Source code for ads.opctl.spark.cmds

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import os
from xml.dom import minidom
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et

from ads.common.auth import AuthType, create_signer
from ads.opctl.config.utils import read_from_ini
from ads.opctl.config.base import ConfigProcessor
from ads.opctl.config.merger import ConfigMerger
from ads.opctl.utils import get_oci_region, is_in_notebook_session
from ads.opctl.constants import DEFAULT_NOTEBOOK_SESSION_SPARK_CONF_DIR

[docs]def core_site(auth, oci_config, overwrite, oci_profile): if is_in_notebook_session(): if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(DEFAULT_NOTEBOOK_SESSION_SPARK_CONF_DIR, "spark-defaults.conf") ): raise RuntimeError("Pyspark conda pack is not installed.") core_site_loc = os.path.join( DEFAULT_NOTEBOOK_SESSION_SPARK_CONF_DIR, "core-site.xml" ) else: if "CONDA_PREFIX" not in os.environ or not os.path.exists( os.path.join(os.environ["CONDA_PREFIX"], "spark-defaults.conf") ): raise RuntimeError("Please run this inside a Pyspark conda environment.") core_site_loc = os.path.join(os.environ["CONDA_PREFIX"], "core-site.xml") if os.path.exists(core_site_loc) and not overwrite: print(f"{core_site_loc} already exists. Please use `--overwrite` option.") return p = ConfigProcessor().step( ConfigMerger, oci_config=oci_config, oci_profile=oci_profile, auth=auth, ) exec_config = p.config["execution"] oci_config = exec_config["oci_config"] oci_profile = exec_config["oci_profile"] auth = exec_config["auth"] properties = generate_core_site_properties(auth, oci_config, oci_profile) xmlstr = generate_core_site_properties_str(properties) with open(core_site_loc, "w") as f: f.write(xmlstr) print(f"The core-site.xml is being written to {core_site_loc}")
[docs]def generate_core_site_properties( authentication, oci_config=None, oci_profile=None, ): region = os.getenv("NB_REGION", None) if oci_config and oci_profile: region = region or get_oci_region( create_signer(AuthType.API_KEY, oci_config, oci_profile) ) if authentication == "api_key": if not oci_config or not oci_profile: raise ValueError( "oci-config and oci-profile must be provided when using api_key." ) oci_config_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(oci_config)) if not os.path.exists(oci_config_path): raise RuntimeError( f"The oci config path {oci_config_path} does not exist. Please refer to the getting-started.ipynb on generating oci API keys." ) config = read_from_ini(oci_config_path) if oci_profile not in config: raise RuntimeError( f"The configuration profile {oci_profile} does not exist in {oci_config_path}" ) details_dict = config[oci_profile] for key in ["user", "fingerprint", "key_file", "tenancy", "region"]: if key not in details_dict.keys(): raise ValueError( f"{key} not found in oci config. Is {oci_config_path} is corrupt?" ) # setup region details_dict["region"] = region return [ ( "fs.oci.client.hostname", f"https://objectstorage.{details_dict['region']}", ), ("fs.oci.client.auth.tenantId", details_dict["tenancy"]), ("fs.oci.client.auth.userId", details_dict["user"]), ("fs.oci.client.auth.fingerprint", details_dict["fingerprint"]), ( "fs.oci.client.auth.pemfilepath", os.path.expanduser(details_dict["key_file"]), ), ] else: return [ ( "fs.oci.client.hostname", f"https://objectstorage.{region}", ), ( "fs.oci.client.custom.authenticator", "", ), ]
[docs]def generate_core_site_properties_str(properties): def core_site_property(name, value): elem = Element("property") child_name = Element("name") child_name.text = name child_value = Element("value") child_value.text = value elem.append(child_name) elem.append(child_value) return elem elem = Element("configuration") for (name, value) in properties: child = core_site_property(name, value) elem.append(child) return ( minidom.parseString(et.tostring(elem)).childNodes[0].toprettyxml(indent=" ") )