ads.model package



ads.model.artifact module

exception ads.model.artifact.AritfactFolderStructureError(required_files: Tuple[str])[source]

Bases: Exception

exception ads.model.artifact.ArtifactNestedFolderError(folder: str)[source]

Bases: Exception

exception ads.model.artifact.ArtifactRequiredFilesError(required_files: Tuple[str])[source]

Bases: Exception

class ads.model.artifact.ModelArtifact(artifact_dir: str, model_file_name: str | None = None, reload: bool | None = False, ignore_conda_error: bool | None = False, local_copy_dir: str | None = None, auth: dict | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

The class that represents model artifacts. It is designed to help to generate and manage model artifacts.

Initializes a ModelArtifact instance.

  • artifact_dir (str) – The artifact folder to store the files needed for deployment.

  • model_file_name ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The file name of the serialized model.

  • reload ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Determine whether will reload the Model into the env.

  • ignore_conda_error ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Parameter to ignore error when collecting conda information.

  • local_copy_dir ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The local back up directory of the model artifacts.

  • auth ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.


A ModelArtifact instance.

Return type:



ValueError – If artifact_dir not provided.

classmethod from_uri(uri: str, artifact_dir: str, model_file_name: str | None = None, force_overwrite: bool | None = False, auth: Dict | None = None, ignore_conda_error: bool | None = False, reload: bool | None = False)[source]

Constructs a ModelArtifact object from the existing model artifacts.

  • uri (str) – The URI of source artifact folder or achive. Can be local path or OCI object storage URI.

  • artifact_dir (str) – The local artifact folder to store the files needed for deployment.

  • auth ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.

  • force_overwrite ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Whether to overwrite existing files or not.

  • ignore_conda_error ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Parameter to ignore error when collecting conda information.

  • model_file_name ((str, optional). Defaults to None) – The file name of the serialized model.

  • reload ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Whether to reload the Model into the environment.


A ModelArtifact instance

Return type:



ValueError – If uri is equal to artifact_dir, and it not exists. If artifact_dir is not provided.

prepare_runtime_yaml(inference_conda_env: str, inference_python_version: str | None = None, training_conda_env: str | None = None, training_python_version: str | None = None, force_overwrite: bool = False, namespace: str = 'id19sfcrra6z', bucketname: str = 'service-conda-packs', auth: dict | None = None, ignore_conda_error: bool = False) None[source]

Generate a runtime yaml file and save it to the artifact directory.

  • inference_conda_env ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The object storage path of conda pack which will be used in deployment. Can be either slug or object storage path of the conda pack. You can only pass in slugs if the conda pack is a service pack.

  • inference_python_version ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The python version which will be used in deployment.

  • training_conda_env ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The object storage path of conda pack used during training. Can be either slug or object storage path of the conda pack. You can only pass in slugs if the conda pack is a service pack.

  • training_python_version ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The python version used during training.

  • force_overwrite ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Whether to overwrite existing files.

  • namespace ((str, optional)) – The namespace of region. Defaults to environment variable CONDA_BUCKET_NS.

  • bucketname ((str, optional)) – The bucketname of service pack. Defaults to environment variable CONDA_BUCKET_NAME.

  • auth ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.


ValueError – If neither slug or conda_env_uri is provided.


A RuntimeInfo instance.

Return type:


prepare_schema(schema_name: str)[source]

Copies schema to artifact directory.


schema_name (str) – The schema name

Return type:



FileExistsError – If schema_name doesn’t exist.

prepare_score_py(jinja_template_filename: str, model_file_name: str | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Prepares file.

  • jinja_template_filename (str.) – The jinja template file name.

  • model_file_name ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The file name of the serialized model.

  • **kwargs ((dict)) – use_torch_script: bool data_deserializer: str

Return type:



ValueError – If model_file_name not provided.


Syncs the to reload the model and predict function.



Return type:


ads.model.artifact_downloader module

class ads.model.artifact_downloader.ArtifactDownloader(dsc_model: OCIDataScienceModel, target_dir: str, force_overwrite: bool | None = False)[source]

Bases: ABC

The abstract class to download model artifacts.

Initializes ArtifactDownloader instance.

  • dsc_model (OCIDataScienceModel) – The data scince model instance.

  • target_dir (str) – The target location of model after download.

  • force_overwrite (bool) – Overwrite target_dir if exists.


Downloads model artifacts.

Return type:



ValueError – If target directory does not exist.

class ads.model.artifact_downloader.LargeArtifactDownloader(dsc_model: OCIDataScienceModel, target_dir: str, auth: Dict | None = None, force_overwrite: bool | None = False, region: str | None = None, bucket_uri: str | None = None, overwrite_existing_artifact: bool | None = True, remove_existing_artifact: bool | None = True, model_file_description: dict | None = None)[source]

Bases: ArtifactDownloader

Initializes LargeArtifactDownloader instance.

  • dsc_model (OCIDataScienceModel) – The data scince model instance.

  • target_dir (str) – The target location of model after download.

  • auth ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.

  • force_overwrite ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Overwrite target_dir if exists.

  • region ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The destination Object Storage bucket region. By default the value will be extracted from the OCI_REGION_METADATA environment variables.

  • bucket_uri ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The OCI Object Storage URI where model artifacts will be copied to. The bucket_uri is only necessary for uploading large artifacts which size is greater than 2GB. Example: oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/prefix/.

  • overwrite_existing_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Overwrite target bucket artifact if exists.

  • remove_existing_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Wether artifacts uploaded to object storage bucket need to be removed or not.

  • model_file_description ((dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – Contains object path details for models created by reference.


Helper function to download the objects using model file description content to the target directory.

class ads.model.artifact_downloader.SmallArtifactDownloader(dsc_model: OCIDataScienceModel, target_dir: str, force_overwrite: bool | None = False)[source]

Bases: ArtifactDownloader

Initializes ArtifactDownloader instance.

  • dsc_model (OCIDataScienceModel) – The data scince model instance.

  • target_dir (str) – The target location of model after download.

  • force_overwrite (bool) – Overwrite target_dir if exists.


ads.model.artifact_uploader module

class ads.model.artifact_uploader.ArtifactUploader(dsc_model: OCIDataScienceModel, artifact_path: str)[source]

Bases: ABC

The abstract class to upload model artifacts.

Initializes ArtifactUploader instance.

  • dsc_model (OCIDataScienceModel) – The data scince model instance.

  • artifact_path (str) – The model artifact location.


Uploads model artifacts.

class ads.model.artifact_uploader.LargeArtifactUploader(dsc_model: OCIDataScienceModel, artifact_path: str, bucket_uri: str | None = None, auth: Dict | None = None, region: str | None = None, overwrite_existing_artifact: bool | None = True, remove_existing_artifact: bool | None = True, parallel_process_count: int = 9)[source]

Bases: ArtifactUploader

The class helper to upload large model artifacts.

The model artifact location. Possible values are:
  • object storage path to zip archive. Example: oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/prefix/

  • local path to zip archive. Example: ./

  • local path to folder with artifacts. Example: ./mymodel.




The uri of the zip of model artifact.




The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.




The OCI Object Storage URI where model artifacts will be copied to. The bucket_uri is only necessary for uploading large artifacts which size is greater than 2GB. Example: oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/prefix/.

Added in version 2.8.10: If artifact_path is object storage path to a zip archive, bucket_uri will be ignored.




The data scince model instance.




Overwrite target bucket artifact if exists.




An instance of the TqdmProgressBar.




The destination Object Storage bucket region. By default the value will be extracted from the OCI_REGION_METADATA environment variables.




Wether artifacts uploaded to object storage bucket need to be removed or not.




The uploadManager simplifies interaction with the Object Storage service.



Initializes LargeArtifactUploader instance.

  • dsc_model (OCIDataScienceModel) – The data scince model instance.

  • artifact_path (str) –

    The model artifact location. Possible values are:
    • object storage path to zip archive. Example: oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/prefix/

    • local path to zip archive. Example: ./

    • local path to folder with artifacts. Example: ./mymodel.

  • bucket_uri ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) –

    The OCI Object Storage URI where model artifacts will be copied to. The bucket_uri is only necessary for uploading large artifacts from local which size is greater than 2GB. Example: oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/prefix/.

    Added in version 2.8.10: If artifact_path is object storage path to a zip archive, bucket_uri will be ignored.

  • auth ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.

  • region ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The destination Object Storage bucket region. By default the value will be extracted from the OCI_REGION_METADATA environment variables.

  • overwrite_existing_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Overwrite target bucket artifact if exists.

  • remove_existing_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Whether artifacts uploaded to object storage bucket need to be removed or not.

  • parallel_process_count ((int, optional).) – The number of worker processes to use in parallel for uploading individual parts of a multipart upload.

class ads.model.artifact_uploader.SmallArtifactUploader(dsc_model: OCIDataScienceModel, artifact_path: str)[source]

Bases: ArtifactUploader

The class helper to upload small model artifacts.

Initializes ArtifactUploader instance.

  • dsc_model (OCIDataScienceModel) – The data scince model instance.

  • artifact_path (str) – The model artifact location.


ads.model.base_properties module

class ads.model.base_properties.BaseProperties[source]

Bases: Serializable

Represents base properties class.

with_prop(name: str, value: Any) BaseProperties[source]

Sets property value.

with_dict(obj_dict: Dict) BaseProperties[source]

Populates properties values from dict.

with_env() BaseProperties[source]

Populates properties values from environment variables.

to_dict() Dict[source]

Serializes instance of class into a dictionary.

with_config(config: ads.config.ConfigSection) BaseProperties[source]

Sets properties values from the config profile.

from_dict(obj_dict: Dict[str, Any]) 'BaseProperties'[source]

Creates an instance of the properties class from a dictionary.

from_config(uri: str, profile: str, auth: Dict | None = None) "BaseProperties":[source]

Loads properties from the config file.

to_config(uri: str, profile: str, force_overwrite: bool | None = False, auth: Dict | None = None) None[source]

Saves properties to the config file.

classmethod from_config(uri: str, profile: str, auth: Dict | None = None) BaseProperties[source]

Loads properties from the config file.

  • uri (str) – The URI of the config file. Can be local path or OCI object storage URI.

  • profile (str) – The config profile name.

  • auth ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – The default authentication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.


Instance of the BaseProperties.

Return type:


classmethod from_dict(obj_dict: Dict[str, Any]) BaseProperties[source]

Creates an instance of the properties class from a dictionary.


obj_dict (Dict[str, Any]) – List of properties and values in dictionary format.


Instance of the BaseProperties.

Return type:


to_config(uri: str, profile: str, force_overwrite: bool | None = False, auth: Dict | None = None) None[source]

Saves properties to the config file.

  • uri (str) – The URI of the config file. Can be local path or OCI object storage URI.

  • profile (str) – The config profile name.

  • force_overwrite ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Whether to overwrite existing files or not.

  • auth ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – The default authentication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.



Return type:



Serializes instance of class into a dictionary.


A dictionary.

Return type:


with_config(config: ConfigSection) BaseProperties[source]

Sets properties values from the config profile.


Instance of the BaseProperties.

Return type:


with_dict(obj_dict: Dict[str, Any]) BaseProperties[source]

Sets properties from a dict.


obj_dict (Dict[str, Any]) – List of properties and values in dictionary format.


Instance of the BaseProperties.

Return type:



TypeError – If input object has a wrong type.

with_env() BaseProperties[source]

Sets properties values from environment variables.


Instance of the BaseProperties.

Return type:


with_prop(name: str, value: Any) BaseProperties[source]

Sets property value.

  • name (str) – Property name.

  • value – Property value.


Instance of the BaseProperties.

Return type:


exception ads.model.generic_model.ArtifactsNotAvailableError(msg='Model artifacts are either not generated or not available locally.')[source]

Bases: Exception

class ads.model.generic_model.DataScienceModelType[source]

Bases: str

MODEL = 'datasciencemodel'
MODEL_DEPLOYMENT = 'datasciencemodeldeployment'
class ads.model.generic_model.FrameworkSpecificModel(estimator: Callable | None = None, artifact_dir: str | None = None, properties: ModelProperties | None = None, auth: Dict | None = None, serialize: bool = True, model_save_serializer: SERDE | None = None, model_input_serializer: SERDE | None = None, **kwargs: dict)[source]

Bases: GenericModel

GenericModel Constructor.

  • estimator ((Callable).) – Trained model.

  • artifact_dir ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Artifact directory to store the files needed for deployment.

  • properties ((ModelProperties, optional). Defaults to None.) – ModelProperties object required to save and deploy model.

  • auth ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.

  • serialize ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Whether to serialize the model to pkl file by default. If False, you need to serialize the model manually, save it under artifact_dir and update the manually.

  • model_save_serializer ((SERDE or str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Instance of ads.model.SERDE. Used for serialize/deserialize model.

  • model_input_serializer ((SERDE or str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Instance of ads.model.SERDE. Used for serialize/deserialize model input.

predict(data: Any | None = None, auto_serialize_data: bool = True, **kwargs) Dict[str, Any][source]

Returns prediction of input data run against the model deployment endpoint.


>>> uri = ""
>>> prediction = model.predict(image=uri)['prediction']
>>> # examples on storage options
>>> prediction = model.predict(
...        image="oci://<bucket>@<tenancy>/myimage.png",
...        storage_options=ads.auth.default_signer()
... )['prediction']
  • data (Any) – Data for the prediction for onnx models, for local serialization method, data can be the data types that each framework support.

  • auto_serialize_data (bool.) – Whether to auto serialize input data. Defauls to False for GenericModel, and True for other frameworks. data required to be json serializable if auto_serialize_data=False. If auto_serialize_data set to True, data will be serialized before sending to model deployment endpoint.

  • kwargs

    content_type: str, used to indicate the media type of the resource. image: PIL.Image Object or uri for the image.

    A valid string path for image file can be local path, http(s), oci, s3, gs.

    storage_options: dict

    Passed to for a particular storage connection. Please see fsspec ( for more details.


Dictionary with the predicted values.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

verify(data: Any | None = None, reload_artifacts: bool = True, auto_serialize_data: bool = True, **kwargs) Dict[str, Any][source]

Test if deployment works in local environment.


>>> uri = ""
>>> prediction = model.verify(image=uri)['prediction']
>>> # examples on storage options
>>> prediction = model.verify(
...        image="oci://<bucket>@<tenancy>/myimage.png",
...        storage_options=ads.auth.default_signer()
... )['prediction']
  • data (Any) – Data used to test if deployment works in local environment.

  • reload_artifacts (bool. Defaults to True.) – Whether to reload artifacts or not.

  • auto_serialize_data (bool.) – Whether to auto serialize input data. Defauls to False for GenericModel, and True for other frameworks. data required to be json serializable if auto_serialize_data=False. if auto_serialize_data set to True, data will be serialized before sending to model deployment endpoint.

  • kwargs

    content_type: str, used to indicate the media type of the resource. image: PIL.Image Object or uri for the image.

    A valid string path for image file can be local path, http(s), oci, s3, gs.

    storage_options: dict

    Passed to for a particular storage connection. Please see fsspec ( for more details.


A dictionary which contains prediction results.

Return type:


class ads.model.generic_model.GenericModel(estimator: Callable | None = None, artifact_dir: str | None = None, properties: ModelProperties | None = None, auth: Dict | None = None, serialize: bool = True, model_save_serializer: SERDE | None = None, model_input_serializer: SERDE | None = None, **kwargs: dict)[source]

Bases: MetadataMixin, Introspectable, EvaluatorMixin

Generic Model class which is the base class for all the frameworks including the unsupported frameworks.


The algorithm of the model.




Artifact directory to store the files needed for deployment.




Default authentication is set using the ads.set_auth API. To override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create an authentication signer to instantiate an IdentityClient object.




Any model object generated by sklearn framework




The framework of the model.




The hyperparameters of the estimator.




The model custom metadata.




The model provenance metadata.




The model taxonomy metadata.




This is built by calling prepare.




A ModelDeployment instance.




Name of the serialized model.




The model ID.




Instance of ads.model.SERDE. Used for serialize/deserialize data.




ModelProperties object required to save and deploy model.




A RuntimeInfo instance.




Schema describes the structure of the input data.




Schema describes the structure of the output data.




Whether to serialize the model to pkl file by default. If False, you need to serialize the model manually, save it under artifact_dir and update the manually.




The framework version of the model.




Deletes the current model deployment.

deploy(..., \*\*kwargs)[source]

Deploys a model.

from_model_artifact(uri, ..., \*\*kwargs)[source]

Loads model from the specified folder, or zip/tar archive.

from_model_catalog(model_id, ..., \*\*kwargs)[source]

Loads model from model catalog.

from_model_deployment(model_deployment_id, ..., \*\*kwargs)[source]

Loads model from model deployment.

update_deployment(model_deployment_id, ..., \*\*kwargs)[source]

Updates a model deployment.

from_id(ocid, ..., \*\*kwargs)[source]

Loads model from model OCID or model deployment OCID.


Runs model introspection.

predict(data, ...)[source]

Returns prediction of input data run against the model deployment endpoint.

prepare(..., \*\*kwargs)[source]

Prepare and save the, serialized model and runtime.yaml file.

prepare_save_deploy(..., \*\*kwargs)[source]

Shortcut for prepare, save and deploy steps.


Reloads the model artifact files: and the runtime.yaml.


Restarts the model deployment.

save(..., \*\*kwargs)[source]

Saves model artifacts to the model catalog.


Registers serializer used for serializing data passed in verify/predict.


Gets a summary table of the current status.

verify(data, ...)[source]

Tests if deployment works in local environment.


Uploads model artifacts to the provided uri.


Downloads model artifacts from the model catalog.


Update the status in the summary table.


Update the actions needed from the user in the summary table.


>>> import tempfile
>>> from ads.model.generic_model import GenericModel
>>> class Toy:
...     def predict(self, x):
...         return x ** 2
>>> estimator = Toy()
>>> model = GenericModel(estimator=estimator, artifact_dir=tempfile.mkdtemp())
>>> model.summary_status()
>>> model.prepare(
...     inference_conda_env="dbexp_p38_cpu_v1",
...     inference_python_version="3.8",
...     model_file_name="toy_model.pkl",
...     training_id=None,
...     force_overwrite=True
... )
>>> model.verify(2)
>>> model.deploy()
>>> # Update access log id, freeform tags and description for the model deployment
>>> model.update_deployment(
...     access_log={
...         log_id=<log_ocid>
...     },
...     description="Description for Custom Model",
...     freeform_tags={"key": "value"},
... )
>>> model.predict(2)
>>> # Uncomment the line below to delete the model and the associated model deployment
>>> # model.delete(delete_associated_model_deployment = True)

GenericModel Constructor.

  • estimator ((Callable).) – Trained model.

  • artifact_dir ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Artifact directory to store the files needed for deployment.

  • properties ((ModelProperties, optional). Defaults to None.) – ModelProperties object required to save and deploy model.

  • auth ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.

  • serialize ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Whether to serialize the model to pkl file by default. If False, you need to serialize the model manually, save it under artifact_dir and update the manually.

  • model_save_serializer ((SERDE or str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Instance of ads.model.SERDE. Used for serialize/deserialize model.

  • model_input_serializer ((SERDE or str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Instance of ads.model.SERDE. Used for serialize/deserialize model input.

classmethod delete(model_id: str | None = None, delete_associated_model_deployment: bool | None = False, delete_model_artifact: bool | None = False, artifact_dir: str | None = None, **kwargs: Dict) None[source]

Deletes a model from Model Catalog.

  • model_id ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The model OCID to be deleted. If the method called on instance level, then self.model_id will be used.

  • delete_associated_model_deployment ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Whether associated model deployments need to be deleted or not.

  • delete_model_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Whether associated model artifacts need to be deleted or not.

  • artifact_dir ((str, optional). Defaults to None) – The local path to the model artifacts folder. If the method called on instance level, the self.artifact_dir will be used by default.

Return type:



ValueError – If model_id not provided.

delete_deployment(wait_for_completion: bool = True) None[source]

Deletes the current deployment.


wait_for_completion ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Whether to wait till completion.

Return type:



ValueError – if there is not deployment attached yet.:

deploy(wait_for_completion: bool | None = True, display_name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, deployment_instance_shape: str | None = None, deployment_instance_subnet_id: str | None = None, deployment_instance_private_endpoint_id: str | None = None, deployment_instance_count: int | None = None, deployment_bandwidth_mbps: int | None = None, deployment_log_group_id: str | None = None, deployment_access_log_id: str | None = None, deployment_predict_log_id: str | None = None, deployment_memory_in_gbs: float | None = None, deployment_ocpus: float | None = None, deployment_image: str | None = None, **kwargs: Dict) ModelDeployment[source]

Deploys a model. The model needs to be saved to the model catalog at first. You can deploy the model on either conda or container runtime. The customized runtime allows you to bring your own service container. To deploy model on container runtime, make sure to build the container and push it to OCIR. For more information, see


>>> # This is an example to deploy model on container runtime
>>> model = GenericModel(estimator=estimator, artifact_dir=tempfile.mkdtemp())
>>> model.summary_status()
>>> model.prepare(
...     model_file_name="toy_model.pkl",
...     ignore_conda_error=True, # set ignore_conda_error=True for container runtime
...     force_overwrite=True
... )
>>> model.verify()
>>> model.deploy(
...     deployment_image="<namespace>/<image>:<tag>",
...     entrypoint=["python", "/opt/ds/model/deployed_model/"],
...     server_port=5000,
...     health_check_port=5000,
...     environment_variables={"key":"value"}
... )
  • wait_for_completion ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Flag set for whether to wait for deployment to complete before proceeding.

  • display_name ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The name of the model. If a display_name is not provided in kwargs, a randomly generated easy to remember name with timestamp will be generated, like ‘strange-spider-2022-08-17-23:55.02’.

  • description ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The description of the model.

  • deployment_instance_shape ((str, optional). Default to VM.Standard2.1.) – The shape of the instance used for deployment.

  • deployment_instance_subnet_id ((str, optional). Default to None.) – The subnet id of the instance used for deployment.

  • deployment_instance_private_endpoint_id ((str, optional). Default to None.) – The private endpoint id of instance used for deployment.

  • deployment_instance_count ((int, optional). Defaults to 1.) – The number of instance used for deployment.

  • deployment_bandwidth_mbps ((int, optional). Defaults to 10.) – The bandwidth limit on the load balancer in Mbps.

  • deployment_memory_in_gbs ((float, optional). Defaults to None.) – Specifies the size of the memory of the model deployment instance in GBs.

  • deployment_ocpus ((float, optional). Defaults to None.) – Specifies the ocpus count of the model deployment instance.

  • deployment_log_group_id ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The oci logging group id. The access log and predict log share the same log group.

  • deployment_access_log_id ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The access log OCID for the access logs.

  • deployment_predict_log_id ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The predict log OCID for the predict logs.

  • deployment_image ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The OCIR path of docker container image. Required for deploying model on container runtime.

  • kwargs

    project_id: (str, optional).

    Project OCID. If not specified, the value will be taken from the environment variables.

    compartment_id(str, optional).

    Compartment OCID. If not specified, the value will be taken from the environment variables.

    max_wait_time(int, optional). Defaults to 1200 seconds.

    Maximum amount of time to wait in seconds. Negative implies infinite wait time.

    poll_interval(int, optional). Defaults to 10 seconds.

    Poll interval in seconds.

    freeform_tags: (Dict[str, str], optional). Defaults to None.

    Freeform tags of the model deployment.

    defined_tags: (Dict[str, dict[str, object]], optional). Defaults to None.

    Defined tags of the model deployment.

    image_digest: (str, optional). Defaults to None.

    The digest of docker container image.

    cmd: (List, optional). Defaults to empty.

    The command line arguments for running docker container image.

    entrypoint: (List, optional). Defaults to empty.

    The entrypoint for running docker container image.

    server_port: (int, optional). Defaults to 8080.

    The server port for docker container image.

    health_check_port: (int, optional). Defaults to 8080.

    The health check port for docker container image.

    deployment_mode: (str, optional). Defaults to HTTPS_ONLY.

    The deployment mode. Allowed values are: HTTPS_ONLY and STREAM_ONLY.

    input_stream_ids: (List, optional). Defaults to empty.

    The input stream ids. Required for STREAM_ONLY mode.

    output_stream_ids: (List, optional). Defaults to empty.

    The output stream ids. Required for STREAM_ONLY mode.

    environment_variables: (Dict, optional). Defaults to empty.

    The environment variables for model deployment.

    Also can be any keyword argument for initializing the ads.model.deployment.ModelDeploymentProperties. See ads.model.deployment.ModelDeploymentProperties() for details.


The ModelDeployment instance.

Return type:



ValueError – If model_id is not specified.

download_artifact(artifact_dir: str | None = None, auth: Dict | None = None, force_overwrite: bool | None = False, bucket_uri: str | None = None, remove_existing_artifact: bool | None = True, **kwargs) GenericModel[source]

Downloads model artifacts from the model catalog.

  • artifact_dir ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The artifact directory to store the files needed for deployment. Will be created if not exists.

  • auth ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – The default authentication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.

  • force_overwrite ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Whether to overwrite existing files or not.

  • bucket_uri ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The OCI Object Storage URI where model artifacts will be copied to. The bucket_uri is only necessary for downloading large artifacts with size is greater than 2GB. Example: oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/prefix/.

  • remove_existing_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Whether artifacts uploaded to object storage bucket need to be removed or not.


An instance of GenericModel class.

Return type:



ValueError – If model_id is not available in the GenericModel object.

classmethod from_id(ocid: str, model_file_name: str | None = None, artifact_dir: str | None = None, auth: Dict | None = None, force_overwrite: bool | None = False, properties: ModelProperties | Dict | None = None, bucket_uri: str | None = None, remove_existing_artifact: bool | None = True, ignore_conda_error: bool | None = False, download_artifact: bool | None = True, **kwargs) Self[source]

Loads model from model OCID or model deployment OCID.

  • ocid (str) – The model OCID or model deployment OCID.

  • model_file_name ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The name of the serialized model.

  • artifact_dir ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The artifact directory to store the files needed for deployment. Will be created if not exists.

  • auth ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.

  • force_overwrite ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Whether to overwrite existing files or not.

  • properties ((ModelProperties, optional). Defaults to None.) – ModelProperties object required to save and deploy model.

  • bucket_uri ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The OCI Object Storage URI where model artifacts will be copied to. The bucket_uri is only necessary for downloading large artifacts with size is greater than 2GB. Example: oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/prefix/.

  • remove_existing_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Wether artifacts uploaded to object storage bucket need to be removed or not.

  • ignore_conda_error ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Parameter to ignore error when collecting conda information.

  • download_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Whether to download the model pickle or checkpoints

  • kwargs

    compartment_id(str, optional)

    Compartment OCID. If not specified, the value will be taken from the environment variables.

    timeout(int, optional). Defaults to 10 seconds.

    The connection timeout in seconds for the client.


An instance of GenericModel class.

Return type:


classmethod from_model_artifact(uri: str, model_file_name: str | None = None, artifact_dir: str | None = None, auth: Dict | None = None, force_overwrite: bool | None = False, properties: ModelProperties | None = None, ignore_conda_error: bool | None = False, **kwargs: dict) Self[source]

Loads model from a folder, or zip/tar archive.

  • uri (str) – The folder path, ZIP file path, or TAR file path. It could contain a seriliazed model(required) as well as any files needed for deployment including: serialized model, runtime.yaml, and etc. The content of the folder will be copied to the artifact_dir folder.

  • model_file_name ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The serialized model file name. Will be extracted from artifacts if not provided.

  • artifact_dir ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The artifact directory to store the files needed for deployment. Will be created if not exists.

  • auth ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.

  • force_overwrite ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Whether to overwrite existing files or not.

  • properties ((ModelProperties, optional). Defaults to None.) – ModelProperties object required to save and deploy model.

  • ignore_conda_error ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Parameter to ignore error when collecting conda information.


An instance of GenericModel class.

Return type:



ValueError – If model_file_name not provided.

classmethod from_model_catalog(model_id: str, model_file_name: str | None = None, artifact_dir: str | None = None, auth: Dict | None = None, force_overwrite: bool | None = False, properties: ModelProperties | Dict | None = None, bucket_uri: str | None = None, remove_existing_artifact: bool | None = True, ignore_conda_error: bool | None = False, download_artifact: bool | None = True, **kwargs) Self[source]

Loads model from model catalog.

  • model_id (str) – The model OCID.

  • model_file_name ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The name of the serialized model.

  • artifact_dir ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The artifact directory to store the files needed for deployment. Will be created if not exists.

  • auth ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.

  • force_overwrite ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Whether to overwrite existing files or not.

  • properties ((ModelProperties, optional). Defaults to None.) – ModelProperties object required to save and deploy model.

  • bucket_uri ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The OCI Object Storage URI where model artifacts will be copied to. The bucket_uri is only necessary for downloading large artifacts with size is greater than 2GB. Example: oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/prefix/.

  • remove_existing_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Wether artifacts uploaded to object storage bucket need to be removed or not.

  • ignore_conda_error ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Parameter to ignore error when collecting conda information.

  • download_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Whether to download the model pickle or checkpoints

  • kwargs

    compartment_id(str, optional)

    Compartment OCID. If not specified, the value will be taken from the environment variables.

    timeout(int, optional). Defaults to 10 seconds.

    The connection timeout in seconds for the client.

    region: (str, optional). Defaults to None.

    The destination Object Storage bucket region. By default the value will be extracted from the OCI_REGION_METADATA environment variables.


An instance of GenericModel class.

Return type:


classmethod from_model_deployment(model_deployment_id: str, model_file_name: str | None = None, artifact_dir: str | None = None, auth: Dict | None = None, force_overwrite: bool | None = False, properties: ModelProperties | Dict | None = None, bucket_uri: str | None = None, remove_existing_artifact: bool | None = True, ignore_conda_error: bool | None = False, download_artifact: bool | None = True, **kwargs) Self[source]

Loads model from model deployment.

  • model_deployment_id (str) – The model deployment OCID.

  • model_file_name ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The name of the serialized model.

  • artifact_dir ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The artifact directory to store the files needed for deployment. Will be created if not exists.

  • auth ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.

  • force_overwrite ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Whether to overwrite existing files or not.

  • properties ((ModelProperties, optional). Defaults to None.) – ModelProperties object required to save and deploy model.

  • bucket_uri ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The OCI Object Storage URI where model artifacts will be copied to. The bucket_uri is only necessary for downloading large artifacts with size is greater than 2GB. Example: oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/prefix/.

  • remove_existing_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Wether artifacts uploaded to object storage bucket need to be removed or not.

  • ignore_conda_error ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Parameter to ignore error when collecting conda information.

  • download_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Whether to download the model pickle or checkpoints

  • kwargs

    compartment_id(str, optional)

    Compartment OCID. If not specified, the value will be taken from the environment variables.

    timeout(int, optional). Defaults to 10 seconds.

    The connection timeout in seconds for the client.

    region: (str, optional). Defaults to None.

    The destination Object Storage bucket region. By default the value will be extracted from the OCI_REGION_METADATA environment variables.


An instance of GenericModel class.

Return type:



Gets data serializer.



Return type:

ads.model.Serializer object.


Gets model serializer.

introspect() DataFrame[source]

Conducts instrospection.


A pandas DataFrame which contains the instrospection results.

Return type:


property metadata_custom
property metadata_provenance
property metadata_taxonomy
property model_deployment_id
property model_id

alias of ModelInputSerializerType


alias of ModelSerializerType

predict(data: Any | None = None, auto_serialize_data: bool = False, local: bool = False, **kwargs) Dict[str, Any][source]

Returns prediction of input data run against the model deployment endpoint.


>>> uri = ""
>>> prediction = model.predict(image=uri)['prediction']
>>> # examples on storage options
>>> prediction = model.predict(
...        image="oci://<bucket>@<tenancy>/myimage.png",
...        storage_options=ads.auth.default_signer()
... )['prediction']
  • data (Any) – Data for the prediction for onnx models, for local serialization method, data can be the data types that each framework support.

  • auto_serialize_data (bool.) – Whether to auto serialize input data. Defauls to False for GenericModel, and True for other frameworks. data required to be json serializable if auto_serialize_data=False. If auto_serialize_data set to True, data will be serialized before sending to model deployment endpoint.

  • local (bool.) – Whether to invoke the prediction locally. Default to False.

  • kwargs

    content_type: str, used to indicate the media type of the resource. image: PIL.Image Object or uri for the image.

    A valid string path for image file can be local path, http(s), oci, s3, gs.

    storage_options: dict

    Passed to for a particular storage connection. Please see fsspec ( for more details.


Dictionary with the predicted values.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

  • NotActiveDeploymentError – If model deployment process was not started or not finished yet.

  • ValueError – If model is not deployed yet or the endpoint information is not available.

prepare(inference_conda_env: str | None = None, inference_python_version: str | None = None, training_conda_env: str | None = None, training_python_version: str | None = None, model_file_name: str | None = None, as_onnx: bool = False, initial_types: List[Tuple] | None = None, force_overwrite: bool = False, namespace: str = 'id19sfcrra6z', use_case_type: str | None = None, X_sample: list | tuple | DataFrame | Series | ndarray | None = None, y_sample: list | tuple | DataFrame | Series | ndarray | None = None, training_script_path: str | None = None, training_id: str | None = None, ignore_pending_changes: bool = True, max_col_num: int = 2000, ignore_conda_error: bool = False, score_py_uri: str | None = None, **kwargs: Dict) GenericModel[source]

Prepare and save the, serialized model and runtime.yaml file.

  • inference_conda_env ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Can be either slug or object storage path of the conda pack. You can only pass in slugs if the conda pack is a service pack.

  • inference_python_version ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Python version which will be used in deployment.

  • training_conda_env ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Can be either slug or object storage path of the conda pack. You can only pass in slugs if the conda pack is a service pack. If training_conda_env is not provided, training_conda_env will use the same value of training_conda_env.

  • training_python_version ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Python version used during training.

  • model_file_name ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Name of the serialized model. Will be auto generated if not provided.

  • as_onnx ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Whether to serialize as onnx model.

  • initial_types ((list[Tuple], optional).) – Defaults to None. Only used for SklearnModel, LightGBMModel and XGBoostModel. Each element is a tuple of a variable name and a type. Check this link for more explanation and examples for initial_types.

  • force_overwrite ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Whether to overwrite existing files.

  • namespace ((str, optional).) – Namespace of region. This is used for identifying which region the service pack is from when you pass a slug to inference_conda_env and training_conda_env.

  • use_case_type (str) – The use case type of the model. Use it through UserCaseType class or string provided in UseCaseType. For example, use_case_type=UseCaseType.BINARY_CLASSIFICATION or use_case_type=”binary_classification”. Check with UseCaseType class to see all supported types.

  • X_sample (Union[list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]. Defaults to None.) – A sample of input data that will be used to generate input schema.

  • y_sample (Union[list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]. Defaults to None.) – A sample of output data that will be used to generate output schema.

  • training_script_path (str. Defaults to None.) – Training script path.

  • training_id ((str, optional). Defaults to value from environment variables.) – The training OCID for model. Can be notebook session or job OCID.

  • ignore_pending_changes (bool. Defaults to False.) – whether to ignore the pending changes in the git.

  • max_col_num ((int, optional). Defaults to utils.DATA_SCHEMA_MAX_COL_NUM.) – Do not generate the input schema if the input has more than this number of features(columns).

  • ignore_conda_error ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Parameter to ignore error when collecting conda information.

  • score_py_uri ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The uri of the customized, which can be local path or OCI object storage URI. When provide with this attibute, the will not be auto generated, and the provided will be added into artifact_dir.

  • kwargs

    impute_values: (dict, optional).

    The dictionary where the key is the column index(or names is accepted for pandas dataframe) and the value is the impute value for the corresponding column.

  • FileExistsError – If files already exist but force_overwrite is False.

  • ValueError – If inference_python_version is not provided, but also cannot be found through manifest file.


An instance of GenericModel class.

Return type:


prepare_save_deploy(inference_conda_env: str | None = None, inference_python_version: str | None = None, training_conda_env: str | None = None, training_python_version: str | None = None, model_file_name: str | None = None, as_onnx: bool = False, initial_types: List[Tuple] | None = None, force_overwrite: bool = False, namespace: str = 'id19sfcrra6z', use_case_type: str | None = None, X_sample: list | tuple | DataFrame | Series | ndarray | None = None, y_sample: list | tuple | DataFrame | Series | ndarray | None = None, training_script_path: str | None = None, training_id: str | None = None, ignore_pending_changes: bool = True, max_col_num: int = 2000, ignore_conda_error: bool = False, model_display_name: str | None = None, model_description: str | None = None, model_freeform_tags: dict | None = None, model_defined_tags: dict | None = None, ignore_introspection: bool | None = False, wait_for_completion: bool | None = True, deployment_display_name: str | None = None, deployment_description: str | None = None, deployment_instance_shape: str | None = None, deployment_instance_subnet_id: str | None = None, deployment_instance_private_endpoint_id: str | None = None, deployment_instance_count: int | None = None, deployment_bandwidth_mbps: int | None = None, deployment_log_group_id: str | None = None, deployment_access_log_id: str | None = None, deployment_predict_log_id: str | None = None, deployment_memory_in_gbs: float | None = None, deployment_ocpus: float | None = None, deployment_image: str | None = None, bucket_uri: str | None = None, overwrite_existing_artifact: bool | None = True, remove_existing_artifact: bool | None = True, model_version_set: str | ModelVersionSet | None = None, version_label: str | None = None, model_by_reference: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Dict) ModelDeployment[source]

Shortcut for prepare, save and deploy steps.

  • inference_conda_env ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Can be either slug or object storage path of the conda pack. You can only pass in slugs if the conda pack is a service pack.

  • inference_python_version ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Python version which will be used in deployment.

  • training_conda_env ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Can be either slug or object storage path of the conda pack. You can only pass in slugs if the conda pack is a service pack. If training_conda_env is not provided, training_conda_env will use the same value of training_conda_env.

  • training_python_version ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Python version used during training.

  • model_file_name ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Name of the serialized model.

  • as_onnx ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Whether to serialize as onnx model.

  • initial_types ((list[Tuple], optional).) – Defaults to None. Only used for SklearnModel, LightGBMModel and XGBoostModel. Each element is a tuple of a variable name and a type. Check this link for more explanation and examples for initial_types.

  • force_overwrite ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Whether to overwrite existing files.

  • namespace ((str, optional).) – Namespace of region. This is used for identifying which region the service pack is from when you pass a slug to inference_conda_env and training_conda_env.

  • use_case_type (str) – The use case type of the model. Use it through UserCaseType class or string provided in UseCaseType. For example, use_case_type=UseCaseType.BINARY_CLASSIFICATION or use_case_type=”binary_classification”. Check with UseCaseType class to see all supported types.

  • X_sample (Union[list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]. Defaults to None.) – A sample of input data that will be used to generate input schema.

  • y_sample (Union[list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]. Defaults to None.) – A sample of output data that will be used to generate output schema.

  • training_script_path (str. Defaults to None.) – Training script path.

  • training_id ((str, optional). Defaults to value from environment variables.) – The training OCID for model. Can be notebook session or job OCID.

  • ignore_pending_changes (bool. Defaults to False.) – whether to ignore the pending changes in the git.

  • max_col_num ((int, optional). Defaults to utils.DATA_SCHEMA_MAX_COL_NUM.) – Do not generate the input schema if the input has more than this number of features(columns).

  • ignore_conda_error ((bool, optional). Defaults to False.) – Parameter to ignore error when collecting conda information.

  • model_display_name ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The name of the model. If a model_display_name is not provided in kwargs, a randomly generated easy to remember name with timestamp will be generated, like ‘strange-spider-2022-08-17-23:55.02’.

  • model_description ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The description of the model.

  • model_freeform_tags (Dict(str, str), Defaults to None.) – Freeform tags for the model.

  • model_defined_tags ((Dict(str, dict(str, object)), optional). Defaults to None.) – Defined tags for the model.

  • ignore_introspection ((bool, optional). Defaults to None.) – Determine whether to ignore the result of model introspection or not. If set to True, the save will ignore all model introspection errors.

  • wait_for_completion ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Flag set for whether to wait for deployment to complete before proceeding.

  • deployment_display_name ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The name of the model deployment. If a deployment_display_name is not provided in kwargs, a randomly generated easy to remember name with timestamp will be generated, like ‘strange-spider-2022-08-17-23:55.02’.

  • description ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The description of the model.

  • deployment_instance_shape ((str, optional). Default to VM.Standard2.1.) – The shape of the instance used for deployment.

  • deployment_instance_subnet_id ((str, optional). Default to None.) – The subnet id of the instance used for deployment.

  • deployment_instance_private_endpoint_id ((str, optional). Default to None.) – The private endpoint id of instance used for deployment.

  • deployment_instance_count ((int, optional). Defaults to 1.) – The number of instance used for deployment.

  • deployment_bandwidth_mbps ((int, optional). Defaults to 10.) – The bandwidth limit on the load balancer in Mbps.

  • deployment_log_group_id ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The oci logging group id. The access log and predict log share the same log group.

  • deployment_access_log_id ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The access log OCID for the access logs.

  • deployment_predict_log_id ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The predict log OCID for the predict logs.

  • deployment_memory_in_gbs ((float, optional). Defaults to None.) – Specifies the size of the memory of the model deployment instance in GBs.

  • deployment_ocpus ((float, optional). Defaults to None.) – Specifies the ocpus count of the model deployment instance.

  • deployment_image ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The OCIR path of docker container image. Required for deploying model on container runtime.

  • bucket_uri ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The OCI Object Storage URI where model artifacts will be copied to. The bucket_uri is only necessary for downloading large artifacts with size is greater than 2GB. Example: oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/prefix/.

  • overwrite_existing_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Overwrite target bucket artifact if exists.

  • remove_existing_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Wether artifacts uploaded to object storage bucket need to be removed or not.

  • model_version_set ((Union[str, ModelVersionSet], optional). Defaults to None.) – The Model version set OCID, or name, or ModelVersionSet instance.

  • version_label ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The model version lebel.

  • model_by_reference ((bool, optional)) – Whether model artifact is made available to Model Store by reference.

  • kwargs

    impute_values: (dict, optional).

    The dictionary where the key is the column index(or names is accepted for pandas dataframe) and the value is the impute value for the corresponding column.

    project_id: (str, optional).

    Project OCID. If not specified, the value will be taken either from the environment variables or model properties.

    compartment_id(str, optional).

    Compartment OCID. If not specified, the value will be taken either from the environment variables or model properties.

    image_digest: (str, optional). Defaults to None.

    The digest of docker container image.

    cmd: (List, optional). Defaults to empty.

    The command line arguments for running docker container image.

    entrypoint: (List, optional). Defaults to empty.

    The entrypoint for running docker container image.

    server_port: (int, optional). Defaults to 8080.

    The server port for docker container image.

    health_check_port: (int, optional). Defaults to 8080.

    The health check port for docker container image.

    deployment_mode: (str, optional). Defaults to HTTPS_ONLY.

    The deployment mode. Allowed values are: HTTPS_ONLY and STREAM_ONLY.

    input_stream_ids: (List, optional). Defaults to empty.

    The input stream ids. Required for STREAM_ONLY mode.

    output_stream_ids: (List, optional). Defaults to empty.

    The output stream ids. Required for STREAM_ONLY mode.

    environment_variables: (Dict, optional). Defaults to empty.

    The environment variables for model deployment.

    timeout: (int, optional). Defaults to 10 seconds.

    The connection timeout in seconds for the client.

    max_wait_time(int, optional). Defaults to 1200 seconds.

    Maximum amount of time to wait in seconds. Negative implies infinite wait time.

    poll_interval(int, optional). Defaults to 10 seconds.

    Poll interval in seconds.

    freeform_tags: (Dict[str, str], optional). Defaults to None.

    Freeform tags of the model deployment.

    defined_tags: (Dict[str, dict[str, object]], optional). Defaults to None.

    Defined tags of the model deployment.

    region: (str, optional). Defaults to None.

    The destination Object Storage bucket region. By default the value will be extracted from the OCI_REGION_METADATA environment variables.

    Also can be any keyword argument for initializing the ads.model.deployment.ModelDeploymentProperties. See ads.model.deployment.ModelDeploymentProperties() for details.


The ModelDeployment instance.

Return type:


  • FileExistsError – If files already exist but force_overwrite is False.

  • ValueError – If inference_python_version is not provided, but also cannot be found through manifest file.

reload() GenericModel[source]

Reloads the model artifact files: and the runtime.yaml.


An instance of GenericModel class.

Return type:


reload_runtime_info() None[source]

Reloads the model artifact file: runtime.yaml.



Return type:


restart_deployment(max_wait_time: int = 1200, poll_interval: int = 10) ModelDeployment[source]

Restarts the current deployment.

  • max_wait_time ((int, optional). Defaults to 1200 seconds.) – Maximum amount of time to wait for activate or deactivate in seconds. Total amount of time to wait for restart deployment is twice as the value. Negative implies infinite wait time.

  • poll_interval ((int, optional). Defaults to 10 seconds.) – Poll interval in seconds.


The ModelDeployment instance.

Return type:


save(bucket_uri: str | None = None, defined_tags: dict | None = None, description: str | None = None, display_name: str | None = None, featurestore_dataset=None, freeform_tags: dict | None = None, ignore_introspection: bool | None = False, model_version_set: str | ModelVersionSet | None = None, overwrite_existing_artifact: bool | None = True, parallel_process_count: int = 9, remove_existing_artifact: bool | None = True, reload: bool | None = True, version_label: str | None = None, model_by_reference: bool | None = False, **kwargs) str[source]

Saves model artifacts to the model catalog.

  • display_name ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The name of the model. If a display_name is not provided in kwargs, randomly generated easy to remember name with timestamp will be generated, like ‘strange-spider-2022-08-17-23:55.02’.

  • description ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The description of the model.

  • freeform_tags (Dict(str, str), Defaults to None.) – Freeform tags for the model.

  • defined_tags ((Dict(str, dict(str, object)), optional). Defaults to None.) – Defined tags for the model.

  • ignore_introspection ((bool, optional). Defaults to None.) – Determine whether to ignore the result of model introspection or not. If set to True, the save will ignore all model introspection errors.

  • bucket_uri ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The OCI Object Storage URI where model artifacts will be copied to. The bucket_uri is only necessary for uploading large artifacts which size is greater than 2GB. Example: oci://<bucket_name>@<namespace>/prefix/.

  • overwrite_existing_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Overwrite target bucket artifact if exists.

  • remove_existing_artifact ((bool, optional). Defaults to True.) – Whether artifacts uploaded to object storage bucket need to be removed or not.

  • model_version_set ((Union[str, ModelVersionSet], optional). Defaults to None.) – The model version set OCID, or model version set name, or ModelVersionSet instance.

  • version_label ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The model version lebel.

  • featurestore_dataset ((Dataset, optional).) – The feature store dataset

  • parallel_process_count ((int, optional)) – The number of worker processes to use in parallel for uploading individual parts of a multipart upload.

  • reload ((bool, optional)) – Whether to reload to check if load_model() works in Default to True.

  • model_by_reference ((bool, optional)) – Whether model artifact is made available to Model Store by reference.

  • kwargs

    project_id: (str, optional).

    Project OCID. If not specified, the value will be taken either from the environment variables or model properties.

    compartment_id(str, optional).

    Compartment OCID. If not specified, the value will be taken either from the environment variables or model properties.

    region: (str, optional). Defaults to None.

    The destination Object Storage bucket region. By default the value will be extracted from the OCI_REGION_METADATA environment variables.

    timeout: (int, optional). Defaults to 10 seconds.

    The connection timeout in seconds for the client.

    Also can be any attribute that oci.data_science.models.Model accepts.


RuntimeInfoInconsistencyError – When .runtime_info is not synched with runtime.yaml file.


The model id.

Return type:



Example for saving large model artifacts (>2GB): >>> … bucket_uri=”oci://my-bucket@my-tenancy/”, … overwrite_existing_artifact=True, … remove_existing_artifact=True, … parallel_process_count=9, … )

property schema_input
property schema_output
serialize_model(as_onnx: bool = False, initial_types: List[Tuple] | None = None, force_overwrite: bool = False, X_sample: any | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Serialize and save model using ONNX or model specific method.

  • as_onnx ((boolean, optional)) – If set as True, convert into ONNX model.

  • initial_types ((List[Tuple], optional)) – a python list. Each element is a tuple of a variable name and a data type.

  • force_overwrite ((boolean, optional)) – If set as True, overwrite serialized model if exists.

  • X_sample ((any, optional). Defaults to None.) – Contains model inputs such that model(X_sample) is a valid invocation of the model, used to valid model input type.



Return type:


set_model_input_serializer(model_input_serializer: str | SERDE)[source]

Registers serializer used for serializing data passed in verify/predict.


>>> generic_model.set_model_input_serializer(GenericModel.model_input_serializer_type.CLOUDPICKLE)
>>> # Register serializer by passing the name of it.
>>> generic_model.set_model_input_serializer("cloudpickle")
>>> # Example of creating customized model input serializer and registering it.
>>> from ads.model import SERDE
>>> from ads.model.generic_model import GenericModel
>>> class MySERDE(SERDE):
...     def __init__(self):
...         super().__init__()
...     def serialize(self, data):
...         serialized_data = 1
...         return serialized_data
...     def deserialize(self, data):
...         deserialized_data = 2
...         return deserialized_data
>>> class Toy:
...     def predict(self, x):
...         return x ** 2
>>> generic_model = GenericModel(
...    estimator=Toy(),
...    artifact_dir=tempfile.mkdtemp(),
...    model_input_serializer=MySERDE()
... )
>>> # Or register the serializer after creating model instance.
>>> generic_model.set_model_input_serializer(MySERDE())

model_input_serializer ((str, or ads.model.SERDE)) – name of the serializer, or instance of SERDE.

set_model_save_serializer(model_save_serializer: str | SERDE)[source]

Registers serializer used for saving model.


>>> generic_model.set_model_save_serializer(GenericModel.model_save_serializer_type.CLOUDPICKLE)
>>> # Register serializer by passing the name of it.
>>> generic_model.set_model_save_serializer("cloudpickle")
>>> # Example of creating customized model save serializer and registing it.
>>> from ads.model import SERDE
>>> from ads.model.generic_model import GenericModel
>>> class MySERDE(SERDE):
...     def __init__(self):
...         super().__init__()
...     def serialize(self, data):
...         serialized_data = 1
...         return serialized_data
...     def deserialize(self, data):
...         deserialized_data = 2
...         return deserialized_data
>>> class Toy:
...     def predict(self, x):
...         return x ** 2
>>> generic_model = GenericModel(
...    estimator=Toy(),
...    artifact_dir=tempfile.mkdtemp(),
...    model_save_serializer=MySERDE()
... )
>>> # Or register the serializer after creating model instance.
>>> generic_model.set_model_save_serializer(MySERDE())

model_save_serializer ((ads.model.SERDE or str)) – name of the serializer or instance of SERDE.

summary_status() DataFrame[source]

A summary table of the current status.


The summary stable of the current status.

Return type:


update(**kwargs) GenericModel[source]

Updates model metadata in the Model Catalog. Updates only metadata information. The model artifacts are immutable and cannot be updated.



display_name: (str, optional). Defaults to None.

The name of the model.

description: (str, optional). Defaults to None.

The description of the model.

freeform_tagsDict(str, str), Defaults to None.

Freeform tags for the model.

defined_tags(Dict(str, dict(str, object)), optional). Defaults to None.

Defined tags for the model.

version_label: (str, optional). Defaults to None.

The model version lebel.

Additional kwargs arguments. Can be any attribute that oci.data_science.models.Model accepts.


An instance of GenericModel (self).

Return type:



ValueError – if model not saved to the Model Catalog.

classmethod update_deployment(model_deployment_id: str | None = None, properties: ModelDeploymentProperties | dict | None = None, wait_for_completion: bool = True, max_wait_time: int = 1200, poll_interval: int = 10, **kwargs) ModelDeployment[source]

Updates a model deployment.

You can update model_deployment_configuration_details and change instance_shape and model_id when the model deployment is in the ACTIVE lifecycle state. The bandwidth_mbps or instance_count can only be updated while the model deployment is in the INACTIVE state. Changes to the bandwidth_mbps or instance_count will take effect the next time the ActivateModelDeployment action is invoked on the model deployment resource.


>>> # Update access log id, freeform tags and description for the model deployment
>>> model.update_deployment(
...     access_log={
...         log_id=<log_ocid>
...     },
...     description="Description for Custom Model",
...     freeform_tags={"key": "value"},
... )
  • model_deployment_id (str.) – The model deployment OCID. Defaults to None. If the method called on instance level, then self.model_deployment.model_deployment_id will be used.

  • properties (ModelDeploymentProperties or dict) – The properties for updating the deployment.

  • wait_for_completion (bool) – Flag set for whether to wait for deployment to complete before proceeding. Defaults to True.

  • max_wait_time (int) – Maximum amount of time to wait in seconds (Defaults to 1200). Negative implies infinite wait time.

  • poll_interval (int) – Poll interval in seconds (Defaults to 10).

  • kwargs

    auth: (Dict, optional). Defaults to None.

    The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.

    display_name: (str)

    Model deployment display name

    description: (str)

    Model deployment description

    freeform_tags: (dict)

    Model deployment freeform tags

    defined_tags: (dict)

    Model deployment defined tags

    Additional kwargs arguments. Can be any attribute that ads.model.deployment.ModelDeploymentCondaRuntime, ads.model.deployment.ModelDeploymentContainerRuntime and ads.model.deployment.ModelDeploymentInfrastructure accepts.


An instance of ModelDeployment class.

Return type:


update_summary_action(detail: str, action: str)[source]

Update the actions needed from the user in the summary table.

  • detail ((str)) – value of the detail in the details column of the summary status table. Used to locate which row to update.

  • action ((str)) – new action to be updated for the row specified by detail.

Return type:


update_summary_status(detail: str, status: str)[source]

Update the status in the summary table.

  • detail ((str)) – value of the detail in the details column of the summary status table. Used to locate which row to update.

  • status ((str)) – new status to be updated for the row specified by detail.

Return type:


upload_artifact(uri: str, auth: Dict | None = None, force_overwrite: bool | None = False, parallel_process_count: int = 9) None[source]

Uploads model artifacts to the provided uri. The artifacts will be zipped before uploading.

  • uri (str) –

    The destination location for the model artifacts, which can be a local path or OCI object storage URI. Examples:

    >>> upload_artifact(uri="/some/local/folder/")
    >>> upload_artifact(uri="oci://bucket@namespace/prefix/")

  • auth ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – The default authetication is set using ads.set_auth API. If you need to override the default, use the ads.common.auth.api_keys or ads.common.auth.resource_principal to create appropriate authentication signer and kwargs required to instantiate IdentityClient object.

  • force_overwrite (bool) – Overwrite target_dir if exists.

  • parallel_process_count ((int, optional)) – The number of worker processes to use in parallel for uploading individual parts of a multipart upload.

verify(data: Any | None = None, reload_artifacts: bool = True, auto_serialize_data: bool = False, **kwargs) Dict[str, Any][source]

Test if deployment works in local environment.


>>> uri = ""
>>> prediction = model.verify(image=uri)['prediction']
>>> # examples on storage options
>>> prediction = model.verify(
...        image="oci://<bucket>@<tenancy>/myimage.png",
...        storage_options=ads.auth.default_signer()
... )['prediction']
  • data (Any) – Data used to test if deployment works in local environment.

  • reload_artifacts (bool. Defaults to True.) – Whether to reload artifacts or not.

  • is_json_payload (bool) – Defaults to False. Indicate whether to send data with a application/json MIME TYPE.

  • auto_serialize_data (bool.) – Whether to auto serialize input data. Defauls to False for GenericModel, and True for other frameworks. data required to be json serializable if auto_serialize_data=False. if auto_serialize_data set to True, data will be serialized before sending to model deployment endpoint.

  • kwargs

    content_type: str, used to indicate the media type of the resource. image: PIL.Image Object or uri for the image.

    A valid string path for image file can be local path, http(s), oci, s3, gs.

    storage_options: dict

    Passed to for a particular storage connection. Please see fsspec ( for more details.


A dictionary which contains prediction results.

Return type:


class ads.model.generic_model.ModelDeploymentRuntimeType[source]

Bases: object

CONDA = 'conda'
CONTAINER = 'container'
class ads.model.generic_model.ModelState(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

AVAILABLE = 'Available'
DONE = 'Done'
NEEDSACTION = 'Needs Action'
NOTAPPLICABLE = 'Not Applicable'
NOTAVAILABLE = 'Not Available'
exception ads.model.generic_model.NotActiveDeploymentError(state: str)[source]

Bases: Exception

exception ads.model.generic_model.RuntimeInfoInconsistencyError[source]

Bases: Exception

exception ads.model.generic_model.SerializeInputNotImplementedError[source]

Bases: NotImplementedError

exception ads.model.generic_model.SerializeModelNotImplementedError[source]

Bases: NotImplementedError

class ads.model.generic_model.SummaryStatus[source]

Bases: object

SummaryStatus class which track the status of the Model frameworks.

update_action(detail: str, action: str) None[source]

Updates the action of the summary status table of the corresponding detail.

  • detail ((str)) – Value of the detail in the Details column. Used to locate which row to update.

  • action ((str)) – new action to be updated for the row specified by detail.



Return type:


update_status(detail: str, status: str) None[source]

Updates the status of the summary status table of the corresponding detail.

  • detail ((str)) – value of the detail in the Details column. Used to locate which row to update.

  • status ((str)) – new status to be updated for the row specified by detail.



Return type:


ads.model.model_introspect module

The module that helps to minimize the number of errors of the model post-deployment process. The model provides a simple testing harness to ensure that model artifacts are thoroughly tested before being saved to the model catalog.



Class to introspect model artifacts.


>>> model_introspect = ModelIntrospect(artifact=model_artifact)
>>> model_introspect()
... Test key         Test name            Result              Message
... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
... test_key_1       test_name_1          Passed              test passed
... test_key_2       test_name_2          Not passed          some error occured
>>> model_introspect.status
... Passed
class ads.model.model_introspect.Introspectable[source]

Bases: ABC

Base class that represents an introspectable object.

exception ads.model.model_introspect.IntrospectionNotPassed[source]

Bases: ValueError

class ads.model.model_introspect.ModelIntrospect(artifact: Introspectable)[source]

Bases: object

Class to introspect model artifacts.

  • status (str) – Returns the current status of model introspection. The possible variants: Passed, Not passed, Not tested.

  • failures (int) – Returns the number of failures of introspection result.

run(self) None[source]

Invokes model artifacts introspection.

to_dataframe(self) pd.DataFrame[source]

Serializes model introspection result into a DataFrame.


>>> model_introspect = ModelIntrospect(artifact=model_artifact)
>>> result = model_introspect()
... Test key         Test name            Result              Message
... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
... test_key_1       test_name_1          Passed              test passed
... test_key_2       test_name_2          Not passed          some error occured

Initializes the Model Introspect.


artifact (Introspectable) – The instance of ModelArtifact object.

  • ValueError – If model artifact object not provided.:

  • TypeError – If provided input paramater not a ModelArtifact instance.:

property failures: int

Calculates the number of failures.


The number of failures.

Return type:


run() DataFrame[source]

Invokes introspection.


The introspection result in a DataFrame format.

Return type:


property status: str

Gets the current status of model introspection.

to_dataframe() DataFrame[source]

Serializes model introspection result into a DataFrame.


The model introspection result in a DataFrame representation.

Return type:


class ads.model.model_introspect.PrintItem(key: str = '', case: str = '', result: str = '', message: str = '')[source]

Bases: object

Class represents the model introspection print item.

case: str = ''
key: str = ''
message: str = ''
result: str = ''
to_list() List[str][source]

Converts instance to a list representation.


The instance in a list representation.

Return type:


class ads.model.model_introspect.TEST_STATUS[source]

Bases: str

NOT_PASSED = 'Failed'
NOT_TESTED = 'Skipped'
PASSED = 'Passed'

ads.model.model_metadata module

class ads.model.model_metadata.Framework[source]

Bases: str

BERT = 'bert'
CUML = 'cuml'
EMBEDDING_ONNX = 'embedding_onnx'
EMCEE = 'emcee'
ENSEMBLE = 'ensemble'
FLAIR = 'flair'
GENSIM = 'gensim'
H20 = 'h2o'
KERAS = 'keras'
LIGHT_GBM = 'lightgbm'
MXNET = 'mxnet'
NLTK = 'nltk'
ORACLE_AUTOML = 'oracle_automl'
OTHER = 'other'
PROPHET = 'prophet'
PYMC3 = 'pymc3'
PYOD = 'pyod'
PYSTAN = 'pystan'
PYTORCH = 'pytorch'
SCIKIT_LEARN = 'scikit-learn'
SKTIME = 'sktime'
SPACY = 'spacy'
SPARK = 'pyspark'
STATSMODELS = 'statsmodels'
TENSORFLOW = 'tensorflow'
TRANSFORMERS = 'transformers'
WORD2VEC = 'word2vec'
XGBOOST = 'xgboost'
class ads.model.model_metadata.MetadataCustomCategory[source]

Bases: str

OTHER = 'Other'
PERFORMANCE = 'Performance'
TRAINING_AND_VALIDATION_DATASETS = 'Training and Validation Datasets'
TRAINING_ENV = 'Training Environment'
TRAINING_PROFILE = 'Training Profile'
class ads.model.model_metadata.MetadataCustomKeys[source]

Bases: str

CLIENT_LIBRARY = 'ClientLibrary'
CONDA_ENVIRONMENT = 'CondaEnvironment'
CONDA_ENVIRONMENT_PATH = 'CondaEnvironmentPath'
ENVIRONMENT_TYPE = 'EnvironmentType'
MODEL_ARTIFACTS = 'ModelArtifacts'
MODEL_FILE_NAME = 'ModelFileName'
MODEL_SERIALIZATION_FORMAT = 'ModelSerializationFormat'
SLUG_NAME = 'SlugName'
TRAINING_DATASET = 'TrainingDataset'
TRAINING_DATASET_SIZE = 'TrainingDatasetSize'
VALIDATION_DATASET = 'ValidationDataset'
VALIDATION_DATASET_SIZE = 'ValidationDatasetSize'
class ads.model.model_metadata.MetadataCustomPrintColumns[source]

Bases: str

CATEGORY = 'Category'
DESCRIPTION = 'Description'
KEY = 'Key'
VALUE = 'Value'
exception ads.model.model_metadata.MetadataDescriptionTooLong(key: str, length: int)[source]

Bases: ValueError

Maximum allowed length of metadata description has been exceeded. See for more details.

exception ads.model.model_metadata.MetadataSizeTooLarge(size: int)[source]

Bases: ValueError

Maximum allowed size for model metadata has been exceeded. See for more details.

class ads.model.model_metadata.MetadataTaxonomyKeys[source]

Bases: str

ALGORITHM = 'Algorithm'
ARTIFACT_TEST_RESULT = 'ArtifactTestResults'
FRAMEWORK = 'Framework'
FRAMEWORK_VERSION = 'FrameworkVersion'
HYPERPARAMETERS = 'Hyperparameters'
USE_CASE_TYPE = 'UseCaseType'
class ads.model.model_metadata.MetadataTaxonomyPrintColumns[source]

Bases: str

KEY = 'Key'
VALUE = 'Value'
exception ads.model.model_metadata.MetadataValueTooLong(key: str, length: int)[source]

Bases: ValueError

Maximum allowed length of metadata value has been exceeded. See for more details.

class ads.model.model_metadata.ModelCustomMetadata[source]

Bases: ModelMetadata

Class that represents Model Custom Metadata.

get(self, key: str) ModelCustomMetadataItem

Returns the model metadata item by provided key.

reset(self) None

Resets all model metadata items to empty values.

to_dataframe(self) pd.DataFrame[source]

Returns the model metadata list in a data frame format.

size(self) int

Returns the size of the model metadata in bytes.

validate(self) bool

Validates metadata.


Serializes model metadata into a dictionary.

from_dict(cls) ModelCustomMetadata[source]

Constructs model metadata from dictionary.


Serializes model metadata into a YAML.

add(self, key: str, value: str, description: str = '', category: str = MetadataCustomCategory.OTHER, replace: bool = False) None:[source]

Adds a new model metadata item. Replaces existing one if replace flag is True.

remove(self, key: str) None[source]

Removes a model metadata item by key.

clear(self) None[source]

Removes all metadata items.

isempty(self) bool[source]

Checks if metadata is empty.


Serializes model metadata into a JSON.

to_json_file(self, file_path: str, storage_options: dict = None) None

Saves the metadata to a local file or object storage.


>>> metadata_custom = ModelCustomMetadata()
>>> metadata_custom.add(key="format", value="pickle")
>>> metadata_custom.add(key="note", value="important note", description="some description")
>>> metadata_custom["format"].description = "some description"
>>> metadata_custom.to_dataframe()
                    Key              Value         Description      Category
0                format             pickle    some description  user defined
1                  note     important note    some description  user defined
>>> metadata_custom
    - category: user defined
      description: some description
      key: format
      value: pickle
    - category: user defined
      description: some description
      key: note
      value: important note
>>> metadata_custom.remove("format")
>>> metadata_custom
    - category: user defined
      description: some description
      key: note
      value: important note
>>> metadata_custom.to_dict()
    {'metadata': [{
            'key': 'note',
            'value': 'important note',
            'category': 'user defined',
            'description': 'some description'
>>> metadata_custom.reset()
>>> metadata_custom
    - category: None
      description: None
      key: note
      value: None
>>> metadata_custom.clear()
>>> metadata_custom.to_dataframe()
                    Key              Value         Description      Category

Initializes custom model metadata.

add(key: str, value: str, description: str = '', category: str = 'Other', replace: bool = False) None[source]

Adds a new model metadata item. Overrides the existing one if replace flag is True.

  • key (str) – The metadata item key.

  • value (str) – The metadata item value.

  • description (str) – The metadata item description.

  • category (str) – The metadata item category.

  • replace (bool) – Overrides the existing metadata item if replace flag is True.



Return type:


  • TypeError – If provided key is not a string. If provided description not a string.

  • ValueError – If provided key is empty. If provided value is empty. If provided value cannot be serialized to JSON. If item with provided key is already registered and replace flag is False. If provided category is not supported.

  • MetadataValueTooLong – If the length of provided value exceeds 255 charracters.

  • MetadataDescriptionTooLong – If the length of provided description exceeds 255 charracters.

clear() None[source]

Removes all metadata items.



Return type:


classmethod from_dict(data: Dict) ModelCustomMetadata[source]

Constructs an instance of ModelCustomMetadata from a dictionary.


data (Dict) – Model metadata in a dictionary format.


An instance of model custom metadata.

Return type:



ValueError – In case of the wrong input data format.

isempty() bool[source]

Checks if metadata is empty.


True if metadata is empty, False otherwise.

Return type:


remove(key: str) None[source]

Removes a model metadata item.


key (str) – The key of the metadata item that should be removed.



Return type:


set_training_data(path: str, data_size: str | None = None)[source]

Adds training_data path and data size information into model custom metadata.

  • path (str) – The path where the training_data is stored.

  • data_size (str) – The size of the training_data.



Return type:


set_validation_data(path: str, data_size: str | None = None)[source]

Adds validation_data path and data size information into model custom metadata.

  • path (str) – The path where the validation_data is stored.

  • data_size (str) – The size of the validation_data.



Return type:


to_dataframe() DataFrame[source]

Returns the model metadata list in a data frame format.


The model metadata in a dataframe format.

Return type:


class ads.model.model_metadata.ModelCustomMetadataItem(key: str, value: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, category: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: ModelTaxonomyMetadataItem

Class that represents model custom metadata item.


The model metadata item key.




The model metadata item value.




The model metadata item description.




The model metadata item category.



reset(self) None[source]

Resets model metadata item.

to_dict(self) dict

Serializes model metadata item to dictionary.

from_dict(cls) ModelCustomMetadataItem

Constructs model metadata item from dictionary.


Serializes model metadata item to YAML.

size(self) int

Returns the size of the metadata in bytes.

update(self, value: str = '', description: str = '', category: str = '') None[source]

Updates metadata item information.

to_json(self) JSON

Serializes metadata item into a JSON.

to_json_file(self, file_path: str, storage_options: dict = None) None

Saves the metadata item value to a local file or object storage.

validate(self) bool[source]

Validates metadata item.

property category: str
property description: str
reset() None[source]

Resets model metadata item.

Resets value, description and category to None.



Return type:


update(value: str, description: str, category: str) None[source]

Updates metadata item.

  • value (str) – The value of model metadata item.

  • description (str) – The description of model metadata item.

  • category (str) – The category of model metadata item.



Return type:


validate() bool[source]

Validates metadata item.


True if validation passed.

Return type:


class ads.model.model_metadata.ModelMetadata[source]

Bases: ABC

The base abstract class representing model metadata.

get(self, key: str) ModelMetadataItem[source]

Returns the model metadata item by provided key.

reset(self) None[source]

Resets all model metadata items to empty values.

to_dataframe(self) pd.DataFrame[source]

Returns the model metadata list in a data frame format.

size(self) int[source]

Returns the size of the model metadata in bytes.

validate(self) bool[source]

Validates metadata.


Serializes model metadata into a dictionary.

from_dict(cls) ModelMetadata[source]

Constructs model metadata from dictionary.


Serializes model metadata into a YAML.


Serializes model metadata into a JSON.

to_json_file(self, file_path: str, storage_options: dict = None) None[source]

Saves the metadata to a local file or object storage.

Initializes Model Metadata.

abstract from_dict(data: Dict) ModelMetadata[source]

Constructs an instance of ModelMetadata from a dictionary.


data (Dict) – Model metadata in a dictionary format.


An instance of model metadata.

Return type:


get(key: str, value: ~typing.Any | None = <object object>) ModelMetadataItem | Any[source]

Returns the model metadata item by provided key.

  • key (str) – The key of model metadata item.

  • value ((str, optional)) – A value to return if the specified key does not exist. Defaults to object(). If default value not specified, the ValueError will be returned.


The model metadata item.

Return type:



ValueError – If provided key is empty or metadata item not found.

property keys: Tuple[str]

Returns all registered metadata keys.


The list of metadata keys.

Return type:


reset() None[source]

Resets all model metadata items to empty values.

Resets value, description and category to None for every metadata item.

size() int[source]

Returns the size of the model metadata in bytes.


The size of model metadata in bytes.

Return type:


abstract to_dataframe() DataFrame[source]

Returns the model metadata list in a data frame format.


The model metadata in a dataframe format.

Return type:



Serializes model metadata into a dictionary.


The model metadata in a dictionary representation.

Return type:



Serializes model metadata into a JSON.


The model metadata in a JSON representation.

Return type:


to_json_file(file_path: str, storage_options: dict | None = None) None[source]

Saves the metadata to a local file or object storage.

  • file_path (str) – The file path to store the data. “oci://bucket_name@namespace/folder_name/” “oci://bucket_name@namespace/folder_name/metadata.json” “path/to/local/folder” “path/to/local/folder/metadata.json”

  • storage_options (dict. Default None) – Parameters passed on to the backend filesystem class. Defaults to options set using DatasetFactory.set_default_storage().



Return type:




>>> metadata = ModelTaxonomyMetadataItem()
>>> storage_options = {"config": oci.config.from_file(os.path.join("~/.oci", "config"))}
>>> storage_options
{'log_requests': False,
    'additional_user_agent': '',
    'pass_phrase': None,
    'user': '<user-id>',
    'fingerprint': '05:15:2b:b1:46:8a:32:ec:e2:69:5b:32:01:**:**:**)',
    'tenancy': '<tenancy-id>',
    'region': 'us-ashburn-1',
    'key_file': '/home/datascience/.oci/oci_api_key.pem'}
>>> metadata.to_json_file(file_path = 'oci://bucket_name@namespace/folder_name/metadata_taxonomy.json', storage_options=storage_options)
>>> metadata_item.to_json_file("path/to/local/folder/metadata_taxonomy.json")

Serializes model metadata into a YAML.


The model metadata in a YAML representation.

Return type:


validate() bool[source]

Validates model metadata.


True if metadata is valid.

Return type:


validate_size() bool[source]

Validates model metadata size.

Validates the size of metadata. Throws an error if the size of the metadata exceeds expected value.


True if metadata size is valid.

Return type:



MetadataSizeTooLarge – If the size of the metadata exceeds expected value.

class ads.model.model_metadata.ModelMetadataItem[source]

Bases: ABC

The base abstract class representing model metadata item.

to_dict(self) Dict[source]

Serializes model metadata item to dictionary.

from_dict(cls, data: Dict) ModelMetadataItem[source]

Constructs an instance of ModelMetadataItem from a dictionary.


Serializes model metadata item to YAML.

size(self) int[source]

Returns the size of the metadata in bytes.

to_json(self) JSON[source]

Serializes metadata item to JSON.

to_json_file(self, file_path: str, storage_options: dict = None) None[source]

Saves the metadata item value to a local file or object storage.

validate(self) bool[source]

Validates metadata item.

classmethod from_dict(data: Dict) ModelMetadataItem[source]

Constructs an instance of ModelMetadataItem from a dictionary.


data (Dict) – Metadata item in a dictionary format.


An instance of model metadata item.

Return type:


size() int[source]

Returns the size of the model metadata in bytes.


The size of model metadata in bytes.

Return type:


to_dict() dict[source]

Serializes model metadata item to dictionary.


The dictionary representation of model metadata item.

Return type:



Serializes metadata item into a JSON.


The metadata item in a JSON representation.

Return type:


to_json_file(file_path: str, storage_options: dict | None = None) None[source]

Saves the metadata item value to a local file or object storage.

  • file_path (str) – The file path to store the data. “oci://bucket_name@namespace/folder_name/” “oci://bucket_name@namespace/folder_name/result.json” “path/to/local/folder” “path/to/local/folder/result.json”

  • storage_options (dict. Default None) – Parameters passed on to the backend filesystem class. Defaults to options set using DatasetFactory.set_default_storage().



Return type:




>>> metadata_item = ModelCustomMetadataItem(key="key1", value="value1")
>>> storage_options = {"config": oci.config.from_file(os.path.join("~/.oci", "config"))}
>>> storage_options
{'log_requests': False,
    'additional_user_agent': '',
    'pass_phrase': None,
    'user': '<user-id>',
    'fingerprint': '05:15:2b:b1:46:8a:32:ec:e2:69:5b:32:01:**:**:**)',
    'tenancy': '<tenency-id>',
    'region': 'us-ashburn-1',
    'key_file': '/home/datascience/.oci/oci_api_key.pem'}
>>> metadata_item.to_json_file(file_path = 'oci://bucket_name@namespace/folder_name/file.json', storage_options=storage_options)
>>> metadata_item.to_json_file("path/to/local/folder/file.json")

Serializes model metadata item to YAML.


The model metadata item in a YAML representation.

Return type:


abstract validate() bool[source]

Validates metadata item.


True if validation passed.

Return type:


class ads.model.model_metadata.ModelProvenanceMetadata(repo: str | None = None, git_branch: str | None = None, git_commit: str | None = None, repository_url: str | None = None, training_script_path: str | None = None, training_id: str | None = None, artifact_dir: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: DataClassSerializable

ModelProvenanceMetadata class.


>>> provenance_metadata = ModelProvenanceMetadata.fetch_training_code_details()
ModelProvenanceMetadata(repo=<git.repo.base.Repo '/home/datascience/.git'>, git_branch='master', git_commit='99ad04c31803f1d4ffcc3bf4afbd6bcf69a06af2', repository_url='file:///home/datascience', "", "")
>>> provenance_metadata.assert_path_not_dirty("your_path", ignore=False)
artifact_dir: str = None
assert_path_not_dirty(path: str, ignore: bool)[source]

Checks if all the changes in this path has been commited.

  • path ((str)) – path.

  • (bool) (ignore) – whether to ignore the changes or not.


ChangesNotCommitted – if there are changes not being commited.:



Return type:


classmethod fetch_training_code_details(training_script_path: str | None = None, training_id: str | None = None, artifact_dir: str | None = None)[source]

Fetches the training code details: repo, git_branch, git_commit, repository_url, training_script_path and training_id.

  • training_script_path ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – Training script path.

  • training_id ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The training OCID for model.

  • artifact_dir (str) – artifact directory to store the files needed for deployment.


A ModelProvenanceMetadata instance.

Return type:


classmethod from_dict(data: Dict[str, str]) ModelProvenanceMetadata[source]

Constructs an instance of ModelProvenanceMetadata from a dictionary.


data (Dict[str,str]) – Model provenance metadata in dictionary format.


An instance of ModelProvenanceMetadata.

Return type:


git_branch: str = None
git_commit: str = None
repo: str = None
repository_url: str = None
to_dict() dict[source]

Serializes model provenance metadata into a dictionary.


The dictionary representation of the model provenance metadata.

Return type:


training_id: str = None
training_script_path: str = None
class ads.model.model_metadata.ModelTaxonomyMetadata[source]

Bases: ModelMetadata

Class that represents Model Taxonomy Metadata.

get(self, key: str) ModelTaxonomyMetadataItem

Returns the model metadata item by provided key.

reset(self) None

Resets all model metadata items to empty values.

to_dataframe(self) pd.DataFrame[source]

Returns the model metadata list in a data frame format.

size(self) int

Returns the size of the model metadata in bytes.

validate(self) bool

Validates metadata.


Serializes model metadata into a dictionary.

from_dict(cls) ModelTaxonomyMetadata[source]

Constructs model metadata from dictionary.


Serializes model metadata into a YAML.


Serializes model metadata into a JSON.

to_json_file(self, file_path: str, storage_options: dict = None) None

Saves the metadata to a local file or object storage.


>>> metadata_taxonomy = ModelTaxonomyMetadata()
>>> metadata_taxonomy.to_dataframe()
                Key                   Value
0        UseCaseType   binary_classification
1          Framework                 sklearn
2   FrameworkVersion                   0.2.2
3          Algorithm               algorithm
4    Hyperparameters                      {}
>>> metadata_taxonomy.reset()
>>> metadata_taxonomy.to_dataframe()
                Key                    Value
0        UseCaseType                    None
1          Framework                    None
2   FrameworkVersion                    None
3          Algorithm                    None
4    Hyperparameters                    None
>>> metadata_taxonomy
    - key: UseCaseType
      category: None
      description: None
      value: None

Initializes Model Metadata.

classmethod from_dict(data: Dict) ModelTaxonomyMetadata[source]

Constructs an instance of ModelTaxonomyMetadata from a dictionary.


data (Dict) – Model metadata in a dictionary format.


An instance of model taxonomy metadata.

Return type:



ValueError – In case of the wrong input data format.

to_dataframe() DataFrame[source]

Returns the model metadata list in a data frame format.


The model metadata in a dataframe format.

Return type:


class ads.model.model_metadata.ModelTaxonomyMetadataItem(key: str, value: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: ModelMetadataItem

Class that represents model taxonomy metadata item.


The model metadata item key.




The model metadata item value.



reset(self) None[source]

Resets model metadata item.

to_dict(self) Dict

Serializes model metadata item to dictionary.

from_dict(cls) ModelTaxonomyMetadataItem

Constructs model metadata item from dictionary.


Serializes model metadata item to YAML.

size(self) int

Returns the size of the metadata in bytes.

update(self, value: str = '') None[source]

Updates metadata item information.

to_json(self) JSON

Serializes metadata item into a JSON.

to_json_file(self, file_path: str, storage_options: dict = None) None

Saves the metadata item value to a local file or object storage.

validate(self) bool[source]

Validates metadata item.

property key: str
reset() None[source]

Resets model metadata item.

Resets value to None.



Return type:


update(value: str) None[source]

Updates metadata item value.


value (str) – The value of model metadata item.



Return type:


validate() bool[source]

Validates metadata item.


True if validation passed.

Return type:



ValueError – If invalid UseCaseType provided. If invalid Framework provided.

property value: str
class ads.model.model_metadata.UseCaseType[source]

Bases: str

ANOMALY_DETECTION = 'anomaly_detection'
BINARY_CLASSIFICATION = 'binary_classification'
CLUSTERING = 'clustering'
DIMENSIONALITY_REDUCTION = 'dimensionality_reduction/representation'
IMAGE_CLASSIFICATION = 'image_classification'
MULTINOMIAL_CLASSIFICATION = 'multinomial_classification'
NER = 'ner'
OBJECT_LOCALIZATION = 'object_localization'
OTHER = 'other'
RECOMMENDER = 'recommender'
REGRESSION = 'regression'
SENTIMENT_ANALYSIS = 'sentiment_analysis'
TIME_SERIES_FORECASTING = 'time_series_forecasting'
TOPIC_MODELING = 'topic_modeling'

ads.model.model_metadata_mixin module

class ads.model.model_metadata_mixin.MetadataMixin[source]

Bases: object

MetadataMixin class which populates the custom metadata, taxonomy metadata, input/output schema and provenance metadata.

populate_metadata(use_case_type: str | None = None, data_sample: ADSData | None = None, X_sample: list | tuple | DataFrame | Series | ndarray | None = None, y_sample: list | tuple | DataFrame | Series | ndarray | None = None, training_script_path: str | None = None, training_id: str | None = None, ignore_pending_changes: bool = True, max_col_num: int = 2000, ignore_conda_error: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Populates input schema and output schema. If the schema exceeds the limit of 32kb, save as json files to the artifact directory.

  • use_case_type ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The use case type of the model.

  • data_sample ((ADSData, optional). Defaults to None.) – A sample of the data that will be used to generate intput_schema and output_schema.

  • X_sample (Union[list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]. Defaults to None.) – A sample of input data that will be used to generate input schema.

  • y_sample (Union[list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]. Defaults to None.) – A sample of output data that will be used to generate output schema.

  • training_script_path (str. Defaults to None.) – Training script path.

  • training_id ((str, optional). Defaults to None.) – The training model OCID.

  • ignore_pending_changes (bool. Defaults to False.) – Ignore the pending changes in git.

  • max_col_num ((int, optional). Defaults to utils.DATA_SCHEMA_MAX_COL_NUM.) – The maximum number of columns allowed in auto generated schema.



Return type:


populate_schema(data_sample: ADSData | None = None, X_sample: List | Tuple | DataFrame | Series | ndarray | None = None, y_sample: List | Tuple | DataFrame | Series | ndarray | None = None, max_col_num: int = 2000, **kwargs)[source]

Populate input and output schemas. If the schema exceeds the limit of 32kb, save as json files to the artifact dir.

  • data_sample (ADSData) – A sample of the data that will be used to generate input_schema and output_schema.

  • X_sample (Union[list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]) – A sample of input data that will be used to generate the input schema.

  • y_sample (Union[list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame]) – A sample of output data that will be used to generate the output schema.

  • max_col_num ((int, optional). Defaults to utils.DATA_SCHEMA_MAX_COL_NUM.) – The maximum number of columns allowed in auto generated schema.

ads.model.model_properties module

class ads.model.model_properties.ModelProperties(inference_conda_env: str | None = None, inference_python_version: str | None = None, training_conda_env: str | None = None, training_python_version: str | None = None, training_resource_id: str | None = None, training_script_path: str | None = None, training_id: str | None = None, compartment_id: str | None = None, project_id: str | None = None, bucket_uri: str | None = None, remove_existing_artifact: bool | None = None, overwrite_existing_artifact: bool | None = None, deployment_instance_shape: str | None = None, deployment_instance_subnet_id: str | None = None, deployment_instance_private_endpoint_id: str | None = None, deployment_instance_count: int | None = None, deployment_bandwidth_mbps: int | None = None, deployment_log_group_id: str | None = None, deployment_access_log_id: str | None = None, deployment_predict_log_id: str | None = None, deployment_memory_in_gbs: float | int | None = None, deployment_ocpus: float | int | None = None, deployment_image: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: BaseProperties

Represents properties required to save and deploy model.

bucket_uri: str = None
compartment_id: str = None
deployment_access_log_id: str = None
deployment_bandwidth_mbps: int = None
deployment_image: str = None
deployment_instance_count: int = None
deployment_instance_private_endpoint_id: str = None
deployment_instance_shape: str = None
deployment_instance_subnet_id: str = None
deployment_log_group_id: str = None
deployment_memory_in_gbs: float | int = None
deployment_ocpus: float | int = None
deployment_predict_log_id: str = None
inference_conda_env: str = None
inference_python_version: str = None
overwrite_existing_artifact: bool = None
project_id: str = None
remove_existing_artifact: bool = None
training_conda_env: str = None
training_id: str = None
training_python_version: str = None
training_resource_id: str = None
training_script_path: str = None

ads.model.model_version_set module

class ads.model.model_version_set.ModelVersionSet(spec: Dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Builder

Represents Model Version Set.


Model version set OCID.




Project OCID.




Compartment OCID.




Model version set name.




Model version set description.




Model version set freeform tags.


Dict[str, str]


Model version set defined tags.


Dict[str, Dict[str, object]]

Link to details page in OCI console.



create(self, \*\*kwargs) 'ModelVersionSet'[source]

Creates a model version set.

update(self, \*\*kwargs) 'ModelVersionSet'[source]

Updates a model version set.

delete(self, delete_model: bool | None = False) "ModelVersionSet":[source]

Removes a model version set.

to_dict(self) dict[source]

Serializes model version set to a dictionary.

from_id(cls, id: str) 'ModelVersionSet'[source]

Gets an existing model version set by OCID.

from_ocid(cls, ocid: str) 'ModelVersionSet'[source]

Gets an existing model version set by OCID.

from_name(cls, name: str) 'ModelVersionSet'[source]

Gets an existing model version set by name.

from_dict(cls, config: dict) 'ModelVersionSet'[source]

Load a model version set instance from a dictionary of configurations.


>>> mvs = (ModelVersionSet()
...    .with_compartment_id(os.environ["PROJECT_COMPARTMENT_OCID"])
...    .with_project_id(os.environ["PROJECT_OCID"])
...    .with_name("test_experiment")
...    .with_description("Experiment number one"))
>>> mvs.create()
>>> mvs.model_add(model_ocid, version_label="Version label 1")
>>> mvs.model_list()
>>> mvs.details_link
... https://console.<region><ocid>
>>> mvs.delete()

Initializes a model version set.

  • spec ((Dict, optional). Defaults to None.) – Object specification.

  • kwargs (Dict) –

    Specification as keyword arguments. If ‘spec’ contains the same key as the one in kwargs, the value from kwargs will be used.

    • project_id: str

    • compartment_id: str

    • name: str

    • description: str

    • defined_tags: Dict[str, Dict[str, object]]

    • freeform_tags: Dict[str, str]

CONST_COMPARTMENT_ID = 'compartmentId'
CONST_DEFINED_TAG = 'definedTags'
CONST_DESCRIPTION = 'description'
CONST_FREEFORM_TAG = 'freeformTags'
CONST_ID = 'id'
CONST_NAME = 'name'
CONST_PROJECT_ID = 'projectId'
attribute_map = {'compartmentId': 'compartment_id', 'definedTags': 'defined_tags', 'description': 'description', 'freeformTags': 'freeform_tags', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'projectId': 'project_id'}
property compartment_id: str
create(**kwargs) ModelVersionSet[source]

Creates a model version set.


kwargs – Additional keyword arguments.


The ModelVersionSet instance (self)

Return type:


property defined_tags: Dict[str, Dict[str, object]]