Source code for ads.hpo.tuner_artifact

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*--

# Copyright (c) 2021, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import importlib
import json
import os
import pickle
import shutil
import tempfile
import uuid

from ads.common import oci_client
from ads.common import auth as authutil

import sklearn
from ads.hpo.ads_search_space import model_list
from ads.hpo.distributions import decode, encode
from ads.hpo.utils import _extract_uri

from ads.common import logger
from ads.common.decorator.runtime_dependency import (

[docs]class NotPickableError(Exception): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self, message): self.message = message
[docs]class UploadTunerArtifact: def __init__(self, tuner, file_uri, metadata, auth=None): self.tuner = tuner self.file_uri = file_uri self.metadata = metadata self.oci_client = None self.tuner_args = None self.zip_dir = None self.auth = auth if auth else authutil.default_signer()
[docs] def upload(self, script_dict): tuner_zip = self.prepare_tuner_artifact(script_dict) self.upload_to_cloud(tuner_zip)
[docs] def prepare_tuner_artifact(self, script_dict): """ zip and save all the tuner files Args: script_dict (dict): dict which contains the script names and path """ tuner_path = "tuner_artifacts" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".zip" tuner_path_name = os.path.splitext(tuner_path)[0] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # make the zip dir is not exist self.zip_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, tuner_path_name) logger.debug(f"create the temp dir: {self.zip_dir}") if not os.path.exists(self.zip_dir): os.makedirs(self.zip_dir) logger.debug( f"start serializing the tuner argument and save at tuner.json ..." ) self.tuner_args = self.json_serialize_tuner_args(script_dict) logger.debug(f"start saving tuner.json at {tuner_path}...") self._save_tuner_args_as_json() logger.debug(f"start saving the scipts at {tuner_path} if there are any...") self._save_script(script_dict) if "sqlite:///" in if "sqlite:///:memory:" in raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot save in-memory sqlite database to the object storage. Store it on block storage instead." ) shutil.copy( os.path.join("sqlite:///", "")), self.zip_dir, ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Only sqlite file is supported to be saved to the object storage." ) logger.debug(f"start archiving the files at {tuner_path}...") shutil.make_archive( tuner_path_name, "zip", base_dir=tuner_path_name, root_dir=temp_dir ) return tuner_path
[docs] def json_serialize_tuner_args(self, script_dict): """ json serialize the tuner args """ tuner_args = {} serialising_fields = [ "model", "scoring", "strategy", "cv", "loglevel", "storage", "study_name", "__random_state", "load_if_exists", "n_jobs", ] for field in serialising_fields: if field == "strategy": tuner_args["strategy"] = encode(self.tuner.strategy) elif field == "model": tuner_args["model"] = self._serialize_model(script_dict) elif field == "scoring" and self.tuner.scoring is not None: tuner_args["scoring"] = self._serialize_scoring(script_dict) else: try: if getattr(self.tuner, field) is not None: tuner_args[field] = getattr(self.tuner, field) except: logger.debug( field.replace("__", "") + " is not serialized since it is None." ) return tuner_args
def _serialize_model(self, script_dict): if "model" in script_dict and script_dict["model"] is not None: # save as script model = {"model_script": script_dict["model"]} elif self.tuner.model.__class__ in model_list: model = { "model_name": self.tuner.model.__class__.__name__, "model_input": self.tuner.model.get_params(), } else: # save as pickle try: model = {"pickled_model_path": "model.pkl"} with open( os.path.join(self.zip_dir, model["pickled_model_path"]), "wb" ) as f: pickle.dump(self.tuner.model, f) except: raise NotPickableError( "Model is not pickable. Try to save the model in a script." ) return model def _serialize_scoring(self, script_dict): if isinstance(self.tuner.scoring, str): scoring = {"scoring_name": self.tuner.scoring} else: assert ( script_dict["scoring"] is not None ), "Need to save the customized scoring function \ in a script and pass the script name to <code/>script_dict={'scoring': script_name}<code>" scoring = {"scoring_script": script_dict["scoring"]} return scoring def _save_script(self, script_dict): for var, script_path in script_dict.items(): if script_path is not None: # script_name = os.path.basename(script_path) # shutil.copy(script_path, self.zip_dir) def _save_tuner_args_as_json(self): try: with open(os.path.join(self.zip_dir, "tuner.json"), "w") as outfile: json.dump(self.tuner_args, outfile) except: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to save .json at this path: {self.zip_dir}.")
[docs] def upload_to_cloud(self, tuner_zip): bucketname, namespace, filename = _extract_uri(self.file_uri) if self.oci_client is None: self.oci_client = oci_client.OCIClientFactory(**self.auth).object_storage try: with open(tuner_zip, "rb") as zipfile: self.oci_client.put_object( namespace, bucketname, filename, zipfile, opc_meta={"info": self.metadata}, ) finally: logger.debug(f"removing {tuner_zip}") os.remove(tuner_zip)
[docs]class DownloadTunerArtifact: """ Download the tuner artifact from the cloud and deserialize the tuner args """ def __init__(self, file_uri, target_file_path=None, auth=None): self.file_uri = file_uri self.target_file_path = ( os.path.join("/tmp", "hpo_" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".zip") if target_file_path is None else target_file_path ) self.oci_client = None self.tuner_args = None self.metadata = None self.auth = auth if auth else authutil.default_signer()
[docs] def extract_tuner_args(self, delete_zip_file=False): """ deserialize tuner argument from the zip file """ self.download_from_cloud() file_path_dict = self._find_file_path() tuner_args = self._load_json(file_path_dict["json_path"]) if tuner_args is not None: self._save_db_file(file_path_dict) transformed_args = self.deserialize_tuner_args(file_path_dict) if delete_zip_file: os.remove(self.target_file_path) shutil.rmtree(os.path.splitext(self.target_file_path)[0]) return transformed_args, self.metadata else: raise RuntimeError("Tuner args are not found or loaded.")
[docs] def download_from_cloud(self): """ Download the artifact and unpack the arhchive at the target file path """ if os.path.isdir(self.target_file_path): raise ValueError( "`target_file_path` should be a file, for example, '/home/datascience/', but given a dir." ) if not self.target_file_path.endswith(".zip"): self.target_file_path += ".zip" bucketname, namespace, filename = _extract_uri(self.file_uri) if self.oci_client is None: self.oci_client = oci_client.OCIClientFactory(**self.auth).object_storage res = self.oci_client.get_object(namespace, bucketname, filename) self.metadata =["opc-meta-info"] if os.path.exists(self.target_file_path): raise FileExistsError( "This file name already exists, do you want to delete it or use a different file path?" ) target_dir = os.path.dirname(self.target_file_path) if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.path.makedirs(target_dir) with open(self.target_file_path, "wb") as dbfile: for chunk in dbfile.write(chunk) shutil.unpack_archive( self.target_file_path, os.path.splitext(self.target_file_path)[0] )
def _find_file_path(self): file_path_dict = {} for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.splitext(self.target_file_path)[0]): for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(subdir, file) if file.endswith(".json"): file_path_dict["json_path"] = file_path if file.endswith(".db"): file_path_dict["db_path"] = file_path return file_path_dict def _load_json(self, json_path): if os.path.exists(json_path): with open(json_path, "r") as outfile: self.tuner_args = json.load(outfile) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"{json_path} does not exist.") return self.tuner_args def _save_db_file(self, file_path_dict): """ save the database file to the same original path, if the path does not exist, create one. Args: file_path_dict (dict): dict which contains the path of different files """ storage_dest_folder = os.path.dirname( self.tuner_args["storage"].replace("sqlite:///", "") ) if not os.path.exists(storage_dest_folder): logger.debug(f"{self.storage_dest_folder} does not exist, creating one.") os.path.makedirs(storage_dest_folder) if os.path.exists(file_path_dict["db_path"]): shutil.copy(file_path_dict["db_path"], storage_dest_folder) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'{file_path_dict["db_path"]} does not exist.')
[docs] def deserialize_tuner_args(self, file_path_dict): """ deserialize the tuner args Args: file_path_dict (dict): dict which contains the path of different files """ self._does_model_exist() tuner_input = {} for field, value in self.tuner_args.items(): if field == "model": tuner_input["model"] = self._deserialize_model(file_path_dict) elif field == "scoring": tuner_input["scoring"] = self._deserialize_scoring(file_path_dict) elif field == "strategy": tuner_input["strategy"] = decode(self.tuner_args["strategy"]) elif field in ["loglevel", "storage", "study_name"]: tuner_input[field] = value return tuner_input
def _does_model_exist(self): assert "model" in self.tuner_args, "`model` not found." def _deserialize_model(self, file_path_dict): model_args = self.tuner_args["model"] model_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path_dict["json_path"]) if "model_name" in model_args: model = get_supported_model_mappings()[model_args["model_name"]]( **model_args["model_input"] ) elif "pickled_model_path" in model_args: model_path = os.path.join(model_dir, os.path.basename("model.pkl")) model = pickle.load(open(model_path, "rb")) elif "model_script" in model_args: model_path = os.path.join( model_dir, os.path.basename(model_args["model_script"]) ) model = self.load_model(model_path) else: raise RuntimeError("model cannot be found.") return model def _deserialize_scoring(self, file_path_dict): scoring_args = self.tuner_args["scoring"] if "scoring_name" in scoring_args: scoring = scoring_args["scoring_name"] elif "scoring_script" in scoring_args: scoring_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(file_path_dict["json_path"]), os.path.basename(scoring_args["scoring_script"]), ) scoring = self.load_scoring(scoring_path) else: raise RuntimeError("scoring cannot be found.") return scoring
[docs] @staticmethod def load_target_from_script(script_path): script_name = os.path.basename(script_path).replace(".py", "") spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( script_name + "%s" % uuid.uuid4(), script_path ) func = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(func) return func
[docs] @staticmethod def load_model(script_path): spec = DownloadTunerArtifact.load_target_from_script(script_path) if hasattr(spec, "model"): model = spec.model else: raise Exception( "Need to explicitly define `model=your_model` in the model script." ) return model
[docs] @staticmethod def load_scoring(script_path): spec = DownloadTunerArtifact.load_target_from_script(script_path) if hasattr(spec, "scoring"): scoring = spec.scoring else: raise Exception( "Need to explicitly define `scoring=your_scoring_func` in the model script." ) return scoring
[docs]@runtime_dependency(module="lightgbm", install_from=OptionalDependency.BOOSTED) @runtime_dependency(module="xgboost", install_from=OptionalDependency.BOOSTED) def get_supported_model_mappings(): supported_model_mapping = { "Ridge": sklearn.linear_model._ridge.Ridge, "RidgeClassifier": sklearn.linear_model._ridge.RidgeClassifier, "Lasso": sklearn.linear_model._coordinate_descent.Lasso, "ElasticNet": sklearn.linear_model._coordinate_descent.ElasticNet, "LogisticRegression": sklearn.linear_model._logistic.LogisticRegression, "SVC": sklearn.svm._classes.SVC, "SVR": sklearn.svm._classes.SVR, "LinearSVC": sklearn.svm._classes.LinearSVC, "LinearSVR": sklearn.svm._classes.LinearSVR, "DecisionTreeClassifier": sklearn.tree._classes.DecisionTreeClassifier, "DecisionTreeRegressor": sklearn.tree._classes.DecisionTreeRegressor, "RandomForestClassifier": sklearn.ensemble._forest.RandomForestClassifier, "RandomForestRegressor": sklearn.ensemble._forest.RandomForestRegressor, "GradientBoostingClassifier": sklearn.ensemble._gb.GradientBoostingClassifier, "GradientBoostingRegressor": sklearn.ensemble._gb.GradientBoostingRegressor, "XGBClassifier": xgboost.sklearn.XGBClassifier, "XGBRegressor": xgboost.sklearn.XGBRegressor, "ExtraTreesClassifier": sklearn.ensemble._forest.ExtraTreesClassifier, "ExtraTreesRegressor": sklearn.ensemble._forest.ExtraTreesRegressor, "LGBMClassifier": lightgbm.sklearn.LGBMClassifier, "LGBMRegressor": lightgbm.sklearn.LGBMRegressor, "SGDClassifier": sklearn.linear_model._stochastic_gradient.SGDClassifier, "SGDRegressor": sklearn.linear_model._stochastic_gradient.SGDRegressor, } return supported_model_mapping