Source code for ads.catalog.notebook

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2020, 2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import warnings

        "The `ads.catalog.notebook` is deprecated in `oracle-ads 2.6.9` and will be removed in `oracle-ads 3.0`."

from pandas import DataFrame
import oci
from oci.data_science.models import (
from oci.exceptions import ServiceError
from types import MethodType

from ads.catalog.summary import SummaryList
from ads.common import utils
from ads.common.decorator.runtime_dependency import (
from ads.common import auth as authutil
from ads.common import oci_client as oc
from ads.config import (

create_notebook_details_attributes = CreateNotebookSessionDetails().swagger_types.keys()
notebook_attributes = list(NotebookSession().swagger_types.keys())
update_notebook_details_attributes = UpdateNotebookSessionDetails().swagger_types.keys()

[docs] class NotebookSummaryList(SummaryList): def __init__(self, notebook_list, response=None, datetime_format=utils.date_format): super(NotebookSummaryList, self).__init__( notebook_list, datetime_format=datetime_format ) self.response = response self.df["notebook_session_url"] = self.df[ self.df["lifecycle_state"] == "ACTIVE" ]["notebook_session_url"].apply( lambda x: "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (x if x.startswith("http") else "http://%s" % x, "open") ) def __add__(self, rhs): return NotebookSummaryList( list.__add__(self, rhs), datetime_format=self.datetime_format )
[docs] def sort_by(self, columns, reverse=False): """ Performs a multi-key sort on a particular set of columns and returns the sorted NotebookSummaryList Results are listed in a descending order by default. Parameters ---------- columns: List of string A list of columns which are provided to sort on reverse: Boolean (defaults to false) If you'd like to reverse the results (for example, to get ascending instead of descending results) Returns ------- NotebookSummaryList: A sorted NotebookSummaryList """ return NotebookSummaryList( self._sort_by(columns, reverse=reverse), datetime_format=self.datetime_format, )
[docs] def filter(self, selection, instance=None): """ Filter the notebook list according to a lambda filter function, or list comprehension. Parameters ---------- selection: lambda function filtering notebook instances, or a list-comprehension function of list filtering notebooks instance: list, optional list to filter, optional, defaults to self Raises ------ ValueError: If selection passed is not correct. For example: selection=oci.data_science.models.NotebookSession. """ instance = instance if instance is not None else self if callable(selection): res = list(filter(selection, instance)) # lambda filtering if len(res) == 0: print("No notebook sessions found") return return NotebookSummaryList(res) elif isinstance(selection, list): # list comprehension if len(selection) == 0: print("No notebook sessions found") return return NotebookSummaryList(selection, datetime_format=self.datetime_format) else: raise ValueError( "Filter selection must be a function or a NotebookSummaryList" )
[docs] class NotebookCatalog: def __init__(self, compartment_id=None): self.compartment_id = ( NB_SESSION_COMPARTMENT_OCID if compartment_id is None else compartment_id ) if self.compartment_id is None: raise ValueError("compartment_id needs to be specified.") if OCI_ODSC_SERVICE_ENDPOINT: odsc_auth = authutil.default_signer( client_kwargs={"service_endpoint": OCI_ODSC_SERVICE_ENDPOINT} ) else: odsc_auth = authutil.default_signer() self.ds_client = oc.OCIClientFactory(**odsc_auth).data_science if OCI_IDENTITY_SERVICE_ENDPOINT: identity_auth = authutil.default_signer( client_kwargs={"service_endpoint": OCI_IDENTITY_SERVICE_ENDPOINT} ) else: identity_auth = authutil.default_signer() self.identity_client = oc.OCIClientFactory(**identity_auth).identity self.short_id_index = {} def __getitem__(self, key): return self.get_notebook_session(key) def __iter__(self): return self.list_notebook_session().__iter__() def __len__(self): return len(self.list_notebook_session()) def _decorate_notebook_session(self, notebook, response=None): notebook.catalog = self notebook.response = response notebook.user_name = "" notebook.swagger_types["user_name"] = "str" notebook.swagger_types["user_email"] = "str" try: user = self.identity_client.get_user(notebook.created_by) notebook.user = notebook.user_name = notebook.user_email = except: pass def commit(notebook_self, **kwargs): # exclude 'notebook_session_configuration_details' key because it's can't be committed/changed keys_to_commit = ["display_name", "freeform_tags", "defined_tags"] update_notebook_details = UpdateNotebookSessionDetails( **{key: getattr(notebook, key) for key in keys_to_commit} ) return self.update_notebook_session(, update_notebook_details, **kwargs ) def rollback(notebook_self): """ Rollback the project to a remote state Returns ------- None """ notebook_self.__dict__.update( self.get_notebook_session( ) def to_dataframe(notebook_self): df = DataFrame.from_dict( { key: getattr(notebook_self, key) for key in notebook_attributes if hasattr(notebook_self, key) }, orient="index", columns=[""], ) return df @runtime_dependency(module="IPython", install_from=OptionalDependency.NOTEBOOK) def show_in_notebook(notebook_self): """ Describe the project by showing it's properties """ from IPython.core.display import display display(notebook_self) def _repr_html_(notebook_self): df = notebook_self.to_dataframe() df.loc["notebook_session_url"] = df.loc["notebook_session_url"].apply( lambda x: "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (x if x.startswith("http") else "http://%s" % x, "open") ) return**{"margin-left": "0px"}).to_html() notebook.commit = MethodType(commit, notebook) notebook.rollback = MethodType(rollback, notebook) notebook.to_dataframe = MethodType(to_dataframe, notebook) notebook.show_in_notebook = MethodType(show_in_notebook, notebook) notebook._repr_html_ = MethodType(_repr_html_, notebook) return notebook
[docs] def list_notebook_session( self, include_deleted=False, datetime_format=utils.date_format, **kwargs ): """ List all notebooks in a given compartment Parameters ---------- include_deleted: bool, optional, default=False Whether to include deleted notebooks in the returned list datetime_format: str, optional, default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' Change format for date time fields Returns ------- NotebookSummaryList: A List of notebooks. Raises ------ KeyError: If the resource was not found or do not have authorization to access that resource. """ try: list_notebook_response = self.ds_client.list_notebook_sessions( self.compartment_id, **kwargs ) if ( is None or len( == 0 ): print("No notebooks found.") return except ServiceError as se: if se.status == 404: raise KeyError(se.message) from se else: raise notebook_list_filtered = [ self._decorate_notebook_session(notebook) for notebook in if include_deleted or notebook.lifecycle_state != NotebookSessionSummary.LIFECYCLE_STATE_DELETED ] # handle empty list if notebook_list_filtered is None or len(notebook_list_filtered) == 0: print("No notebooks found.") return nsl = NotebookSummaryList( notebook_list_filtered, list_notebook_response, datetime_format=datetime_format, ) self.short_id_index.update(nsl.short_id_index) return nsl
[docs] def create_notebook_session( self, display_name=None, project_id=None, shape=None, block_storage_size_in_gbs=None, subnet_id=None, **kwargs, ): """ Create a new notebook session with the supplied details. Parameters ---------- display_name: str, required The value to assign to the display_name property of this CreateNotebookSessionDetails. project_id: str, required The value to assign to the project_id property of this CreateNotebookSessionDetails. shape: str, required The value to assign to the shape property of this NotebookSessionConfigurationDetails. Allowed values for this property are: "VM.Standard.E2.2", "VM.Standard.E2.4", "VM.Standard.E2.8", "VM.Standard2.1", "VM.Standard2.2", "VM.Standard2.4", "VM.Standard2.8", "VM.Standard2.16","VM.Standard2.24". block_storage_size_in_gbs: int, required Size of the block storage drive. Limited to values between 50 (GB) and 1024 (1024GB = 1TB) subnet_id: str, required The OCID of the subnet resource where the notebook is to be created. kwargs: dict, optional Additional kwargs passed to `DataScienceClient.create_notebook_session()` Returns ------- oci.data_science.models.NotebookSession: A new notebook record. Raises ------ KeyError: If the resource was not found or do not have authorization to access that resource. """ notebook_session_configuration_details = NotebookSessionConfigurationDetails( shape=shape, block_storage_size_in_gbs=block_storage_size_in_gbs, subnet_id=subnet_id, ) project_id = PROJECT_OCID if project_id is None else project_id create_notebook_details = CreateNotebookSessionDetails( display_name=display_name, project_id=project_id, compartment_id=self.compartment_id, notebook_session_configuration_details=notebook_session_configuration_details, ) try: create_notebook_response = self.ds_client.create_notebook_session( create_notebook_details, **kwargs ) except ServiceError as se: if se.status == 404: raise KeyError(se.message) from se else: raise return self.get_notebook_session(
[docs] def get_notebook_session(self, notebook_id): """ Get the notebook based on notebook_id Parameters ---------- notebook_id: str, required The OCID of the notebook to get. Returns ------- oci.data_science.models.NotebookSession: The oci.data_science.models.NotebookSession with the matching ID. Raises ------ KeyError: If the resource was not found or do not have authorization to access that resource. """ if not notebook_id.startswith("ocid"): notebook_id = self.short_id_index[notebook_id] try: get_notebook_response = self.ds_client.get_notebook_session(notebook_id) except ServiceError as se: if se.status == 404: raise KeyError(se.message) from se else: raise return self._decorate_notebook_session(, get_notebook_response )
[docs] def update_notebook_session( self, notebook_id, update_notebook_details=None, **kwargs ): """ Updates a notebook with given notebook_id, using the provided update data Parameters ---------- notebook_id: str notebook_id OCID to update update_notebook_details: oci.data_science.models.UpdateNotebookSessionDetails contains the new notebook details data to apply kwargs: dict, optional Update notebook session details can be supplied instead as kwargs Returns ------- oci.data_science.models.NotebookSession: The updated Notebook record Raises ------ KeyError: If the resource was not found or do not have authorization to access that resource. """ if not notebook_id.startswith("ocid"): notebook_id = self.short_id_index[notebook_id] if update_notebook_details is None: update_notebook_details = UpdateNotebookSessionDetails( **{ k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in update_notebook_details_attributes } ) update_notebook_details.compartment_id = self.compartment_id # filter kwargs removing used keys kwargs = { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in update_notebook_details_attributes } try: update_notebook_response = self.ds_client.update_notebook_session( notebook_id, update_notebook_details, **kwargs ) except ServiceError as se: if se.status == 404: raise KeyError(se.message) from se else: raise return self._decorate_notebook_session(, update_notebook_response )
[docs] def delete_notebook_session(self, notebook, **kwargs): """ Deletes the notebook based on notebook_id. Parameters ---------- notebook: str ID or oci.data_science.models.NotebookSession,required The OCID of the notebook to delete as a string, or a Notebook Session instance Returns ------- Bool: True if delete was successful, false otherwise """ try: notebook_id = ( if isinstance(notebook, NotebookSession) else self.short_id_index[notebook] if not notebook.startswith("ocid") else notebook ) self.ds_client.delete_notebook_session(notebook_id, **kwargs) return True except: return False