Source code for ads.model.runtime.runtime_info

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*--

# Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

import os
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict

from ads.common.serializer import DataClassSerializable, SideEffect
from ads.model.runtime.model_deployment_details import ModelDeploymentDetails
from ads.model.runtime.model_provenance_details import ModelProvenanceDetails

[docs] @dataclass(repr=False) class RuntimeInfo(DataClassSerializable): """RuntimeInfo class which is the data class represenation of the runtime yaml file.""" model_artifact_version: str = "" model_deployment: ModelDeploymentDetails = field( default_factory=ModelDeploymentDetails ) model_provenance: ModelProvenanceDetails = field( default_factory=ModelProvenanceDetails ) @classmethod def _validate_dict(cls, obj_dict: Dict) -> bool: """Validate the runtime info. Parameters ---------- obj_dict: (Dict) runtime content in dictionary format. Returns ------- bool the validation result. """ assert ( "MODEL_ARTIFACT_VERSION" in obj_dict ), "runtime.yaml must have `MODEL_ARTIFACT_VERSION` field." assert ( "MODEL_DEPLOYMENT" in obj_dict ), "runtime.yaml must have `MODEL_DEPLOYMENT` field." assert ( "MODEL_PROVENANCE" in obj_dict ), "runtime.yaml must have `MODEL_PROVENANCE` field." return True
[docs] @classmethod def from_env(cls) -> "RuntimeInfo": """Popolate the RuntimeInfo from environment variables. Returns ------- RuntimeInfo A RuntimeInfo instance. """ runtime_info = cls(model_artifact_version="3.0") return runtime_info
[docs] def save(self, storage_options=None): """Save the RuntimeInfo object into runtime.yaml file under the artifact directory. Returns ------- None Nothing. """ runtime_file_path = os.path.join( self.model_provenance.training_code.artifact_directory, "runtime.yaml" ) storage_options = storage_options or {} self.to_yaml( uri=runtime_file_path, side_effect=SideEffect.CONVERT_KEYS_TO_UPPER.value, storage_options=storage_options, )