Source code for ads.feature_engineering.schema

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*--

# Copyright (c) 2021, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import asteval
import fsspec
import json
import os
import sys
import yaml
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from cerberus import Validator
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from string import Template
from os import path
from ads.common.serializer import DataClassSerializable
from ads.common.object_storage_details import ObjectStorageDetails

    from yaml import CDumper as dumper
    from yaml import CLoader as loader
    from yaml import Dumper as dumper
    from yaml import Loader as loader

SCHEMA_VALIDATOR_NAME = "data_schema.json"
SCHEMA_KEY = "schema"

[docs] class SchemaSizeTooLarge(ValueError): def __init__(self, size: int): super().__init__( f"The schema `{size}` bytes and " f"the maximum allowable schema size is `{INPUT_OUTPUT_SCHENA_SIZE_LIMIT}` bytes. " "Reduce the size of the schema." )
[docs] class DataSizeTooWide(ValueError): def __init__(self, data_col_num: int, max_col_num: int): super().__init__( f"The data has `{data_col_num}` columns and " f"the maximum allowable number of columns is `{max_col_num}`. " "Increase allowable number of columns by setting a larger max_col_num. It will take longer time to prepare." )
[docs] @dataclass(repr=False) class Expression(DataClassSerializable): """ Expression allows specifying string representation of an expression which can be evaluated by the language corresponding to the value provided in `langauge` attribute Default value for language is python Parameters ---------- exression: Must use string.Template format for specifying the exression type: str language: default value is python. It could be any language. `evaluate` method expects the expression to be of type python Examples -------- >>> exp = Expression("($x > 10 and $x <100) or ($x < -1 and $x > -500)") >>> exp.evaluate(x=500) False >>> exp.evaluate(x=20) True >>> exp.evaluate(x=9) False >>> exp.evaluate(x=-9) True """ expression: str language: str = "python"
[docs] def evaluate(self, **kwargs): if self.language.lower() != "python": raise Exception( f"Evaluation not supported for language ${self.language}. Supported language: python" ) exp = Template(self.expression) final_expression = None try: final_expression = exp.substitute(kwargs) except: raise Exception( "Error substituting the value into the expression. Check if the variable in the expression matches the parameter names passed to evaluate method" ) aeval = asteval.Interpreter() return aeval(final_expression)
def __post_init__(self): if not self.expression or not self.language: raise ValueError( f"An Expression object requires values for both expression and language" )
[docs] @dataclass(repr=False) class Domain(DataClassSerializable): """Domain describes the data. It holds following information - * stats - Statistics of the data. * constraints - List of Expression which defines the constraint for the data. * Domain values. Examples -------- >>> Domain(values='Rational Numbers', stats={"mean":50, "median":51, "min": 5, "max":100}, constraints=[Expression('$x > 5')]) constraints: - expression: $x > 5 language: python stats: max: 100 mean: 50 median: 51 min: 5 values: Rational Numbers """ values: str = "" stats: Dict = field(default_factory=dict) constraints: List[Expression] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] @dataclass(repr=False, order=True) class Attribute(DataClassSerializable): """ Attribute describes the column/feature/element. It holds following information - * dtype - Type of data - float, int64, etc. Matches with Pandas dtypes * feature_type - Feature type of data - Integer, String, etc. Matches with ads feature types. * name - Name of the feature * domain - Represented by the Domain class * required - Boolean - True or False * description - Description about the column/feature * order - order of the column/feature in the data Examples -------- >>> attr_fruits = Attribute( ... dtype = "category", ... feature_type = "category", ... name = "fruits", ... domain = Domain(values="Apple, Orange, Grapes", stats={"mode": "Orange"}, constraints=[Expression("in ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes']")]), ... required = True, ... description = "Names of fruits", ... order = 0 ... ) >>> attr_fruits description: Names of fruits domain: constraints: - expression: in ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes'] language: python stats: mode: Orange values: Apple, Orange, Grapes dtype: category feature_type: category name: fruits order: 0 required: true >>> attr_fruits.key 'fruits' """ sort_index: int = field(init=False, repr=False) dtype: str feature_type: str name: str domain: Domain required: bool description: str order: Optional[int] = None @property def key(self): return
[docs] def to_dict(self, **kwargs) -> dict: data = super().to_dict(**kwargs) data.pop("sort_index", None) return data
def __hash__(self): return hash(self.key) def __post_init__(self): object.__setattr__(self, "sort_index", self.order or 0)
[docs] class BaseSchemaLoader(ABC): """ Base Schema Loader which load and validate schema. Methods ------- load_schema(self) Load and validate schema from a file and return the normalized schema. """ def __init__(self): self._schema = None
[docs] def load_schema(self, schema_path): """Load and validate schema from a file and return the normalized schema.""" self._load_schema(schema_path) self._normalize() return self._validate()
def _normalize(self): self._schema = {key.lower(): value for key, value in self._schema.items()} @abstractmethod def _load_schema(self, schema_path): pass def _validate(self): """Validate the schema.""" schema_validator = self._load_schema_validator() v = Validator(schema_validator) normalized_items = [] for item in self._schema[SCHEMA_KEY]: valid = v.validate(item) if not valid: new_dict = {"column": item["name"], "error": v.errors} raise ValueError(json.dumps(new_dict, indent=2)) normalized_items.append(v.normalized(item)) schema_version = self._schema.get(SCHEMA_VERSION_KEY) or DEFAULT_SCHEMA_VERSION self._schema = { SCHEMA_KEY: normalized_items, SCHEMA_VERSION_KEY: schema_version, } return self._schema @staticmethod def _load_schema_validator(): """load the schema validator to validate the schema.""" with open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), SCHEMA_VALIDATOR_NAME ) ) as schema_file: schema_validator = json.load(schema_file) return schema_validator
[docs] class JsonSchemaLoader(BaseSchemaLoader): """ Json Schema which load and validate schema from json file. Methods ------- load_schema(self) Load and validate schema from json file and return the normalized schema. Examples -------- >>> schema_loader = JsonSchemaLoader() >>> schema_dict = schema_loader.load_schema('schema.json') >>> schema_dict {'Schema': [{'dtype': 'object', 'feature_type': 'String', 'name': 'Attrition', 'domain': {'values': 'String', 'stats': {'count': 1470, 'unique': 2}, 'constraints': []}, 'required': True, 'description': 'Attrition'}, {'dtype': 'int64', 'feature_type': 'Integer', 'name': 'Age', 'domain': {'values': 'Integer', 'stats': {'count': 1470.0, 'mean': 37.923809523809524, 'std': 9.135373489136732, 'min': 19.0, '25%': 31.0, '50%': 37.0, '75%': 44.0, 'max': 61.0}, 'constraints': []}, 'required': True, 'description': 'Age'}]} """ def _load_schema(self, schema_path): """Loads and validates schema from a json file.""" assert os.path.splitext(schema_path)[-1].lower() in [ ".json" ], "Expecting a json format file." if not path.exists(schema_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{schema_path} does not exist") with, mode="r", encoding="utf8") as f: self._schema = json.load(f)
[docs] class YamlSchemaLoader(BaseSchemaLoader): """ Yaml Schema which loads and validates schema from a yaml file. Methods ------- load_schema(self) Loads and validates schema from a yaml file and returns the normalized schema. Examples -------- >>> schema_loader = YamlSchemaLoader() >>> schema_dict = schema_loader.load_schema('schema.yaml') >>> schema_dict {'Schema': [{'description': 'Attrition', 'domain': {'constraints': [], 'stats': {'count': 1470, 'unique': 2}, 'values': 'String'}, 'dtype': 'object', 'feature_type': 'String', 'name': 'Attrition', 'required': True}, {'description': 'Age', 'domain': {'constraints': [], 'stats': {'25%': 31.0, '50%': 37.0, '75%': 44.0, 'count': 1470.0, 'max': 61.0, 'mean': 37.923809523809524, 'min': 19.0, 'std': 9.135373489136732}, 'values': 'Integer'}, 'dtype': 'int64', 'feature_type': 'Integer', 'name': 'Age', 'required': True}]} """ def _load_schema(self, schema_path): """Load and validate schema from yaml file.""" assert os.path.splitext(schema_path)[-1].lower() in [ ".yaml", ".yml", ], "Expecting yaml format file." if not path.exists(schema_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{schema_path} does not exist") with open(schema_path, "r") as stream: try: self._schema = yaml.load(yaml.safe_load(stream), Loader=loader) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: raise exc
[docs] class SchemaFactory: """ Schema Factory. Methods ------- register_format(self) Register a new type of schema class. get_schema(self) Get the YamlSchema or JsonSchema based on the format. default_schema(cls) Construct a SchemaFactory instance and register yaml and json loader. Examples -------- >>> factory = SchemaFactory.default_schema() >>> schema_loader = factory.get_schema('.json') >>> schema_dict = schema_loader.load_schema('schema.json') >>> schema = Schema.from_dict(schema_dict) >>> schema Schema: - description: Attrition domain: constraints: [] stats: count: 1470 unique: 2 values: String dtype: object feature_type: String name: Attrition required: true - description: Age domain: constraints: [] stats: 25%: 31.0 50%: 37.0 75%: 44.0 count: 1470.0 max: 61.0 mean: 37.923809523809524 min: 19.0 std: 9.135373489136732 values: Integer dtype: int64 feature_type: Integer name: Age required: true """ def __init__(self): self._creators = {}
[docs] def register_format(self, file_format, creator): """Register a new type of schema class.""" self._creators[file_format] = creator
[docs] def get_schema(self, file_format): """Get the YamlSchema or JsonSchema based on the format.""" creator = self._creators.get(file_format) if not creator: raise ValueError( f"This {file_format} format is not supported. Pass Json or Yaml Files." ) return creator()
[docs] @classmethod def default_schema(cls): factory = cls() factory.register_format(".json", JsonSchemaLoader) factory.register_format(".yaml", YamlSchemaLoader) factory.register_format(".yml", YamlSchemaLoader) return factory
[docs] @dataclass(repr=False) class Schema: """ Schema describes the structure of the data. Methods ------- add(self, item: Attribute, replace: bool = False) Adds a new attribute item. Replaces existing one if replace flag is True. from_dict(self) Constructs an instance of Schema from a dictionary. from_file(cls, file_path): Loads the data schema from a file. to_dict(self) Serializes the data schema into a dictionary. to_yaml(self) Serializes the data schema into a YAML. to_json(self) Serializes the data schema into a json string. to_json_file(self) Saves the data schema into a json file. to_yaml_file(self) Save to a yaml file. add(self, item: Attribute, replace=False) -> None Adds a new attribute item. Replaces existing one if replace flag is True. Examples -------- >>> attr_fruits = Attribute( ... dtype = "category", ... feature_type = "category", ... name = "fruits", ... domain = Domain(values="Apple, Orange, Grapes", stats={"mode": "Orange"}, constraints=[Expression("in ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes']")]), ... required = True, ... description = "Names of fruits", ... order = 0, ... ) >>> attr_animals = Attribute( ... dtype = "category", ... feature_type = "category", ... name = "animals", ... domain = Domain(values="Dog, Cat, Python", stats={"mode": "Dog"}, constraints=[Expression("in ['Dog', 'Cat', 'Python']")]), ... required = True, ... description = "Names of animals", ... order = 1, ... ) >>> schema = Schema() >>> schema.add(attr_fruits) >>> schema.add(attr_animals) >>> schema schema: - description: Names of fruits domain: constraints: - expression: in ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes'] language: python stats: mode: Orange values: Apple, Orange, Grapes dtype: category feature_type: category name: fruits order: 0 required: true - description: Names of animals domain: constraints: - expression: in ['Dog', 'Cat', 'Python'] language: python stats: mode: Dog values: Dog, Cat, Python dtype: category feature_type: category name: animals order: 1 required: true >>> schema.to_dict() {'schema': [{'dtype': 'category', 'feature_type': 'category', 'name': 'fruits', 'domain': {'values': 'Apple, Orange, Grapes', 'stats': {'mode': 'Orange'}, 'constraints': [{'expression': "in ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Grapes']", 'language': 'python'}]}, 'required': True, 'description': 'Names of fruits', 'order': 0}, {'dtype': 'category', 'feature_type': 'category', 'name': 'animals', 'domain': {'values': 'Dog, Cat, Python', 'stats': {'mode': 'Dog'}, 'constraints': [{'expression': "in ['Dog', 'Cat', 'Python']", 'language': 'python'}]}, 'required': True, 'description': 'Names of animals', 'order': 1}]} """ _schema: set = field(default_factory=set, init=False) _version: str = SCHEMA_VERSION
[docs] def add(self, item: Attribute, replace: bool = False): """Adds a new attribute item. Replaces existing one if replace flag is True. Overrides the existing one if replace flag is True. Parameters ---------- item : Attribute The attribute instance of a column/feature/element. replace : bool Overrides the existing attribute item if replace flag is True. Returns ------- None Nothing. Raises ------ ValueError If item is already registered and replace flag is False. TypeError If input data has a wrong format. """ if not isinstance(item, Attribute): raise TypeError("Argument must be an instance of the class Attribute.") if not replace and item.key in self.keys: raise ValueError( f"The key {item.key} already exists. Use `replace=True` to overwrite." ) self._schema.discard(item) self._schema.add(item)
@property def keys(self) -> list: """Returns all registered Attribute keys. Returns ------- Tuple[str] The list of Attribute keys. """ return tuple(item.key for item in self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, schema: dict): """Constructs an instance of Schema from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- schema : dict Data schema in dictionary format. Returns ------- Schema An instance of Schema. """ sc = cls() if schema == {}: return sc if not isinstance(schema, dict): raise TypeError("schema has to be of dictionary type.") schema = {key.lower(): value for key, value in deepcopy(schema).items()} for item in schema[SCHEMA_KEY]: domain = Domain(**item["domain"]) domain.constraints = [] for constraint in item["domain"]["constraints"]: domain.constraints.append(Expression(**constraint)) item["domain"] = domain sc.add(Attribute(**item)) return sc
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, schema: str): """Constructs an instance of Schema from a Json. Parameters ---------- schema : str Data schema in Json format. Returns ------- Schema An instance of Schema. """ return Schema.from_dict(json.loads(schema))
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, file_path: str): """Loads the data schema from a file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str File Path to load the data schema. Returns ------- Schema An instance of Schema. """ file_format = os.path.splitext(file_path)[-1] schema_loader = SchemaFactory.default_schema().get_schema(file_format) return cls.from_dict(schema_loader.load_schema(file_path))
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Serializes data schema into a dictionary. Returns ------- dict The dictionary representation of data schema. """ return { SCHEMA_KEY: [item.to_dict() for item in self], SCHEMA_VERSION_KEY: self._version, }
[docs] def to_yaml(self): """Serializes the data schema into a YAML. Returns ------- str The yaml representation of data schema. """ return yaml.dump(self.to_dict(), Dumper=dumper)
[docs] def to_json(self): """Serializes the data schema into a json string. Returns ------- str The json representation of data schema. """ return json.dumps(self.to_dict()).replace("NaN", "null")
[docs] def to_json_file(self, file_path, storage_options: dict = None): """Saves the data schema into a json file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str File Path to store the schema in json format. storage_options: dict. Default None Parameters passed on to the backend filesystem class. Defaults to `storage_options` set using `DatasetFactory.set_default_storage()`. Returns ------- None Nothing. """ directory = os.path.expanduser(os.path.dirname(file_path)) basename = os.path.expanduser(os.path.basename(file_path)) assert os.path.splitext(file_path)[-1].lower() in [ ".json" ], f"The file `{basename}` is not a valid JSON file. The `{file_path}` must have the extension .json." if directory and not os.path.exists(directory): if not ObjectStorageDetails.is_oci_path(directory): try: os.mkdir(directory) except: raise Exception(f"Error creating the directory.") if not storage_options: storage_options = DEFAULT_STORAGE_OPTIONS or {"config": {}} with os.path.join(directory, basename), mode="w", **(storage_options), ) as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.to_dict()))
[docs] def to_yaml_file(self, file_path): """Saves the data schema into a yaml file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str File Path to store the schema in yaml format. Returns ------- None Nothing. """ assert os.path.splitext(file_path)[-1] in [ ".yaml", ".yml", ], "The `file_path` must have the extension .yaml or .yml." directory = os.path.expanduser(os.path.dirname(file_path)) basename = os.path.expanduser(os.path.basename(file_path)) if directory and not os.path.exists(directory): try: os.mkdir(directory) except: raise Exception(f"Error creating the directory.") with open(os.path.join(directory, basename), "w") as yaml_file: yaml.dump(self.to_yaml(), yaml_file, default_flow_style=True)
[docs] def validate_size(self) -> bool: """Validates schema size. Validates the size of schema. Throws an error if the size of the schema exceeds expected value. Returns ------- bool True if schema does not exceeds the size limit. Raises ------ SchemaSizeTooLarge If the size of the schema exceeds expected value. """ if sys.getsizeof(self.to_yaml()) > INPUT_OUTPUT_SCHENA_SIZE_LIMIT: raise SchemaSizeTooLarge(sys.getsizeof(self.to_yaml())) return True
[docs] def validate_schema(self): """Validate the schema.""" schema_validator = BaseSchemaLoader._load_schema_validator() v = Validator(schema_validator) for item in self.to_dict()[SCHEMA_KEY]: valid = v.validate(item) if not valid: new_dict = {"column": item["name"], "error": v.errors} raise ValueError(json.dumps(new_dict, indent=2)) return True
def __getitem__(self, key: str): if key is None or key == "": raise ValueError(f"The key `{key}` must not be empty.") if not isinstance(key, str): TypeError(f"The key `{key}` must be a string.") for item in self._schema: if item.key == key: return item raise ValueError(f"The key {key} is not found.") def __repr__(self): return self.to_yaml() def __iter__(self): return sorted(self._schema).__iter__() def __len__(self): return len(self._schema)