Source code for ads.hpo.search_cv

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*--

# Copyright (c) 2020, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import importlib
import multiprocessing
import os
import uuid
import psutil
from enum import Enum, auto
from time import time, sleep

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import logging
from ads.common import logger
from ads.common import utils
from import ADSData
from ads.common.decorator.runtime_dependency import (
from ads.hpo._imports import try_import
from ads.hpo.ads_search_space import get_model2searchspace
from ads.hpo.distributions import *
from ads.hpo.objective import _Objective
from ads.hpo.stopping_criterion import NTrials, ScoreValue, TimeBudget
from ads.hpo.utils import _num_samples, _safe_indexing, _update_space_name
from ads.hpo.validation import (

with try_import() as _imports:
    from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, clone, is_classifier
    from sklearn.model_selection import BaseCrossValidator  # NOQA
    from sklearn.model_selection import check_cv, cross_validate
    from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, make_pipeline
    from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
    from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError

        from sklearn.metrics import check_scoring
        from sklearn.metrics.scorer import check_scoring

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Union  # NOQA

[docs]class State(Enum): INITIATED = auto() RUNNING = auto() HALTED = auto() TERMINATED = auto() COMPLETED = auto()
[docs]class InvalidStateTransition(Exception): # pragma: no cover """ `Invalid State Transition` is raised when an invalid transition request is made, such as calling halt without a running process. """ pass
[docs]class ExitCriterionError(Exception): # pragma: no cover """ `ExitCriterionError` is raised when an attempt is made to check exit status for a different exit type than the tuner was initialized with. For example, if an HPO study has an exit criteria based on the number of trials and a request is made for the time remaining, which is a different exit criterion, an exception is raised. """ pass
[docs]class DuplicatedStudyError(Exception): # pragma: no cover """ `DuplicatedStudyError` is raised when a new tuner process is created with a study name that already exists in storage. """
[docs]class NoRestartError(Exception): # pragma: no cover """ `NoRestartError` is raised when an attempt is made to check how many seconds have transpired since the HPO process was last resumed from a halt. This can happen if the process has been terminated or it was never halted and then resumed to begin with. """ pass
[docs]class DataScienceObjective: """This class is to replace the previous lambda function to solve the problem that python does not allow pickle local function/lambda function.""" def __init__(self, objective, X_res, y_res): self.objective = objective self.X_res = X_res self.y_res = y_res def __call__(self, trial): return self.objective(self.X_res, self.y_res, trial)
[docs]class ADSTuner(BaseEstimator): """ Hyperparameter search with cross-validation. """ _required_parameters = ["model"] @property def sklearn_steps(self): """ Returns ------- int Search space which corresponds to the best candidate parameter setting. """ return _update_space_name(self.best_params, step_name=self._step_name) @property def best_index(self): """ Returns ------- int Index which corresponds to the best candidate parameter setting. """ return self.trials["value"].idxmax() @property def best_params(self): """ Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] Parameters of the best trial. """ self._check_is_fitted() return self._remove_step_name(self._study.best_params) @property def best_score(self): """ Returns ------- float Mean cross-validated score of the best estimator. """ self._check_is_fitted() return self._study.best_value @property def score_remaining(self): """ Returns ------- float The difference between the best score and the optimal score. Raises ------ :class:`ExitCriterionError` Error is raised if there is no score-based criteria for tuning. """ if self._optimal_score is None: raise ExitCriterionError( "Tuner does not have a score-based exit condition." ) else: return self._optimal_score - self.best_score @property def scoring_name(self): """ Returns ------- str Scoring name. """ return self._extract_scoring_name() @property def n_trials(self): """ Returns ------- int Number of completed trials. Alias for `trial_count`. """ self._check_is_fitted() return len(self.trials) # Alias for n_trials trial_count = n_trials @property def trials_remaining(self): """ Returns ------- int The number of trials remaining in the budget. Raises ------ :class:`ExitCriterionError` Raised if the current tuner does not include a trials-based exit condition. """ if self._n_trials is None: raise ExitCriterionError( "This tuner does not include a trials-based exit condition" ) return self._n_trials - self.n_trials + self._previous_trial_count @property def trials(self): """ Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Trial data up to this point. """ if self.is_halted(): if self._trial_dataframe is None: return pd.DataFrame() return self._trial_dataframe trials_dataframe = self._study.trials_dataframe().copy() return trials_dataframe @runtime_dependency(module="optuna", install_from=OptionalDependency.OPTUNA) def __init__( self, model, # type: Union[BaseEstimator, Pipeline] strategy="perfunctory", # type: Union[str, Mapping[str, optuna.distributions.BaseDistribution]] scoring=None, # type: Optional[Union[Callable[..., float], str]] cv=5, # type: Optional[int] study_name=None, # type: Optional[str] storage=None, # type: Optional[str] load_if_exists=True, # type: Optional[bool] random_state=None, # type: Optional[int] loglevel=logging.INFO, # type: Optional[int] n_jobs=1, # type: Optional[int] X=None, # type: Union[List[List[float]], np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, spmatrix, ADSData] y=None, # type: Optional[Union[OneDimArrayLikeType, TwoDimArrayLikeType]] ): # type: (...) -> None """ Returns a hyperparameter tuning object Parameters ---------- model: Object to use to fit the data. This is assumed to implement the scikit-learn estimator or pipeline interface. strategy: ``perfunctory``, ``detailed`` or a dictionary/mapping of hyperparameter and its distribution . If obj:`perfunctory`, picks a few relatively more important hyperparmeters to tune . If obj:`detailed`, extends to a larger search space. If obj:dict, user defined search space: Dictionary where keys are hyperparameters and values are distributions. Distributions are assumed to implement the ads distribution interface. scoring: Optional[Union[Callable[..., float], str]] String or callable to evaluate the predictions on the validation data. If :obj:`None`, ``score`` on the estimator is used. cv: int Integer to specify the number of folds in a CV splitter. If :obj:`estimator` is a classifier and :obj:`y` is either binary or multiclass, ``sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedKFold`` is used. otherwise, ``sklearn.model_selection.KFold`` is used. study_name: str, Name of the current experiment for the ADSTuner object. One ADSTuner object can only be attached to one study_name. storage: Database URL. (e.g. sqlite:///example.db). Default to sqlite:////tmp/hpo_*.db. load_if_exists: Flag to control the behavior to handle a conflict of study names. In the case where a study named ``study_name`` already exists in the ``storage``, a :class:`DuplicatedStudyError` is raised if ``load_if_exists`` is set to :obj:`False`. Otherwise, the existing one is returned. random_state: Seed of the pseudo random number generator. If int, this is the seed used by the random number generator. If :obj:`None`, the global random state from ``numpy.random`` is used. loglevel: loglevel. can be logging.NOTSET, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG, logging.WARNING n_jobs: int Number of parallel jobs. :obj:`-1` means using all processors. X: TwoDimArrayLikeType, Union[List[List[float]], np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, spmatrix, ADSData] Training data. y: Union[OneDimArrayLikeType, TwoDimArrayLikeType], optional OneDimArrayLikeType: Union[List[float], np.ndarray, pd.Series] TwoDimArrayLikeType: Union[List[List[float]], np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, spmatrix, ADSData] Target. Example:: from ads.hpo.stopping_criterion import * from ads.hpo.search_cv import ADSTuner from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.svm import SVC tuner = ADSTuner( SVC(), strategy='detailed', scoring='f1_weighted', random_state=42 ) X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True) tuner.tune(X=X, y=y, exit_criterion=[TimeBudget(1)]) """ _imports.check() self._n_jobs = n_jobs assert ( cv > 1 ), "k-fold cross-validation requires at least one train/test split by setting cv=2 or more" = cv self._error_score = np.nan self.model = model self._check_pipeline() self._step_name = None self._extract_estimator() self.strategy = None self._param_distributions = None self._check_strategy(strategy) self.strategy = strategy self._param_distributions = self._get_param_distributions(self.strategy) self._enable_pruning = hasattr(self.model, "partial_fit") self._max_iter = 100 self.__random_state = random_state # to be used in export_trials # this calls the randomstate.setter which turns self.random_state into a np.random.RandomState instance # make it hard to be serialized. self.random_state = check_random_state(random_state) self._return_train_score = False self.scoring = scoring self._subsample = 1.0 self.loglevel = loglevel self._trial_dataframe = None self._status = State.INITIATED self.study_name = ( study_name if study_name is not None else "hpo_" + str(uuid.uuid4()) ) = ( "sqlite:////tmp/hpo_" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".db" if storage is None else storage ) self.oci_client = None seed = np.random.randint(0, np.iinfo("int32").max) self.sampler = optuna.samplers.TPESampler(seed=seed) self.median_pruner = self._pruner( class_name="median_pruner", n_startup_trials=5, n_warmup_steps=1, interval_steps=1, ) self.load_if_exists = load_if_exists try: self._study = study_name=self.study_name, direction="maximize", pruner=self.median_pruner, sampler=self.sampler,, load_if_exists=self.load_if_exists, ) except optuna.exceptions.DuplicatedStudyError as e: if self.load_if_exists: "Using an existing study with name '{}' instead of " "creating a new one.".format(self.study_name) ) else: raise DuplicatedStudyError( f"The study_name `{self.study_name}` exists in the {}. Either set load_if_exists=True, or use a new study_name." ) self._init_data(X, y)
[docs] def search_space(self, strategy=None, overwrite=False): """ Returns the search space. If strategy is not passed in, return the existing search space. When strategy is passed in, overwrite the existing search space if overwrite is set True, otherwise, only update the existing search space. Parameters ---------- strategy: Union[str, dict], optional ``perfunctory``, ``detailed`` or a dictionary/mapping of the hyperparameters and their distributions. If obj:`perfunctory`, picks a few relatively more important hyperparmeters to tune . If obj:`detailed`, extends to a larger search space. If obj:dict, user defined search space: Dictionary where keys are parameters and values are distributions. Distributions are assumed to implement the ads distribution interface. overwrite: bool, optional Ignored when strategy is None. Otherwise, search space is overwritten if overwrite is set True and updated if it is False. Returns ------- dict A mapping of the hyperparameters and their distributions. Example:: from ads.hpo.stopping_criterion import * from ads.hpo.search_cv import ADSTuner from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier tuner = ADSTuner( SGDClassifier(), strategy='detailed', scoring='f1_weighted', random_state=42 ) tuner.search_space({'max_iter': 100}) X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True) tuner.tune(X=X, y=y, exit_criterion=[TimeBudget(1)]) tuner.search_space() """ assert hasattr( self, "_param_distributions" ), "Call <code>ADSTuner</code> first." if not strategy: return self._remove_step_name(self._param_distributions) self._check_strategy(strategy) self.strategy = strategy if overwrite: self._param_distributions = self._get_param_distributions(self.strategy) else: self._param_distributions.update( self._get_param_distributions(self.strategy) ) return self._remove_step_name(self._param_distributions)
@staticmethod def _remove_step_name(param_distributions): search_space = {} for param, distributions in param_distributions.items(): if "__" in param: param = param.split("__")[1] search_space[param] = distributions return search_space def _check_pipeline(self): self.model = validate_pipeline(self.model) def _get_internal_param_distributions(self, strategy): if isinstance(self.model, Pipeline): for step_name, step in self.model.steps: if step.__class__ in get_model2searchspace().keys(): self._step_name = step_name param_distributions = get_model2searchspace()[step.__class__]( strategy ).suggest_space(step_name=step_name) if len(param_distributions) == 0: logger.warning("Nothing to tune.") else: assert_model_is_supported(self.model) param_distributions = get_model2searchspace()[self.model.__class__]( strategy ).suggest_space() self._check_search_space(param_distributions) return param_distributions def _get_param_distributions(self, strategy): if isinstance(strategy, str): param_distributions = self._get_internal_param_distributions(strategy) if isinstance(strategy, dict): param_distributions = _update_space_name( strategy, step_name=self._step_name ) self._check_search_space(param_distributions) return param_distributions def _check_search_space(self, param_distributions): validate_search_space(self.model.get_params().keys(), param_distributions) def _check_is_fitted(self): assert_tuner_is_fitted(self) def _check_strategy(self, strategy): assert_strategy_valid(self._param_distributions, strategy, self.strategy) def _add_halt_time(self): """Adds a new start time window to the start/stop log. This happens in two cases: when the tuning process has commenced and when it resumes following a halt """ self._time_log.append(dict(halt=time(), resume=None)) def _add_resume_time(self): """Adds a new stopping time to the last window in the time log. This happens when the HPO process is halted or terminated. """ if len(self._time_log) > 0: entry = self._time_log.pop() if entry["resume"] is not None: raise Exception("Cannot close a time window without an opening time.") self._time_log.append(dict(halt=entry["halt"], resume=time()))
[docs] def tune( self, X=None, # type: TwoDimArrayLikeType y=None, # type: Optional[Union[OneDimArrayLikeType, TwoDimArrayLikeType]] exit_criterion=[], # type: Optional[list] loglevel=None, # type: Optional[int] synchronous=False, # type: Optional[boolean] ): """ Run hypyerparameter tuning until one of the <code>exit_criterion</code> is met. The default is to run 50 trials. Parameters ---------- X: TwoDimArrayLikeType, Union[List[List[float]], np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, spmatrix, ADSData] Training data. y: Union[OneDimArrayLikeType, TwoDimArrayLikeType], optional OneDimArrayLikeType: Union[List[float], np.ndarray, pd.Series] TwoDimArrayLikeType: Union[List[List[float]], np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, spmatrix, ADSData] Target. exit_criterion: list, optional A list of ads stopping criterion. Can be `ScoreValue()`, `NTrials()`, `TimeBudget()`. For example, [ScoreValue(0.96), NTrials(40), TimeBudget(10)]. It will exit when any of the stopping criterion is satisfied in the `exit_criterion` list. By default, the run will stop after 50 trials. loglevel: int, optional Log level. synchronous: boolean, optional Tune synchronously or not. Defaults to `False` Returns ------- None Nothing Example:: from ads.hpo.stopping_criterion import * from ads.hpo.search_cv import ADSTuner from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.svm import SVC tuner = ADSTuner( SVC(), strategy='detailed', scoring='f1_weighted', random_state=42 ) tuner.search_space({'max_iter': 100}) X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True) tuner.tune(X=X, y=y, exit_criterion=[TimeBudget(1)]) """ # Get previous trial count to ensure proper counting. try: self._previous_trial_count = self.trial_count except NotFittedError: self._previous_trial_count = 0 except Exception as e: _logger.error(f"Error retrieving previous trial count: {e}") raise self._init_data(X, y) if self.X is None: raise ValueError( "Need to either pass the data to `X` and `y` in `tune()`, or to `ADSTuner`." ) if self.is_running(): raise InvalidStateTransition( "Running process found. Do you need to call terminate() to stop before calling tune()?" ) if self.is_halted(): raise InvalidStateTransition( "Halted process found. You need to call resume()." ) # handle ADSData # Initialize time log for every new call to tune(). Set shared global time values self._global_start = multiprocessing.Value("d", 0.0) self._global_stop = multiprocessing.Value("d", 0.0) self._time_log = [] self._tune( X=self.X, y=self.y, exit_criterion=exit_criterion, loglevel=loglevel, synchronous=synchronous, ) # Tune cannot exit before the clock starts in the subprocess. while self._global_start.value == 0.0: sleep(0.01)
def _init_data(self, X, y): if X is not None: if isinstance(X, ADSData): self.y = X.y self.X = X.X else: self.X = X self.y = y
[docs] def halt(self): """ Halt the current running tuning process. Returns ------- None Nothing Raises ------ `InvalidStateTransition` if no running process is found Example:: from ads.hpo.stopping_criterion import * from ads.hpo.search_cv import ADSTuner from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier tuner = ADSTuner( SGDClassifier(), strategy='detailed', scoring='f1_weighted', random_state=42 ) tuner.search_space({'max_iter': 100}) X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True) tuner.tune(X=X, y=y, exit_criterion=[TimeBudget(1)]) tuner.halt() """ if hasattr(self, "_tune_process") and self._status == State.RUNNING: self._trial_dataframe = self._study.trials_dataframe().copy() psutil.Process( self._status = State.HALTED self._add_halt_time() else: raise InvalidStateTransition( "No running process found. Do you need to call tune()?" )
[docs] def resume(self): """ Resume the current halted tuning process. Returns ------- None Nothing Example:: from ads.hpo.stopping_criterion import * from ads.hpo.search_cv import ADSTuner from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier tuner = ADSTuner( SGDClassifier(), strategy='detailed', scoring='f1_weighted', random_state=42 ) tuner.search_space({'max_iter': 100}) X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True) tuner.tune(X=X, y=y, exit_criterion=[TimeBudget(1)]) tuner.halt() tuner.resume() """ if self.is_halted(): psutil.Process( self._add_resume_time() self._status = State.RUNNING else: raise InvalidStateTransition("No paused process found.")
[docs] def wait(self): """ Wait for the current tuning process to finish running. Returns ------- None Nothing Example:: from ads.hpo.stopping_criterion import * from ads.hpo.search_cv import ADSTuner from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier tuner = ADSTuner( SGDClassifier(), strategy='detailed', scoring='f1_weighted', random_state=42 ) tuner.search_space({'max_iter': 100}) X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True) tuner.tune(X=X, y=y, exit_criterion=[TimeBudget(1)]) tuner.wait() """ if self.is_running(): self._tune_process.join() self._status = State.COMPLETED else: raise InvalidStateTransition("No running process.")
[docs] def terminate(self): """ Terminate the current tuning process. Returns ------- None Nothing Example:: from ads.hpo.stopping_criterion import * from ads.hpo.search_cv import ADSTuner from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier tuner = ADSTuner( SGDClassifier(), strategy='detailed', scoring='f1_weighted', random_state=42 ) tuner.search_space({'max_iter': 100}) X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True) tuner.tune(X=X, y=y, exit_criterion=[TimeBudget(1)]) tuner.terminate() """ if self.is_running(): self._tune_process.terminate() self._tune_process.join() self._status = State.TERMINATED # self._add_terminate_time() self._update_failed_trial_state() else: raise RuntimeError("No running process found. Do you need to call tune()?")
@runtime_dependency(module="optuna", install_from=OptionalDependency.OPTUNA) def _update_failed_trial_state(self): from optuna.trial import TrialState for trial in self._study.trials: if trial.state == TrialState.RUNNING: self._study._storage.set_trial_state( trial._trial_id, optuna.structs.TrialState.FAIL ) @property def time_remaining(self): """Returns the number of seconds remaining in the study Returns ------- int: Number of seconds remaining in the budget. 0 if complete/terminated Raises ------ :class:`ExitCriterionError` Error is raised if time has not been included in the budget. """ if self._time_budget is None: raise ExitCriterionError( "This tuner does not include a time-based exit condition" ) elif self.is_completed() or self.is_terminated(): return 0 return max(self._time_budget - self.time_elapsed, 0) @property def time_since_resume(self): """Return the seconds since the process has been resumed from a halt. Returns ------- int: the number of seconds since the process was last resumed Raises ------ `NoRestartError` is the process has not been resumed """ if len(self._time_log) > 0: last_time_resumed = self._time_log[-1].get("resume") else: raise Exception("Time log should not be empty") if self.is_running(): if last_time_resumed is not None: return time() - last_time_resumed else: raise NoRestartError("The process has not been resumed") elif self.is_halted(): return 0 # if halted, the amount of time since restarted from a halt is 0 elif self.is_terminated(): raise NoRestartError("The process has been terminated") @property def time_elapsed(self): """Return the time in seconds that the HPO process has been searching Returns ------- int: The number of seconds the HPO process has been searching """ time_in_halted_state = 0.0 # Add up all the halted durations, i.e. the time spent between halt and resume for entry in self._time_log: halt_time = entry.get("halt") resume_time = entry.get("resume") if resume_time is None: # halted state. # elapsed = halt time - global start - time halted elapsed = halt_time - self._global_start.value - time_in_halted_state return elapsed else: # running/completed/terminated state, time_in_halted_state += resume_time - halt_time # If the loop ends all halts were resumed. If self._global_stop != 0 that means the # process has exited. if self._global_stop.value != 0: global_time = self._global_stop.value - self._global_start.value else: global_time = time() - self._global_start.value elapsed = global_time - time_in_halted_state return elapsed
[docs] def best_scores(self, n: int = 5, reverse: bool = True): """Return the best scores from the study Parameters ---------- n: int The maximum number of results to show. Defaults to 5. If `None` or negative return all. reverse: bool Whether to reverse the sort order so results are in descending order. Defaults to `True` Returns ------- list[float or int] List of the best scores Raises ------ `ValueError` if there are no trials """ if len(self.trials) < 1: raise ValueError("No score data to show") else: scores = self.trials.value scores = scores[scores.notnull()] if scores is None: raise ValueError( f"No score data despite valid trial data. Trial data length: {len(self.trials)}" ) if not isinstance(n, int) or n <= 0: return sorted(scores, reverse=reverse) else: return sorted(scores, reverse=reverse)[:n]
[docs] def get_status(self): """ return the status of the current tuning process. Alias for the property `status`. Returns ------- :class:`Status` The status of the process Example:: from ads.hpo.stopping_criterion import * from ads.hpo.search_cv import ADSTuner from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier tuner = ADSTuner( SGDClassifier(), strategy='detailed', scoring='f1_weighted', random_state=42 ) tuner.search_space({'max_iter': 100}) X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True) tuner.tune(X=X, y=y, exit_criterion=[TimeBudget(1)]) tuner.get_status() """ return self.status
[docs] def is_running(self): """ Returns ------- bool `True` if the :class:`ADSTuner` instance is running; `False` otherwise. """ return self.status == State.RUNNING
[docs] def is_halted(self): """ Returns ------- bool `True` if the :class:`ADSTuner` instance is halted; `False` otherwise. """ return self.status == State.HALTED
[docs] def is_terminated(self): """ Returns ------- bool `True` if the :class:`ADSTuner` instance has been terminated; `False` otherwise. """ return self.status == State.TERMINATED
[docs] def is_completed(self): """ Returns ------- bool `True` if the :class:`ADSTuner` instance has completed; `False` otherwise. """ return self.status == State.COMPLETED
def _is_tuning_started(self): """ Returns ------- bool `True` if the :class:`ADSTuner` instance has been started (for example, halted or running); `False` otherwise. """ return self.status == State.HALTED or self.status == State.RUNNING def _is_tuning_finished(self): """ Returns ------- bool `True` if the :class:`ADSTuner` instance is finished running (i.e. completed or terminated); `False` otherwise. """ return self.status == State.COMPLETED or self.status == State.TERMINATED @property def status(self): """ Returns ------- :class:`Status` The status of the current tuning process. """ if ( self._status == State.HALTED or self._status == State.TERMINATED or self._status == State.INITIATED ): return self._status elif hasattr(self, "_tune_process") and self._tune_process.is_alive(): return State.RUNNING else: return State.COMPLETED return self._status def _extract_exit_criterion(self, exit_criterion): # handle the exit criterion self._time_budget = None self._n_trials = None self.exit_criterion = [] self._optimal_score = None if exit_criterion is None or len(exit_criterion) == 0: self._n_trials = 50 for i, criteria in enumerate(exit_criterion): if isinstance(criteria, TimeBudget): self._time_budget = criteria() elif isinstance(criteria, NTrials): self._n_trials = criteria() elif isinstance(criteria, ScoreValue): self._optimal_score = criteria.score self.exit_criterion.append(criteria) else: raise NotImplementedError( "``{}`` is not supported!".format(criteria.__class__.__name__) ) def _extract_estimator(self): if isinstance(self.model, Pipeline): # Pipeline for step_name, step in self.model.steps: if self._is_estimator(step): self._step_name = step_name self.estimator = step else: self.estimator = self.model assert_is_estimator(self.estimator) # assert _check_estimator(self.estimator), "Estimator must implement fit" def _extract_scoring_name(self): if isinstance(self.scoring, str): return self.scoring if self._scorer.__class__.__name__ != "function": return ( self._scorer if isinstance(self._scorer, str) else str(self._scorer).split("(")[1].split(")")[0] ) else: if is_classifier(self.model): return "mean accuracy" else: return "r2" @runtime_dependency(module="optuna", install_from=OptionalDependency.OPTUNA) def _set_logger(self, loglevel, class_name): if loglevel is not None: self.loglevel = loglevel if class_name == "optuna": optuna.logging.set_verbosity(self.loglevel) else: raise NotImplementedError("{} is not supported.".format(class_name)) def _set_sample_indices(self, X, random_state): max_samples = self._subsample n_samples = _num_samples(X) self._sample_indices = np.arange(n_samples) if isinstance(max_samples, float): max_samples = int(max_samples * n_samples) if max_samples < n_samples: self._sample_indices = random_state.choice( self._sample_indices, max_samples, replace=False ) self._sample_indices.sort() def _get_fit_params_res(self, X): fit_params = {} fit_params_res = fit_params if fit_params_res is not None: fit_params_res = validate_fit_params(X, fit_params, self._sample_indices) return fit_params_res def _can_tune(self): assert hasattr(self, "model"), "Call <code>ADSTuner</code> first." if self._param_distributions == {}: logger.warning("Nothing to tune.") if self._param_distributions is None: raise NotImplementedError( "There was no model specified or the model is not supported." ) @runtime_dependency(module="optuna", install_from=OptionalDependency.OPTUNA) def _tune( self, X, # type: TwoDimArrayLikeType y, # type: Optional[Union[OneDimArrayLikeType, TwoDimArrayLikeType]] exit_criterion=[], # type: Optional[list] loglevel=None, # type: Optional[int] synchronous=False, # type: Optional[boolean] ): # type: (...) -> tuple """ Tune with all sets of parameters. """ self._can_tune() self._set_logger(loglevel=loglevel, class_name="optuna") self._extract_exit_criterion(exit_criterion) self._extract_estimator() random_state = self.random_state old_level = logger.getEffectiveLevel() logger.setLevel(self.loglevel) if not synchronous: optuna.logging.set_verbosity(optuna.logging.ERROR) logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) self._set_sample_indices(X, random_state) X_res = _safe_indexing(X, self._sample_indices) y_res = _safe_indexing(y, self._sample_indices) groups_res = _safe_indexing(None, self._sample_indices) fit_params_res = self._get_fit_params_res(X) classifier = is_classifier(self.model) cv = check_cv(, y_res, classifier=classifier) self._n_splits = cv.get_n_splits(X_res, y_res, groups=groups_res) # scoring self._scorer = check_scoring(self.estimator, scoring=self.scoring) self._study = study_name=self.study_name, direction="maximize", pruner=self.median_pruner, sampler=self.sampler,, load_if_exists=self.load_if_exists, ) objective = _Objective( self.model, self._param_distributions, cv, self._enable_pruning, self._error_score, fit_params_res, groups_res, self._max_iter, self._return_train_score, self._scorer, self.scoring_name, self._step_name, ) if synchronous: "Optimizing hyperparameters using {} " "samples...".format(_num_samples(self._sample_indices)) ) self._tune_process = multiprocessing.Process( target=ADSTuner.optimizer, args=( self.study_name, self.median_pruner, self.sampler,, self.load_if_exists, DataScienceObjective(objective, X_res, y_res), self._global_start, self._global_stop, ), kwargs=dict( n_jobs=self._n_jobs, n_trials=self._n_trials, timeout=self._time_budget, show_progress_bar=False, callbacks=self.exit_criterion, gc_after_trial=False, ), ) self._tune_process.start() self._status = State.RUNNING if synchronous: self._tune_process.join()"Finished hyperparemeter search!") self._status = State.COMPLETED logger.setLevel(old_level)
[docs] @staticmethod @runtime_dependency(module="optuna", install_from=OptionalDependency.OPTUNA) def optimizer( study_name, pruner, sampler, storage, load_if_exists, objective_func, global_start, global_stop, **kwargs, ): """ Static method for running ADSTuner tuning process Parameters ---------- study_name: str The name of the study. pruner The pruning method for pruning trials. sampler The sampling method used for tuning. storage: str Storage endpoint. load_if_exists: bool Load existing study if it exists. objective_func The objective function to be maximized. global_start: :class:`multiprocesing.Value` The global start time. global_stop: :class:`multiprocessing.Value` The global stop time. kwargs: dict Keyword/value pairs passed into the optimize process Raises ------ :class:`Exception` Raised for any exceptions thrown by the underlying optimization process Returns ------- None Nothing """ import traceback study = study_name=study_name, direction="maximize", pruner=pruner, sampler=sampler, storage=storage, load_if_exists=load_if_exists, ) try: global_start.value = time() study.optimize(objective_func, **kwargs) global_stop.value = time() except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() raise e
@staticmethod def _is_estimator(step): return hasattr(step, "fit") and ( not hasattr(step, "transform") or hasattr(step, "predict") or hasattr(step, "fit_predict") ) @staticmethod @runtime_dependency(module="optuna", install_from=OptionalDependency.OPTUNA) def _pruner(class_name, **kwargs): if class_name == "median_pruner": return optuna.pruners.MedianPruner(**kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError("{} is not supported.".format(class_name))
[docs] def trials_export( self, file_uri, metadata=None, script_dict={"model": None, "scoring": None} ): """Export the meta data as well as files needed to reconstruct the ADSTuner object to the object storage. Data is not stored. To resume the same ADSTuner object from object storage and continue tuning from previous trials, you have to provide the dataset. Parameters ---------- file_uri: str Object storage path, 'oci://bucketname@namespace/filepath/on/objectstorage'. For example, `oci://test_bucket@ociodsccust/tuner/` metadata: str, optional User defined metadata script_dict: dict, optional Script paths for model and scoring. This is only recommended for unsupported models and user-defined scoring functions. You can store the model and scoring function in a dictionary with keys `model` and `scoring` and the respective paths as values. The model and scoring scripts must import necessary libraries for the script to run. The ``model`` and ``scoring`` variables must be set to your model and scoring function. Returns ------- None Nothing Example:: # Print out a list of supported models from ads.hpo.ads_search_space import model_list print(model_list) # Example scoring dictionary {'model':'/home/datascience/advanced-ds/notebooks/scratch/ADSTunerV2/', 'scoring':'/home/datascience/advanced-ds/notebooks/scratch/ADSTunerV2/'} Example:: from ads.hpo.stopping_criterion import * from ads.hpo.search_cv import ADSTuner from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier tuner = ADSTuner( SGDClassifier(), strategy='detailed', scoring='f1_weighted', random_state=42 ) tuner.search_space({'max_iter': 100}) X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True) tuner.tune(X=X, y=y, exit_criterion=[TimeBudget(1)], synchronous=True) tuner.trials_export('oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/tuner/') """ # oci://bucketname@namespace/filename from ads.hpo.tuner_artifact import UploadTunerArtifact assert self._is_tuning_finished() assert script_dict.keys() <= set( ["model", "scoring"] ), "script_dict keys can only be model and scoring." UploadTunerArtifact(self, file_uri, metadata).upload(script_dict)
[docs] @classmethod def trials_import(cls, file_uri, delete_zip_file=True, target_file_path=None): """Import the database file from the object storage Parameters ---------- file_uri: str 'oci://bucketname@namespace/filepath/on/objectstorage' Example: 'oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/tuner/' delete_zip_file: bool, defaults to True, optional Whether delete the zip file afterwards. target_file_path: str, optional The path where the zip file will be saved. For example, '/home/datascience/'. Returns ------- :class:`ADSTuner` ADSTuner object Examples -------- >>> from ads.hpo.stopping_criterion import * >>> from ads.hpo.search_cv import ADSTuner >>> from sklearn.datasets import load_iris >>> from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier >>> X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True) >>> tuner = ADSTuner.trials_import('oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/tuner/') >>> tuner.tune(X=X, y=y, exit_criterion=[TimeBudget(1)], synchronous=True) """ from ads.hpo.tuner_artifact import DownloadTunerArtifact tuner_args, cls.metadata = DownloadTunerArtifact( file_uri, target_file_path=target_file_path ).extract_tuner_args(delete_zip_file=delete_zip_file) return cls(**tuner_args)
@runtime_dependency(module="IPython", install_from=OptionalDependency.NOTEBOOK) def _plot( self, # type: ADSTuner plot_module, # type: str plot_func, # type: str time_interval=0.5, # type: float fig_size=(800, 500), # type: tuple **kwargs, ): if fig_size: logger.warning( "The param fig_size will be depreciated in future releases.", ) spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( "plot", os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "visualization", plot_module + ".py", ), ) plot = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(plot) _imports.check() assert self._study is not None, "Need to call <code>.tune()</code> first." ntrials = 0 if plot_func == "_plot_param_importances": print("Waiting for more trials before evaluating the param importance.") while self.status == State.RUNNING: import time from IPython.display import clear_output time.sleep(time_interval) if len(self.trials[~self.trials["value"].isnull()]) > ntrials: if plot_func == "_plot_param_importances": if len(self.trials[~self.trials["value"].isnull()]) >= 4: clear_output(wait=True) getattr(plot, plot_func)( study=self._study, fig_size=fig_size, **kwargs ) clear_output(wait=True) else: getattr(plot, plot_func)( study=self._study, fig_size=fig_size, **kwargs ) clear_output(wait=True) if len(self.trials) == 0: plt.figure() plt.title("Intermediate Values Plot") plt.xlabel("Step") plt.ylabel("Intermediate Value") ntrials = len(self.trials[~self.trials["value"].isnull()]) getattr(plot, plot_func)(study=self._study, fig_size=fig_size, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_best_scores( self, best=True, # type: bool inferior=True, # type: bool time_interval=1, # type: float fig_size=(800, 500), # type: tuple ): """Plot optimization history of all trials in a study. Parameters ---------- best: controls whether to plot the lines for the best scores so far. inferior: controls whether to plot the dots for the actual objective scores. time_interval: how often(in seconds) the plot refresh to check on the new trial results. fig_size: tuple width and height of the figure. Returns ------- None Nothing. """ self._plot( "_optimization_history", "_get_optimization_history_plot", time_interval=time_interval, fig_size=fig_size, best=best, inferior=inferior, )
[docs] @runtime_dependency(module="optuna", install_from=OptionalDependency.OPTUNA) def plot_param_importance( self, importance_evaluator="Fanova", # type: str time_interval=1, # type: float fig_size=(800, 500), # type: tuple ): """Plot hyperparameter importances. Parameters ---------- importance_evaluator: str Importance evaluator. Valid values: "Fanova", "MeanDecreaseImpurity". Defaults to "Fanova". time_interval: float How often the plot refresh to check on the new trial results. fig_size: tuple Width and height of the figure. Raises ------ :class:`NotImplementedErorr` Raised for unsupported importance evaluators Returns ------- None Nothing. """ assert importance_evaluator in [ "MeanDecreaseImpurity", "Fanova", ], "Only support <code>MeanDecreaseImpurity</code> and <code>Fanova</code>." if importance_evaluator == "Fanova": evaluator = None elif importance_evaluator == "MeanDecreaseImpurity": evaluator = optuna.importance.MeanDecreaseImpurityImportanceEvaluator() else: raise NotImplemented( f"{importance_evaluator} is not supported. It can be either `Fanova` or `MeanDecreaseImpurity`." ) try: self._plot( plot_module="_param_importances", plot_func="_plot_param_importances", time_interval=time_interval, fig_size=fig_size, evaluator=evaluator, ) except: logger.error( msg="""Cannot calculate the hyperparameter importance. Increase the number of trials or time budget. """ )
[docs] def plot_intermediate_scores( self, time_interval=1, # type: float fig_size=(800, 500), # type: tuple ): """ Plot intermediate values of all trials in a study. Parameters ---------- time_interval: float Time interval for the plot. Defaults to 1. fig_size: tuple[int, int] Figure size. Defaults to (800, 500). Returns ------- None Nothing. """ if not self._enable_pruning: logger.error( msg="Pruning was not used during tuning. " "There are no intermediate values to plot." ) self._plot( "_intermediate_values", "_get_intermediate_plot", time_interval=time_interval, fig_size=fig_size, )
[docs] def plot_edf_scores( self, time_interval=1, # type: float fig_size=(800, 500), # type: tuple ): """ Plot the EDF (empirical distribution function) of the scores. Only completed trials are used. Parameters ---------- time_interval: float Time interval for the plot. Defaults to 1. fig_size: tuple[int, int] Figure size. Defaults to (800, 500). Returns ------- None Nothing. """ self._plot( "_edf", "_get_edf_plot", time_interval=time_interval, fig_size=fig_size )
[docs] def plot_contour_scores( self, params=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] time_interval=1, # type: float fig_size=(800, 500), # type: tuple ): """ Contour plot of the scores. Parameters ---------- params: Optional[List[str]] Parameter list to visualize. Defaults to all. time_interval: float Time interval for the plot. Defaults to 1. fig_size: tuple[int, int] Figure size. Defaults to (800, 500). Returns ------- None Nothing. """ validate_params_for_plot(params, self._param_distributions) try: self._plot( "_contour", "_get_contour_plot", time_interval=time_interval, fig_size=fig_size, params=params, ) except ValueError: logger.warning( msg="Cannot plot contour score." " Increase the number of trials or time budget." )
[docs] def plot_parallel_coordinate_scores( self, params=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] time_interval=1, # type: float fig_size=(800, 500), # type: tuple ): """ Plot the high-dimentional parameter relationships in a study. Note that, If a parameter contains missing values, a trial with missing values is not plotted. Parameters ---------- params: Optional[List[str]] Parameter list to visualize. Defaults to all. time_interval: float Time interval for the plot. Defaults to 1. fig_size: tuple[int, int] Figure size. Defaults to (800, 500). Returns ------- None Nothing. """ validate_params_for_plot(params, self._param_distributions) self._plot( "_parallel_coordinate", "_get_parallel_coordinate_plot", time_interval=time_interval, fig_size=fig_size, params=params, )