Source code for ads.opctl.conda.multipart_uploader

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

from typing import Dict, List

from ads.common.oci_client import OCIClientFactory
from ads.common.auth import create_signer
from ads.opctl.utils import parse_conda_uri
import oci
import mmap
import json
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
from threading import Thread
import os

[docs]class MultiPartUploader: """ Class that implements multipart uploading for conda packs. """ def __init__( self, source_file: str, dst_uri: str, parts: int, oci_config: str = None, oci_profile: str = None, auth_type: str = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the class. Parameters ---------- source_file : str path to conda pack file dst_uri : str path to destination of object storage location parts : int number of parts oci_config : str, optional path to oci config file, by default None oci_profile : str, optional oci profile to use, by default None auth_type : str authentication method, by default None """ self.src = source_file self.dst = dst_uri self.oci_auth = create_signer(auth_type, oci_config, oci_profile) self.client = OCIClientFactory(**self.oci_auth).object_storage self.ns, self.bucket, self.path, _ = parse_conda_uri(dst_uri) self.file_size = os.path.getsize(self.src) # mmap offset arg must be a multiple of the ALLOCATIONGRANULARITY, change chunk_size to control offset value self.chunk_size = ( (self.file_size // parts) // mmap.ALLOCATIONGRANULARITY * mmap.ALLOCATIONGRANULARITY )
[docs] def upload(self, opc_meta: Dict = None) -> bool: """Uploading a conda pack to object storage. Parameters ---------- opc_meta : Dict, optional metadata dictionary, by default None Returns ------- bool whether uploading was successful Raises ------ RuntimeError Uploading failed """ multipart_upload_details = ( oci.object_storage.models.CreateMultipartUploadDetails() ) multipart_upload_details.object = self.path multipart_upload_details.metadata = {"opc-meta-manifest": json.dumps(opc_meta)} upload_details = self.client.create_multipart_upload( self.ns, self.bucket, multipart_upload_details ) uploaded_parts = [] threads = [] mm_objects = [] responses = [] upload_id = print(f"The upload id is {upload_id}.") with open(self.src, "rb") as pkf: counter = 0 for offset, length in self._chunks(): counter += 1 mm = mmap.mmap( pkf.fileno(), length, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ, offset=offset ) mm_objects.append((mm, length)) t = Thread( target=self._upload_chunk, args=(upload_id, counter, mm, uploaded_parts, responses), ) t.start() threads.append(t) t = Thread( target=self._track_progress, args=(mm_objects, counter, responses) ) t.start() threads.append(t) for t in threads: t.join() # Successful responses HTTP status in range (200–299) successful = all(200 <= r.status < 300 for r in responses) if successful: self.client.commit_multipart_upload( self.ns, self.bucket, self.path,, oci.object_storage.models.CommitMultipartUploadDetails( parts_to_commit=uploaded_parts ), ) print(f"{self.src} uploaded successfuly to {self.dst}.") else: for r in responses: print(r.status, r.headers) raise RuntimeError(f"{self.src} upload failed.") return successful
def _chunks(self): start_position = 0 while start_position < self.file_size: yield start_position, min(self.chunk_size, self.file_size - start_position) start_position += self.chunk_size def _upload_chunk( self, upload_id: str, counter: int, mm: mmap.mmap, uploaded_parts: List, responses: List, ) -> None: response = self.client.upload_part( self.ns, self.bucket, self.path, upload_id, counter, mm ) responses.append(response) uploaded_parts.append( oci.object_storage.models.CommitMultipartUploadPartDetails( etag=response.headers["etag"], part_num=counter ) ) @staticmethod def _track_progress( mm_objects: List[mmap.mmap], counter: int, responses: List ) -> None: nresponses = 0 progress_objs = [] for index, (mm_object, length) in enumerate(mm_objects): tqdm_obj = tqdm( total=length, unit="B", unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=2**10, desc=f"Part {index + 1}", position=index + 1, leave=True, ) progress_objs.append([mm_object, tqdm_obj, 0, length]) while nresponses < counter: for obj in progress_objs: current_pos = obj[0].tell() obj[1].update(current_pos - obj[2]) obj[1].refresh() obj[2] = current_pos time.sleep(2) nresponses = len(responses) map(lambda x: x[1].refresh(), progress_objs) map(lambda x: x[1].close(), progress_objs)