Source code for ads.secrets.auth_token

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*--

# Copyright (c) 2021, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import json
import ads
from ads.secrets import SecretKeeper, Secret
from dataclasses import dataclass

[docs] @dataclass class AuthToken(Secret): """ AuthToken dataclass holds `auth_token` attribute """ auth_token: str
[docs] class AuthTokenSecretKeeper(SecretKeeper): """ `AuthTokenSecretKeeper` uses `ads.secrets.auth_token.AuthToken` class to manage Auth Token credentials. The credentials are stored in Vault as a dictionary with the following format - `{"auth_token":"user provided value"}` Examples -------- >>> from ads.secrets.auth_token import AuthTokenSecretKeeper >>> import ads >>> ads.set_auth("resource_principal") #If using resource principal for authentication >>> # Save Auth Tokens or Acess Keys to the vault >>> >>> >>> authtoken2 = AuthTokenSecretKeeper(vault_id=vault_id, ... key_id=key_id, ... auth_token="<your auth token>").save("my_xyz_auth_token2", ... "This is my auth token for git repo xyz", ... freeform_tags={"gitrepo":"xyz"}) >>> authtoken2.export_vault_details("my_git_token_vault_info.yaml", format="yaml") >>> # Loading credentials >>> with AuthTokenSecretKeeper.load_secret(source="ocid1.vaultsecret.oc1..<unique_ID>", ... export_prefix="mygitrepo", ... export_env=True ... ) as authtoken: ... import os ... print("Credentials inside environment variable:", os.environ.get('mygitrepo.auth_token')) ... print("Credentials inside `authtoken` object: ", authtoken) Credentials inside environment variable: <your auth token> Credentials inside `authtoken` object: {'auth_token': '<your auth token>'} >>> print("Credentials inside `authtoken` object: ", authtoken) Credentials inside `authtoken` object: {'auth_token': None} >>> print("Credentials inside environment variable:", os.environ.get('mygitrepo.auth_token')) Credentials inside environment variable: None """ def __init__(self, auth_token=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- auth_token: (str, optional). Default None auth token string that needs to be stored in the vault kwargs: vault_id: str. OCID of the vault where the secret is stored. Required for saving secret. key_id: str. OCID of the key used for encrypting the secret. Required for saving secret. compartment_id: str. OCID of the compartment where the vault is located. Required for saving secret. auth: dict. Dictionay returned from ads.common.auth.api_keys() or ads.common.auth.resource_principal(). By default, will follow what is set in `ads.set_auth`. Use this attribute to override the default. """ = AuthToken(auth_token) super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def decode(self) -> "ads.secrets.auth_token.AuthTokenSecretKeeper": """ Converts the content in `self.encoded` to `AuthToken` and stores in `` Returns ------- AuthTokenSecretKeeper: Returns the self object after decoding `self.encoded` and updates `` """ content = json.loads(self._decode()) = AuthToken(**content) return self