Source code for ads.common.model_export_util

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2020, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
import warnings

        "The `ads.common.model_export_util` is deprecated in `oracle-ads 2.6.9` and will be removed in `oracle-ads 3.0`. "
        "Use framework specific Model utility class for saving and deploying model. "

import json
import logging
import os
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, Union

import cloudpickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ads.common import logger, utils
from import ADSData
from ads.common.decorator.runtime_dependency import (
from ads.common.decorator.deprecate import deprecated
from ads.common.function.fn_util import (
from ads.common.model_artifact import ModelArtifact
from ads.model.model_metadata import UseCaseType
from ads.feature_engineering.schema import DataSizeTooWide
from pkg_resources import DistributionNotFound, get_distribution

from ads.model.transformer.onnx_transformer import (
)  # Do not remove this line till ADS 3.0 wll be deployed.

pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None

logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)
logger = logging.getLogger("ADS")

OnnxConvertibleModels = [
NoVerifyModels = ["automl", "torch", "mxnet", "lightgbm", "xgboost"]
AlreadyWrittenModels = ["torch", "mxnet", "automl"]
TransformableData = ["automl"]
Progress_Steps_W_Fn = 6
Progress_Steps_Wo_Fn = 4

[docs] @deprecated( "2.6.6", details="Use framework specific Model utility class for saving and deploying model. Check", ) def prepare_generic_model( model_path: str, fn_artifact_files_included: bool = False, fn_name: str = "model_api", force_overwrite: bool = False, model: Any = None, data_sample: ADSData = None, use_case_type=None, X_sample: Union[ list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, ] = None, y_sample: Union[ list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, ] = None, **kwargs, ) -> ModelArtifact: """ Generates template files to aid model deployment. The model could be accompanied by other artifacts all of which can be dumped at `model_path`. Following files are generated: * func.yaml * * requirements.txt * Parameters ---------- model_path : str Path where the artifacts must be saved. The serialized model object and any other associated files/objects must be saved in the `model_path` directory fn_artifact_files_included : bool Default is False, if turned off, function artifacts are not generated. fn_name : str Opional parameter to specify the function name force_overwrite : bool Opional parameter to specify if the model_artifact should overwrite the existing model_path (if it exists) model : (Any, optional). Defaults to None. This is an optional model object which is only used to extract taxonomy metadata. Supported models: automl, keras, lightgbm, pytorch, sklearn, tensorflow, and xgboost. If the model is not under supported frameworks, then extracting taxonomy metadata will be skipped. The alternative way is using `atifact.populate_metadata(model=model, usecase_type=UseCaseType.REGRESSION)`. data_sample : ADSData A sample of the test data that will be provided to predict() API of scoring script Used to generate schema_input and schema_output use_case_type: str The use case type of the model X_sample : Union[list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, dask.dataframe.core.Series, dask.dataframe.core.DataFrame] A sample of input data that will be provided to predict() API of scoring script Used to generate input schema. y_sample : Union[list, tuple, pd.Series, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, dask.dataframe.core.Series, dask.dataframe.core.DataFrame] A sample of output data that is expected to be returned by predict() API of scoring script, corresponding to X_sample Used to generate output schema. **kwargs ________ data_science_env : bool, default: False If set to True, the datascience environment represented by the slug in the training conda environment will be used. inference_conda_env : str, default: None Conda environment to use within the model deployment service for inferencing. For example, oci://bucketname@namespace/path/to/conda/env ignore_deployment_error : bool, default: False If set to True, the prepare method will ignore all the errors that may impact model deployment. underlying_model : str, default: 'UNKNOWN' Underlying Model Type, could be "automl", "sklearn", "h2o", "lightgbm", "xgboost", "torch", "mxnet", "tensorflow", "keras", "pyod" and etc. model_libs : dict, default: {} Model required libraries where the key is the library names and the value is the library versions. For example, {numpy: 1.21.1}. progress : int, default: None max number of progress. inference_python_version: str, default:None. If provided will be added to the generated runtime yaml max_col_num: (int, optional). Defaults to utils.DATA_SCHEMA_MAX_COL_NUM. The maximum column size of the data that allows to auto generate schema. Examples -------- >>> import cloudpickle >>> import os >>> from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression >>> from sklearn.datasets import make_classification >>> import ads >>> from ads.common.model_export_util import prepare_generic_model >>> import yaml >>> import oci >>> >>> ads.set_auth('api_key', oci_config_location=oci.config.DEFAULT_LOCATION, profile='DEFAULT') >>> model_artifact_location = os.path.expanduser('~/myusecase/model/') >>> inference_conda_env="oci://my-bucket@namespace/conda_environments/cpu/Data_Exploration_and_Manipulation_for_CPU_Python_3.7/2.0/dataexpl_p37_cpu_v2" >>> inference_python_version = "3.7" >>> if not os.path.exists(model_artifact_location): ... os.makedirs(model_artifact_location) >>> X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100, n_features=20, n_classes=2) >>> lrmodel = LogisticRegression().fit(X, y) >>> with open(os.path.join(model_artifact_location, 'model.pkl'), "wb") as mfile: ... cloudpickle.dump(lrmodel, mfile) >>> modelartifact = prepare_generic_model( ... model_artifact_location, ... model = lrmodel, ... force_overwrite=True, ... inference_conda_env=inference_conda_env, ... ignore_deployment_error=True, ... inference_python_version=inference_python_version ... ) >>> modelartifact.reload() # Call reload to update the ModelArtifact object with the generated >>> assert len(modelartifact.predict(X[:5])['prediction']) == 5 #Test the generated works. This may require customization. >>> with open(os.path.join(model_artifact_location, "runtime.yaml")) as rf: ... content = yaml.load(rf, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) ... assert content['MODEL_DEPLOYMENT']['INFERENCE_CONDA_ENV']['INFERENCE_ENV_PATH'] == inference_conda_env ... assert content['MODEL_DEPLOYMENT']['INFERENCE_CONDA_ENV']['INFERENCE_PYTHON_VERSION'] == inference_python_version >>> # Save Model to model artifact >>> ocimodel = ... project_id="oci1......", # OCID of the project to which the model to be associated ... compartment_id="oci1......", # OCID of the compartment where the model will reside ... display_name="LRModel_01", ... description="My Logistic Regression Model", ... ignore_pending_changes=True, ... timeout=100, ... ignore_introspection=True, ... ) >>> print(f"The OCID of the model is: {}") Returns ------- model_artifact: ads.model_artifact.model_artifact A generic model artifact """ if "function_artifacts" in kwargs: if ( fn_artifact_files_included or fn_artifact_files_included != kwargs["function_artifacts"] ): raise ValueError( "Parameter 'function_artifacts' and 'fn_artifact_files_included' cannot be used at " "the same time. Parameter 'function_artifacts' is deprecated and removed in future releases." ) else: logger.warning( "Parameter 'function_artifacts' is deprecated and removed in future releases. Use 'fn_artifact_files_included' instead." ) fn_artifact_files_included = kwargs["function_artifacts"] assert model_path, "Required folder path for saving artifacts" # If this is being called from ADSModel.prepare, grab relevant data underlying_model = kwargs.get("underlying_model", "UNKNOWN") model_libs = kwargs.get( "model_libs", {} ) # utils.extract_lib_dependencies_from_model(self.est) progress = kwargs.get("progress", None) max_col_num = kwargs.get("max_col_num", utils.DATA_SCHEMA_MAX_COL_NUM) artifact_type_generic = progress is not None from ads.common.model import ADSModel if isinstance(model, ADSModel) and underlying_model != "automl": raise ValueError( "Only generic model can be used to generate generic model artifact." ) if use_case_type and use_case_type not in UseCaseType: raise ValueError(f"Invalid usecase type. Choose from {UseCaseType.values()}") with progress if artifact_type_generic else utils.get_progress_bar( Progress_Steps_W_Fn if fn_artifact_files_included else Progress_Steps_Wo_Fn ) as progress: if not artifact_type_generic: progress.update("Preparing Model Artifact Directory") if os.path.exists(model_path): if force_overwrite: logger.warning( f"As force_overwrite is set to True, all the existing files in the {model_path} will be removed" ) else: raise ValueError( "Directory already exists, set force_overwrite to True if you wish to overwrite." ) os.makedirs(model_path, exist_ok=True) progress.update("Updating requirements.txt") if fn_artifact_files_included: # fdk removed from dependency list in pyproject.toml (fn deployments deprecated) # before we request versions we want to check if fdk installed by user # and provide support in error message, if not installed try: get_distribution("fdk") except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, DistributionNotFound): error_message = ( "fdk library not installed in current environment, it is required " "for deployment with fn. Install fdk with 'pip install fdk'." ) logger.error(str(error_message)) raise else: required_fn_libs = get_function_config()["requires"]["functions"] [ model_libs.update({lib: get_distribution(lib).version}) for lib in required_fn_libs ] required_model_libs = get_function_config()["requires"][ kwargs.get("serializer", "default") ] [ model_libs.update({lib: get_distribution(lib).version}) for lib in required_model_libs ] utils.generate_requirement_file( requirements=model_libs, file_path=model_path ) model_artifact_args = {} if "inference_conda_env" in kwargs: model_artifact_args["inference_conda_env"] = kwargs["inference_conda_env"] if "inference_python_version" in kwargs: model_artifact_args["inference_python_version"] = kwargs[ "inference_python_version" ] if "data_science_env" in kwargs: model_artifact_args["data_science_env"] = kwargs["data_science_env"] if "ignore_deployment_error" in kwargs: model_artifact_args["ignore_deployment_error"] = kwargs[ "ignore_deployment_error" ] model_artifact = ModelArtifact( model_path, reload=False, create=True, progress=progress, **model_artifact_args, ) model_kwargs = {"_underlying_model": underlying_model, "progress": progress} kwargs.update(model_kwargs) if fn_artifact_files_included: generate_fn_artifacts( model_path, fn_name, artifact_type_generic=artifact_type_generic, **kwargs, ) if progress: progress.update("Writing") write_score(model_path, **kwargs) if model is None: logger.warning( "Taxonomy metadata was not extracted. " "To auto-populate taxonomy metadata the model must be provided. " "Pass the model as a parameter to .prepare_generic_model(model=model, usecase_type=UseCaseType.REGRESSION). " "Alternative way is using atifact.populate_metadata(model=model, usecase_type=UseCaseType.REGRESSION)." ) try: model_artifact.populate_metadata(model, use_case_type) except: logger.warning("Failed to populate the custom and taxonomy metadata.") try: model_artifact.populate_schema( data_sample, X_sample, y_sample, max_col_num, ) except DataSizeTooWide: logger.warning( f"The data has too many columns and " f"the maximum allowable number of columns is `{max_col_num}`. " "The schema was not auto generated. increase allowable number of columns." ) return model_artifact
[docs] @deprecated( "2.6.6", details="Use framework specific Model utility class for saving and deploying model. Check", ) def serialize_model( model=None, target_dir=None, X=None, y=None, model_type=None, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- model : ads.Model A model to be serialized target_dir : str, optional directory to output the serialized model X : Union[pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series] The X data y : Union[list, pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series] Tbe Y data model_type : str, optional A string corresponding to the model type Returns ------- model_kwargs: Dict A dictionary of model kwargs for the serialized model """ model_kwargs = {} try: assert model_type in OnnxConvertibleModels assert X is not None, ( "WARNING: In order to convert model to onnnx format, you will need to provide a data " "sample " ) # Try to serialize the model based off of type onx = None if model_type == "sklearn": onx = _sklearn_to_onnx(model=model) elif model_type == "automl": _automl_to_pkl(model=model, target_dir=target_dir) elif model_type == "lightgbm": onx = _lightgbm_to_onnx(model=model, X=X, y=y) elif model_type == "torch": _torch_to_onnx(model=model, target_dir=target_dir, X=X, y=y) elif model_type == "xgboost": onx = _xgboost_to_onnx(model=model, X=X, y=y) elif model_type == "tensorflow": onx = _tf_to_onnx(model=model, X=X, y=y) elif model_type == "keras": onx = _keras_to_onnx(model=model, X=X, y=y) elif model_type == "mxnet": _mxnet_to_onnx(model=model, X=X, y=y) else: raise Exception( f"ADS does not have method to convert models of type: {model_type} to onnx" ) # Save the model to the target file if model_type not in AlreadyWrittenModels: with open(os.path.join(target_dir, "model.onnx"), "wb") as f: f.write(onx.SerializeToString()) # Lastly, set the necessary env variables for the remaining workflow if model_type == "automl": model_kwargs["model_name"] = "model.pkl" model_kwargs["serializer"] = "pkl" else: model_kwargs["model_name"] = "model.onnx" model_kwargs["serializer"] = "onnx" except Exception as e: logger.error( f"Failed to serialize the model as ONNX returned the error message::{e}." ) return model_kwargs
@runtime_dependency(module="skl2onnx", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) @runtime_dependency(module="onnxmltools", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) @runtime_dependency(module="onnx", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) def _sklearn_to_onnx(model=None, target_dir=None, X=None, y=None, **kwargs): from skl2onnx.common.data_types import FloatTensorType n_cols = model.est.n_features_in_ initial_types = [("input", FloatTensorType([None, n_cols]))] return onnxmltools.convert_sklearn( model.est, name=None, initial_types=initial_types, doc_string="", target_opset=None, targeted_onnx=onnx.__version__, custom_conversion_functions=None, custom_shape_calculators=None, ) def _automl_to_pkl(model=None, target_dir=None, **kwargs): with open(os.path.join(target_dir, "model.pkl"), "wb") as outfile: cloudpickle.dump(model, outfile) @runtime_dependency(module="lightgbm", install_from=OptionalDependency.BOOSTED) @runtime_dependency(module="skl2onnx", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) @runtime_dependency(module="onnxmltools", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) @runtime_dependency(module="onnx", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) def _lightgbm_to_onnx(model=None, target_dir=None, X=None, y=None, **kwargs): from skl2onnx.common.data_types import FloatTensorType in_types = [("input", FloatTensorType([None, len(X.columns)]))] if str(type(model.est)) == "<class 'sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline'>": model_est_types = [type(val[1]) for val in model.est.steps] else: model_est_types = [type(model.est)] if lightgbm.sklearn.LGBMClassifier in model_est_types: from onnxmltools.convert.lightgbm.operator_converters.LightGbm import ( convert_lightgbm, ) from skl2onnx.common.shape_calculator import ( calculate_linear_classifier_output_shapes, ) skl2onnx.update_registered_converter( lightgbm.LGBMClassifier, "LightGbmLGBMClassifier", calculate_linear_classifier_output_shapes, convert_lightgbm, options={"nocl": [True, False], "zipmap": [True, False]}, ) elif lightgbm.sklearn.LGBMRegressor in model_est_types: from onnxmltools.convert.lightgbm.operator_converters.LightGbm import ( convert_lightgbm, ) from skl2onnx.common.shape_calculator import ( calculate_linear_regressor_output_shapes, ) skl2onnx.update_registered_converter( lightgbm.LGBMRegressor, "LightGbmLGBMRegressor", calculate_linear_regressor_output_shapes, convert_lightgbm, options={"nocl": [True, False], "zipmap": [True, False]}, ) else: return onnxmltools.convert_lightgbm( model.est, name=None, initial_types=in_types, doc_string="", target_opset=None, targeted_onnx=onnx.__version__, custom_conversion_functions=None, custom_shape_calculators=None, ) return skl2onnx.convert_sklearn(model.est, initial_types=in_types) @runtime_dependency(module="xgboost", install_from=OptionalDependency.BOOSTED) @runtime_dependency(module="skl2onnx", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) @runtime_dependency(module="onnxmltools", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) @runtime_dependency(module="onnx", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) def _xgboost_to_onnx(model=None, target_dir=None, X=None, y=None, **kwargs): from skl2onnx.common.data_types import FloatTensorType in_types = [("input", FloatTensorType([None, len(X.columns)]))] if str(type(model.est)) == "<class 'sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline'>": model_est_types = [type(val[1]) for val in model.est.steps] else: model_est_types = [type(model.est)] if xgboost.sklearn.XGBClassifier in model_est_types: from onnxmltools.convert.xgboost.operator_converters.XGBoost import ( convert_xgboost, ) from skl2onnx.common.shape_calculator import ( calculate_linear_classifier_output_shapes, ) skl2onnx.update_registered_converter( xgboost.XGBClassifier, "XGBoostXGBClassifier", calculate_linear_classifier_output_shapes, convert_xgboost, options={"nocl": [True, False], "zipmap": [True, False]}, ) elif xgboost.sklearn.XGBRegressor in model_est_types: from onnxmltools.convert.xgboost.operator_converters.XGBoost import ( convert_xgboost, ) from skl2onnx.common.shape_calculator import ( calculate_linear_regressor_output_shapes, ) skl2onnx.update_registered_converter( xgboost.XGBRegressor, "XGBoostXGBRegressor", calculate_linear_regressor_output_shapes, convert_xgboost, options={"nocl": [True, False], "zipmap": [True, False]}, ) else: from onnxmltools.convert import convert_xgboost return convert_xgboost( model, name=None, initial_types=in_types, doc_string="", target_opset=None, targeted_onnx=onnx.__version__, custom_conversion_functions=None, custom_shape_calculators=None, ) return skl2onnx.convert_sklearn(model.est, initial_types=in_types) @runtime_dependency(module="torch", install_from=OptionalDependency.PYTORCH) @runtime_dependency(module="onnx", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) def _torch_to_onnx(model=None, target_dir=None, X=None, y=None, **kwargs): import torch assert hasattr(torch, "onnx"), ( f"This version of pytorch {torch.__version__} does not appear to support onnx " f"conversion " ) # Add variable batch size to the beginning of the shape sample_input = torch.randn([1] + [X[:1].shape[1]], requires_grad=True) torch.onnx.export( model.est, sample_input, f=os.path.join(target_dir, "model.onnx"), input_names=["input"], output_names=["output"], dynamic_axes={"input": {0: "batch_size"}, "output": {0: "batch_size"}}, ) @runtime_dependency(module="onnxmltools", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) def _tf_to_onnx(model=None, target_dir=None, X=None, y=None, **kwargs): try: from onnxmltools.convert import convert_tensorflow return convert_tensorflow( model, name=None, input_names=None, output_names=None, doc_string="", target_opset=None, channel_first_inputs=None, debug_mode=False, custom_op_conversions=None, ) except Exception as e: _log_automatic_serialization_keras(e) @runtime_dependency(module="onnxmltools", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) @runtime_dependency(module="onnx", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) def _keras_to_onnx(model=None, target_dir=None, X=None, y=None, **kwargs): try: from onnxmltools.convert import convert_keras return convert_keras( model, name=None, initial_types=None, doc_string="", target_opset=None, targeted_onnx=onnx.__version__, channel_first_inputs=None, custom_conversion_functions=None, custom_shape_calculators=None, default_batch_size=1, ) except Exception as e: _log_automatic_serialization_keras(e) @runtime_dependency(module="onnx", install_from=OptionalDependency.ONNX) def _mxnet_to_onnx(model=None, target_dir=None, X=None, y=None, **kwargs): assert onnx.__version__ == "1.3.0", "Mxnet can only export to onnx version 1.3.0" from mxnet.contrib import onnx as onnx_mxnet sym = kwargs.get("sym", None) params = kwargs.get("params", None) assert sym is not None and params is not None, ( "Pass `sym` [Path to the json file or Symbol object] and " "`params` [Path to the params file or params dictionary. " "(Including both arg_params and aux_params)] to kwargs" ) input_shape = X.shape onnx_file = "model.onnx" onnx_mxnet.export_model( sym=sym, params=params, input_shape=[input_shape], input_type=np.float32, onnx_file_path=onnx_file, ) def _log_automatic_serialization_keras(e): logger.error( f"The following error occured: {e}. " f"This may be because automatic serialization for Keras models is not supported. " f"Use `prepare_generic_model()` method to manually serialize the model." )