Source code for ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.adsstring.string

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*--

# Copyright (c) 2021, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import functools

from typing import Any, Callable
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.base import FeatureType
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.adsstring.common_regex_mixin import (
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.adsstring.oci_language import OCILanguage
from ads.common.decorator.runtime_dependency import OptionalDependency
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.adsstring.oci_language import OCILanguage

[docs]def to_adsstring(func: Callable) -> Callable: """Decorator that converts output of a function to `ADSString` if it returns a string. Parameters ---------- func : Callable function to decorate Returns ------- Callable decorated function """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): out = func(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(out, str): return ADSString(out) else: return out return wrapper
[docs]def wrap_output_string(decorator: Callable) -> Callable: """Class decorator that applies a decorator to all methods of a class. Parameters ---------- decorator : Callable decorator to apply Returns ------- Callable class decorator """ def decorate(cls): for attr in dir(cls): if ( not attr.startswith("__") and not attr.startswith("_") and callable(getattr(cls, attr)) ): setattr(cls, attr, decorator(getattr(cls, attr))) return cls return decorate
[docs]@wrap_output_string(to_adsstring) class ADSString(str, FeatureType, CommonRegexMixin): """Defines an enhanced string class for the purpose of performing NLP tasks. Its functionalities can be extended by registering plugins. Attributes ---------- plugins: List list of plugins that add functionalities to the class. string: str plain string Example ------- >>> ADSString.nlp_backend('nltk') >>> s = ADSString("Walking my dog on a breezy day is the best.") >>> s.lower() # regular string methods still work >>> s.replace("a", "e") >>> s.noun >>> s.pos #parts of speech >>> s = ADSString("get in touch with my associate at to schedule") >>> >>> ADSString.plugin_register(OCILanguage) >>> s = ADSString("This movie is awesome.") >>> s.absa """ plugins = [] language_model_cache = dict() description = "Type representing enhanced string class." def __init__(self, text: str, language="english") -> None: """Initialze the class and register plugins. Parameters ---------- text : str input text language : str, optional language of the text, by default "english". Raises ------ TypeError input text is not a string. """ if not isinstance(text, str): raise TypeError("Text must be a string.") if isinstance(text, ADSString): self.raw = text.string else: self.raw = text self._string = self.raw.strip() self.language = language if not hasattr(ADSString, "bases"): # remember the bases before adding any plugins setattr(ADSString, "bases", ADSString.__bases__) else: # reset bases before installing plugins ADSString.__bases__ = ADSString.bases # adding default nlp plugin ADSString.plugins.insert(0, OCILanguage) # remove duplicates and preserve order _plugins = [] for plg in ADSString.plugins[::-1]: if plg not in _plugins: _plugins.insert(0, plg) for cls in _plugins: self.__class__.__bases__ = (cls,) + self.__class__.__bases__ super(cls, self).__init__() super(ADSString, self).__init__() @property def string(self): return self._string
[docs] @classmethod def nlp_backend(cls, backend: str = "nltk") -> None: """Set backend for extracting NLP related properties. Parameters ---------- backend : str, optional name of backend, by default 'nltk'. Raises ------ ModuleNotFoundError module corresponding to backend is not found. ValueError input backend is invalid. Returns ------- None """ if backend == "spacy": try: import spacy except: raise ModuleNotFoundError( f"The `spacy` module was not found. Please run " f"`pip install {OptionalDependency.TEXT}`." ) from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.adsstring.parsers.spacy_parser import ( SpacyParser, ) cls.plugin_register(SpacyParser) elif backend == "nltk": try: import nltk except: raise ModuleNotFoundError("nltk must be installed.") from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.adsstring.parsers.nltk_parser import ( NLTKParser, ) cls.plugin_register(NLTKParser) else: raise ValueError( "Currently only `nltk` and `spacy` are supported. Default uses `nltk`." )
[docs] @classmethod def plugin_clear(cls) -> None: """Clears plugins.""" cls.plugins.clear()
[docs] @classmethod def plugin_register(cls, plugin: Any) -> None: """Register a plugin Parameters ---------- plugin : Any plugin to register Returns ------- None """ cls.plugins.append(plugin)
[docs] @classmethod def plugin_list(cls) -> None: """List registered plugins.""" if not cls.plugins: print("No plugin registered.") return [] return [plugin.__name__ for plugin in cls.plugins]
[docs] @classmethod def help(cls, plugin: Any = None) -> None: """List available properties. Parameters ---------- plugin : Any registered plugin Returns ------- None """ if not plugin: props = [ attr for attr in dir(cls) if not attr.startswith("__") and not attr.startswith("_") ] print(f"{cls.__name__}::Available properties: {', '.join(props)}") else: props = [ attr for attr in dir(plugin) if not attr.startswith("__") and not attr.startswith("_") ] print( f"{cls.__name__}::Available properties from plugin, {plugin.__name__}:" ) print(props)