Source code for ads.model.extractor.sklearn_extractor

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*--

# Copyright (c) 2021, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import logging
import re
from collections import defaultdict

from ads.model.extractor.model_info_extractor import (
from ads.model.model_metadata import Framework

[docs]class SklearnExtractor(ModelInfoExtractor): """Class that extract model metadata from sklearn models. Attributes ---------- model: object The model to extract metadata from. estimator: object The estimator to extract metadata from. Methods ------- framework(self) -> str Returns the framework of the model. algorithm(self) -> object Returns the algorithm of the model. version(self) -> str Returns the version of framework of the model. hyperparameter(self) -> dict Returns the hyperparameter of the model. """ def __init__(self, model): self.model = model @property def framework(self): """Extracts the framework of the model. Returns ---------- str: The framework of the model. """ return Framework.SCIKIT_LEARN @property def algorithm(self): """Extracts the algorithm of the model. Returns ---------- object: The algorithm of the model. """ return self.model.__class__.__name__ @property def version(self): """Extracts the framework version of the model. Returns ---------- str: The framework version of the model. """ import sklearn return sklearn.__version__ @property def hyperparameter(self): """Extracts the hyperparameters of the model. Returns ---------- dict: The hyperparameters of the model. """ if hasattr(self.model, "get_params"): hp_dict = self.model.get_params() # make shallow copy to avoid modifying the model object new_dict = hp_dict.copy() # handle sklearn pipeline case if "steps" in hp_dict: new_dict["steps"] = defaultdict(list) for i, (k, v) in enumerate(hp_dict["steps"]): new_dict["steps"][i] = {k: re.sub("[()]", "", str(v))} new_dict[k] = re.sub("[()]", "", str(v)) # handle sklearn model selection case elif "param_grid" in hp_dict: new_dict["estimator"] = str(hp_dict["estimator"]) new_dict["param_grid"] = defaultdict(list) for k, v in hp_dict["param_grid"].items(): new_dict["param_grid"][k] = v.tolist() new_dict.update(self.model.best_params_) return normalize_hyperparameter(new_dict) else: # for onnx model case. logging.warning( "Cannot extract the hyperparameters from this model automatically." ) return {}