/{script_name}' # upload archive file to object storage if specified if app_config["archive_path"] is None: return self._create_or_load_app(app_config, file_uri) else: try: self._upload( app_config["archive_path"], app_config["archive_bucket"], overwrite=overwrite_archive, ) except FileOverwriteError: raise ValueError( "You have a file with the same key in your bucket on object storage. Rename your file or set overwrite_archive option to True." ) archive_name = os.path.basename(app_config["archive_path"]) archive_uri = ( f'oci://{app_config["archive_bucket"]}@{self.namespace}/{archive_name}' ) return self._create_or_load_app( app_config, file_uri, archive_uri=archive_uri )
def _upload(self, local_path, bucket_name, overwrite=False): """ upload local files to object storage Parameters ---------- local_path: str the file path bucket_name: str bucket name on object storage to upload the file overwrite: bool whether to overwrite the existing file on Object Storage Returns ------- None """ object_name = os.path.basename(local_path) if self._check_object_exist(object_name, bucket_name): if not overwrite: raise FileOverwriteError() else: logger.warning( "You have a file with the same key in your bucket on object storage. It will be overwritten per your request." ) with open(local_path, "rb") as in_file: self.object_storage_client.put_object( self.namespace, bucket_name, object_name, in_file )"Finished uploading `{object_name}`.") def _check_object_exist(self, object_name: str, bucket_name: str) -> bool: """ Parameters ---------- object_name: str the file name on object storage bucket_name: str bucket name on object storage Returns ------- bool whether the file already exists in the bucket in object storage """ object_exist = self._check_object_exist_helper( object_name, bucket_name, start=None ) if object_exist: f"The file object `{object_name}` " f"already exists in bucket `{bucket_name}`." ) else: f"The file object `{object_name}` " f"does not exist in bucket `{bucket_name}` and will be uploaded." ) return object_exist def _check_object_exist_helper( self, object_name: str, bucket_name: str, start: str = None ) -> bool: """ Parameters ---------- object_name: str the file name on object storage bucket_name: str bucket name on object storage start: str Object names returned by a list query must be greater or equal to this parameter. Returns ------- bool whether the file already exists in the bucket in object storage """ object_exist = False list_objects_response = self.object_storage_client.list_objects( self.namespace, bucket_name, start=start ) objects_list = for object_item in objects_list: if == object_name: object_exist = True next_start_with = if object_exist or not next_start_with: return object_exist else: return self._check_object_exist_helper( object_name, bucket_name, start=next_start_with )
[docs] def list_apps( self, include_deleted: bool = False, compartment_id: str = None, datetime_format: str = utils.date_format, **kwargs, ) -> object: """ List all apps in a given compartment, or in the current notebook session's compartment. Parameters ---------- include_deleted: bool, optional, default=False Whether to include deleted apps in the returned list. compartment_id: str, optional, default: NB_SESSION_COMPARTMENT_OCID The compartment specified to list apps. datetime_format: str, optional, default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' Change format for date time fields. Returns ------- dsl: List List of Dataflow applications. """ app_compartment_id = ( self.compartment_id if compartment_id is None else compartment_id ) list_applications_response = self.df_client.list_applications( app_compartment_id, **kwargs ).data # handle empty list if list_applications_response is None: logger.warning("No applications found.") return application_list_filtered = [ self._decorate_app(app) for app in list_applications_response if include_deleted or Application.lifecycle_state != ApplicationSummary.LIFECYCLE_STATE_DELETED ] dsl = SummaryList( entity_list=application_list_filtered, datetime_format=datetime_format, ) self.short_id_index.update(dsl.short_id_index) return dsl
[docs] def get_app(self, app_id: str): """ Get the Project based on app_id. Parameters ---------- app_id: str, required The OCID of the dataflow app to get. Returns ------- app: oci.dataflow.models.Application The oci.dataflow.models.Application with the matching ID. """ if not app_id.startswith("ocid"): app_id = self.short_id_index[app_id] try: get_app_response = self.df_client.get_application(app_id) except ServiceError as se: if se.status == 404: raise KeyError(se.message) from se else: raise return self._decorate_app(
[docs] def load_app( self, app_id: str, target_folder: str = None, ) -> object: """ Load an existing dataflow application based on application id. The existing dataflow application can be created either from dataflow service or the dataflow integration of ADS. Parameters ---------- app_id: str, required The OCID of the dataflow app to load. target_folder: str, optional, the folder to store the local artifacts of this application. If not specified, the target_folder will use the dataflow_base_folder by default. Returns ------- dfa: ads.dataflow.dataflow.DataFlowApp A dataflow application of type ads.dataflow.dataflow.DataFlowApp """ # support short id when loading an application by getting ocid based on # provided short id if not app_id.startswith("ocid"): app_id = self.short_id_index[app_id] # get app response that fetched using df client try: get_app_response = self.df_client.get_application(app_id) except ServiceError as se: if se.status == 404: raise KeyError(se.message) from se else: raise # if users try to load a non-python application, we throw a warning if != "PYTHON": logger.warning("ADS only supports Python.") return # for apps created with default logs bucket, logs_bucket_uri attribute in app response will be empty string # set default value manually for logs_bucket if == "": "Using the default logs bucket 'dataflow-logs'. Set the parameter `logs_bucket_uri` to use a different bucket." ) logs_bucket = "dataflow-logs" else: logs_bucket = re.split(r"[@/]",[2] # reform app config from app response app_config = { "compartment_id":, "language":, "script_bucket": re.split(r"[@/]",[2], "logs_bucket": logs_bucket, "archive_path": None, "archive_bucket": None, "display_name":, "driver_shape":, "executor_shape":, "num_executors":, "spark_version":, "arguments":, "script_parameters": [ (, param.value) for param in ], } # set the default value to target_folder to dataflow_base_folder if target_folder is None: target_folder = self.dataflow_base_folder app_dir = ( f"{target_folder}/{app_config['display_name']}_{str(uuid.uuid4())[-6:]}" ) pathlib.Path(app_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) app_config["pyspark_file_path"] = self._download( app_config["script_bucket"],, app_dir ) if != "": app_config["archive_bucket"] = re.split( r"[@/]", )[2] app_config["archive_path"] = self._download( app_config["archive_bucket"],, app_dir ) return DataFlowApp( app_config, get_app_response, app_dir, f"https://console.{self.region}{}", os_auth=self.os_auth, df_auth=self.df_auth, )
[docs]class DataFlowApp(DataFlow): @deprecated("2.6.3") def __init__(self, app_config, app_response, app_dir, oci_link, **kwargs): super().__init__(compartment_id=app_config["compartment_id"], **kwargs) self._config = app_config self.app_response = app_response self.app_dir = app_dir self._oci_link = oci_link def __iter__(self): return self.list_runs().__iter__() def __len__(self): return len(self.list_runs()) def __repr__(self): return self._config["display_name"] def _decorate_run(self, run): run.swagger_types["short_id"] = "str" run.ocid = def to_dataframe(run_self): if "arguments" in run_attributes: run_attributes.remove("arguments") df = DataFrame.from_dict( { key: getattr(run_self, key) for key in run_attributes if hasattr(run_self, key) }, orient="index", columns=[""], ) return df @runtime_dependency(module="IPython", install_from=OptionalDependency.NOTEBOOK) def show_in_notebook(run_self): """ Describe the project by showing it's properties """ from IPython.display import display display(run_self) def _repr_html_(run_self): return ( run_self.to_dataframe() .style.set_properties(**{"margin-left": "0px"}) .render() ) run.to_dataframe = MethodType(to_dataframe, run) run.show_in_notebook = MethodType(show_in_notebook, run) run._repr_html_ = MethodType(_repr_html_, run) return run @property def config(self) -> dict: """ Retrieve the app_config file used to create the data flow app Returns ------- app_config: Dict dictionary containing all the validated params for this DataFlowApp """ return self._config @property def oci_link(self) -> object: """ Retrieve the oci link of the data flow app Returns ------- oci_link: str a link to the app page in an oci console. """ return self._oci_link
[docs] def prepare_run( self, run_display_name: str, compartment_id: str = None, logs_bucket: str = "", driver_shape: str = "VM.Standard2.4", executor_shape: str = "VM.Standard2.4", num_executors: int = 1, **kwargs, ) -> dict: """ Check if the parameters provided by users to create a run are valid and then prepare run_config for creating run details. Parameters ---------- run_display_name: str A user-friendly name. This name is not necessarily unique. compartment_id: str OCID of the compartment to create a dataflow run. If not provided, compartment_id will use the same as the dataflow app. logs_bucket: str bucket in object storage to put run logs, if not provided, will use the same logs_bucket as defined in app_config driver_shape: str The value to assign to the driver_shape property of this CreateApplicationDetails. Allowed values for this property are: "VM.Standard2.1", "VM.Standard2.2", "VM.Standard2.4", "VM.Standard2.8", "VM.Standard2.16", "VM.Standard2.24". executor_shape: str The value to assign to the executor_shape property of this CreateApplicationDetails. Allowed values for this property are: "VM.Standard2.1", "VM.Standard2.2", "VM.Standard2.4", "VM.Standard2.8", "VM.Standard2.16", "VM.Standard2.24". num_executors: int The number of executor VMs requested. Returns ------- run_config: Dict Dictionary containing all the validated params for CreateRunDetails. """ # if logs_bucket not provided to prepare run_config, will use the # same logs_bucket as defined in app_config if logs_bucket == "": logs_bucket = self.config["logs_bucket"] if not self._check_bucket_exist(logs_bucket): raise ValueError( "The log bucket {} does not exist in object storage".format(logs_bucket) ) else: logs_bucket_uri = f"oci://{logs_bucket}@{self.namespace}" if not isinstance(run_display_name, str): raise TypeError("param 'run_display_name' must be string") if not isinstance(driver_shape, str): raise TypeError("param 'driver_shape' must be string") elif driver_shape not in self.VM_shapes: raise ValueError("param 'driver_shape' is not a valid VM shape") if not isinstance(executor_shape, str): raise TypeError("param 'executor_shape' must be string") elif executor_shape not in self.VM_shapes: raise ValueError("param 'executor_shape' is not a valid VM shape") if not isinstance(num_executors, int): raise TypeError("param 'num_executors' must be integer") elif num_executors < 1: raise ValueError("param 'num_executors' has a minimum value of 1") run_compartment_id = ( self.compartment_id if compartment_id is None else compartment_id ) run_configuration = { "compartment_id": run_compartment_id, "script_bucket": self._config["script_bucket"], "pyspark_file_path": self._config["pyspark_file_path"], "archive_path": self._config["archive_path"], "archive_bucket": self._config["archive_bucket"], "run_display_name": run_display_name, "logs_bucket": logs_bucket, "logs_bucket_uri": logs_bucket_uri, "driver_shape": driver_shape, "executor_shape": executor_shape, "num_executors": num_executors, } # get arguments from app config if "arguments" in self._config: run_configuration["arguments"] = list(self._config["arguments"]) # get script parameters in app config if "script_parameters" in self._config: run_configuration["script_parameters"] = list( self._config["script_parameters"] ) # update the new value of the argument in the run config when user provides new name value pairs if kwargs: # convert script parameters into dict param_dict = dict(run_configuration["script_parameters"]) for param, value in kwargs.items(): # overwrite the value if param in param_dict: param_dict[param] = value else: raise KeyError(f"{param} is not a valid key in script parameters") # convert param_dict back to list of tuples run_configuration["script_parameters"] = [ (k, param_dict[k]) for k in param_dict ] return run_configuration
[docs] def run( self, run_config: dict, save_log_to_local: bool = False, copy_script_to_object_storage: bool = True, copy_archive_to_object_storage: bool = True, pyspark_file_path: str = None, archive_path: str = None, wait: bool = True, ) -> object: """ Create a new dataflow run with the supplied run config. run_config contains parameters needed to create a new run, according to oci.data_flow.models.CreateRunDetails. Parameters ---------- run_config: dict, required The config file that contains all necessary parameters used to create a dataflow run save_log_to_local: bool, optional A boolean value that defaults to false. If set to true, it saves the log files to local dir copy_script_to_object_storage: bool, optional A boolean value that defaults to true. Local script will be copied to object storage copy_archive_to_object_storage: bool, optional A boolean value that defaults to true. Local archive file will be copied to object storage pyspark_file_path: str, optional The pyspark file path used for creating the dataflow app. if pyspark_file_path isn't specified then reuse the path that the app was created with. archive_path: str, optional The archive file path used for creating the dataflow app. if archive_path isn't specified then reuse the path that the app was created with. wait: bool, optional A boolean value that defaults to true. When True, the return will be ads.dataflow.dataflow.DataFlowRun in terminal state. When False, the return will be a ads.dataflow.dataflow.RunObserver. Returns ------- df_run: Variable Either a new Data Flow run or a run observer. """ if copy_script_to_object_storage: self._sync(pyspark_file_path) if run_config["archive_path"] is not None: if copy_archive_to_object_storage: self._sync(archive_path, type="archive") run_observer = RunObserver(self, run_config, save_log_to_local) if wait: return run_observer.wait() # blocks, returns DataFlowRun else: return run_observer # unblocks, returns RunObserver
def _sync(self, file_path: str = None, type: str = "script") -> object: """ Push to create a new app if the script has been modified. Parameters ---------- file_path: str The pyspark file path used for creating the dataflow app. if pyspark_file_path isn't specified then reuse the path that the app was created with. type: str, only two types supported here, 'script' or 'archive' Returns ------- Self, a Data Flow app object. """ # local pyspark file, which may or may not be modified if type == "script": file_path = ( self.config["pyspark_file_path"] if file_path is None else file_path ) # compare byte content of two files # script no diff, return the original app obj if not self._modified(file_path, type="script"): return self os_bucket = self.config["script_bucket"] os_objectname = self.config["pyspark_file_path"].rsplit("/")[-1] elif type == "archive": file_path = self.config["archive_path"] if file_path is None else file_path if not self._modified(file_path, type="archive"): return self os_bucket = self.config["archive_bucket"] os_objectname = self.config["archive_path"].rsplit("/")[-1] # push file to object storage with open(file_path, "rb") as in_file: try: self.object_storage_client.put_object( self.namespace, os_bucket, os_objectname, in_file, ) f"The existing file `{os_objectname}` in bucket " f"`{os_bucket}` on object storage has been overwritten by your latest changes of " f"`{os_objectname}`." ) except ServiceError as se: if se.status == 404: raise KeyError(se.message) from se else: raise return self def _modified( self, file_path: str = None, type: str = "script", encoding="utf8" ) -> bool: """ Check if any modification in the pyspark script Returns ------- True or False """ # read local python file into bytes if type == "script": bucket_name = self.config["script_bucket"] # remote pyspark file, which was pushed originally while creating this dataflow app remote_file_name = Path(self.config["pyspark_file_path"]).name.lstrip("/") elif type == "archive": bucket_name = self.config["archive_bucket"] remote_file_name = Path(self.config["archive_path"]).name.lstrip("/") local_file = open(file_path, "rb").read() # remote_file_name = Path(self.config["pyspark_file_path"]).name.lstrip('/') try: remote_file = self.object_storage_client.get_object( self.namespace, bucket_name, remote_file_name ).data.content except ServiceError as se: if se.code == "ObjectNotFound": local_filename = os.path.basename(file_path) f"The `{local_filename}` is " f"not found in your bucket. " f"The `{local_filename}` will be uploaded" ) with open(file_path, "rb") as in_file: self.object_storage_client.put_object( self.namespace, bucket_name, local_filename, in_file ) return False else: raise se if type == "archive": return local_file != remote_file elif type == "script": if isinstance(local_file, bytes): local_file = local_file.decode(encoding) if isinstance(remote_file, bytes): remote_file = remote_file.decode(encoding) return local_file != remote_file
[docs] def list_runs( self, include_failed: bool = False, datetime_format: str = utils.date_format, **kwargs, ) -> object: """ List all run of a dataflow app Parameters ---------- include_failed: bool, optional, default=False Whether to include failed runs in the returned list datetime_format: str, optional, default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' Change format for date time fields Returns ------- df_runs: List List of Data flow runs. """ list_runs_response = self.df_client.list_runs( self.compartment_id, **kwargs ).data # handle empty list if list_runs_response is None: logger.warning("No runs found.") return run_list_filtered = [ self._decorate_run(run) for run in list_runs_response if include_failed or Run.lifecycle_state != RunSummary.LIFECYCLE_STATE_FAILED ] rsl = SummaryList( entity_list=run_list_filtered, datetime_format=datetime_format ) self.short_id_index.update(rsl.short_id_index) return rsl
[docs] def get_run(self, run_id: str): """ Get the Run based on run_id Parameters ---------- run_id: str, required The OCID of the dataflow run to get. Returns ------- df_run: oci.dataflow.models.Run The oci.dataflow.models.Run with the matching ID. """ if not run_id.startswith("ocid"): run_id = self.short_id_index[run_id] try: get_run_response = self.df_client.get_run(run_id) except ServiceError as se: if se.status == 404: raise KeyError(se.message) from se else: raise return self._decorate_run(
[docs]class RunObserver: @deprecated("2.6.3") def __init__(self, app, run_config, save_log_to_local): = app self._config = run_config self.save_log_to_local = save_log_to_local self._local_dir = self._create_run_dir() self._run_details = self._get_run_details() self._new_run = self._oci_link = f"https://console.{}{}" self._save_log_to_local = save_log_to_local def __repr__(self): return self._config["run_display_name"] + " " + self.status
[docs] def wait(self): """ Wait and monitor the run creation process. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- df_run: oci.dataflow.models.Run The oci.dataflow.models.Run after monitoring is done. """ # monitor the run creation process self._monitor_run() self._create_run_dir() return DataFlowRun( self._config, self._new_run, self.save_log_to_local, self._local_dir,,, )
def _terminal_state(self, status): return status in ["SUCCEEDED", "FAILED", "CANCELED"] # this is a blocking function, it will only complete when dataflow run reaches terminal state def _monitor_run(self): curr_status = self.status if not self._terminal_state(curr_status): # when wait is called after the run being submitted, progress bar does not start from the beginning if curr_status == "ACCEPTED": progress_bar_num = 3 elif curr_status == "IN_PROGRESS": progress_bar_num = 2 elif curr_status == "SUCCEEDED": progress_bar_num = 1 else: progress_bar_num = 4 with utils.get_progress_bar(progress_bar_num) as progress: progress.update() while not self._terminal_state(curr_status): time.sleep(2) new_status = self.status if new_status != curr_status: progress.update(f"{new_status}") curr_status = new_status progress.update("Done") def _create_run_dir(self): creation_time ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") local_dir = ( f"{}/{self._config['run_display_name']}-{creation_time}" ) pathlib.Path(local_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # add pyspark script for the run in the run dir user_pyspark_file_path = self._config["pyspark_file_path"] filename = os.path.basename(user_pyspark_file_path) run_pyspark_file_path = os.path.join(local_dir, filename) # copy content from shutil import copyfile copyfile(user_pyspark_file_path, run_pyspark_file_path) # add run metadata for the run in the run dir run_config_path = os.path.join(local_dir, "run_metadata.json") with open(run_config_path, "w") as fp: json.dump(self._config, fp) return local_dir def _get_run_details(self): self.run_display_name = self._config["run_display_name"] self.logs_bucket_uri = self._config["logs_bucket_uri"] self.driver_shape = self._config["driver_shape"] self.executor_shape = self._config["executor_shape"] self.num_executors = self._config["num_executors"] run_details = CreateRunDetails(, compartment_id=self._config["compartment_id"], display_name=self.run_display_name, logs_bucket_uri=self.logs_bucket_uri, driver_shape=self.driver_shape, executor_shape=self.executor_shape, num_executors=self.num_executors, arguments=self._config.get("arguments", []), parameters=[ ApplicationParameter(name=k, value=str(v)) for (k, v) in self._config.get("script_parameters", []) ], ) return run_details @property def status(self) -> str: """ Returns the lifecycle state of the Data Flow run """ return @property def config(self) -> dict: """ Retrieve the run_config file used to create the data flow run Returns ------- run_config: Dict Dictionary containing all the validated parameters for this Data Flow run """ return self._config
[docs] def update_config(self, param_dict) -> None: """ Modify the run_config file used to create the data flow run Parameters ---------- param_dict: Dict dictionary containing the key value pairs of the run_config parameters and the updated values. Returns ------- None """ for key, val in param_dict.items(): if key in self._config: self._config[key] = val else: raise ValueError( "The key '{}' does not exist in run_config parameters".format(key) )
@property def local_dir(self) -> str: """ Retrieve the local directory of the data flow run Returns ------- local_dir: str the local path to the Data Flow run """ return self._local_dir @property def oci_link(self) -> object: """ Retrieve the oci link of the data flow run Returns ------- oci_link: str link to the run page in an oci console """ return self._oci_link
[docs]class DataFlowRun(DataFlow): LOG_OUTPUTS = ["stdout", "stderr"] @deprecated("2.6.3") def __init__( self, run_config, run_response, save_log_to_local, local_dir, **kwargs ): super().__init__(compartment_id=run_config["compartment_id"], **kwargs) self._config = run_config self.run_response = run_response self.run_id = self._log_stdout = None self._log_stderr = None self._local_dir = local_dir self._status = self.df_client.get_run(self.run_id).data.lifecycle_state self._oci_link = None if save_log_to_local: for log_type in DataFlowRun.LOG_OUTPUTS: self.fetch_log(log_type).save() def __repr__(self): return self._config["run_display_name"] @property def config(self) -> dict: """ Retrieve the run_config file used to create the Data Flow run Returns ------- run_config: Dict dictionary containing all the validated params for this DataFlowRun """ return self._config
[docs] def update_config(self, param_dict) -> None: """ Modify the run_config file used to create the data flow run Parameters ---------- param_dict: Dict Dictionary containing the key value pairs of the run_config parameters and the updated values. Returns ------- None """ for key, val in param_dict.items(): if key in self._config: self._config[key] = val else: raise ValueError( "The key '{}' does not exist in run_config parameters".format(key) )
@property def status(self) -> str: """ Retrieve the status of the data flow run Returns ------- status: str String that describes the status of the run """ return self._status @property def log_stdout(self) -> object: """ Retrieve the stdout of the data flow run Returns ------- log_out: ads.dataflow.dataflow.DataFlowLog a clickable link that opens the stdout log in another tab in a JupyterLab notebook environment """ if self._log_stdout is None: self._log_stdout = self.fetch_log("stdout") return self._log_stdout @property def log_stderr(self) -> object: """ Retrieve the stderr of the data flow run Returns ------- log_error: ads.dataflow.dataflow.DataFlowLog a clickable link that opens the stderror log in another tab in jupyter notebook environment """ if self._log_stderr is None: self._log_stderr = self.fetch_log("stderr") return self._log_stderr @property def local_dir(self) -> str: """ Retrieve the local directory of the data flow run Returns ------- local_dir: str the local path to the Data Flow run """ return self._local_dir @property def oci_link(self) -> object: """ Retrieve the oci link of the data flow run Returns ------- oci_link: str link to the run page in an oci console """ return self._oci_link
[docs] def fetch_log(self, log_type: str) -> object: """ Fetch the log information of a run Parameters ---------- log_type: str, have two values, 'stdout' or 'stderr' Returns ------- dfl: DataFlowLog a Data Flow log object """ if log_type not in DataFlowRun.LOG_OUTPUTS: raise ValueError( f"Invalid log type ({log_type}), valid types: {', '.join(DataFlowRun.LOG_OUTPUTS)}" ) tmp = self.df_client.get_run_log( self.run_id, f"spark_application_{log_type}.log.gz" ) text_str = str("\x00").rstrip("\n")) opc_request_id = log_filename = os.path.join( opc_request_id, f"spark_application_{log_type}.log.gz" ) object_storage_log_path = os.path.join( self._config["logs_bucket_uri"], log_filename ) log_local_dir = os.path.join(self._local_dir, "logs") log_obj = DataFlowLog(text_str, object_storage_log_path, log_local_dir) if log_type == "stdout": self._log_stdout = log_obj elif log_type == "stderr": self._log_stderr = log_obj return log_obj
def _repr_html_(self): if self.status == "FAILED": logger.warning("Run failed. See the logs for details.")"Printing tail of the stdout log...") self.log_stdout.tail() else: return
[docs]class DataFlowLog: @deprecated("2.6.3") def __init__(self, text, oci_path, log_local_dir): self.text = str(text) self._oci_path = oci_path self._local_dir = log_local_dir self._local_path = None self.line_list = self.text.split("\n")
[docs] def head(self, n: int = 10): """ Show the first n lines of the log as the output of the notebook cell Parameters ---------- n: int, default is 10 the number of lines from head of the log file Returns ------- None """ for _, v in enumerate(self.line_list[:n]): print(v)
[docs] def tail(self, n: int = 10): """ Show the last n lines of the log as the output of the notebook cell Parameters ---------- n: int, default is 10 the number of lines from tail of the log file Returns ------- None """ for _, v in enumerate(self.line_list[-n:]): print(v)
[docs] def show_all(self): """ Show all content of the log as the output of the notebook cell Returns ------- None """ for _, v in enumerate(self.line_list): print(v)
@property def oci_path(self): """ Get the path of the log file in object storage Returns ------- oci_path: str Path of the log file in object storage """ return self._oci_path @property def local_path(self): """ Get the path of the log file in local directory Returns ------- local_path: str Path of the log file in local directory """ if self._local_path is None: logger.warning( "The log file is not stored in local directory. " "Call the save() method to save the log file to local first.", ) return self._local_path @property def local_dir(self): """ Get the local directory where the log file is saved. Returns ------- local_dir: str Path to the local directory where the log file is saved. """ return self._local_dir
[docs] def save(self, log_dir=None): """ save the log file to a local directory. Parameters ---------- log_dir: str, The path to the local directory to save log file, if not set, log will be saved to the _local_dir by default. Returns ------- None """ if self._local_path is not None: logger.warning(f"The log file is already exists in `{self._local_path}`.") return if log_dir is not None: self._local_dir = log_dir if not os.path.isdir(self._local_dir): os.makedirs(self._local_dir) filename = os.path.basename(self._oci_path) self._local_path = os.path.join(self._local_dir, filename) with open(self._local_path, "w+") as in_file: in_file.write(self.text)"The log file saved to `{self._local_path}`.")
def __str__(self): return self.text def _repr_html_(self): """ Display the link of the log file to open in another tab of the jupyter environment. Returns ------- link of the log file """ if self._local_path is None: return relative_path = os.path.relpath(self._local_path) # FileLink has to be tested with router to check compatibility. Till then let us comment it (ODSC-8310) # return display(FileLink(relative_path)) return"Log file saved to {self._local_path}.")