Source code for ads.feature_engineering.feature_type_manager

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*--

# Copyright (c) 2021, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

The module that helps to manage feature types.
Provides functionalities to register, unregister, list feature types.

        Feature Types Manager class that manages feature types.

    >>> from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.base import FeatureType
    >>> class NewType(FeatureType):
    ...    description="My personal type."
    ...    pass
    >>> FeatureTypeManager.feature_type_register(NewType)
    >>> FeatureTypeManager.feature_type_registered()
                Name        Feature Type                                  Description
    0	  Continuous          continuous          Type representing continuous values.
    1	    DateTime           date_time           Type representing date and/or time.
    2	    Category            category  Type representing discrete unordered values.
    3	     Ordinal             ordinal             Type representing ordered values.
    4        NewType            new_type                             My personal type.

    >>> FeatureTypeManager.warning_registered()
        Feature Type             Warning                    Handler
    0     continuous               zeros              zeros_handler
    1     continuous    high_cardinality   high_cardinality_handler

    >>> FeatureTypeManager.validator_registered()
        Feature Type            Validator                 Condition                     Handler
    0   phone_number      is_phone_number                        ()             default_handler
    1   phone_number      is_phone_number    {'country_code': '+7'}    specific_country_handler
    2    credit_card       is_credit_card                        ()             default_handler

    >>> FeatureTypeManager.feature_type_unregister(NewType)
    >>> FeatureTypeManager.feature_type_reset()
    >>> FeatureTypeManager.feature_type_object('continuous')
from typing import Union
import logging
import pandas as pd
import pandas.api.types as pdtypes
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.base import FeatureType
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.object import Object
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.integer import Integer
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.category import Category
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.ordinal import Ordinal
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.boolean import Boolean
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.string import String
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.lat_long import LatLong
from import CreditCard
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.zip_code import ZipCode
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.phone_number import PhoneNumber
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.datetime import DateTime
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.continuous import Continuous
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.address import Address
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.constant import Constant
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.document import Document
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.gis import GIS
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.ip_address import IpAddress
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.ip_address_v4 import IpAddressV4
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.ip_address_v6 import IpAddressV6
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.text import Text
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.unknown import Unknown
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.discrete import Discrete
from ads.feature_engineering import exceptions
from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.adsstring.string import ADSString

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _feature_type_by_dtype(dtype) -> FeatureType:
    """Determines feature type by DataFrame dtype.

    dtype: pd.DataFrame.dtypes
        The Pandas series data type.

        The subclass of FeatureType.
    if pdtypes.is_bool_dtype(dtype):
        return Boolean
    if pdtypes.is_datetime64_any_dtype(dtype):
        return DateTime
    if pdtypes.is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
        return Category
    if pdtypes.is_string_dtype(dtype):
        return String
    if pdtypes.is_float_dtype(dtype):
        return Continuous
    if pdtypes.is_integer_dtype(dtype):
        return Integer
    return Object

[docs]class FeatureTypeManager: """Feature Types Manager class that manages feature types. Provides functionalities to register, unregister, list feature types. Methods ------- feature_type_object(cls, feature_type: Union[FeatureType, str]) -> FeatureType Gets a feature type by class object or name. feature_type_register(cls, feature_type_cls: FeatureType) -> None Registers a feature type. feature_type_unregister(cls, feature_type_cls: Union[FeatureType, str]) -> None Unregisters a feature type. feature_type_reset(cls) -> None Resets feature types to be default. feature_type_registered(cls) -> pd.DataFrame Lists all registered feature types as a DataFrame. warning_registered(cls) -> pd.DataFrame Lists registered warnings for all registered feature types. validator_registered(cls) -> pd.DataFrame Lists registered validators for all registered feature types. Examples -------- >>> from ads.feature_engineering.feature_type.base import FeatureType >>> class NewType(FeatureType): ... pass >>> FeatureTypeManager.register_feature_type(NewType) >>> FeatureTypeManager.feature_type_registered() Name Feature Type Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Continuous continuous Type representing continuous values. 1 DateTime date_time Type representing date and/or time. 2 Category category Type representing discrete unordered values. 3 Ordinal ordinal Type representing ordered values. >>> FeatureTypeManager.warning_registered() Feature Type Warning Handler ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 continuous zeros zeros_handler 1 continuous high_cardinality high_cardinality_handler >>> FeatureTypeManager.validator_registered() Feature Type Validator Condition Handler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 phone_number is_phone_number () default_handler 1 phone_number is_phone_number {'country_code': '+7'} specific_country_handler 2 credit_card is_credit_card () default_handler >>> FeatureTypeManager.feature_type_unregister(NewType) >>> FeatureTypeManager.feature_type_reset() >>> FeatureTypeManager.feature_type_object('continuous') Continuous """ _default_registered_type = [ Continuous, DateTime, Category, Ordinal, Boolean, String, LatLong, PhoneNumber, ZipCode, CreditCard, Object, Integer, Address, Constant, Document, GIS, IpAddressV4, IpAddressV6, IpAddress, Text, Unknown, Discrete, ADSString, ] _name_to_type_map = { tp for tp in _default_registered_type}
[docs] @classmethod def feature_type_register(cls, feature_type_cls: FeatureType) -> None: """Registers new feature type. Parameters ---------- feature_type : FeatureType Subclass of FeatureType to be registered. Returns ------- None Nothing. Raises ------ TypeError Type is not a subclass of FeatureType. TypeError Type has already been registered. NameError Name has already been used. """ if not issubclass(feature_type_cls, FeatureType): raise exceptions.InvalidFeatureType(feature_type_cls.__name__) if feature_type_cls in cls._name_to_type_map.values(): raise exceptions.TypeAlreadyRegistered(feature_type_cls.__name__) if in cls._name_to_type_map: raise exceptions.NameAlreadyRegistered( cls._name_to_type_map[] = feature_type_cls
[docs] @classmethod def feature_type_unregister(cls, feature_type: Union[FeatureType, str]) -> None: """Unregisters a feature type. Parameters ---------- feature_type: (FeatureType | str) The FeatureType subclass or a str indicating feature type. Returns ------- None Nothing. Raises ------ TypeError In attempt to unregister a default feature type. """ feature_type_cls = cls.feature_type_object(feature_type) if feature_type_cls in cls._default_registered_type: raise TypeError( f"Default type {feature_type_cls.__name__} cannot be removed." ) del cls._name_to_type_map[]
[docs] @classmethod def feature_type_reset(cls) -> None: """Resets feature types to be default. Returns ------- None Nothing. """ cls._name_to_type_map = { tp for tp in cls._default_registered_type}
[docs] @classmethod def feature_type_registered(cls) -> pd.DataFrame: """Lists all registered feature types as a DataFrame. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame: The list of feature types in a DataFrame format. """ return ( pd.DataFrame( [ (ft.__name__, name, ft.description) for name, ft in cls._name_to_type_map.items() ], columns=["Class", "Name", "Description"], ) .sort_values(by=["Class", "Name"]) .reset_index(drop=True) )
[docs] @classmethod def feature_type_object(cls, feature_type: Union[FeatureType, str]) -> FeatureType: """Gets a feature type by class object or name. Parameters ---------- feature_type: Union[FeatureType, str] The FeatureType subclass or a str indicating feature type. Returns ------- FeatureType Found feature type. Raises ------ TypeNotFound If provided feature type not registered. TypeError If provided feature type not a subclass of FeatureType. """ if isinstance(feature_type, str): if feature_type not in cls._name_to_type_map: raise exceptions.TypeNotFound(feature_type) return cls._name_to_type_map[feature_type] if not isinstance(feature_type, FeatureType) and not issubclass( feature_type, FeatureType ): raise TypeError( f"{feature_type} must be an instance or subclass of FeatureType." ) if isinstance(feature_type, FeatureType): feature_type_cls = feature_type.__class__ else: feature_type_cls = feature_type if feature_type_cls not in cls._name_to_type_map.values(): raise exceptions.TypeNotFound(feature_type_cls.__name__) return feature_type_cls
[docs] @classmethod def is_type_registered(cls, feature_type: Union[FeatureType, str]) -> bool: """Checks if provided feature type registered in the system. Parameters ---------- feature_type: Union[FeatureType, str] The FeatureType subclass or a str indicating feature type. Returns ------- bool True if provided feature type registered, False otherwise. """ result = False try: cls.feature_type_object(feature_type) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except"Error %s occured. Arguments %s", str(e), e.args) else: result = True return result
[docs] @classmethod def warning_registered(cls) -> pd.DataFrame: """Lists registered warnings for all registered feature types. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame: The list of registered warnings for registered feature types in a DataFrame format. Examples -------- >>> FeatureTypeManager.warning_registered() Feature Type Warning Handler ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 continuous zeros zeros_handler 1 continuous high_cardinality high_cardinality_handler """ result_df = pd.DataFrame((), columns=["Feature Type", "Warning", "Handler"]) for feature_type in cls._name_to_type_map.values(): feature_type_df = feature_type.warning.registered() feature_type_df.insert(0, "Feature Type", feature_type_df = feature_type_df.rename(columns={"Name": "Warning"}) result_df = result_df.append(feature_type_df) result_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return result_df
[docs] @classmethod def validator_registered(cls) -> pd.DataFrame: """Lists registered validators for registered feature types. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame: The list of registered validators for registered feature types in a DataFrame format. Examples -------- >>> FeatureTypeManager.validator_registered() Feature Type Validator Condition Handler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 phone_number is_phone_number () default_handler 1 phone_number is_phone_number {'country_code': '+7'} specific_country_handler 2 credit_card is_credit_card () default_handler """ result_df = pd.DataFrame( [], columns=["Feature Type", "Validator", "Condition", "Handler"] ) for feature_type in cls._name_to_type_map.values(): feature_type_df = feature_type.validator.registered() feature_type_df.insert(0, "Feature Type", feature_type_df = feature_type_df.rename(columns={"Name": "Validator"}) result_df = result_df.append(feature_type_df) result_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return result_df