Source code for ads.common.model

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2020, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

from distutils import dir_util
import os
import shutil
from import Iterable

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ads.common import logger, utils
from ads.common.model_export_util import (
from ads.model.transformer.onnx_transformer import ONNXTransformer
from ads.common.decorator.runtime_dependency import (
from ads.common.decorator.deprecate import deprecated
from ads.common.utils import is_notebook
from ads.dataset.pipeline import TransformerPipeline
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

Unsupported_Model_Types = []
NoTransformModels = ["torch", "tensorflow", "keras", "automl"]

[docs] class ADSModel(object): def __init__( self, est, target=None, transformer_pipeline=None, client=None, booster=None, classes=None, name=None, ): """ Construct an ADSModel Parameters ---------- est: fitted estimator object The estimator can be a standard sklearn estimator, a keras, lightgbm, or xgboost estimator, or any other object that implement methods from (BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin) for regression or (BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin) for classification. target: PandasSeries The target column you are using in your dataset, this is assigned as the "y" attribute. transformer_pipeline: TransformerPipeline A custom trasnformer pipeline object. client: Str Currently unused. booster: Str Currently unused. classes: list, optional List of target classes. Required for classification problem if the est does not contain classes_ attribute. name: str, optional Name of the model. """ self.est = est if utils.is_same_class(transformer_pipeline, Pipeline): self.transformer_pipeline = TransformerPipeline(transformer_pipeline.steps) elif isinstance(transformer_pipeline, list): self.transformer_pipeline = TransformerPipeline(transformer_pipeline) else: self.transformer_pipeline = transformer_pipeline = target if classes is not None: self.classes_ = classes = ( name if name is not None else str(est) ) # Let the estimator define its own representation # These parameters make sense for dask_xgboost self.client = client self.booster = booster self._get_underlying_model_type()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_estimator(est, transformers=None, classes=None, name=None): """ Build ADSModel from a fitted estimator Parameters ---------- est: fitted estimator object The estimator can be a standard sklearn estimator or any object that implement methods from (BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin) for regression or (BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin) for classification. transformers: a scalar or an iterable of objects implementing transform function, optional The transform function would be applied on data before calling predict and predict_proba on estimator. classes: list, optional List of target classes. Required for classification problem if the est does not contain classes_ attribute. name: str, optional Name of the model. Returns ------- model: ads.common.model.ADSModel Examples -------- >>> model = MyModelClass.train() >>> model_ads = from_estimator(model) """ if hasattr(est, "predict"): return ADSModel( est, transformer_pipeline=transformers, classes=classes, name=name ) elif callable(est): return ADSModel( est, transformer_pipeline=transformers, classes=classes, name=name )
# determine if the model is one of the common types without importing all of the libraries def _get_underlying_model_type(self): # WARNING!! Do not change the order. Particularly, sklearn must be last, as many classes extend sklearn model_bases = utils.get_base_modules(self.est) # should we be going past the first pkg name?? if any([str(x)[:15] == "<class 'automl." for x in model_bases]): self._underlying_model = ( "automl" # always has "automl.interface.pipeline.Pipeline" ? ) elif any([str(x)[:12] == "<class 'h2o." for x in model_bases]): self._underlying_model = ( "h2o" # always has "h2o.model.model_base.ModelBase" ? ) elif any([str(x)[:17] == "<class 'lightgbm." for x in model_bases]): self._underlying_model = ( "lightgbm" # either "lightgbm.sklearn.LGBMModel" or "lightgbm.Booster" ) elif any([str(x)[:16] == "<class 'xgboost." for x in model_bases]): self._underlying_model = ( "xgboost" # always has "xgboost.sklearn.XGBModel" or "xgboost." ) elif any([str(x)[:14] == "<class 'torch." for x in model_bases]): self._underlying_model = "torch" # "torch.nn.modules.module.Module" elif any([str(x)[:14] == "<class 'mxnet." for x in model_bases]): self._underlying_model = "mxnet" elif any([str(x)[:19] == "<class 'tensorflow." for x in model_bases]): self._underlying_model = ( "tensorflow" # "tensorflow.python.module.module.Module" ) if any( [str(x)[:32] == "<class 'tensorflow.python.keras." for x in model_bases] ): self._underlying_model = "keras" elif any([str(x)[:13] == "<class 'pyod." for x in model_bases]): self._underlying_model = "pyod" # always has pyod.models.base.BaseDetector elif any([str(x)[:16] == "<class 'sklearn." for x in model_bases]): self._underlying_model = ( "sklearn" # always has "sklearn.base.BaseEstimator" ) else: self._underlying_model = "Unknown" return
[docs] def rename(self, name): """ Changes the name of a model Parameters ---------- name: str A string which is supplied for naming a model. """ = name
[docs] @deprecated( "2.6.6", details="Use framework specific Model utility class for saving and deploying model. Check", ) def predict(self, X): """ Runs the models predict function on some data Parameters ---------- X: ADSData A ADSData object which holds the examples to be predicted on. Returns ------- Union[List, pandas.Series], depending on the estimator Usually a list or PandasSeries of predictions """ X = self.transform(X) if self._underlying_model in ["torch"]: return self.est(X) if self.client is not None and self.booster is not None: return self.est.predict(self.client, self.booster, X).persist() else: return self.est.predict(X)
# For callable estimators, this will be more natural for ADSModel to support __call__ = predict
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): """ Runs the models predict probabilities function on some data Parameters ---------- X: ADSData A ADSData object which holds the examples to be predicted on. Returns ------- Union[List, pandas.Series], depending on the estimator Usually a list or PandasSeries of predictions """ X = self.transform(X) if self._underlying_model in ["torch"]: return self.est(X) if self.client is not None and self.booster is not None: return self.est.predict_proba(self.client, self.booster, X).persist() else: return self.est.predict_proba(X)
[docs] @deprecated( "2.6.6", details="Use framework specific Model utility class for saving and deploying model. Check", ) def score(self, X, y_true, score_fn=None): """ Scores a model according to a custom score function Parameters ---------- X: ADSData A ADSData object which holds the examples to be predicted on. y_true: ADSData A ADSData object which holds ground truth labels for the examples which are being predicted on. score_fn: Scorer (callable) A callable object that returns a score, usually created with sklearn.metrics.make_scorer(). Returns ------- float, depending on the estimator Almost always a scalar score (usually a float). """ X = self.transform(X) if score_fn: return score_fn(self, X, y_true) else: assert hasattr(self.est, "score"), ( f"Could not find a score function for estimator of type: " f"{self._underlying_model}. Pass in your desired scoring " f"function to score_fn " ) if self.client is not None and self.booster is not None: return self.est.score(self.client, self.booster, X, y_true).persist() else: return self.est.score(X, y_true)
[docs] @deprecated( "2.6.6", details="Use framework specific Model utility class for saving and deploying model. Check", ) def summary(self): """ A summary of the ADSModel """ print(self)
def __repr__(self): if self._underlying_model == "automl": framework = self.est.pipeline.trained_model.__class__.__module__ est = self.est.selected_model_ params = self.est.selected_model_params_ else: framework = self.est.__class__.__module__ est = self.est.__class__.__name__ params = self.est.get_params() if hasattr(self.est, "get_params") else None return ( "Framework: %s\n" % framework + "Estimator class: %s\n" % est + "Model Parameters: %s\n" % params ) def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(self.est, item)
[docs] @deprecated( "2.6.6", details="Use framework specific Model utility class for saving and deploying model. Check", ) def transform(self, X): """ Process some ADSData through the selected ADSModel transformers Parameters ---------- X: ADSData A ADSData object which holds the examples to be transformed. """ if hasattr(X, "copy"): X = X.copy() if self.transformer_pipeline is not None: transformer_pipeline = self.transformer_pipeline if not isinstance(transformer_pipeline, Iterable): transformer_pipeline = [self.transformer_pipeline] for transformer in transformer_pipeline: try: X = transformer.transform(X) except Exception as e: pass # logger.warn("Skipping pre-processing.") if is not None and in X.columns: X = X.drop(, axis=1) return X
[docs] def is_classifier(self): """ Returns True if ADS believes that the model is a classifier Returns ------- Boolean: True if the model is a classifier, False otherwise. """ return hasattr(self, "classes_") and self.classes_ is not None
[docs] @deprecated( "2.6.6", details="Use framework specific Model utility class for saving and deploying model. Check", ) def feature_names(self, X=None): model_type = self._underlying_model if model_type == "sklearn": return X.columns elif model_type == "automl": return self.est.selected_features_names_ elif model_type == "lightgbm": try: return self.est.feature_name() except AttributeError: return X.columns elif model_type == "torch": return [] elif model_type == "xgboost": try: return self.est.feature_name() except AttributeError: return X.columns elif model_type == "tensorflow": return [] elif model_type == "keras": return [] elif model_type == "mxnet": return [] else: try: return self.est.feature_names() except: logger.warning( f"Could not find a model of type {model_type}. Therefore, " f"there are no `feature_names`." ) return []
def _onnx_data_transformer(self, X, impute_values={}, **kwargs): if self._underlying_model in NoTransformModels: return X try: if hasattr(self, "onnx_data_preprocessor") and isinstance( self.onnx_data_preprocessor, ONNXTransformer ): return self.onnx_data_preprocessor.transform(X=X) self.onnx_data_preprocessor = ONNXTransformer() return self.onnx_data_preprocessor.fit_transform( X=X, impute_values=impute_values ) except Exception as e: print(f"Warning: Onnx Data Transformation was unsuccessful with error: {e}") raise e def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state
[docs] @deprecated( "2.6.6", details="Use framework specific Model utility class for saving and deploying model. Check", ) def prepare( self, target_dir=None, data_sample=None, X_sample=None, y_sample=None, include_data_sample=False, force_overwrite=False, fn_artifact_files_included=False, fn_name="model_api", inference_conda_env=None, data_science_env=False, ignore_deployment_error=False, use_case_type=None, inference_python_version=None, imputed_values={}, **kwargs, ): """ Prepare model artifact directory to be published to model catalog Parameters ---------- target_dir : str, default:[:12] Target directory under which the model artifact files need to be added data_sample : ADSData Note: This format is preferable to X_sample and y_sample. A sample of the test data that will be provided to predict() API of scoring script Used to generate schema_input.json and schema_output.json which defines the input and output formats X_sample : pandas.DataFrame A sample of input data that will be provided to predict() API of scoring script Used to generate schema.json which defines the input formats y_sample : pandas.Series A sample of output data that is expected to be returned by predict() API of scoring script, corresponding to X_sample Used to generate schema_output.json which defines the output formats force_overwrite : bool, default: False If True, overwrites the target directory if exists already fn_artifact_files_included : bool, default: True If True, generates artifacts to export a model as a function without ads dependency fn_name : str, default: 'model_api' Required parameter if fn_artifact_files_included parameter is setup. inference_conda_env : str, default: None Conda environment to use within the model deployment service for inferencing data_science_env : bool, default: False If set to True, datascience environment represented by the slug in the training conda environment will be used. ignore_deployment_error : bool, default: False If set to True, the prepare will ignore all the errors that may impact model deployment use_case_type: str The use case type of the model. Use it through UserCaseType class or string provided in UseCaseType. For example, use_case_type=UseCaseType.BINARY_CLASSIFICATION or use_case_type="binary_classification". Check with UseCaseType class to see all supported types. inference_python_version: str, default:None. If provided will be added to the generated runtime yaml **kwargs -------- max_col_num: (int, optional). Defaults to utils.DATA_SCHEMA_MAX_COL_NUM. The maximum column size of the data that allows to auto generate schema. Returns ------- model_artifact: an instance of `ModelArtifact` that can be used to test the generated scoring script """ if include_data_sample: logger.warning( f"Parameter `include_data_sample` is deprecated and removed in future releases. " f"Data sample is not saved. You can manually save the data sample to {target_dir}." ) # Add 2 for model and schema (Artifact Directory gets skipped in prepare_generic when progress is passed in). ProgressStepsWFn = Progress_Steps_W_Fn + 1 ProgressStepsWoFn = Progress_Steps_Wo_Fn + 1 if target_dir is None: f"Using the default directory {[:12]} " f"to create the model artifact. Use `target_dir` to specify a directory." ) can_generate_fn_files = ( fn_artifact_files_included and self._underlying_model not in Unsupported_Model_Types ) assert data_sample is not None or X_sample is not None, ( "You must provide a data sample to infer the input and output data types" " which are used when converting the the model to an equivalent onnx model. " "This can be done as an ADSData object with " "the parameter `data_sample`, or as X and y samples " "to X_sample and y_sample respectively. " ) with utils.get_progress_bar( ProgressStepsWFn if can_generate_fn_files else ProgressStepsWoFn ) as progress: progress.update("Preparing Model Artifact Directory") if os.path.exists(target_dir): if not force_overwrite: raise ValueError("Directory already exists, set force to overwrite") os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True) # Bring in model-ignore file shutil.copyfile( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "artifact/.model-ignore", ), os.path.join(target_dir, ".model-ignore"), ) dir_util._path_created = {} progress.update("Serializing model") # Transform the data to be onnx-ready X_sample = ( data_sample.X if X_sample is None and data_sample is not None else X_sample ) y_sample = ( data_sample.y if y_sample is None and data_sample is not None else y_sample ) X_trans = self._onnx_data_transformer( X=X_sample, imputed_values=imputed_values ) model_kwargs = serialize_model( model=self, target_dir=target_dir, X=X_trans, y=y_sample, model_type=self._underlying_model, ) max_col_num = kwargs.get("max_col_num", utils.DATA_SCHEMA_MAX_COL_NUM) if self._underlying_model not in NoTransformModels: try: os.path.join(target_dir, "onnx_data_transformer.json") ) except Exception as e: logger.error( f"Unable to serialize the data transformer due to: {e}." ) raise e if model_kwargs.get("serializer", "") != "onnx": model_kwargs["model_libs"] = utils.extract_lib_dependencies_from_model( self.est ) model_kwargs["underlying_model"] = self._underlying_model model_kwargs["progress"] = progress model_kwargs["inference_conda_env"] = inference_conda_env model_kwargs["data_science_env"] = data_science_env model_kwargs["ignore_deployment_error"] = ignore_deployment_error model_kwargs["use_case_type"] = use_case_type model_kwargs["max_col_num"] = max_col_num model_artifact = prepare_generic_model( target_dir, model=self.est, data_sample=data_sample, X_sample=X_sample, y_sample=y_sample, fn_artifact_files_included=fn_artifact_files_included, fn_name=fn_name, force_overwrite=force_overwrite, inference_python_version=inference_python_version, **model_kwargs, ) try: model_file_name = ( "model.pkl" if self._underlying_model == "automl" else "model.onnx" ) model_artifact.reload(model_file_name=model_file_name) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) msg = ( "\nWARNING: Validation using scoring script failed. Update the inference script(" " as required. " ) print("\033[93m" + msg + "\033[0m") # __pycache__ was created during model_artifact.reload() above if os.path.exists(os.path.join(target_dir, "__pycache__")): shutil.rmtree( os.path.join(target_dir, "__pycache__"), ignore_errors=True ) return model_artifact
[docs] def visualize_transforms(self): """ A graph of the ADSModel transformer pipeline. It is only supported in JupyterLabs Notebooks. """ self.transformer_pipeline.visualize()
[docs] @runtime_dependency(module="IPython", install_from=OptionalDependency.NOTEBOOK) def show_in_notebook(self): """ Describe the model by showing it's properties """ # ['Is Regression', self.est.is_regression], if self._underlying_model == "automl": info = [ ["Model Name",], ["Target Variable",], ["Selected Algorithm", self.est.selected_model_], ["Task", self.est.task], ["Training Dataset Size", self.est.train_shape_], ["CV", self.est.cv_], ["Optimization Metric", self.est.score_metric], ["Selected Hyperparameters", self.est.selected_model_params_], ["Initial Number of Features", self.est.train_shape_[1]], ["Initial Features", self.est.pipeline.orig_feature_names], ["Selected Number of Features", len(self.est.selected_features_names_)], ["Selected Features", self.est.selected_features_names_], ] else: info = [ ["Model Name",], [ "Target Variable", if is not None else "not available from estimator", ], [ "Selected Hyperparameters", self.est.get_params() if hasattr(self.est, "get_params") else None, ], ["Framework", self.est.__class__.__module__], ["Estimator Class", self.est.__class__.__name__], [ "Contained Estimator", self.est.est.__class__.__name__ if hasattr(self.est, "est") else None, ], ] info_df = pd.DataFrame(info) if is_notebook(): with pd.option_context( "display.max_colwidth", 1000, "display.width", None, "display.precision", 4, ): from IPython.core.display import HTML, display display(HTML(info_df.to_html(index=False, header=False))) return info
[docs] @staticmethod @runtime_dependency(module="skl2onnx", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) def get_init_types(df, underlying_model=None): from skl2onnx.common.data_types import FloatTensorType if underlying_model == "sklearn": n_cols = len(df.columns) return [("input", FloatTensorType([None, n_cols]))], {"type": np.float32} return [], {}
[docs] @staticmethod @runtime_dependency(module="skl2onnx", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) def convert_dataframe_schema(df, drop=None): from skl2onnx.common.data_types import ( FloatTensorType, Int64TensorType, StringTensorType, ) inputs = [] for k, v in zip(df.columns, df.dtypes): if drop is not None and k in drop: continue if v == "int64": t = Int64TensorType([1, 1]) elif v == "float64": t = FloatTensorType([1, 1]) else: t = StringTensorType([1, 1]) inputs.append((k, t)) return inputs