Source code for ads.opctl.config.yaml_parsers.base

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

# Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

from logging import getLogger
from collections import namedtuple
import fsspec
import yaml
import importlib

logger = getLogger("ads.yaml")

[docs] class YamlSpecParser:
[docs] def translate_config(self, config: list): """ Translates config to three element tuple of dictionary- (file, envVars, concatenated args) All elements that are of type `env` goes to envVars All elements that are of type `args` are concatenated as `--key1=value1 --key2=value2 ..` string All elements of type `file` are currently ignored """ # TODO parse file type parsed_config = namedtuple( "ClusterConfig", field_names=["files", "envVars", "cmd_args"] ) envVars = {} files = {} cmd_args = "" if config: if config.get("env"): for item in config["env"]: envVars[item["name"]] = item["value"] cmd_args = " ".join(config.get("startOptions", [""])) return parsed_config(files=files, envVars=envVars, cmd_args=cmd_args)
[docs] def parse(self): pass
[docs] @classmethod def parse_content(cls, file): yaml_spec = {} if isinstance(file, dict): yaml_spec = file elif isinstance(file, str): with as yf: yaml_spec = yaml.load(, yaml.SafeLoader) kind = yaml_spec.get("kind") parsed_output = None if kind: className = f"{kind[0].upper()}{kind[1:]}SpecParser" m = importlib.import_module("ads.opctl.config.yaml_parsers") parser = getattr(m, className) parsed_output = parser(yaml_spec).parse() return parsed_output