Introduction to TensorFlowModel


The TensorFlowModel class provides different ways of serializing a trained TensorFlow model. The prepared model artifacts can be saved and deployed.

There are two serialization methods that you can use with the TensorFlowModel module in ADS:

  • Save to h5 format.

  • Save to onnx format.



TensorFlowModel uses the following required parameters:

  • estimator: Callable. Any model object generated by the TensorFlow framework.

  • artifact_dir: str. Artifact directory to store the files needed for deployment.

  • properties: (ModelProperties, optional). Defaults to None. The ModelProperties object required to save and deploy model.

  • auth :(Dict, optional). Defaults to None. The default authentication is set using the ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate the IdentityClient object.

properties is an instance of ModelProperties and has the following predefined fields:

  • inference_conda_env: str

  • inference_python_version: str

  • training_conda_env: str

  • training_python_version: str

  • training_resource_id: str

  • training_script_path: str

  • training_id: str

  • compartment_id: str

  • project_id: str

  • deployment_instance_shape: str

  • deployment_instance_count: int

  • deployment_bandwidth_mbps: int

  • deployment_log_group_id: str

  • deployment_access_log_id: str

  • deployment_predict_log_id: str

By default, properties is populated from environment variables if it’s not specified. For example, in the notebook session the environment variables for project id and compartment id are preset and stored in PROJECT_OCID and NB_SESSION_COMPARTMENT_OCID``by default. And ``properties populates these variables from the environment variables, and uses the values in functions such as .save(), .deploy() by default. However, if these aren’t the values you want, you can always explicitly pass the variables into functions to overwrite those values. For the fields that properties has, it records the values that you pass into the functions. For example, when you pass inference_conda_env into .prepare(), then properties records this value. Later, you can export it using .to_yaml(), and reload it using .from_yaml() from any machine. This allows you to reuse the properties in different places.



You can call the TensorFlowModel.summary_status() method any time after the TensorFlowModel instance is created. This applies to other model frameworks, such as SklearnModel and so on. It returns a Pandas dataframe to guide you though the whole workflow. It shows which function is available to call, which ones aren’t, and what each function is doing. If extra actions are required, it can also show those.

An example of a summary status table is similar to the following after you initiate the model instance. The step column shows all the functions and shows that init step is completed where the Details column explained that what init step did. Now prepare() is available. The next step is to call prepare().




The TensorFlowModel.prepare API serializes model to artifact directory using the following parameters:

  • inference_conda_env: str. Defaults to None. Can be either a slug or an object storage path of the conda environment. You can only pass in slugs if the conda environment is a service environment.

  • as_onnx: (bool, optional). Defaults to False. Whether to serialize as an Onnx model or not.

  • model_file_name: (str, optional). Name of the serialized model.

  • force_overwrite: (bool, optional). Defaults to False. Whether to overwrite existing files.

  • inference_python_version: (str, optional). Defaults to None. Python version to use in deployment.

  • training_conda_env: (str, optional). Defaults to None. Can be either a slug or an object storage path of the conda environment. You can only pass in slugs if the conda pack is a service environment.

  • training_python_version: (str, optional). Defaults to None. Python version to use during training.

  • namespace: (str, optional). Namespace of the region. Indentifies which region the service environment is from when you pass a slug to inference_conda_env and training_conda_env.

  • use_case_type: (str, optional). The use case type of the model.

  • X_sample: (Union[list, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame], optional). Defaults to None. A sample of input data to use to generate the input schema.

  • y_sample: (Union[list, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame], optional). Defaults to None. A sample of output data to use to generate the output schema.

  • training_script_path: (str, optional). Defaults to None. Training script path.

  • training_id: (str, optional). Defaults to value from environment variables. The training OCID for model. Can be a notebook session or job OCID.

  • ignore_pending_changes: (bool, optional). Defaults to False. Whether to ignore the pending changes in Git.

  • max_col_num: (int, optional). Defaults to 2000. The maximum column size of the data that allows you to automatically generate the schema.

kwargs includes the following parameters:

  • input_signature: (tuple or list of tf.TensorSpec, optional). Define the shape or dtype of the input so that onnx_model(input_signature) is a valid invocation of the model.

It automatically generates the following files in the artifact directory:

  • runtime.yaml


  • model.h5 by default when as_onnx=False and model_file_name when not provided. If as_onnx=True, the model is saved as model.onnx by default.

  • input_schema.json when X_sample is passed in and the schema is more than 32 KB.

  • output_schema.json when y_sample is passed in and the schema is more than 32 KB.

  • hyperparameters.json if extracted hyperparameters is more than 32 KB.


  1. We provided two ways of serializing the models: local method which is supported by tensorflow and onnx method. By default, local method is used and also it is recommended way of serialize the model.

  2. We provide two ways of serializing the models: local method which is supported by tensorflow and onnx method. By default, local method is used and also it is recommended way of serialize the model.



The TensorFlowModel.verify API tests whether the predict API will work in the local environment. It takes one parameter:

  • data (Union[dict, str, list, np.ndarray, tf.python.framework.ops.EagerTensor]). Data expected by the predict API in

Before saving and deploying the model, we recommend that you call the verify() method to check if load_model and predict function in works. It takes and returns the same data as the model deployment predict takes and returns.


The method saves the model files to the model artifact. It takes the following parameters:

  • display_name: (str, optional). Defaults to None. The name of the model.

  • description: (str, optional). Defaults to None. The description of the model.

  • freeform_tags: Dict(str, str). Defaults to None. Free form tags for the model.

  • defined_tags: (Dict(str, dict(str, object)), optional). Defaults to None. Defined tags for the model.

  • ignore_introspection: (bool, optional). Defaults to None. Determines whether to ignore the result of model introspection or not. If set to True, the save ignores all model introspection errors.

kwargs includes the following parameters:

  • project_id: (str, optional). Project OCID. If not specified, the value is taken from the environment variables or model properties.

  • compartment_id: (str, optional). Compartment OCID. If not specified, the value is taken from the environment variables or model properties.

  • timeout: (int, optional). Defaults to 10 seconds. The connection timeout in seconds for the client.

It first reloads the file to conduct an introspection test by default. However, you can set ignore_introspection=False to avoid the test. Introspection tests check if .deployment() later could have some issues and suggests necessary actions needed about how to fix them.



The TensorFlowModel.deploy method deploys the model to a remote endpoint. It uses the following parameters:

  • wait_for_completion: (bool, optional). Defaults to True. Set to wait for the deployment to complete before proceeding.

  • display_name: (str, optional). Defaults to None. The name of the model.

  • description: (str, optional). Defaults to None. The description of the model.

  • deployment_instance_shape: (str, optional). Default to VM.Standard2.1. The shape of the instance used for deployment.

  • deployment_instance_count: (int, optional). Defaults to 1. The number of instance used for deployment.

  • deployment_bandwidth_mbps: (int, optional). Defaults to 10. The bandwidth limit on the load balancer in Mbps.

  • deployment_log_group_id: (str, optional). Defaults to None. The OCI logging group id. The access log and predict log share the same log group.

  • deployment_access_log_id: (str, optional). Defaults to None. The access log OCID for the access logs, see link

  • deployment_predict_log_id: (str, optional). Defaults to None. The predict log OCID for the predict logs, see link

kwargs includes the following parameters:

  • project_id: (str, optional). Project OCID. If not specified, the value is taken from the environment variables.

  • compartment_id : (str, optional). Compartment OCID. If not specified, the value is taken from the environment variables.

  • max_wait_time : (int, optional). Defaults to 1200 seconds. Maximum amount of time to wait in seconds. Negative implies an infinite wait time.

  • poll_interval : (int, optional). Defaults to 60 seconds. Poll interval in seconds.

In order to make deployment more smooth, we suggest using exactly the same conda environments for both local development and deployment. Discrepancy between the two could cause problems.

You can pass in deployment_log_group_id, deployment_access_log_id and deployment_predict_log_id to enable the logging. Please refer to this logging example for an example on logging. To create a log group, you can reference Logging session.



The TensorFlowModel.predict method sends requests to the model deployment endpoint with data, and calls the predict function in the It takes one parameter:

  • data: Any. Data expected by the predict API in the file. For the TensorFlow serialization method, data can be in type dict, str, list, np.ndarray, or tf.python.framework.ops.EagerTensor. For the Onnx serialization method, data has to be JSON serializable or np.ndarray.



The TensorFlowModel.delete_deployment method deletes the current deployment endpoint that is attached to the model. It takes one parameter:

  • wait_for_completion: (bool, optional). Defaults to False. Whether to wait until completion.

Note that each time you call deploy, it creates a new deployment and only the new deployment is attached to this model.


.from_model_artifact() allows to load a model from a folder, zip or tar achive files, where the folder/zip/tar files should contain the files such as runtime.yaml,, the serialized model file needed for deployments. It takes the following parameters:

  • uri: str: The folder path, ZIP file path, or TAR file path. It could contain a seriliazed model(required) as well as any files needed for deployment including: serialized model, runtime.yaml, and etc. The content of the folder will be copied to the artifact_dir folder.

  • model_file_name: str: The serialized model file name.

  • artifact_dir: str: The artifact directory to store the files needed for deployment.

  • auth: (Dict, optional): Defaults to None. The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.

  • force_overwrite: (bool, optional): Defaults to False. Whether to overwrite existing files or not.

  • properties: (ModelProperties, optional): Defaults to None. ModelProperties object required to save and deploy model.

After this is called, you can call .verify(), .save() and etc.


from_model_catalog allows to load a remote model from model catalog using a model id , which should contain the files such as runtime.yaml,, the serialized model file needed for deployments. It takes the following parameters:

  • model_id: str. The model OCID.

  • model_file_name: (str). The name of the serialized model.

  • artifact_dir: str. The artifact directory to store the files needed for deployment. Will be created if not exists.

  • auth: (Dict, optional). Defaults to None. The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.

  • force_overwrite: (bool, optional). Defaults to False. Whether to overwrite existing files or not.

  • properties: (ModelProperties, optional). Defaults to None. ModelProperties object required to save and deploy model.


  • compartment_id : (str, optional). Compartment OCID. If not specified, the value will be taken from the environment variables.

  • timeout : (int, optional). Defaults to 10 seconds. The connection timeout in seconds for the client.


First, create a TensorFlow estimator.

import tensorflow as tf

mnist = tf.keras.datasets.mnist
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
x_train, x_test = x_train / 255.0, x_test / 255.0

tf_estimator = tf.keras.models.Sequential(
                tf.keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(28, 28)),
                tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation="relu"),
loss_fn = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
tf_estimator.compile(optimizer="adam", loss=loss_fn, metrics=["accuracy"]), y_train, epochs=1)

Tensorflow Framework Serialization

from ads.model.framework.tensorflow_model import TensorFlowModel
import tempfile

tf_model = TensorFlowModel(tf_estimator, artifact_dir=tempfile.mkdtemp())

model_deployment = tf_model.deploy()

Onnx Serialization

from ads.model.framework.tensorflow_model import TensorFlowModel
import tempfile

tf_model = TensorFlowModel(tf_estimator, artifact_dir=tempfile.mkdtemp())
# Set `as_onnx=True` to serialize model to onnx format
tf_model.prepare(inference_conda_env="generalml_p37_cpu_v1", as_onnx=True)

model_deployment = tf_model.deploy()

Loading Model From a Zip Archive

# loading model from a or zip archive.
model = TensorFlowModel.from_model_artifact("/folder_to_your/",


Loading Model From Model Catalog

# loading a remote model from the model catalog.
model = TensorFlowModel.from_model_catalog(model_id="ocid1.datasciencemodel.oc1.iad.amaaaa....",