Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import json
import os
import shlex
import tempfile
import warnings
from getopt import gnu_getopt

from ads.common.decorator.runtime_dependency import (OptionalDependency,
from import DataFlow, DataFlowRun, DataFlowRuntime, Job
from import get_dataflow_config
from ads.opctl.constants import (ADS_DATAFLOW_CONFIG_FILE_NAME,

[docs] def dataflow(line, cell=None): opts, args = gnu_getopt( shlex.split(line), "f:a:c:t:n:hwo", longopts=[ "filename=", "archive=", "config=", "help=", "watch=", "log-type=", "num-lines=", "overwrite=", ], ) opts_dict = {k: v for k, v in opts} if len(args) == 0 and ("-h" in opts_dict or "--help" in opts_dict): print( f"Run `dataflow run -h` or `dataflow log -h` to see options for subcommands." ) return if args[0] not in ("run", "log"): print( f"`dataflow` expects subcommand `run` or `log`. Use `dataflow log` or `dataflow run` with options." ) return if args[0] == "run": dataflow_run(opts_dict, args, cell) else: dataflow_log(opts_dict, args)
[docs] def dataflow_run(options, args, cell): if "-h" in options or "--help" in options: print( f""" Usage: dataflow run [OPTIONS] -- [ARGS] Options: -f, --filename, optional, filename to save the script to. default is "". -a, --archive, optional, uri to archive zip. -c, --config, optional, configuration passed to dataflow. by default loads from {os.path.join(DEFAULT_ADS_CONFIG_FOLDER, ADS_DATAFLOW_CONFIG_FILE_NAME)}. -w, --watch, optional, a flag indicating that dataflow run will be watched after submission. -o, --overwrite, optional, overwrite file in object storage when uploading script or -h, show this help message. Args: arguments to pass to script. """ ) return if "-c" not in options and "--config" not in options: dataflow_config = get_dataflow_config() else: if "-c" in options: dataflow_config = json.loads(options["-c"]) if "--config" in options: dataflow_config = json.loads(options["--config"]) if "-f" in options: script_name = options["-f"] elif "--file" in options: script_name = options["--file"] else: script_name = "" if "-a" in options: archive_name = options["-a"] elif "--archive" in options: archive_name = options["--archive"] elif hasattr(dataflow_config, "archive_uri") and dataflow_config.archive_uri: archive_name = dataflow_config.archive_uri else: archive_name = None with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td: file = os.path.join(td, script_name) with open(file, "w") as f: f.write(cell) rt_spec = { "scriptPathURI": file, "scriptBucket": dataflow_config.pop("script_bucket"), } if len(args) > 1: rt_spec["args"] = args[1:] if archive_name: rt_spec["archiveUri"] = archive_name rt_spec["archiveBucket"] = dataflow_config.pop("archive_bucket", None) if not archive_name.startswith("oci://") and not rt_spec["archiveBucket"]: raise ValueError( "`archiveBucket` has to be set in the config if `archive` is a local path." ) rt = DataFlowRuntime(rt_spec) infra = DataFlow(spec=dataflow_config) if "-o" in options or "--overwrite" in options: df = infra.create(rt, overwrite=True) else: df = infra.create(rt) print("DataFlow App ID", df_run = print("DataFlow Run ID", print("DataFlow Run Page", df_run.run_details_link) if "-w" in options or "--watch" in options: print(df_run.logs.application.stdout.tail())
[docs] def dataflow_log(options, args): if "-h" in options or "--help" in options: print( f""" Usage: dataflow log [OPTIONS] [RUN_ID] Options: -t, --log-type, optional, should be one of application, driver, executor. default is "application". -n, --num-lines, optional, show last `n` lines of the log -h, show this help message. """ ) return log_type = ( options.get("-t", None) or options.get("--log-type", None) or "application" ) if log_type not in ("application", "driver", "executor"): print("Log type should be one of application, driver, executor.") return n = options.get("-n", None) or options.get("--num-lines", None) n = int(n) if (n and len(n) > 0) else None if len(args) < 2: raise ValueError("DataFlow Run ID must be provided.") df_run = DataFlowRun.from_ocid(args[1]) if log_type == "application": print(df_run.logs.application.stdout.tail(n=n)) if log_type == "driver": print(df_run.logs.driver.stdout.tail(n=n)) if log_type == "executor": print(df_run.logs.executor.stdout.tail(n=n))
[docs] @runtime_dependency(module="IPython", install_from=OptionalDependency.NOTEBOOK) def load_ipython_extension(ipython): ipython.register_magic_function(dataflow, "line_cell")